Solar Pro

Solar Pro

Wondering if solar is a good idea? Interested in finding out the cost of solar panels for your home?

Timeline photos 23/10/2020

So, you've heard that solar is an investment, but why are they so costly?

Luckily, prices have dropped significantly; especially with incentives, initiatives, and specials that encourage homeowners to go solar!

According to "Solar panels are expensive as they are made of huge amounts of high-purity silicon. They also need qualified installers and are to be complemented with electrical protections and inverters for a reliable power supply. Cost depends on the efficiency and number of panels needed and is directly proportional to both."

For more precise numbers on how much it'll cost and more importantly, how much you could be savings, make sure to speak to a qualified solar consultant.

If you'd like to speak to one in person - Hi, I'm Eugene!

I'm a Las Vegas resident, I have solar on my own home, and I have worked with homeowners all over the West Coast (especially in Nevada) to determine whether solar is a good choice for their families!

Check out my page for tons of educational content about solar, learn more about me, and get in contact to see if you qualify for solar panels!

Timeline photos 22/10/2020

There are quite a few hashtags that build awareness and bring attention to environmental movements and clean energy initiatives.

Which hashtags do you follow?

Or what blogs/websites/Facebook groups are you a part of?

Timeline photos 21/10/2020

The no frills answer is right in the U.S. Energy Information Administration:

"Solar energy systems/power plants do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases. Using solar energy can have a positive, indirect effect on the environment when solar energy replaces or reduces the use of other energy sources that have larger effects on the environment."

And for fans of bullet-lists, here's 5 benefits of solar:

1. Reduces Air Pollution

2. Reduces Water Usage

3. Reduces Dependence on Nonrenewable Energy Sources

4. Improves Humanity's Health in the Long Run

5. Helps Fight Climate Change

At the end of the day, solar is an investment towards a cleaner, healthier future!

Timeline photos 20/10/2020

For those of you who already have solar, how has your experience been?

Are they meeting expectations? Is your solar consultant keeping in touch?

Share your experiences and what you want other homeowners to know before going solar!

Timeline photos 19/10/2020

Winter isn't far off, but it's never too early to ask "Will my solar panels work in the cold?" ☃

Nevada can get pretty chilly in the Winter, and sometimes we get the rare sight of snow, but if we do get the chance to throw snowballs, what does that mean for solar energy?

Check out this informational video by the University of Minnesota for the answer:

SPOILER: If it works in the dense snow of Minnesota, there's no doubt it'll push producing for Nevada homes!

Timeline photos 09/10/2020

Did you know?

"Based on average solar production across the U.S., it would take about 21,250 square miles of solar panels to meet the country's electric needs. That's about 0.5% of American land, and about half of the 40,223 square miles leased by oil and gas."

learn more at:

Timeline photos 08/10/2020

What are the impacts of solar panels?

Solar panels, "produce zero emissions, which means they don't contribute to climate change or health issues like more traditional sources of energy."

learn more at:

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

Did you know?

"Solar, geothermal and wind energy produce a fraction of the emissions [compared to] fossil fuels and kerosene!"

learn more at:

Timeline photos 06/10/2020

Fun Fact:

"There are over 1.47 million solar panels in use across the contiguous 48 states"

learn more at:

Timeline photos 05/10/2020

Did you know?

"the cost of solar PV panels has decreased 80% between 2009 and 2013"

What a great reason to invest!

learn more at:


I promise solar isn’t intimidating.
It’s my job to make it easy to understand 🙏🏼
Let’s make it make sense and go green by going solar!

Save money 💰 = Save the planet 🌎

Timeline photos 02/10/2020

What is clean energy?

"NCSEA defines clean energy as energy derived from renewable, zero-emissions sources (“renewables”), as well as energy saved through energy efficiency (“EE”) measures."

learn more at:

Timeline photos 01/10/2020

Can solar panels increase property value?


"Tax subsidies and breaks that having solar energy allow for means an increased overall saving, making solar energy more attractive to potential buyers. Solar grids increase property value and will continue to do so due to the benefits to the environment, the saving to energy bills and overall financial benefits that come with having a solar-powered home."

Learn more at:

# Nevada

Timeline photos 30/09/2020

Did you know?

"Green living can save lives because air pollution has become 'a major environmental health risk,' according to the World Health Organization (WHO) , which has led to the premature death of 3 million people."

learn more at:

Timeline photos 29/09/2020

"How much energy can I get from solar in Nevada?"

First, the amount of solar energy produced by your panels is directly affected by the amount of sunlight your home receives.

The good news is, "Nevada has one of the highest peak sun hour averages, with over seven hours of peak sun per day in the summer! This should make it easier for your solar panels to rack up energy and save more money for you over your system's lifetime."

Learn more at:

Timeline photos 28/09/2020

Going green can help , "endangered animals, deforestation, global warming and growing landfills."

How can we do this?👇
"Minimize the damage humans are doing; to live an environmentally responsible life, and to make choices that will help preserve the earth and its non-renewable resources instead of destroying them"

Why not go green by investing in solar panels?

Learn more about what going green means at:

Timeline photos 24/09/2020

Are solar panels worth it in Nevada?

"Solar panels have fallen in price by more than 80% in the last ten years. In 2020 they also remain subsidized by the 26% federal tax credit and the net metering law, making them an excellent investment.

They offer a return well above the long term average return from both the share market and also property investment."

To read more, click here:

Timeline photos 18/09/2020

- Is my home suitable for solar?

Solar panels are built to work in all climates, but in some cases, rooftops may not be suitable for solar systems due to age or tree cover. If there are trees near your home that create excessive shade on your roof, rooftop panels may not be the most ideal option.

The size, shape, and slope of your roof are also important factors to consider. Typically, solar panels perform best on south-facing roofs with a slope between 15 and 40 degrees, though other roofs may be suitable too. You should also consider the age of your roof and how long until it will need replacement.


Timeline photos 17/09/2020

Associations Raise the Bar for Sustainability - Associations Now (


(boonchai wedmakawand/Moment) Boost renewable energy; every bottle recycled; zero-emission government cars; supporting global goals; 1 million bison; modern energy; sustainable showers; more solar by 2030; carbon-neutral flights.

More than 300 companies including Facebook, General Motors, Walmart, and Google joined the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance to make it easier for them to buy renewable energy.

REBA comprises large clean-energy buyers, energy providers, service providers, and others that are unlocking the marketplace for all nonresidential energy buyers to lead a rapid transition to a cleaner, prosperous, zero-carbon energy future.

Plastic beverage bottles are designed to be 100 recyclable, even their caps, says the American Beverage Association.

In 2017, even though that number had grown to 391,000, the National Bison Association set an ambitious goal to increase the North American bison population to 1 million by 2027.

Timeline photos 16/09/2020

Solar energy feeling the heat as Bay Area faces blackouts - San Francisco Chronicle (


As California turns to more renewable energy, gas plants are used less often, Sexton noted, which means that they generate less revenue.

There are two different types of solar energy: the kind that comes from large solar power plants in California's deserts, and the kind that comes from solar panels on rooftops and smaller, private properties.

Rooftop solar is considered "behind the meter," which means it isn't counted by grid operators, Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of California Solar and Storage Association, explained.
Del Chiaro said that better storage for solar energy is the key to preventing the problem of power blackouts in the future.

"These heat waves are going to keep happening with climate change," Del Chiaro said.


Great testimonial from Bernice!

Thank you for sharing your experience with me and congratulations on going solar!

Timeline photos 15/09/2020

Is solar better at powering your home? Here's the deal on solar panels - WYDaily (

According to James City County’s webpage for their Going Solar program, solar energy saves money on energy costs as the price continues to drop form increasing demand and technological developments. Using solar energy also improves the resilience of the electric grid during peak demand and other stresses to the grid system.

Timeline photos 14/09/2020


Wind and solar energy is steadily replacing coal - The Verge (


It now makes up about a tenth of the global power mix, reaching close to the same amount of energy generated by nuclear power plants.

Coal generation dropped a record-breaking 8.3 percent in the first half of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019.

"Countries across the world are now on the same path – building wind turbines and solar panels to replace electricity from coal and gas-fired power plants," Dave Jones, senior electricity analyst at Ember, said in a statement .

Ember's analysis includes 48 countries that make up 83 percent of the world's global electricity production.

Timeline photos 13/09/2020

For those who are interested in solar for the investment:

Love Renewable Energy? Buy These 3 Stocks - The Motley Fool (


Given where we are today, three Motley Fool contributors think there are huge opportunities in renewable energy stocks if you know where to look.

Given the need for asset ownership and the strong dividend being paid, this is a renewable energy stock any investors should want to own today.

Clean Energy just announced a new multi-year contract with the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to supply 25 million gallons of Redeem for its 800 natural gas-fueled buses.
Clean Energy Fuels provides a renewable energy source that's available today for the transportation sector.

Investors looking at renewable energy stocks tend to gravitate toward the big, recognized names that consumers are familiar with.

Timeline photos 11/09/2020

- What is the actual efficiency of solar panels?

The first solar cells converted solar radiation to electricity at an efficiency of 4 percent - for reference, many widely available solar panels today can convert sunlight to solar power at above 20 percent efficiency, a number constantly on the rise. (

From another source:

Measuring efficiency is fairly simple. If a solar panel has 20 percent efficiency, that means it's capable of converting 20 percent of the sunshine hitting it into electricity. The highest efficiency solar panels on the market today can reach almost 23 percent efficiency. The average efficiency of solar panels falls between the 17 to 19 percent efficiency range. (

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

Over the next few days we will be sharing important numbers about solar!

Today's feature: In the last decade alone, the cost of a solar panel installation fell over 60 percent, and many industry experts predict that prices will continue to fall in the years to come: (

The Advantages of Solar Panels in Nevada

We all complain about the Nevada heat but you know who’s not? The utility companies.

As the heat rises, you crank up the air conditioning, and your bills rise along with it. That’s because traditional utilities run into increases year after year, and you’re stuck in the cycle.

When you pay your electric company, you’re not only paying for what you use, but also what you “could” use. As a Nevada homeowner, you deserve to have the same valuable information and financial insight. There are plenty of incentives, rebates, and long-term financial advantages you can have as a solar-powered household. The best part is that you’re saving money while contributing to the clean energy movement.

Installing Solar Panels in Your Nevada Home Means:

Videos (show all)

FAQ: What makes Sunder Energy different from other solar companies?
What Happens During a Solar Consultation?
What is the Nevada Clean Energy Fund?
Save Money on your Summer Energy Bill
