Find catholic churches in Manchester, NH. Listings include Diocese of Manchester, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Manchester, New Hampshire, St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Manchester, NH, St. Anthony of Padua, Manchester NH, Blessed Sacrament Parish.
The Official page of the Diocese of Manchester, the Roman Catholic Church in New Hampshire.
Rector and Pastor: Very Reverend Jason Y. Jalbert
A Roman Catholic parish in the Diocese of Manchester, NH.
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4pm Sunday 8am (en francais), 9:30am, 11am Daily Masses: Monday through Thursday, 8am Holy Days: 8am & 6pm Confessions: 2:30pm, Saturdays
Blessed Sacrament Parish is a Roman Catholic Faith Community. We gather in Eucharistic celebration and prayer, living and sharing the Gospel with faith, hope and love. As discipl...