Life In Abundance International

We empower local churches in Africa and the Caribbean to serve the poor and vulnerable.


Today, many people are able to read the Bible in their native language thanks to our partnership with Team Cheerful Givers!

This collaboration, part of the Project Africa initiative by Team Cheerful Givers, aims to ensure that the Good News reaches every corner of the continent, delivered in over 18 different languages. Rooted in the belief that we should spread the Gospel wherever God calls us, and do so with joy—this project is a testament to our shared commitment to bringing God’s Word to life.


We invite you to Empower Communities in Uganda!🏌️‍♀️

Don’t miss out! Register by September 1st and make a difference through our LIA- US Golf event. Your participation will:

✨ Empower young mothers (18-28 years) and adolescent girls in Buikwe and Mayuge through our M-PLESI approach:
Meet, Pray, Learn, Exchange, Save, and Invest.
✨ Offer safe spaces for health education, spiritual growth, and financial management.
✨ Enable families to start income-generating projects for sustainable livelihoods.

Event rates:
- 🏌️‍♂️ Team: $600
- 🏌️‍♀️ Individual: $150
- ⛳ Hole Sponsor: $300 (limited slots available—register by September 1st!)

Your support brings hope and a smile to vulnerable communities in need. Thank you for standing with LIA-Uganda.

Sign up here:


Just as a window welcomes the dawn of a new day, the Global Missions Conference invites you to open your heart and mind to the fresh possibilities of God’s work. 🌅

This gathering isn’t just about learning; it’s about experiencing a profound shift in how you see and serve the world. As light transforms a room, the conference equips you to bring wholistic impact—touching every aspect of life, from spiritual renewal to economic empowerment.

You can usher in a new era of hope and healing, where communities are not only uplifted but truly transformed for His glory.

Sign up today! Use the link below. 💥

📆 September 19th-21st, 2024
📍 Nairobi, Kenya


📖 "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." - Hebrews 4:12

In partnership with faithful local pastors, we are witnessing the power of God's Word to transform lives. This pastor, one of our valued partners, stands rooted in the truth of Scripture, knowing that it is more than just words on a page. It is the living, active Word of God, bringing life, healing, and direction to those who hear it. 🙏🏾

We believe in the strength of local leadership. Our work is led by those within the community, grounded in the Word, and dedicated to seeing His Kingdom come.

Join us in this mission. Whether through prayer, support, or sharing this message, you can be part of the work God is doing through local leaders to bring life in abundance to those in need.


The Seeds of Generosity training was launched to encourage generosity, undo dependency, and break the cycle of poverty.

It's inspiring to see how our Ugandan pastors have been transformed through this training. One pastor shared; ⬇️

"The Seeds of Generosity training has opened our eyes to see things we had not seen before. From building a bigger church with small offerings to children becoming missionaries in their own families, this training has sparked a great change. When we come together and share, there’s no limit to the great things we can achieve." 🌱


A quote from the Blessed United Grace Pastors' Fellowship in Kiritiri, Kenya:

"Each pastor has a different grace from one another that the Lord has given them."

Join us in celebrating the unique gifts and callings of our devoted leaders. How can you encourage your pastors and church leadership this week? 🫶🏾


Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? 📖

Click the link below to secure your copy of "Teach a Man to Fish" today!

Coauthored by our Founder, Dr. Florence Muindi, and a longtime friend of LIA, Charlie Vittitow.

Releasing September 3rd. 🎣


Dr. Florence's greetings from her recent trip to Rwanda: 🇷🇼

Festus and I have enjoyed visiting the LIA - Rwanda team, and are deeply moved by the testimonies and transformation unfolding there.

The strides the team has made in their programs and capacity are extraordinary. We are thrilled to share that they have recently purchased a fully paid-for office building from their savings—a testament to their hard work and dedication! This three-bedroom house is not just a new office; it’s a symbol of the remarkable progress and impact they’re achieving in their community.

Will you join us in celebrating their example of faithfulness? 🎊


Are you a golfer?

Come join us for our Golf Scramble for Uganda! 🇺🇬

Samuel Kibi, our Uganda Country Director shares, "We are thrilled to announce our upcoming project in Uganda, which aims to transform communities through a wholistic approach." Stay tuned to learn more!

📍Location: Oldham County Country Club in La Grange, KY USA
🗓 Date: Friday, October 11th, 2024

Together, let's empower vulnerable communities in Uganda!

Register using the link below by September 1st.


Praise the Lord for God's protection during Hurricane Beryl, we see His hand in Jamaica's resilience! 🇯🇲

Join us in praying for those affected by the hurricane, for a fair and just government response, and for the swift restoration of essential services like electricity and internet.

Please also pray for our LIA Jamaica team, including our new Program Manager, as they navigate new structures and reschedule vital training sessions.

May we continue to see God's transformative power at work in Jamaica. ✨


You're invited to the 12th Annual Global Missions Conference in Africa!

No matter your background, GMC-Africa is a place for you to hear from seasoned missional practitioners on topics such as sustainable transformation through the local church.

📆 September 19th-21st, 2024
📍 Nairobi, Kenya

Enjoy early-bird registration until July 31st!

➡️ Join us for this full three-day event to learn, network, and be inspired. Together, we can advance the kingdom of God and pursue wholistic impact for his glory.

Sign up now using the link below.


In Matthew 6:26, Jesus speaks of God's faithful provision for all His creatures: "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" 🕊

Reflect on the Lord's care for your life. How have you seen God's goodness this week?


Join us in prayer for South Sudan's peace and stability: 🙏

-Pray for the peace agreement to be fully implemented and for Godly leaders to be elected in December 2024.
-Ask God to make South Sudan a nation that fears Him, free from corruption and tribalism.
-Pray for the church to be strengthened as they share the gospel and empower communities.

Let's come together in intercession, believing that God will provide abundantly. 🙌


Just as farmers diligently store up hay for the year, preparing for the challenges ahead, we too must store up God's word in our hearts for when times get tough. 🌾

In times of abundance and in times of hardship, His word sustains us and gives us strength. Proverbs 10:14 says: "The wise store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin."

By meditating on Scripture, we equip ourselves to be steadfast and fruitful, ready to face whatever comes our way.


Every leaf tells a story of growth and renewal. Discover how Life In Abundance comes alongside the local church to empower communities toward sustainable development. 🌱

Join us on this journey of transformation. Checkout our website today:


🌟 "The Kingdom of God is what we all hunger for above all other things even when we don’t know its name or realize that it’s what we’re starving to death for." – Frederick Buechner 🌟

At LIA, we understand this deep longing within each of us. Our goal is to come alongside local churches to communicate how God's love, hope, and transformative power can fulfill this hunger.


🌿 John 15:5 says, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." 🌿

At Life In Abundance International, we believe that true transformation and abundant life come from being deeply rooted in Christ. Just as branches cannot thrive without the vine, our lives flourish when we are grounded in Him.

By staying connected to Christ, our source of strength and purpose, we can bear abundant fruit.🌟


From Kenya to Haiti, tea is a part of daily life. ☕

More than just a beverage, it fosters community and celebrates culture. It's a moment to pause, give thanks to God, and connect with those around you.

Today, we encourage you to pour yourself a cup.


Life In Abundance International has grown into an organization that the Lord is using to defeat poverty and restore dignity. But the adventure didn’t start there. At the heart of LIA’s history is a twenty-year-old girl from Kenya committed to pursuing God’s calling and following His purpose for her life.

If you enjoyed reading "The Pursuit of His Calling" by LIA’s beloved Founder, Dr. Florence Muindi, check out her next book co-authored with Charlie Vittiow!

✨ "Teach a Man to Fish" includes basic principles for engaging the local church to create sustainable transformation. ✨

Pre-order your copy today with the link below!


Our founder, Dr. Florence Muindi, emphasizes the vital role of the local church:

“The local church is the hero. They have become the change agents for the work that we do. It’s seeing churches in Africa and the Caribbean mobilized, trained, and engaged in partnerships — partnerships that are so transformative — that helps us realize that God is at work. ✨

It’s only God who could bring these together, and it’s such a joy to see communities transformed by churches that have risen and entered into communities in ways that are so unimaginable.”

In what ways, do you see God working through your local church? ⛪️


Join us in praying for Haiti! 🇭🇹

➡️ Pray that armed groups in Haiti would cease persecuting citizens and that local leaders would make necessary interventions to restore order.

➡️ Praise God that LIA - Haiti could give First Aid training to church leaders and school teachers. We also praise God for the opportunity to continue serving patients at the LIA Clinic with love and care during this difficult time.

➡️ Pray that church leaders and LIA staff will be strengthened as they continue to serve. May God work through them to bring about lasting change and transformation among their communities.

✨ Are you interested in learning how to pray for African and Caribbean countries? ✨

Sign up using the link below to receive a weekly prayer guide. 🙏


In "Teach a Man to Fish," Dr. Florence Muindi and Charlie Vittiow highlight the importance of moving beyond Relief Aid. While essential in emergencies, it's only a temporary fix. True transformation comes from empowering communities to create sustainable solutions through “wholistic transformational development.”

This approach:
✨ Gives dignity to “the least of these”
✨ Addresses the root causes of poverty
✨ Empowers the vulnerable within their communities

Pre-order your copy now! Click the link below. 🎣


🌟 Exciting news! 🌟

Our founder, Dr. Florence Muindi, along with a friend of LIA, Charlie Vittiow, have co-authored "Teach a Man to Fish", a new book on missions work. 📚✨

Discover how “Wholistic Transformational Development” empowers communities to create sustainable, long-term solutions. Filled with real-life stories, this book is a must-read for anyone passionate about creating lasting change.

Available for pre-order now, releasing on September 3rd. Don’t miss out – secure your copy today! 📖

Click the link below.


Life In Abundance has a diverse staff spread across 17 countries. 🌍

Nations, tribes, and ethnicities are blended into a very international team, but we are all bound by Christ and our mission to serve the poor and vulnerable.

How beautiful and life-transforming when we dwell in unity!


In 2023, Life In Abundance mobilized 72 churches in Africa and the Caribbean. ⛪ ️

Now, those churches are equipped to serve their communities and wholistically meet the needs of those in their midst.

Long after we leave a community, these local churches will remain, passing God's peace and spreading the hope of the gospel that the world desperately craves. ✨


Last April, amidst the war in Sudan, four young individuals – Nour, David, Mohammed, and an unnamed friend – made the difficult decision to flee to Egypt. From the loss of funds to the passing of their friend, the boys’ journey was marked by hardship and challenges. 🙏

Their arrival in Cairo brought little relief, with high costs for food and accommodation. Despite their dire circumstances, God made a way. They encountered unexpected kindness and support that restored their hope.

Discover how the Lord led them to a new chapter in Egypt. Check out our most recent blog post. ⬇️


On April 26-27th, LIA Jamaica in collaboration with LIA Global Institute hosted its inaugural Global Missions Conference Caribbean.

50 delegates from the Caribbean, Africa, the US, and the UK, spanning multiple denominations and cultures, gathered together at Jamaican Theological Seminary to "partner together for wholistic impact".

We are thankful for the partners, friends of LIA, and speakers, who gave of their time to make this inaugural GMC Caribbean happen. We are also blessed by the participants from different backgrounds whose presence and participation at the conference made it a resounding success.

📆 We hope to see you next year for GMC Caribbean 2025. Mark the dates: 25-26 April in Kingston, Jamaica!

Photos from Life In Abundance International's post 09/05/2024

We look forward to hosting our 4th annual Golf Scramble! ⛳️

All proceeds go towards our work in Uganda. It will be hosted at Oldham County Country Club in La Grange, KY on Friday, October 11th, 2024.

We would love for you to join us as a sponsor or with a team.
Register using the link below:

Hope to see you there!


For youth in poverty, school fees can seem like a giant hurdle preventing them from attending school. 📚

Life In Abundance sees this need and desires to support students struggling to get an education by planning times for church leaders and/or members of local churches to mentor young people in different savings groups.

This support gives them the resources to assess their savings, take out loans, and start small income-generating activities. Selling livestock, vegetables, and fruit provides a way to purchase school materials and pay the required fees so youth can continue learning and training for their futures.

Videos (show all)

Join us for our Summer Savings Special! 😎 Get 25% off all items in our US store for the entire month! Your purchase help...
Every leaf tells a story of growth and renewal. Discover how Life In Abundance comes alongside the local church to empow...
Over one million people have been affected by the flooding in East Africa. Many have lost their homes, belongings, livel...
Listen to Dr. Hesbone's highlights and hardships of 2023: In both Sudan and Haiti, armed groups have carried out horrifi...
Dr. Tom McKechnie, President of Teach to Transform, was inspired by our Founder, Dr. Florence Muindi. He has walked with...
Jonathan Lamb faithfully served with Life In Abundance as the UK Country Director for five years. 🌿He testifies that he ...
Chad Mosteller, our valued partner since 2007, shares his journey with LIA. Listen to his testimony and what he’s learne...
Our annual US golf scramble is just around the corner!⛳️On October 13th, we are coming together in Louisville, KY for ou...
Samuel Kibi is the LIA country director in Uganda and has been working with us for 5 years. See what he enjoys about wor...
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made. That is why I am happy!" Through LIA's guidance walking alongside the pastor who s...
Be encouraged by Dr. Florence Muindi's Easter message at Saint Peter's Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland.
“Since I’ve been working with Life In Abundance, I have seen God’s hand upon us, because the work is going very well.” -...