Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles in Los Angeles. Helping donors shape meaningful philanthropic strategies and build charitable legacies since 1954.

In his remarks upon receiving the inaugural Marvin Schotland Leadership Award, Dr. Bruce Powell likened having a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) at The Foundation to a “philanthropic paintbrush,” a tool to bring justice into focus through strategic giving.

The honor comes with $50,000 deposited into Dr. Powell and his wife Debby’s DAF to give away to meaningful causes as they choose. “Suddenly,” Dr. Powell said, “Debby and I were given not only a philanthropic paint brush, but an entire palette of paint as well.”

Explore his unique perspective on giving back and making a difference in his remarks here published in eJewish Philanthropy and the Jewish Journal:

#Philanthropy #GivingBack #Justice

Other Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles videos

In his remarks upon receiving the inaugural Marvin Schotland Leadership Award, Dr. Bruce Powell likened having a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) at The Foundation to a “philanthropic paintbrush,” a tool to bring justice into focus through strategic giving. The honor comes with $50,000 deposited into Dr. Powell and his wife Debby’s DAF to give away to meaningful causes as they choose. “Suddenly,” Dr. Powell said, “Debby and I were given not only a philanthropic paint brush, but an entire palette of paint as well.” Explore his unique perspective on giving back and making a difference in his remarks here published in eJewish Philanthropy and the Jewish Journal: #Philanthropy #GivingBack #Justice

For this #FeatureFriday – we are highlighting The Foundation’s Board of Trustees, who work tirelessly to make our mission a reality and make a positive impact in our Los Angeles Jewish community and beyond. 🌟 Thank you, valued Trustees, for your unwavering commitment and passion! 🙏👏 #CommunityLeaders #Philanthropy

It’s #FeatureFriday! In this video, financial advisor Amir Mossanen discusses collaborating with The Foundation to donate a portion of a business sale – a complex asset – for his clients. Amir, we appreciate you sharing this inspiring story. Whether it's assisting with the sale of a business, donating portions of an LLC, real estate, or privately held stock, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help and offer this service at no additional cost.

“How do we prepare our children for a future that we can't even imagine?" It's a big question, but financial education expert Joline Godfrey believes incorporating financial education early on can prepare younger generations for years to come. Joline gives families advice on how to engage the next generation in their own self development. Hear more of what she has to say about financial fluency in this clip, and find more wisdom on our YouTube channel here:•••#giving #philanthropy #charitablegiving #JewishFoundationLA #TheFoundation #LeaveaLegacy #GiveBack #GivingTogether #donate #CuttingEdge #Grantee #LAJewishCommunity #grantseeker #webinar #MeetTheExperts #FoundationExperts #TheFoundation #LAnonprofit #FinancialExpert #FinancialAdvice #FinanceEducation #community #financialeducation #CharitableGiftGiving #LosAngeles #LA #LAphilanthropy #jewishphilanthropy #nonprofit #LACommunity