Christian Students at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by Christian Students at UCLA in Los Angeles. Christian Students has been a registered UCLA student organization since 1968. We hold the faith c

Here’s some more info on our Life Pursuit 2020 program! DM us about any questions. 😊

#ucla #uclabruins #uclachristians #lifepursuit #socal #christianstudents #sccs #christiansoncampus #summer

Other Christian Students at UCLA videos

Here’s some more info on our Life Pursuit 2020 program! DM us about any questions. 😊 • • • #ucla #uclabruins #uclachristians #lifepursuit #socal #christianstudents #sccs #christiansoncampus #summer

While our earthen vessels might be fragile and weak, we have a glorious treasure within. #SolidGround 8pm tonight at UCLA! Same location, DM if you need it. #solidgrounducla #christianstudents #ucla #bible #metaphors #uclachristians #jesus #bibestudy #2corinthians #earthenvessels #treasure

TONIGHT! Come sing with your heart to the Lord and hear a word from 2 Corinthians 3. Dm for location 🙌 #SolidGround #ucla #biblestudy #2corinthians #christianstudents #uclachristians #metaphors #christians #solidgrounducla #Jesus

Join us this Thursday night 8PM for our second Solid Ground at UCLA! Hear about how we can be letters of Christ “known and read by everyone” ✉️📃🖋 DM for location 😎 #uclachristians #ucla #solidground #2corinthians #metaphors #uclacommunity #uclabiblestudy #christianstudents #christianstudentsatucla

UCLA Christian Students Texas Spring Break 2017
Romans 12:5 - "So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another." This past spring break, some of us went on a trip to Texas and visited Christian Students on Campus and UTA Christians on Campus. We enjoyed the time of mutual fellowship and freshly appreciated that we are members of one Body enjoying the same Christ!

Singing in the Sky Train!
Vancouver, Canada