BINI Birth, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by BINI Birth in Los Angeles. Bini is a space for support and education for both new families and birth profess

This is the kind of doctor and human Dr. Goldberg was. He will forever be remembered and honored. Thank you @swrightolsen for this memory. ❤️

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This is the kind of doctor and human Dr. Goldberg was. He will forever be remembered and honored. Thank you @swrightolsen for this memory. ❤️

Did you know? Oat baths for your baby can help repair the skin barrier, and has anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities. You can simply add oatmeal or oatmeal powder to lukewarm water until it turns a milky white like so! Sweetest video from @camila_costa

Sweetest video from @iamhaizehawkerosen ❤️ “It’s not everyday or every birth that has an entire family to support at a birth. Usually to have so many eyes watching a labor slows it all the way down but in Vietan’s birth this was not the case. There was so much love in the room. No one “watched” her but everyone flowed in and out so it was never overwhelming. It was all very sweet and beautiful. Vietan loved it. This is what you want a birth, a room full of respect and honor. Brilliant 💜”

“Breast engorgement is especially common if you tend to be a high milk producer or if you’re nursing and have to be away from baby for more than a couple of hours. It can be really uncomfortable (or painful!) and lead to blocked ducts and pain - so knowing how to prevent/handle is important Mama-Wisdom. These tips helped me during the 11+ years I breast-fed and have helped the many mamas I’ve supported over the years: 💧Nurse often - it’s normal for a baby to nurse every couple of hours - up to 8 to 12 times in 24 hours; keeping your milk flowing helps prevent engorgment. 💧Avoid feeding your baby on a schedule; it increases your risk of getting engoged. 💧If you’re producing plenty don’t pump just to make extra milk - the more you pump the more you’ll make. If you make more than baby can use you’ll get engorged. 💧While nursing let the milk run freely from the other breast onto a nursing blanket, or catch it in a bottle. 💧Make sure your nursing bra isn't too tight or compressing your nipples, which can block milk flow. 💧Don’t sleep in your bra and try to sleep on your back rather than on your side, or prop yourself up so that you’re not squishing your breasts while you sleep. If you do get engorged: 💧Of course, nurse your baby - but if engorgement makes it hard for baby to latch on, try heat (see below) while gently hand expressing milk with gentle massage from the chest outward to the nipple to make the nipple easier to latch to. 💧For pain and to relieve fullness, fill a sink with very warm water. Lean your breasts in and let the milk run out. If that doesn’t work for you, try a warm bath or shower and let the milk run out. The heat and relaxation can stimulate letdown. Alternatively, you can apply moist heat to your breasts with a towel for a few minutes to help milk flow. 💧Between feeds apply an ice pack, crushed ice in a baggie, or a bag of frozen peas (wrap in a thin towel to protect your skin) for 10 minutes. R

Repost from @umamother 😍❤️ ・・・ Becoming a Big Sister ⭐️ Noa welcoming her baby sister in the same room I watched her arrive four years ago, her mamas bedroom. Noa made it very clear to us that she wanted to be awake for her sisters arrival no matter what time it was. So around 4am she got up, put on her special dress to welcome her sister and quietly came in to join the birth. She stood by the bedside until baby was in mamas arms and climbed up to join her family. Chelsea and David have told Noa about her birth many times and always included her in the birth prep sessions helping her prepare for what this experience would be like. Their calm clear and honest approach has shaped the way Noa understands and relates to birth and her body. Deeply grateful to have shared both of these beautiful births with this family. I have learned so much about the importance of deepening our intuition and our relationship with our own body when it comes to birth.

Doula Or Don't?

Doula Or Don't?

Naoli Vinaver Rebozo Demonstration