Climb Fitness

Climb Fitness

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Personal Training and Coaching - BE INSPIRED. It's time. It's time to commit and achieve your goals!

Climb Fitness specializes in individualized performance plans and functional training for individuals of all abilities. Whether your goal is to run your first 10k, have a top finish in a marathon, complete a triathlon, or simply "get fit" - Climb Fitness can get you there. Our services include: individualized performance plans for multisport & endurance events including online programs, sport specific training, race planning, strength training, and nutritional advice.

Feel LIGHTER, LEANER and MORE CONFIDENT about your body 01/03/2024

Psyched to launch our Signature group nutrition program January 15th!!
10 solid weeks broken down into a framework that has been tried and tested and WORKS. After completing the program, you will have a fresh perspective that will relight the fire towards eating better!

This program is a launching pad for the rest of your life. You will:
➡️ Create awareness
➡️ Create habits
➡️ Gain knowledge
➡️ Plan and prep like a pro

Around all things nutrition.

And if weight loss is a goal of yours, we have witnessed people “fitting in clothes better” after just a few weeks!

Join our wait list in the next 48 hours and jump on discounts and extra bonuses! Any questions or want to know if this is for you? Shoot me a DM! 👊🏻
FLY Health + Wellness

Feel LIGHTER, LEANER and MORE CONFIDENT about your body Remodel HOW you meal plan, how you cook, and how you eat


Are you stuck in a breakfast rut? 🤷‍♀️

I challenge you to have something different everyday this week for breakfast. 👊🏻 7 days - 7 breakfasts!

Ways to "up" your breakfast choices:

➡️ Leftovers. Salads. Add an egg or avocado to mix it up
➡️ Oatmeal w/ different toppings, mixings, etc (one day fresh fruit, another day chia, nuts and almond butter, another day coconut and turmeric)
➡️ Different ways to have avocado toast - smashed chickpeas, micro greens, radishes, pickled veggies, cucumbers, hard boiled egg, etc)
➡️ Frittata in muffin pan - throw ur favorite veggies & eggs mixed up into a muffin pan and bake
➡️ Burrito - who doesn’t like a burrito? Add loads of veggies!

More ideas to share? Post in comments 👇🏻


Throwback! This photo was taken days after the World Championships in Mooloolaba, Australia. An AMAZING trip w/ the great .lyon, despite a discouraging race result. I have written about it numerous times in blogs (please dm me if you ever want more insight) but this race symbolizes — 6 years ago — a struggle with chronic fatigue, abnormal adrenals, anemia, and pounding migraines.

Months even before the race, I just couldn’t figure it out, why I couldn’t “nail the splits” that I had once before. Why I could barely get out of bed. Why my head felt like it was banging against a wall nonstop. My body was starting to “crumble” and I had no idea what was happening.

After going through some not-so-good medical advice including HRT, prescriptions and various prescribed creams, I FINALLY found someone to help me (those prescriptions were NOT the answer).

I now know my body better than ever. I know when to push, and when to hold back. I know when I need more sleep, and when I need more zen moments. I know the result of not listening and I don’t ever want to go back to that dark place.

My goal is for you to learn the same. LISTEN to what your body is telling you. Are you TIRED ALL THE TIME? Are you gaining weight despite eating a healthy diet?

A great way to stay on top of it is thorough bloodwork. I am partnering with Inside Tracker because I believe that it is a necessity to maintain optimal health (and performance). If you don’t have someone you trust and can get you a full blood panel, this is a great opportunity I can’t recommend enough!

As my friend 🥰 You can get 25% off of all their services. Link is in bio and if you sign up before October 31st you will get a free Inner Age report (brag to all your friends) and mobile draw - over $150 value. Enter code. JENINNERAGEMBD after choosing your product (I recommend essentials or ultimate) and add Inner Age and Mobile Blood Draw to cart as well (why not? It’s free!). They will analyze your blood markers and send you a very detailed report on where to go from there. DM me with any questions!!!


Yah for after-school smoothies made by your teen 🙌🏻

⭐️ When they learn that food = fuel
⭐️ When they learn that there are plenty of ways to get in good nutrients
⭐️ When they learn they can make it themselves


Homemade granola 😋 Sometimes (if not always) it’s just easier to make a giant batch so you can enjoy for days! Not to mention you can control what goes into it

As most of you know, I’m a wing it kind of baker, but here is a snapshot of what was thrown into it! Feel free to add extra nuts or seeds or dried fruit, just make sure the oats are all coated before u throw in the oven!

➡️ 4.5 cups oats
➡️ 1 cup h**p seeds
➡️ 1 cup pumpkin seeds
➡️ 3/4 cup sunflower seeds
➡️ 3/4 cup chia seeds
➡️ 1/2 cup slivered almonds

Mix the dry all together then toss w/ a combo of: 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/3 cup honey, 1/3 cup pure maple syrup (feel free to use all syrup if vegan), 1 T vanilla, 1/3 cup almond butter.

Bake at 325 for 20 minutes / but mix half way thru and check constantly to make sure it’s not burning 😉 it won’t come out crispy at the beginning so don’t be sad! It’ll crisp up once it cools off.

It’s easy to get intimidated but don’t! What’s the worse that can happen 🤷‍♀️


Remember when Kale wasn’t near as cool as it is now 😎

Kale is full of goodness - especially for women - hormonal health ✔️ and bone health ✔️

🥬 High in Iron
🥬 High in Vitamin K
🥬 Anti-inflammatory
🥬 High in Vitamin A
🥬 High in Vitamin C
🥬 High in Calcium

You can meal prep with a massive kale salad as it lasts a few days in the fridge (unlike other salads that have the soggy factor).

➡️ Massage with a dressing of: lemon juice (1/4 cup), mustard (2 tsp), and cashew cream (blended 2/3 cup cashews and 3/4 water). Chop w/ your favorite mixins’ 😋


⭐️ Fuel for your workouts ⭐️

What you eat before, during and after workouts MATTERS.

👉🏻 Cutting food to go into a calorie deficit around workouts is not the way to lose weight

👉🏻 Your body needs protein & carbs - within 30 minutes of completing a workout - so it can immediately start repairing (men can wait a bit longer but for women it’s imperative!)

👉🏻 Aim for whole foods when possible, but in a pinch a protein shake will suffice!

This was breakfast post 🚲 ride today: 2 eggs, handful of kale, 2 pieces of GF bread w/ half avocado mash. Topped with h**p hearts & sunflower seeds for added protein 😋

Learn more by shooting me a DM or ask questions below! Stay tuned for nutrition programming through our new biz 🥬 .lyon


Those words!!! 💀🦋 Every year since 2013 and every year I gleam with excitement feeling grateful beyond words!! That feel-good-happy-kinda dance!! This squad has been the ultimate game changer. Proof that surrounding yourself with badass women makes all aspects of life better. 💃🏼 Thank you for bringing me along the journey of a lifetime! Can’t wait to meet more and play, race, train, laugh, cry, dance, share - together ❤️


Patience ➡️ Do you have the patience to listen to your body and take the small steps needed to create a lifetime of healthy habits?

Consistency ➡️ Are you prepared to show up and put in the work on a daily basis?

Desire ➡️ Can you visualize what success looks like and motivate yourself to get there?

The most successful clients are those who are ready, willing & able.

Which one is the most difficult for you?


Our website is live 🙌🏻!!

It’s all coming to fruition! .lyon and I are joining forces to share our passion for health and wellness. We’ve been collaborating about this for quite some time and since my words of 2021 are “Make it Happen” that’s what we are doing!

Yes, it’s scary.
Yes, it’s a business learning curve.

But if we didn’t take this leap we would never fly!! (Pun intended! 😉) We have the education and the experience to empower people to reach their optimal health + wellness.

We are committed and excited! If you see me asking questions on stories or posts - I’d love your honesty and feedback. We are here because of YOU ❤️ and want to provide you 🙌🏻 so you can - simply put - live better.

Please follow us 🎉 on Facebook & Instagram


It’s not everyday you can get this view but it can be everyday that you can get outside and take a walk in nature 🙌🏻

A daily ritual of movement and mindfulness can do wonders to ur mental health!

Providing you ways to maintain sanity (and stability) through life’s ups and downs is a big part of our framework at Jen + Robin]

Programs coming soon!! DM me or follow Jen + Robin] to get the latest news!


You can be a badass and be beautiful!!
You can achieve that goal!!
You can do big things!!

But you need to believe! My swim coach growing up used to say “Can’t can’t do anything”. It stuck.

I hear it from clients all. the. time.

Listen to your rhetoric — Is it - “I can’t lift that. I don’t think I’m a good cook. I don’t look good. My eating is horrible”

Why are we so hard on ourselves?!!

It’s time to rethink our words!! Start your day with a compliment (and hey, doesn’t hurt to give a few either!).

Be kind to yourself 🥰 You deserve a 🙌🏻

📸 by the great
Tank by the great 💀 🦋


Ahhh Grand Canyon 😍 I’m still trying to decide which part was my favorite - the actual hiking or the celebration at the north rim after 🎉

I believe the best weekends are those filled with physical challenges and epic celebrations. Success!! This trip checks so many boxes 😊 I feel so incredible grateful!

I’ve received a lot of messages from others who want to do or think I’m “lucky” with all my adventures. Yes - I am! But YOU can too! What’s holding you back?

What’s on your life list?!! Comment below!

Photos from Climb Fitness's post 10/04/2021

Another indescribable day in the Grand Canyon!! Beautiful weather, amazing group of people, and views for days!!!

Thanks to .lyon who gave me an earbud those last few miles of up 🏔 if I got “out of range” I knew I needed to speed up so I could listen 🎵

I fought hard the last few miles. I was racing mules 🐎 and the ⏱ and 🤯. But mostly just digging deep, keeping a smile and being incredibly grateful 😊

Grand Canyon. I’ll be back ❤️❤️

26 miles (ish) + 9k (ish) elevation


On my way back to the Grand Canyon to soak in the beauty of this magical park. Dad always said “it’s a big world out there”. While maybe not so profound when you first hear it, it reminds me of the true gift nature provides us. ☀️

Yes dad, it is.

Time to relish a bit of quiet with some amazing people in an amazing playground 🏔


Once you hit 30, you lose 3-7% of your muscle mass every decade. These are primarily type 2 muscle fibers - the large ones that provide greater and quicker force. Don’t despair!! There are multiple ways to work WITH your body as it ages. And that’s just another reason to get ahead of your fitness and strength goals now (you 20 and 30 somethings who think this won’t effect you🤣)!!

💪🏻 Lift weights, the heavy ones, but be sure to build yourself up with proper form and a smart progression. Lifting heavy is relative to YOU.
💪🏻 0-6 reps (to exhaustion) is the ultimate goal
💪🏻 Make activity a part of your daily habits. Move often. Make it a lifestyle.
💪🏻 Get adequate protein in your daily diet

Keep moving, and keep mixing it up. Let your body know that you are working WITH all these changes, not against them 🙌🏻

💃🏼 Working on a strength / mobility plan tailored to the needs of a 40+ female 💃🏼 Follow me on for health tips and nutrition programs coming soon!!

Let’s gooooooo!!!!!!



…. It’s nice to know you always have shelter from the storm …..


Photos from Climb Fitness's post 09/19/2021

“Be brave enough to travel the unknown path, and learn what you are capable of.”

And that we did. Still grateful to have made it down those hills in one piece 🙏

Photo & video 📸


Today was insanity. Hail. Wind. Lightening. Rain. Then heat 🔥

Going in the last wave proved to be more of a challenge than the original challenge we thought! All was going well 🏊🏻‍♀️ until about 400 yards left. Torrential downpour, lightening, hail, kayaks capsized. S**t was flying all over the place in transition 🤯

Anyhooooo. It was all about safety on the bike. White knuckling most of the way, making sure to take caution with downhills and turns. And they say it never rains in St George 🤦🏼‍♀️

The run, well, was the run. 🏔

Waiting for Ironman to let everyone else see the true grit that was displayed out there by the females today. There must be footage somewhere! At times it felt like we were alone. But we came together and persevered.

So proud of our and everyone out there today. Thanks to the women on the course who kept me in the game. 22nd age group out of 175, I’ll take it. 🍻


Photos from Climb Fitness's post 09/18/2021

Let’s Goooooo!!!!

Been an incredible lead-up w/ this squad!! Great to have my friend here taking cool shots 📷 and just being a part of our chaos ❤️

We call ourselves the and it just makes the entire journey more epic!! We can do hard things!! 👏🏻

See ya for happy hour 🍻

🏊🏻‍♀️ 🚴 🏃🏼‍♀️



Track us on the Ironman App or this Saturday 9/18 — good news is you don’t even have to wake up early 🤣

Gooooo Bettys!!!! 🏊🏻‍♀️ 🚴 🏃🏼‍♀️ Muuuuyaaaa!!

Kelly Mulvany] Kelly Mulvany]


BETTY DESIGNS] squad arriving into to *t 🦋 💀

Women are chasing the men this time at the World Champs 🏃🏼‍♀️ (🤪) Bring on the vitamin D! 🌞

All I know is with 20 BETTYS competing we will all be surrounded by support, love, high fives, and smiles. Hang tough, stay hydrated, and remember we are



Back to St. George to embark on another hot, hilly challenging 70.3
🏊🏻‍♀️ 🚴 🏃🏼‍♀️ We did it once, we can most certainly do it again 🤗

There has been adversity all around me - but I’m determined to stay the course and remember my “why”. This is just another day to push myself, support others & add to life’s adventures. After all —
“Adversity is preparation for greatness”

Can’t wait to see my teammates again & suffer, err I mean race together 👏🏻

T minus four days!


Helmet takeover 👏🏻
Helmets save lives.

Please don’t forget to remind your kids, your friends and your friends’ friends - buckle that helmet 😊 It looks cute and all on the handlebars but….. who wants to save their handlebars?


Take advantage of huge savings when you get your hands on one of these great little blenders!! for the holiday win!

It’s such an easy way to get in nutrients when you are on the go and “don’t have time”! They have a zillion flavors, from clean greens to strawberry banana to pina colada to matcha green tea to protein to coffee & so much more!!

DM me with any questions or ask below! 👇🏻

👏🏻 If you don’t have a blender, use my link in profile and enter code TAKE90 at checkout for your first month blends free ($90 off!)
👏🏻 If you already have a blender, use code TAKE30 for 30% off all blends (min purchase $75)

Happy blending!!

Photos from Climb Fitness's post 09/05/2021


Goal was 4,000 elevation on 🚴, we ended with 5,500 👊🏻That’s what happens when u free yourself of expectations and explore for the sake of having a great time!

Two weeks till 70.3 Worlds
🏊🏻‍♀️ 🚴 🏃🏼‍♀️


“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy” - Dale Carnegie

Don’t wait to make it happen.
🏃🏼‍♀️ 🏔


“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily”. - Zig Ziglar

I joined the crew at this morning to get a little dose of 👊🏻

A few friends have committed to “the plank” after every workout for months now. New people join, some run away, but day after day they are always there, motivating each other to do a little bit more then the day before. Never any judgement, only motivation and encouragement.

It’s inspiring to watch and I’m so happy to be a part of this team!! Great job my friends. Keep on lighting up the room!


Made this smoothie bowl for my son this morning and got a 👍🏻 (he generally makes his breakfast so I’m trying to win him over again 😉)

People all the time say they don’t have time for breakfast. This took no longer than five minutes to blend up & the toppings were all easily accessible Leftovers can be made into a smoothie for later in the day

I don’t really measure but here is what’s in this bowl of goodness 🙌🏻

➡️ Frozen açaí
➡️ Frozen cherries & berries
➡️ Banana
➡️ Handful of spinach (🤫)
➡️ Chia & Flax seeds
➡️ Coconut shreds
➡️ Plain Greek yogurt
➡️ Pumpkin seeds

Topped with granola, fresh fruit, h**p hearts & goji berries 😋


Let’s talk recovery!!💆‍♀️ No more trying to hammer when the body says no! Instead, listen and respect your body. It’s all U got 🥰

Some examples of what brought me back quickly after my race last weekend.

➡️ EAT!!! Immediately following the race I ate. I know most people can’t stomach the idea of putting food in them that quickly - but it’s soooo important for recovery. Sometimes you just have to force it (I would not normally say that!) Aim for 25-35 grams of protein (more or less depending on your age, s*x, etc) within thirty minutes of any big event or game or workout.
➡️ ICE!!! If you have access to a cold ocean or lake / jump in! It’s quite refreshing & will feel amazing.
➡️ MOVE!!! I had a three hour drive ahead of me so I knew I needed to move & stretch a bit before I jumped in the car. Fortunately, stretch lab was a mile up the street offering free services ✅ and ✅!
➡️ KEEP MOVING!! The day after I opted to do a social ocean swim 🐬 and easy spin-out 🚴 . Super chill. Monday I continued with some mobility work, an easy swim, and some boots! Thank you 🙏😃

Today I feel like a rockstar!!! 💃🏼

When we ignore our need for rest and recovery, we run the risk of overtraining. Remember - it’s only when we REST that our body adapts to the stressors we have put on it.

Simply put - recovery enables fitness.

DM if you need a recovery routine. I am becoming quite good at it lately 😉 😴

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Videos (show all)

Our website is live 🙌🏻!! It’s all coming to fruition!  @mama.lyon and I are joining forces to share our passion for heal...
Off the grid #2.Got a little trail run in. 200 yards 😉#everyoneneedsabreak #soakingitallin #trailrun #hike #hikeoftheday...



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