Rev City Church, Lawrence, KS Videos

Videos by Rev City Church in Lawrence.

Revived to Life Daily Devotional
Ep. 324 - The Winning Team

Have you made the decision to make Jesus Lord over your life? Are you confident you are on the winning team? Make a decision today to do that or rededicate your life!

"Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to pay the price that I could never pay to give me access to the winning team and eternal life with You."

Read and study Romans 8:31-39.

Find an area of your life where you may not be walking in victory and ask God to help you claim victory.

Encourage someone today to claim victory through Christ.

“You’ve Already Won” | Shane & Shane

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Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 324 - The Winning Team MINISTRY MOMENT Have you made the decision to make Jesus Lord over your life? Are you confident you are on the winning team? Make a decision today to do that or rededicate your life! PRAYER POINT "Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to pay the price that I could never pay to give me access to the winning team and eternal life with You." GOING DEEPER Read and study Romans 8:31-39. WALK IT OUT Find an area of your life where you may not be walking in victory and ask God to help you claim victory. SHARE WITH OTHERS Encourage someone today to claim victory through Christ. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “You’ve Already Won” | Shane & Shane

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 323 - Protect the Blessing MINISTRY MOMENT Have you ever felt like you were striving for the blessing of God? Today, recall and remember that you are spiritually blessed because of what Jesus has done for you. PRAYER POINT “Father, help me to walk in the spiritual blessings You have already given me. Help me to appreciate and protect this blessing by making Godly decisions today according to Your Word. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.” GOING DEEPER Read and reflect upon Psalm 1. WALK IT OUT Be mindful of the influence and input you are receiving. If there are ungodly influences, commit yourself to seeking and receiving Godly friends and Godly counsel, even if it requires more time and effort and determination. SHARE WITH OTHERS Encourage someone to recall and remember the spiritual blessings we have because of what Jesus has done - eternal blessings that transcend our temporal circumstances. Look to be a source of Godly counsel to others, pointing them to pursue and prioritize God’s Word for their situation. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “The Blessing” | Elevation Worship

11 AM • Next Gen Sunday Service • September 15, 2024
Thank you for joining our special Next Gen Sunday service today! We are excited to highlight some of the things God is doing in this next generation of youth at Rev City. For more information about Rev City Church, please visit

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 322 - Every Thought Captive MINISTRY MOMENT Did you know that God has given you power over the enemy’s lies and the thoughts he tries to make you believe? You can take those thoughts captive, and make them obey Christ by believing and confessing the truth, in place of the lie! PRAYER POINT "Father, thank You for Your truth that sets me free. Thank You for the power that You have given me over the enemy’s lies. Please teach me to be alert, and remind me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen." GOING DEEPER Read and study 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, 1 Peter 5:8-9, and Ephesians 6:10-18. WALK IT OUT Stay alert! Watch out for your enemy, the devil, prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour and deceive. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. When he lies to you, take that thought captive to the obedience of Christ - by speaking the truth! SHARE WITH OTHERS Share with others the visual picture of taking the lies and ungodly or fearful thoughts of the enemy captive - throwing them in the jail cell and speaking God’s truth to those lies! WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “P E A C E” | Hillsong Young & Free

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 321 - Hope For Our Soul MINISTRY MOMENT Do you feel discouraged or weighed down by anything today? Even if it is just in one situation, take some time to pray over that area and invite God to bring His hope into that area. Like this Psalmist does, be honest with God about how you are feeling and any confusion you are facing. Even when you don’t know why you are feeling down, you can come to God. PRAYER POINT "God, thank You that You are with me even in the times when I feel discouraged and beat down. Help me to hope in You in the midst of tough seasons and praise You even when I am struggling with a heavy spirit." GOING DEEPER Read and study Psalm 42. WALK IT OUT Anytime you are feeling discouraged or down during the day, take some time to remember a hope you have in God related to that area of discouragement. Then, invite God to speak into that area. SHARE WITH OTHERS Ask God to open your heart to people who are heavy and discouraged. Take the time to listen to what is weighing down others and then ask them if you can pray with them for God to help them find hope in the midst of their situation. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “As The Deer” | The Worship Initiative

The main purpose that we were created for is knowing God intimately and having a daily relationship with Him. #RevCity #RevivingHearts #RevealingJesus⁠ #WeAreFamily #WelcomeHome #LocalChurch #CityOfLawrence #LawrenceKS #Community #RevCityChurch

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 320 - Returning Home MINISTRY MOMENT We may live in this world, but we shouldn’t live for this world. We live for a greater Kingdom and for a greater King who sits on the throne! He has his arms open wide for His children to return to Him. Make the choice today to live for Him. PRAYER POINT "Father, thank You for extending Your arms to me when I fall astray. I recognize my sin and ask for repentance. You are a good and gracious Father who cares for me deeply. Help me to say no to worldly temptations and yes to the things You call me to. In Jesus’ name, Amen." GOING DEEPER Read and study Luke 15:11-32. (The Parable of the Prodigal Son) WALK IT OUT Our God is gracious and good and is waiting for His people to return to Him. Don’t hesitate and say yes to God if you never have before. Like scripture says, the angels rejoice when even ONE person comes home to God! SHARE WITH OTHERS If you have had a prodigal son moment, find someone to tell! God didn’t transform your life, just to keep your story hidden. Your testimony is powerful. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Run To The Father” | Cody Carnes

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 319 - Bitter or Better MINISTRY MOMENT Is there something that has caused you to feel bitter or hardened toward God? Instead of leaning away from Him, would you be willing to lean into Him? PRAYER POINT “Dear God, though I may feel like distancing myself from You at times, help me come to You as a source of comfort so that I may be made stronger. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” GOING DEEPER Read and meditate on Romans 8:28. WALK IT OUT It’s a decision. We have to trust that God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us - that He is trustworthy. Hardship has a way of presenting opportunities for growth in our character and faith if we walk with God through the hardship instead of walking away from Him. SHARE WITH OTHERS While being sensitive and considerate to somebody’s hardship, it would be life-giving for someone if we are to encourage them that “in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Draw Me Close” | Shane & Shane

Check out last Sunday's message: "The Most Common Question" | Thomas Humphries, Lead Pastor Follow the link for sermon notes: Follow the link to watch our full service:

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 318 - Fear's Distortion MINISTRY MOMENT When you encounter hardships or stressful situations, do you find it easy for fear to distort your reasoning and response? PRAYER POINT “Father, thank You that YOU have an amazing plan and purpose for my life. Help me realize that You have not given me a spirit of fear! I can have strength and wisdom to respond to hard situations in my life. Help me see these hardships the way that You see them. Thank You for leading me and guiding me. In Your name, I pray, Amen!” GOING DEEPER Read and study Deuteronomy 1:19-45 and 2 Timothy 1:7. WALK IT OUT The next time that you encounter a fearful situation, remind yourself of how Joshua and Caleb responded to the giants and armies they saw in the Promised Land. Ask God for that kind of faith - not the fear of the other ten Israelite spies. SHARE WITH OTHERS If you see a close friend or family member who is struggling with fear, worry, or doubt in a hard situation, remind them and encourage them with these Biblical truths. It’s good for all of us to be reminded that each day we can choose faith over fear! WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “No Longer Slaves” | Bethel Music

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 317 - Going the Distance MINISTRY MOMENT God’s deepest desire is not to have anyone perish, but for everyone to come to repentance and receive eternal life. He’s willing to go the distance, and will even chase down the ones who try to run from Him. But ultimately, it will be our choice if we choose to reciprocate this love. PRAYER POINT "Father, thank You for loving me enough to chase me down even when I run away. Thank You for going the distance for me. Help follow You, help me serve You, and help me love You with all my heart. In Jesus’ name Amen." GOING DEEPER What area of your spiritual life is God calling you to go the distance? WALK IT OUT Today, make a commitment, and predetermine to have a fresh relationship with God. Go the distance! SHARE WITH OTHERS Look for the opportunity to share what Jesus revealed to you today. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Stacking Stones” | Bridge Worship

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 316 - Such a Time as This MINISTRY MOMENT God has a purpose and plan for every one of His beloved children. He does not promise life on earth to be easy. But if you have faith in His plans, His provision and protection will be with you every step of the way. PRAYER POINT “Heavenly Father, thank You for the plans You have for me. Guide me down Your straight path. Fill me with faith and courage like Queen Esther. I know You will not lead me astray, but towards the purpose You have for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” GOING DEEPER Read and study the book of Esther, Psalm 46:10 and Philippians 4:13. WALK IT OUT Stay strong in your faith. Know that God has a plan for you. In moments of uncertainty, be still and know that God is with you and will not forsake you. Ask yourself, “Has God placed me here for such a time as this?” Read His word for strength and encouragement. Spend time in prayer, lift up your worries and praises to Him. SHARE WITH OTHERS Share the story of Queen Esther with others. Encourage them to put their faith in God and the plans He has for them. Point out moments where God has placed them here for such a time as this. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “For Such A Time As This” | Amanda Nolan

9 AM Sunday Service • Pastor Thomas Humphries • September 8, 2024
Thank you for joining our service today! For more information about Rev City Church, please visit

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 315 - Return, Restore & Revive MINISTRY MOMENT Have you been feeling the weight, the weariness, the wandering in your soul? Have you felt disconnected from God, from others, from what God has called you to do? Take time to meditate on this Hebrew word - "Shuwb." In what ways do you need a restoration, a revival in your spirit for the season you are walking through? PRAYER POINT “God I seek after You. Your heart, Your ways, and Your words. I trust that You are speaking a better word over my life. Would You come and restore and revive my soul, that I might walk forward in the plans and purposes you’ve called me to. In Jesus’ name, Amen” GOING DEEPER Read and study Psalm 23 and Psalm 19. WALK IT OUT Find more Scriptural uses of the word "Shuwb" in the Bible and be encouraged about the circumstances surrounding that word and it’s meaning. Take note of the context - what was life like before and after God restored, revived, and returned them? How does that apply to your situations? SHARE WITH OTHERS If there are others around you (family, friends, coworkers) who you’ve noticed have been feeling down, weak, or upset about their circumstances - encourage them that there is a God who can and WILL bring restoration and revival into their life! WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Feet Of Jesus + All I Need” | Legacy Nashville Music

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 314 - Fear + Love MINISTRY MOMENT Fear is a horrible master to serve. If you’re feeling fearful right now, ask yourself what is at the root of it all. Even when we’re wrong, and we’ve made mistakes, Scripture says that the Lord’s kindness leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). You can trust Him. PRAYER POINT "Lord, help me to be motivated by fear of the Lord and not fear of man. Help me to be motivated by Your love, and not the “love” of others, or other things." GOING DEEPER Read 1 John 4:18, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 29:25, John 3:16-17, Hebrews 12:2, and Romans 2:4. WALK IT OUT We all get anxious, insecure or fearful sometimes. When you find yourself in that state you have to stop and ask yourself how you got there. What is driving your decisions? Fear or love? SHARE WITH OTHERS Next time you’re having a conversation with someone who’s walk with Christ you admire - ask them what they find themselves to be most motivated by - fear or love? WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Stand in Your Love” | Cory Asbury & Brandon Lake

Check out last Sunday's message: "In The House" | Thomas Humphries, Lead Pastor Follow the link for sermon notes:

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 313 - Equipped & Ready MINISTRY MOMENT How can you begin soaking in God’s Word? What can you do to let God's Word cement into your own heart? PRAYER POINT “Father, thank You for the power of Your word. Allow us today to better focus on the words You have spoken, letting them be planted deeply in our hearts. Give us the desire to store up Your words. We rebuke the attack of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen!” GOING DEEPER Read and study Psalms 119. WALK IT OUT Find one scripture to memorize starting today! Come back to it each day for seven days straight! SHARE WITH OTHERS Share with others the meaning and significance of the scripture you chose to memorize! WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Good Plans/Doxology” | Red Rocks Worship

When our lives are out of alignment with God's will, the Lord's prescription for us is to go back to His presence - admitting that we cannot do life on our own! #RevCity #RevivingHearts #RevealingJesus⁠ #WeAreFamily #WelcomeHome #LocalChurch #CityOfLawrence #LawrenceKS #Community #RevCityChurch

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 312 - Being & Going MINISTRY MOMENT When you approach God’s throne of grace - what do you hear Him say? Is there a call to action you hear from Him? Are you ignoring it or leaning in to listen and obey? PRAYER POINT "Lord, help me to hear Your voice, listen intently and obey and take action and draw others to run to the Father for grace so they might know You too and also began to hear Your voice." GOING DEEPER Read and study Ephesians 2. WALK IT OUT Find a way to listen for Gods voice today maybe that you haven’t done before. SHARE WITH OTHERS Share a word of encouragement with someone today, pray with someone or bless someone else today. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “I’ve Witnessed It” | Passion, Melodie Malone

Revived to Life Daily Devotional Ep. 311 - Back to the Basics MINISTRY MOMENT When Jesus came to earth, he was not concerned with religious activity, instead his primary concern was loving God and loving people. Can we say the same for our own life? PRAYER POINT "Father, help me never to get caught up with religious activity instead of a relationship with you. Help me love you with all my heart, and love others the way you love them. In Jesus’ name amen." GOING DEEPER What are some ways that you can begin to love God and love others better? Remember God’s definition of love: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. WALK IT OUT Today, make a commitment to start doing one thing each day that will help you love God and love others. SHARE WITH OTHERS Look for the opportunity to share what Jesus revealed to you today. WORSHIP SONG OF THE DAY “Have My Heart” | Maverick City Music