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Hello and welcome to TheCrystalSurface. My name is Barbara and I am a trained facilitator of Quantum Barbara is not a medical doctor.


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Discover Rose Quartz Healing Properties for Heart Chakra Balance and Emotional Wellness

By Barbara Myers • July 22, 2024

I've always been fascinated by the gentle yet powerful energy of rose quartz. Known as the "love stone," this beautiful pink crystal is closely linked to the heart chakra, the energy center that governs our ability to give and receive love. Whether you're looking to heal emotional wounds or simply want to attract more love into your life, rose quartz can be a transformative companion.

In my journey with rose quartz, I've discovered its incredible ability to soothe the heart and promote emotional balance. It's not just about romantic love; this crystal helps foster self-love, compassion, and forgiveness. When I hold or wear rose quartz, I feel a warm, nurturing energy that seems to envelop my heart, making it easier to let go of past hurts and embrace new, loving experiences.

The Significance of Rose Quartz in Chakra Healing

Rose quartz, known as the "love stone," plays a pivotal role in chakra healing, particularly with the heart chakra. Its soothing energy addresses emotional wounds and encourages a harmonious flow of love and compassion.

Understanding Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, centered in the chest, governs love, compassion, and emotional balance. When balanced, it fosters a deep sense of connection to others and oneself. Emotional distress, however, can block this chakra, leading to feelings of loneliness and resentment. Rose quartz helps by clearing those blockages and promoting emotional healing.

Properties of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz exhibits several healing properties essential for the heart chakra:

Emotional Healing: It alleviates emotional pain and enhances self-love.

Compassion: It fosters empathy and understanding for others.

Forgiveness: It aids in releasing negative emotions and embracing forgiveness.

Love Attraction: It opens the heart to new love and strengthens existing relationships.

These properties make rose quartz a valuable tool for anyone seeking emotional balance and heart chakra alignment.

How Rose Quartz Affects the Heart Chakra

Rose quartz resonates strongly with the heart chakra. This crystal's energy promotes emotional well-being and nurtures physical heart health.

Emotional Benefits

Rose quartz offers several emotional benefits, aiding emotional healing and boosting compassion. This crystal helps release emotional wounds by fostering forgiveness and acceptance. Its soothing energy brings a sense of calm during times of emotional stress. Moreover, rose quartz encourages self-love, increases self-esteem, and strengthens bonds with others by promoting empathy. These attributes make it an essential tool for anyone looking to achieve emotional balance. For instance, many use rose quartz to mend broken relationships or to alleviate feelings of jealousy and anxiety.

Physical Benefits

While known primarily for its emotional benefits, rose quartz also supports physical heart health. The crystal is believed to improve the circulatory system and increase blood oxygen levels. Some practitioners report that rose quartz can help soothe skin issues and promote overall physical wellness. Its calming vibrations may reduce physical tension linked to stress. Additionally, wearing rose quartz close to the heart is often cited as a way to maintain cardiovascular health. These physical benefits complement the emotional healing properties, making rose quartz a holistic healer.

Using Rose Quartz for Heart Chakra Healing

Using rose quartz can offer a significant boost in heart chakra healing through different practices and placements.

Meditation Practices

Meditating with rose quartz enhances self-love and emotional healing. Holding rose quartz in the left hand, the hand receiving energy, during meditation aligns with the heart chakra's frequency. Placing the crystal on the chest while lying down targets the heart chakra directly. Visualization techniques involving rose quartz's pink light entering the heart can amplify the healing process. Including affirmations like "I am loved" or "I forgive myself" during these practices deepens emotional release and balance.

Jewelry and Placement

Wearing rose quartz jewelry, like a pendant or bracelet, keeps the stone's energy close to the heart chakra. This continuous contact supports ongoing emotional healing. Placing rose quartz under a pillow while sleeping enhances restful sleep and fosters emotional wellbeing through subconscious healing. Keeping a rose quartz stone in a prominent place at home, like the bedroom or living room, creates a healing environment that nurtures compassion and love. Using rose quartz in a work environment reduces stress and promotes a calming atmosphere conducive to emotional balance.

Additional Tips for Enhancing Heart Chakra Healing

Engage in Mindfulness Practices. Activities like mindful breathing, yoga, and tai chi encourage a deep connection with the heart chakra. Incorporate rose quartz into these practices by holding it during meditation or placing it on the chest.

Use Essential Oils. Essential oils such as rose, lavender, and bergamot amplify heart chakra healing. These scents, when combined with rose quartz, create a powerful synergy. Diffuse them in your space or apply to pulse points for maximum benefit.

Create a Healing Space. Establish a dedicated area for heart chakra work. Decorate with rose quartz, green plants, and calming colors like pink and green. This space fosters an environment conducive to healing and introspection.

Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation. This form of meditation enhances compassion for oneself and others. Hold a piece of rose quartz during sessions to deepen the emotional connection and healing process.

Write in a Gratitude Journal. Journaling about gratitude shifts focus to positive emotions, promoting heart chakra balance. Keep rose quartz nearby as you write, imbuing the practice with its healing energy.

Adopt a Nutritious Diet. Consuming foods that support heart health, such as leafy greens and avocados, indirectly benefits the heart chakra. Pairing a healthy diet with rose quartz rituals strengthens emotional and physical well-being.

Implement these tips to enhance heart chakra healing effectiveness using rose quartz. Each practice integrates seamlessly into daily routines, amplifying the transformative properties of the crystal.


Integrating rose quartz into your daily routine can profoundly enhance your heart chakra healing journey. Through mindful practices, essential oils, and creating a dedicated healing space, you can deepen your emotional balance and self-love. Loving-kindness meditation and gratitude journaling further support this process, promoting overall well-being. Remember maintaining a nutritious diet also plays a crucial role in sustaining your heart chakra's health. Embrace these practices and watch as rose quartz helps transform your emotional landscape.


Discover Amethyst Crystal for Stress Relief and Anxiety: Benefits and User Experiences

By Barbara Myers

July 17, 2024

I've always been fascinated by the natural world, especially when it comes to crystals and their purported healing properties. Among the myriad of crystals out there, amethyst stands out as a powerful ally in the battle against stress and anxiety. This beautiful purple gem isn't just eye-catching; many believe it holds the key to calming the mind and soothing the soul.

In today's fast-paced world, we're all looking for ways to find a little peace and tranquility. Amethyst, with its rich history and deep connection to relaxation, offers a natural solution. Whether you're a crystal enthusiast or a curious newcomer, exploring how amethyst can help manage stress and anxiety might just be the holistic approach you've been searching for.

The Healing Properties of Amethyst Crystals
Amethyst crystals possess unique qualities promoting relaxation. They help calm the mind and reduce anxious thoughts.

How Amethyst Helps with Anxiety
Amethyst's calming effects stem from its natural energy properties. It enhances emotional balance and fosters a tranquil environment. People often use amethyst in meditation practices, carrying it or placing it in personal spaces. Its soothing vibrations target stress, creating a calming aura. I carry mine in my pants pocket when I know the day may be stressful.

The Science Behind Stress Relief Through Crystals
Scientific research on crystals is limited. However, many believe in the placebo effect, where belief in an object's power can result in real psychological benefits. Amethyst's structure is said to emit powerful vibrations, interacting with the body's energy fields. These vibrations may stimulate the brain to produce calming neurotransmitters, aiding stress reduction.

Using Amethyst Crystals for Meditation
I find that amethyst crystals enhance my meditation practice. They help in achieving a deeper state of relaxation and focus.

Techniques for Incorporating Amethyst in Meditation
I incorporate amethyst into meditation by holding the crystal in my hand or placing it nearby. When holding the crystal, I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. Placing it on my forehead helps activate the third eye chakra, aiding in mental clarity. Positioning the crystal in a meditation space, near candles or other calming elements, creates a serene environment. Wearing amethyst jewelry, like pendants or bracelets, allows for constant contact during meditation.

Benefits of Meditation with Amethyst for Anxiety
I notice a significant reduction in anxiety when meditating with amethyst crystals. The soothing energy of the crystal promotes a sense of calm and peace. This practice helps in reducing racing thoughts and feelings of overwhelm. Consistent meditation with amethyst provides emotional balance and support, making it easier to manage daily stressors. Amethyst's calming properties also assist in better sleep quality due to reduced anxiety levels.

Best Practices for Using Amethyst Crystals
For optimal use of amethyst crystals in stress relief and combating anxiety, follow these best practices:

Cleansing and Charging Your Amethyst
Cleansing and charging maintain amethyst's effectiveness. I cleanse my amethyst by rinsing it under lukewarm water and avoiding harsh chemicals. For deeper cleaning, I use a mixture of water and mild soap. After cleansing, I charge the crystal by placing it under moonlight overnight, ensuring it receives light from a full moon if possible. This charging process rejuvenates the crystal, enhancing its stress-relief properties.

Placement and Setting for Optimal Effects
Correct placement amplifies amethyst's calming effects. I keep an amethyst crystal at my workspace to reduce stress during work. For better sleep, I place one on my nightstand to benefit from its calming aura. During meditation, holding the crystal or placing it on the forehead activates the third eye chakra, promoting deep relaxation. In home decor, I integrate amethyst into a dedicated space for tranquility and emotional balance.

User Experiences and Testimonials
Many find amethyst crystals helpful in managing stress and anxiety. Below are some real-life stories and transformative experiences shared by users.

Real Life Stories of Anxiety Relief
One user reported that keeping an amethyst crystal on their work desk noticeably reduced their stress levels. They explained feeling calmer during high-pressure meetings, attributing the change to the crystal's presence.

Another individual shared their experience using amethyst during meditation. They mentioned holding the crystal helped them focus better, leading to a more profound and peaceful meditation session.

Someone else placed an amethyst cluster in their bedroom. They experienced improved sleep quality and reduced nighttime anxiety, sleep issues previously making their anxiety worse.

How Amethyst Changed Lives
A young professional noticed significant relief from work-related anxiety after incorporating amethyst into her daily routine. She maintained a small amethyst pendant and felt more grounded during presentations.

A college student struggled with social anxiety but found solace in carrying a small amethyst stone. They felt more confident and less anxious in social situations, which positively impacted their overall well-being.

A retiree shared their story of using amethyst to manage anxiety during major life transitions. The calming properties of the crystal helped them navigate changes smoothly, enhancing their overall sense of peace and stability.

Amethyst crystals have become an integral part of my stress relief toolkit. Their calming energy and the ritual of cleansing and charging them offer a sense of peace. User testimonials and real-life stories further support their effectiveness in reducing stress and anxiety. Whether it's at work or during meditation amethyst has shown to improve focus and promote better sleep quality. While scientific backing might be limited the psychological benefits can't be ignored. Incorporating amethyst into daily routines can be a valuable addition for anyone seeking emotional well-being.


Amethyst Crystal Meaning in Different Cultures: History, Uses, and Spiritual Significance

By Barbara Myers
July 13, 2024

Amethyst, with its captivating purple hue, has fascinated cultures around the world for centuries. From ancient Greek mythology to modern spiritual practices, this crystal holds a unique place in various traditions. It's not just a pretty gemstone; amethyst is believed to possess powerful properties that transcend borders and eras.

In ancient Greece, people thought amethyst could ward off drunkenness and promote clarity of mind. Meanwhile, in Eastern traditions, it’s often associated with meditation and tranquility. As I dive into the meanings and significance of amethyst in different cultures, you'll discover how this mystical stone has woven itself into the fabric of human history.

Historical Significance of Amethyst

Amethyst has played an important role in various cultures throughout history. Its deep purple hue and perceived metaphysical properties have made it a cherished stone across different eras.

Ancient Greece and Rome

In ancient Greece, people believed that amethyst possessed the ability to prevent drunkenness. They wore amethyst amulets and crafted drinking vessels from the crystal to stay sober. The name "amethyst" itself stems from the Greek word "amethystos," meaning "not intoxicated." Romans, influenced by similar beliefs, also valued amethyst for its purported ability to ward off intoxication. High-ranking officials and dignitaries used amethyst in jewelry and ornaments, showcasing its significance in these ancient societies.

Egyptian Culture

Egyptians held amethyst in high regard for its protective properties. They carved amulets and talismans from the stone, using these items to safeguard against negative energies and harm. Archaeologists discovered amethyst in burial sites, indicating its importance in rituals and the afterlife. Egyptian royalty, including pharaohs, used amethyst in jewelry, blending aesthetics with spiritual significance. Their belief in the stone's ability to purify and protect the soul illustrates its integral role in their culture.

Amethyst in Eastern Traditions

Amethyst holds a special place in many Eastern traditions, where it's revered for its spiritual and healing properties. Its deep purple hue and calming energy are key attributes that enhance its significance in these cultures.

Chinese Feng Shui

In Chinese Feng Shui, practitioners place amethyst in specific areas to harness its energy. Amethyst is thought to promote peace and clarity, making it an ideal stone for the living room or meditation space. Its presence can balance energies, fostering a harmonious environment. Using an amethyst geode in the south corner of a room, associated with fame and passion, is believed to attract positive recognition and personal growth.

Indian Vedic Traditions

Indian Vedic traditions view amethyst as a stone of spiritual purification and connection. In Ayurveda, this crystal is associated with the Ajna (third eye) chakra, which governs intuition and mental clarity. Devotees use amethyst during meditation to enhance spiritual awareness and focus. Additionally, some believe that wearing amethyst jewelry can align individual energies with cosmic vibrations, fostering inner peace and wisdom.

Spiritual and Healing Properties

Amethyst holds a significant place in modern metaphysical beliefs and alternative medicine. Its spiritual and healing uses continue to draw interest across various cultures.

Modern Metaphysical Beliefs

In contemporary metaphysical practices, amethyst is often linked to spiritual growth and protection. Practitioners believe it helps enhance intuition and psychic abilities. Meditators use it to clear their mind and connect with higher consciousness. Amethyst's purple color is associated with the crown chakra, fostering spiritual awareness and insight. Crystal healers recommend placing amethyst in meditation spaces to create a sense of calm and focus.

Amethyst in Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine therapies, such as crystal healing and Reiki, recognize amethyst for its purported therapeutic properties. Practitioners claim it alleviates stress and anxiety, promoting emotional stability. Some even believe it can aid in detoxification and support the immune system. By placing it under a pillow, users like me might find it encourages restful sleep and vivid dreams. Although these benefits lack scientific validation, many individuals incorporate amethyst into their wellness routines.

Amethyst in Contemporary Culture

Amethyst remains popular today, blending ancient significance with modern trends. It's visible in various forms, from jewelry to spiritual practices.

Jewelry and Decorative Uses

Amethyst adorns necklaces, rings, and earrings. Many designers favor its striking purple hue. High-end brands often feature amethyst in collections. Its versatility appeals to different styles. Besides personal adornment, it's found in home decor. Sculptures, geodes, and bookends made from amethyst add elegance to interiors. The crystal's aesthetic appeal complements both modern and traditional designs.

Spiritual Communities and Trends

Amethyst is a staple in spiritual circles. Many believe it aids meditation and healing. It's common in yoga studios and therapy rooms. Crystal grids and altars often feature amethyst for its calming effects. Online communities share tips on using amethyst for various intentions. Social media trends highlight its alleged benefits, from enhancing intuition to providing emotional stability. Influencers frequently show amethyst in wellness routines, reinforcing its contemporary relevance.


The enduring allure of amethyst across various cultures highlights its timeless appeal. From ancient rituals to modern wellness practices, amethyst's mystical properties continue to captivate and inspire. Whether it's for its spiritual significance or its striking beauty, amethyst remains a cherished gemstone. As more people explore its potential benefits, it’s clear that this purple crystal will maintain its place in both historical and contemporary contexts.


My sunset view tonight.


Reiki flows and goes where it is needed. It is the Universal Life Force that we all have within us, and needs no direction on where to go to heal, repair, and cleanse. Unlike Quantum Energy Healing, which is directed and focused on certain areas, Reiki is simply drawn through the practitioner by the person, animal, or object receiving it.
We are all connected and made from the same material, and Reiki is simply a boost for our Life Force.


Take that first step to a new beginning.


“I prosper at every turn.”
-Louise Hay


“Remember, consistency is key and progress may take time, but it is worth it in the end when you see the results.”
- Barbara M.


“Respond; don’t react.
Listen; don’t talk.
Think; don’t assume.”
-Raji Lukkoor


“Knowing I need to listen and knowing how to listen is not enough. Unless I want to listen, unless I have the desire, it won’t be a habit in my life.”
-Stephen R. Covey


Sheri is live!


“Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.”
-Michel DeMontaigne


😇Angels are working for you😇



Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given.

-The Secret Affirmation


My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved toward greatness.
-The Secret Affirmation

Affirm YES!


My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil.
- The Secret Affirmation



You can do this!

Timeline photos 09/18/2022

I will be going live on Sunday, August 28th at 1pm CDT for free readings. I’ll be on my page Barbara Hynes Myers. Donations accepted that will go to help fix our Air Conditioner. We are currently in a house that’s 91°F and it’s not expected to be fixed/replaced until Monday or Tuesday.
Hope to see you Sunday afternoon.

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