Manheim Township Soccer Club, Lancaster, PA Videos

Videos by Manheim Township Soccer Club in Lancaster. EPYSA Youth Soccer Club located in Manheim Township, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Other Manheim Township Soccer Club videos

REC FAMILIES - EXCITING NEWS!! Please welcome Dave to MTSC as our NEW PHOTOGRAPHER! Here is a short video from Dave and a link to see some of his work!


FALL SOCCER Welcome to MT Rec Soccer! REGISTRATION FOR THE 2023 Fall Season is Open. Early Bird Registration is from June 15-July 15 for a savings of $20 which is automatically deducted at checkout! Registration closes August 6th. Fall 2023 Fees: (age group is determined by birthyear) Juniors Program U6 Coed $110 (2018 birth year) U8 Girls $110 (2016, 2017 birth year) U8 Boys $110 (2016, 2017 birth year) Rec Program Boys U10 Boys $145 (2014, 2015 birth year) U12 Boys $160 (2012, 2013 birth year) U15 Boys$170 (2009, 2010, 2011 birth year) U19 Coed $170 (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 birth year) Rec Program Girls U10 Girls $145 (2014, 2015 birth year) U12 Girls $160 (2012, 2013 birth year) U15 Girls $170 (2009, 2010, 2011 birth year) U19 Coed $170 (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 birth year)

MARK YOUR CALENDAR!! Early Registration for MTSC REC Soccer is expected to open TOMORROW, June 15th! Don't miss out! Register early and save!!

You're the best!!

Boys U10 1st place!