Griffin Needs a Service Dog, Las Vegas, NV Videos

Videos by Griffin Needs a Service Dog in Las Vegas. Griffin is 7 years old and was diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) when he was 2 and a hal

Boomer and Jupiter are getting along great!

5 days of parent training starts tomorrow. Today we get to just hang out.

Other Griffin Needs a Service Dog videos

Boomer and Jupiter are getting along great! 5 days of parent training starts tomorrow. Today we get to just hang out.

A Service Dog for Griffin
Hi, I’m Becki and I’d like to tell you a little bit about my son. Griffin is 7 years old and is autistic. He's an awesome kid. He’s highly gifted academically and loves to learn. He's funny, helpful, sweet, and kind. He's also very impulsive and has no fear. As his mom, that combination can be incredibly terrifying. Griffin has a habit of eloping (especially at school) and has ended up in circumstances that could have been fatal. For those not familiar, elopement is when an autistic person unexpectedly runs or wanders off from their caregivers or a safe place. About half of autistic kids elope, and 1 in 8 will eventually die during an elopement. To help keep Griffin safe, we’re in the process of getting him a service dog named Odin, but we need your help. The training needed for this type of service dog costs around $30,000. Please consider donating to Griffin’s GoFundMe and please share this video. More information is available on GoFundMe as well.

Griffin Needs a Service Dog Hey everyone! First, thank you to all of you who have donated to Griffin’s GoFundMe. Please consider sharing this video to help increase our reach. Thank you!