Ann T. Lynch Elementary School, Las Vegas, NV Videos

Videos by Ann T. Lynch Elementary School in Las Vegas. Ann T. Lynch serves approximately 450 students in the east Las Vegas Valley, grades Pre-K through 5th

Were you wondering what all the noise was about? Nellis AFB is conducting Red Flag exercises, which are expected to end today. Get out and catch a glimpse if you’re able! They are cool to watch!

Other Ann T. Lynch Elementary School videos

Were you wondering what all the noise was about? Nellis AFB is conducting Red Flag exercises, which are expected to end today. Get out and catch a glimpse if you’re able! They are cool to watch!

Lynch Elementary School created a reading block section for Newcomer English Language Learners. The qualifications are students who are relatively new to the country, and have limited English proficiency. This group is small in size, and is focused on language acquisition, reading skills, and building relationships. We have seen that with this added focused instruction, our ELL Newcomers thrive in school. Take a listen to the primary (grades 1-2) Newcomers' progress in action!

This is a birthday robot the students created last school year! How cool is this?!