Safe in Austin, Leander, TX Videos

Videos by Safe in Austin in Leander. We rescue the animals that need us, so they can rescue the children that need them even more.

“Merry Christmas”

His mom- “Hey Buddy, would you like to go to Safe in Austin Summer Camp?”

Him- “Yes! With Scrappy the dog and Callie the cat and Louie the horse?”

His Mom- “Yep!”

Him- “But Mom, remember when they didn’t let me come back to camp last time because I was bad.”

His Mom- “Oh sweet boy, that was not at Safe in Austin.”

This precious child is at camp again this week and stealing all our hearts. He’s 7 years old and has Autism. He’s inquisitive and kind and every time we look at him we are absolutely floored that he was “kicked out” of a camp that said they were “equipped for special needs”. There is no such thing as a bad child. That is heartbreaking.

in this video, he had found out that we had a Christmas in July event that he didn’t make it to. So to make his sad little heart happy we drove around the rescue so he could tell all the animals “Merry Christmas”! ♥️
(This was yesterday!)

You guys…. The stories that weigh on my heart. The people letting these kids down. It’s heavier than I can possibly explain.
But how lucky are we to have this little space filled with two legged and four legged superheros. A space where you are not only loved and appreciated exactly as you are, but CELEBRATED for what makes you different and unique! A place of no judgement and family. A place where rescued animals bring hope and healing and actual magic! ♥️

We’re kicking off wishlist Wednesday tonight which seems extra important during this Amazon Prime week!

Because of you we are changing lives and healing hearts! We are rescuing animals who are rescuing us right back!

We run only off of random donations and would absolutely never turn anyone away. We can’t change the world without you, but this little snippet of a video of a little boy who found his people is proof that we are doing just that!

PayPal- [email protected]
Venmo- @safeinaustin
Check- 14601 Honeycomb Dr, Leander, TX 78641

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Other Safe in Austin videos

“Merry Christmas”
His mom- “Hey Buddy, would you like to go to Safe in Austin Summer Camp?” Him- “Yes! With Scrappy the dog and Callie the cat and Louie the horse?” His Mom- “Yep!” Him- “But Mom, remember when they didn’t let me come back to camp last time because I was bad.” His Mom- “Oh sweet boy, that was not at Safe in Austin.” This precious child is at camp again this week and stealing all our hearts. He’s 7 years old and has Autism. He’s inquisitive and kind and every time we look at him we are absolutely floored that he was “kicked out” of a camp that said they were “equipped for special needs”. There is no such thing as a bad child. That is heartbreaking. in this video, he had found out that we had a Christmas in July event that he didn’t make it to. So to make his sad little heart happy we drove around the rescue so he could tell all the animals “Merry Christmas”! ♥️ (This was yesterday!) You guys…. The stories that weigh on my heart. The people letting these kids down. It’s heavier than I can possibly explain. But how lucky are we to have this little space filled with two legged and four legged superheros. A space where you are not only loved and appreciated exactly as you are, but CELEBRATED for what makes you different and unique! A place of no judgement and family. A place where rescued animals bring hope and healing and actual magic! ♥️ We’re kicking off wishlist Wednesday tonight which seems extra important during this Amazon Prime week! Because of you we are changing lives and healing hearts! We are rescuing animals who are rescuing us right back! We run only off of random donations and would absolutely never turn anyone away. We can’t change the world without you, but this little snippet of a video of a little boy who found his people is proof that we are doing just that! Donations- PayPal- [email protected] Venmo- @safeinaustin Check- 14601 Honeycomb Dr, Leander, TX 78641 Wi

Do you see it??! 👀🫣
Apparently we decided to go REALLY OFFICIAL with the letters from me talking about our mission and looking for sponsors and silent auction items! (Either that or I just forgot to sign it) Cause here I am now signing every single one of them so we can put packets together! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣😳 Also, incase you’re needing a reminder of reality and my little farm table video looks way nicer than it actually is…. Do you see the number of times a fly makes an appearance in this video?? Recorded in my house! At the dining table! Livin the dream. 🙃 PS- Got a business or product you would like to make a part of our biggest ever (and first fancy) event we’ve ever had?? Reach out!

🎅🏼❄️Real Snow!! And the real Santa!!❄️🎅🏼. Come stay cool with us Sunday July 14th from 6-8pm during our Christmas in July event!! We’re hanging out with the man himself and throwing snowballs! Lots of opportunities to get wet and learn about our mission of unconditional kindness!! ❤️

What does your US Olympic team trials women’s gymnastics watch party look like? Currently ours looks like lots of humans, two goats, six dogs, and a cat….. but it changes by the second! 😝 What’s your favorite Olympic memory?

Meet Cosmo
We have a hurt new baby. Today’s Five Dollar Friday goes to Cosmo 💙 Welcome Home Buddy. Safe in Austin is a nonprofit rescue for animals and children that come from abuse or have special needs. We rescue the animals and make them a part of our family. We offer them unconditional love and kindness because their lives are worthy; and then these same animals offer that right back to the children that understand them. “Rescue animals, rescuing us right back” What makes you different, makes you extraordinary! ❤️ #fivedollarfriday PayPal- [email protected] Venmo- @safeinaustin Instagram/facebook Checks- 14601 Honeycomb Drive, Leander, TX 78641

“Just like me”
The way Tulip LOVES to meet new friends in wheelchairs just like her kills me. You can literally see the interest and excitement she has, and is so willing and patient to get up close and say hello even when lifting her up in her wheels. The smile on George’s face tells me everything I need to hear even with not one single word spoken. This is our mission in a nutshell- “Rescue animals, rescuing us right back.”

Me choking back all the tears as I talk to the parents at pick up today, our last day of this week’s camp! Listen. It was a week. You just can not imagine the stories these kids have. The daily struggles they have to endure. The way people outside our gates look at them. Judge them. Have let them down. We had extreme medical issues. Significant Autism/sensory/neurodivergence. Survivors of extreme trauma and unimaginable abuse. Kids that have been labeled, judged, even kicked out of other camps, classes, and homes…. I can’t put into words the immense amount of pride I have for everyone of them. All of them. Lyssa who poured her heart into every minute of the planning. Our volunteers who gave their time and energy, wisdom and hearts. Our teens that worked so hard with the kids as mentors, and the campers that tried new things and pushed past their comfort zones. All while meeting and caring for hundreds of animals that understand them. This works my friends. Unconditional kindness. A safe space to be exactly who you are and meet others who understand. A place where judgement is left at the gate and chances are unlimited as long as kindness and commutation is involved. It works. Lives were changed. Hearts were healed. Magic was felt. It’s rare that the stress and overwhelm of this place is completely pushed aside simply because the pride I’m feeling for what has happened here is filling me all the way up. Happy tears and a grateful heart. Thank you for your support! You have no idea the impact it is making and the lives it is changing. ❤️❤️❤️

This handsome guy has been making me smile and working so hard almost every single Monday morning for six years!! Everybody wish Zachary Happy Anniversary and job well done! When he started there were so many nerves and so much unknown. Now, he’s an expert at all the things and brightens everyone’s Monday morning! He’s a man of few words, but when he shares them you can’t help but feel inspired and hopeful. That’s his super power! That and Autism! And a really good memory! Oh, and legos! And cleaning the dog building! And reading everything written on any shirt anyone is wearing! And saying “Good Morning Dave” in the coolest way possible!!! The list goes on and on! ☺️ Love you, Buddy! Happy six years!!! ❤️

Sweet boy!
Courage loves his cheek kisses!!! Watch what happens when you pull away and stop kissin his cute little face?!! ☺️💋💋💋

What is wrong with him????!!!!
I have no excuse for this other than you guys say we’re in this together right? So, now we get to all feel like there is a tarantula crawling all over us all night long!!!!! PS- I apologize for my man child’s F-bomb. But also….. agree! 🙃

This ones for the kids! I’ve been avoiding it and avoiding it, but since both the UTVs are down, now is the time. We need something quiet for our overstimulated/sensory friends that have a hard time with the loud engines, and I have some sweet friends that will be here in the morning with legs that either don’t work or only sometimes work and I have to have a way to move them around because they take their “job” caring for the animals that are just like them very seriously!! #fivedollarfriday goes to a “new to us” set of wheels! ❤️ Ways to donate- Instagram/facebook Venmo- @safeinaustin PayPal- [email protected] Checks- 14601 honeycomb Dr., Leander, TX 78641

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Effective immediately…. Momma Pig Penny, the trauma survivor, and her precious eight little piglets are in search of a loving home. They are very well mannered and not at all mischievous little POOP HEADS. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖🐖 Disclaimer- New home must be void of any trash cans. Reach out immediately. Signed, Super irritated rescue lady!!!!!! (And all of her Friday morning volunteers). 😭😭😭😭😤 #livingthedream 🙃

Some friends from Hope House came out yesterday. Here are a couple of moments with Elsa the unicorn and in our enchanted trail. ❤️ She had no words for me…. And yet her heart spoke so clearly. What a gift to me to be a part of it! This is what we are all about!! And exactly what I mean when I say my life is 50% poop, 48% begging for money, and 2% magic. That 2% is something I believe a lot of people go a lifetime without experiencing. And I’ll never take it for granted. Rescue animals, rescuing us right back. Thank you for being a part of our family! This is what your support looks like❤️ Ways you can help us continue to save lives, and heal hearts at no cost to those who need us- Venmo- @safeinaustin PayPal- [email protected] Instagram/Facebook Check- 14601 Honeycomb Dr, Leander, TX 78641

She basically grew up with Peter! Not sure she really remembers life without him. She was four or so when he came to us! Still….. every time she sees him and Mikey tummy to tummy on a bed somewhere she acts like it’s the cutest thing she’s ever seen and dives on in! Every time! One of the many things I love about this child of mine! What do your weekend plans look like? Better than a potbelly pile?! ☺️

She’s here!! It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but she’s here and she’s beautiful. The second we got her inside into the light I burst into tears. Her body looks exactly like Champion’s. Our precious miracle boy with splayed our front legs, stiff back legs shooting straight out, and the most hope filled, bright eyed, don’t give up on me eyes you have ever seen. And so it begins….Again. ❤️💔❤️

A sweet little moment during one of my tours yesterday!!! Kenny was helping us find our bravery and celebrate friendship, differences, and being unapologetically who you are loud and proud!!! These are the moments and interactions that describe Safe in Austin and completely fill my heart! ❤️ #autismawareness #autismacceptance #unconditionalkindness #safespace #tryingnewthings #learningnewthings #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensoryplay #rescueanimalsrescuingchildren #rescuefamily

Oh. My. Word!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for showing us so much love my friends. Boy did we need it. 🥹🥹🥹❤️

Sweet boy rockin his new zip line! Theo has Cerebellar hypoplasia. In dogs it is a congenital condition where the part of the brain responsible for coordination fails to fully develop! We’re still working on our new special needs dog area! Super excited about the new fence panels and individualized yards! Theo will get padding around his entire space so when he is not up in his chair on his zip line (so he doesn’t crash or fall over in his wheelchair) he can bounce around in his yard and stay safe even though he can not control his limbs. Applications for our spring, summer, and fall internships are available, we are taking deposits for the 2nd Annual Safe in Austin Conference where you can learn about every aspect of what we do here - August 2-4 (limited spots available), and our Amazon wishlist is up if you can help with any of our random needs!! Links in comments!

This is what’s happening while I sit at the table desperately searching for grant money and filling out applications. 🤦🏽‍♀️ It’s so weird how I never get anything done around here. 🙃 It be easier if someone would just come video the madness of my life (and then take it somewhere with good internet to post it!). Our actual reality show is a doozy! Only this time, no playing dress up and going to fancy resorts!! It was super fun @queereye …. But not exactly my truth. 😜 Trust me when I say we got plenty of good hearted, heartbreaking, life changing, and completely crazy content happening right here every freaking day! 😂🤣 Ten dollar Tuesday Tshirt give away still going on! See previous post! Donation options- Venmo- @safeinaustin PayPal- [email protected] Instagram/facebook - @safeinaustinrescue Check- 14601 Honeycomb Dr, Leander, TX 78641