CSUN InterVarsity Matador Christian Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by CSUN InterVarsity Matador Christian Fellowship in Los Angeles. We are a community that follows Jesus, loves CSUN and empowers world changers. www.ivmcf.com

Other CSUN InterVarsity Matador Christian Fellowship videos

Reflecting on Catalina memories❤️ - - - If you missed out on fall con, spring con registration is still up! And if you had the opportunity to come to fall con, come to spring con and make more fun memories! For another hour, it’s $199 with code valley199. $350 after tonight. That includes water activities, transportation, housing, food, and amazing memories!! Dates are March 20-25th! Link in bio to register❤️

Spring Con Promo
Come join us at Spring Con 2017! All the information can be found here: http://ivcsunspringcon.weebly.com