The Sisterhood
Love Integrity Forgiveness Encouragement
I was chatting with a sweet lady transitioning from her abuser and accidentally wrote a poem... I haven't titled it yet.. but this is for whomever needs these words
You are not what they've told you, you are.
You are nit what they've told you, you
You are not what they've told you, you are.
You are kind, strong and loving and faithful and fair..
You are not what they've told you, you are
You are not what they've told you you are.
They are the same person with different faces and styles of clothes
You are not what they've told you you are
You are a rock, an amazing human, your own advocate, a powerhouse
You are not what they told you you are ...
You are everything you dream to be and everything you remember you were
But you're not what they told you, you are
This is a tough day for a lot of people. I want to remind anyone who is struggling, lonely, seasonally depressed, confused, whatever it is... This is just a moment in time; it is not your forever.
Sending love your way- Tam
😢 I wish I could say when I left my abuser, I was strong and motivated to be awesome. But I wasn't. I wanted to die and the only thing that got me through those early days was my kids. Today, I'm just as thankful for unanswered prayers as I am for the answered ones.
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