South Shores Pet Clinic, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by South Shores Pet Clinic in Los Angeles. South Shores Pet Clinic takes pride in our dedication to the highest standards in veterinary medicine! Come see Dr. Weimer and our wonderful staff today!

Purring and grooming go hand in hand for our feline friends! Did you know that cats licking themselves is a natural way for them to stay clean and hygienic?

Their rough tongue acts as a grooming tool, reducing their scent and helping them to avoid predators and hunt more effectively.

Keep an eye on your cat's grooming habits, as a decrease in licking could indicate the onset of an illness.

Other South Shores Pet Clinic videos

Purring and grooming go hand in hand for our feline friends! Did you know that cats licking themselves is a natural way for them to stay clean and hygienic? Their rough tongue acts as a grooming tool, reducing their scent and helping them to avoid predators and hunt more effectively. Keep an eye on your cat's grooming habits, as a decrease in licking could indicate the onset of an illness.

Have you ever wondered why cats always seem to land on their feet? It's all thanks to their amazing aerial righting reflex! This unique combination of vestibular balance, flexibility, and body mechanics allows cats to always land safely, even after a fall. But did you know, this reflex has roots in their wild predator days? With the occasional fall from a tree, cats developed this ability to always land on their paws.

Do you ever wonder why your furry friend seems to have a knack for knocking over objects and scratching up your furniture? From practicing hunting skills to stretching their bodies and marking their territory, it's all in a day's work for these curious creatures. Save your furniture and keep your cat happy by providing them with plenty of toys and a tall scratching post for a full-body stretch.

Have you ever wondered why your feline friend brings you their latest catch? It's actually a sign of affection! Your kitty sees you as a member of their family and is proud to present their prey as a gift. Keep your furry hunter safe by using a bell on their collar to both them and to protect local wildlife. And, as always, don't forget to protect them from parasites both inside and out with regular preventative medication. ❤️🐈

Who says cats and dogs can't be friends? 😸🐶 Share a pic of your furry BFFs and let's celebrate the love! 🐾💕

Wondering how dogs learn? It's all about positive reinforcement! When your dog does something you like, give them a treat and lots of praise. This will encourage them to repeat the behavior. And remember, consistency is key! #dogtraining #positivereinforcement

Do you have a superhero cat or dog at home? 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ Share a pic of your pet in their favorite superhero costume (or any costume!)! 😻🐶

Did you know that dog training can actually be a bonding experience for you and your furry friend? Not only will it strengthen your relationship, but it will also provide mental and physical stimulation for your dog. Time to grab those treats and get training! #dogtraining #bondingtime

In 2010, the Association of Professional Dog Trainers established the first-ever National Train Your Dog Month. The purpose of this month is to bring awareness to the importance of socialization and training and, most of all, to remind the public that training your dog can be easy and fun! If you happened to welcome a new pup to the family this holiday season, check out their website for some amazing resources that will help you and your family learn about everything from teaching your children about dog safety to how to handle your barking dog and everything in between!

Poll! Does your pet like the snow? Answer in the comments with the corresponding emoji! ❄️ = Yes! 🥶 = No! 🧐 = Never seen it!

We all know the adage "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" and we're here to tell you that this is far from true! When you first got your pet, you more than likely spent a lot of time training them and teaching them basic commands. Now that your pet is older, training might be far from the first thing on your mind. Pets, particularly dogs, are happier when they are mentally and physically active! One-on-one training provides exactly that in addition to getting the attention they may be craving. Specifically when using positive reinforcement methods! Positive reinforcement is when rewards come when you do something correctly, even though you may not know what you’re supposed to do. No punishments are ever handed out. There are many benefits of using positive reinforcement training methods for pets, including: ❤️ Reduction in fear and stress of pets 🧡 A strengthened bond between pet and owner 💛 Faster learning of new behaviors 💚 Ability to teach unnatural behaviors 💙 Ability to teach complex behaviors 💜 Children can safely use this method (training involving punishment can be dangerous)

It's #walkyourpetmonth and we want to know---how often do you walk your pet? Once or twice a day? A week? A month! Let us know in the comments down below!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? This year, we want to take more time to "paws", take deep breaths, and appreciate all the little moments in life. What's your resolution this year?

Petting, scratching, and cuddling your pet could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep as mediation! Today is #nationalcuddleupday ! Share your cuddly photos with us! 🥰

Don't be surprised! You may be planning a night out with family and friends which means that your pet might be left home alone with lots of confusing noises coming from outside. Before you head out, double-check the house to make sure all the exits are secure and do what you can to ensure that your pet feels comfortable and safe. Remember to remove any harmful plants, foods, or medications that your pet could get into. 🥳🤩 Happy celebrating and Happy New Year! 🥳🤩

💛 Did you know that owning a pet improves your cardiovascular health? 💛 The CDC and NIH found that pet owners display decreased blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, which can all minimize their risk of a heart attack. 💛 Furthermore, those who have already experienced a heart attack tend to have better recovery rates if they own a dog or a cat!

Gastroenteritis may seem like a simple case of vomiting and diarrhea, but medical treatment is warranted to correct dehydration and electrolyte imbalances and to determine the underlying cause. If your pet is suffering from gastroenteritis, make a veterinary appointment and have the answers to these questions on hand during your appointment: ➡️ Has your pet had any new foods or treats recently? ➡️ When was the last time your pet ate and drank normally? ➡️ What is your pet currently eating, and how much? ➡️ Has your pet been exposed to any new people, pets, animals, or places recently? ➡️ Could your pet have ingested any cleaning products, pesticides, or other chemicals? ➡️ Has your pet had other vomiting and diarrhea episodes? ➡️ What medications or supplements does your pet take?

The thought of holiday food makes our mouths water! Yours too? Guess what? Your pet's mouth is watering, as well! As tempting as it may be to share your amazing spread with your pets--beware of the following foods that are particularly dangerous for your fur-babies! ❗Chocolate ❗Pumpkin Pie ❗Corn Cobs ❗Gravy ❗Turkey Bones

Yes, our precious doggos do get dementia...It's formally referred to as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) which can present itself as involutive depression, dysthymia, hyper-aggression, or confusional syndrome. Here are some signs of doggy dementia. And remember, always speak with a Veterinarian about any concerns you have for your pet! 🐶 Pacing back and forth or in circles (often turning consistently in one direction) 🐶 Getting lost in familiar places 🐶 Staring into space or walls 🐶 Walking into corners or other tight spaces and staying there 🐶 Appearing lost or confused 🐶 Waiting at the “hinge” side of the door to go out 🐶 Failing to get out of the way when someone opens a door 🐶 Failing to remember routines, or starting them and getting only partway through 🐶 Sundowning