Quanah Parker Chapter, NSDAR, of Mansfield, TX

Daughters honor their American Revolution patriots and serve their community. Quanah Parker Chapter organized on October 5, 2016, in Mansfield.

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sides are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organization, or individual DAR chapters. The focus is to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism through community service. Members are women a lot like you, who come from diverse backgrounds and have a variety of inter

Signing of the Constitution by Louis S. Glanzman - The American Founding 09/23/2023

Interpretations of the Signing of the U.S. Constitution:

Signing of the Constitution by Louis S. Glanzman - The American Founding Louis S. Glanzman was born in 1922 in rural Virginia. Glanzman is best known for his portraits, including entries in U.S. Air Force magazines, Readers Digest, The New Yorker, Saturday Evening Post, and Life Magazine. He created the image “Signing of the Constitution” as part of a series of histo...


National Archives Museum: The Rotunda of the Charters of Freedom

Early America | American Philosophical Society 09/21/2023

American Philosophical Society: Early America

Early America | American Philosophical Society At President Thomas Jefferson’s request, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark kept detailed journals during their 1804-1805 expedition from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson sent the journals to the APS for safe keeping, where they remain today.

Signers of the U.S. Constitution 09/20/2023

DAR Americana Collection

Signers of the U.S. Constitution Signers of the U.S. Constitution Introduction “In Order to Form a More Perfect Union:” The Signers of the U.S. Constitution in the Americana Collection From 1781 to 1789 the United States was governed under the Articles of Confederation. Many believed the Articles inadequate as they left the fed...

The National Constitution Center 09/19/2023

The Constitution Center

The National Constitution Center The National Constitution Center serves as America's leading platform for constitutional education and debate.

Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress 09/18/2023

Library of Congress: Constitution Annotated

Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress The Constitution Annotated provides a legal analysis and interpretation of the United States Constitution based on a comprehensive review of Supreme Court case law.


Text of the U.S. Constitution

Signing of the Constitution | Architect of the Capitol 08/31/2023

Interpretations of the Signing of U.S. Constitution:

Signing of the Constitution | Architect of the Capitol The painting Signing of the Constitution by Howard Chandler Chirsty is on display in the east grand stairway of the House wing in the U.S. Capitol

The Constitution of the United States 08/29/2023

Constitution Week is September 17 - 23
National Archives has events planned:

The Constitution of the United States Español We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constituti...

Photos from Quanah Parker Chapter, NSDAR, of Mansfield, TX's post 08/18/2023

Chapter members Laura Perese, Judy Noble & Jane Cull visited the Fort Sill Army base military cemetary in Oklahoma to see Quanah Parker's grave and monument.

Photos from Texas Society Children of the American Revolution's post 05/09/2023

First Place in National DAR American Heritage - Multi-Media Category was awarded to Quanah Parker Chapter of Mansfield's group entry:
Postcards from El Camino Real de los Tejas: Not Your Typical, Expandable, Inspirational, Historical, Educational “Road Show”
Created by a group of 12 members of the Quanah Parker Chapter, their 2022-2023 American Heritage entry reflects the theme of “Educating the Next Generation on Our Historic American Trails” by featuring 108 collaged postcards with images of the historic highway El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail.
The purpose of the postcards is for use in all levels of public school and home school classrooms as a visual display or as “manipulatives” to spark student interest in the history of Texas during its status as a French colony, a Spanish colony, a Mexican state, as the Republic of Texas, and as the 28th state of the United States of America.
The postcards were made with a variety of materials such as fabric scraps, markers, colored pencils, ink-jet printer images, and glue.
Lyn Ramirez, Doris Boerio, Debbie Panton, Lorna Rankin, Theresa Taylor,
Kimberly Roe Yuhasz, Nancy Edwards Greene, Rebecca Boerio, Candice Davis, Martha Smith, Marilyn Gerloff, Kay Harmon

Photos from Quanah Parker Chapter, NSDAR, of Mansfield, TX's post 12/17/2022

Quanah Parker Chapter was happy to take part in the 1st annual Wreaths Across America event at Mansfield City Cemetery.


These ladies were incredible!

On this day in 1942, after a day of training, the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) flew their very first ferrying mission. 🙌


Daughters of the American Revolution National Headquarters

4h ·
On this day in 1783, the Revolutionary War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. The U.S. sent representatives to Paris, France to negotiate the treaty including Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. This fascinating incomplete painting by Benjamin West from 1783 features the members of the American delegation. The other side was intended to depict the British delegation, but its representatives refused to pose, having no desire to commemorate their defeat. It is now in the collection of the Winterthur Museum in Delaware.


Today we are traveling all the way to the Comal-Bexar county line near Bracken and Selma to explore a ford of Cibolo Creek known as Davenport Crossing!

Off of modern-day Nacogdoches Road, Davenport Crossing is the location where Spanish Governor Martín de Alarcón crossed the Arroyo Cíbolo in May of 1718. Governor Alarcón is perhaps most famous for founding the presidio of San Antonio de Béxar, now the site of the second-most populous city in the state.

Cibolo creek was crossed shortly after the Presidio de Béxar’s founding, as Alarcón and his party searched for Espiritu Santo Bay—a stop on the way to their eventual destination—the missions of east Texas.

According to the diary of Fray Pedro Pérez de Mezquía, a member of Alarcón’s 1718 expedition, “On May 6 the governor left with twenty-five men and the father chaplain in search of the Bay of Espíritu Santo, and we arrived at the creek which they call Los Zíbolos [Cibolo Creek]. The road is level and at the exit of the river there is a wooded hill, covered in places by mesquites.” Mezquía goes on to discuss the flora, where he pays particular attention to the beautiful live oaks and enticing blackberries.

Today, swales can be seen nearby as well as historic wheel ruts pressed into creek stones from the heavy traffic by Spanish carreteras (ox-drawn, wooden freight wagons with large wheels that could be up to seven feet in diameter.)


Today’s site is Comal Springs!

Much like San Marcos Springs, the Comal Springs were an important rest stop and waypoint on the Camino Real de los Tejas. These points of interest were called parajes by the Spanish, and they served to help expeditions navigate the trail as well as offered known places for encampment.

The area now known as Comal Springs was first traversed by the Spanish in 1691, but the springs are not described in detail until José Domingo Ramón’s 1716 expedition. A missionary by the name of Father Isidro Félix Espinosa who accompanied Ramón on the 1716 entrada describes the springs in his diary saying, “Groves of inexpressible beauty are found in this vicinity. The waters of the Guadalupe are clear, crystal and so abundant that it seemed almost incredible to us that its source arose so near. It makes a delightful grove for recreation.”

From 1756 to 1758, the springs were the site of the short lived Spanish mission Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. According to archaeologists at the National Parks Service, it is also believed that another notable eighteenth century traveler, French explorer Louis Juchereau de St. Denis, visited Comal Springs in 1764.



Before talking about this week’s county, I want to thank y’all for the tremendous amount of engagement we had last week during our exploration of Hays County. I enjoyed hearing from all of you and tried my best to respond to your excellent questions when I had time. There were, of course, some historical sites related to the Camino Real that I didn’t get to, but you can use the interactive map on our website to explore the trail yourself.

This week we will be looking at Comal County. The map I created for this county is posted above. If you have any questions about this map, or the things we post in the coming week, please feel free to leave a comment and we will try and get back to you.

Photos from El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association's post 08/14/2022

NSDAR American History Contest Theme is National Historic Trails. We are looking forward to learning about this trail in Texas.

Hi everyone! I’m John Erard and I am a GIS intern working at the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association office in Austin. I will be taking over the Instagram and Facebook for the next few weeks to show you some of the work I’ve been doing during my time with the trail.

This summer, everyone in the office has been working to produce reports that will inform our membership of the trail resources all around them and inspire them to get involved in their own communities by protecting the Camino Real.

At the beginning of each week, I will share a map I made that displays the locations of Camino Real trail sites in different Texas counties. During the week I will post more detailed maps and images of major trail sites within that county.

I hope many of you will be inspired to get out and explore the El Camino Real de los Tejas. It might be closer than you think!

Photos from Quanah Parker Chapter, NSDAR, of Mansfield, TX's post 07/17/2022

BINGO AND BANANA SPLITS! Enjoyed a night of fun, laughter, lots of ice cream and a little bit of DAR talk.

Photos from Quanah Parker Chapter, NSDAR, of Mansfield, TX's post 06/29/2022

Here is organizing chapter regent, Lorna Rankin, who serves as president of the National Vice Chairmen's Association, NSDAR, and is with Denise Doring VanBuren, President General, at the meeting. A close up of her official portrait is on the podium. Mrs. VanBuren was surprised to see it there just hours after its unveiling.

Photos from Quanah Parker Chapter, NSDAR, of Mansfield, TX's post 06/14/2022

Quanah Parker Chapter members celebrate Flag Day 2022


Today we honor the Stars and Stripes. Happy Flag Day!

QP Chapter News: June 2022 06/07/2022

Our June Newsletter is out! Click below to see what we're up to!


QP Chapter News: June 2022 June 24 - Serve our veterans with Kay Harmon at Roll Call (RSVP to Kay by June 14) 25 - Book Club 29-July 3  - 131st Continental Congress July 23 - District II Officer Training Workshop (Virtual) NEW LINKS 23 - Book Club August 27 - Book Club 20 - QP Chapter Meeting September 9-10 - TXDAR Fall Fo...


In the pre-dawn darkness of Thursday, May 26, uniformed members of the military spread out among the headstones of Arlington National Cemetery, their rucksacks filled with American flags. Quietly, they placed a boot against a headstone and pushed a flag into the ground at their heel. Then they moved onto the next headstone and repeated the process until a flag stood at the base of every headstone. The event, known as Flags-In had been a Memorial Day tradition since 1948.

While all the branches of the military provide servicemembers to place flags, the soldiers of the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment, The Old Guard, which conducts memorial affairs for fallen comrades, consider Flags-In a particular honor and a chance to reflect on those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Despite the early hour, the Old Guard soldiers enjoyed their task. “It feels great,” said Spc. Jahmeo Edwards. “It’s always an honor to come out here and put these flags in.” Spc. Justin Peterson agreed. “It feels good to just roam about the cemetery rather just see it from the roads, or from the major sites such as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier or the other sites throughout the cemetery.”

The task energized Spc. Austin Davidson, “Most of my company has been pretty excited to be here,” he explained. Spc. Chase Kerr felt the same. “It’s great to give back to all the veterans who gave a lot more than I did, before my time.” To PFC Nash Rhoderick, the task means more to those who wear the uniform. “People we work with know people who have fallen and that shines a light on what we do.”

SFC Charles McDevit, who has planted flags for four years in a row, understands the importance of Flags In. “For the Honor Guard to do it, and be part of it, and be a part of this unit, and do it each year that we’re stationed here is a great honor.” 1st Sgt. Antonio Crawley came to the Old Guard to honor all the fallen and their families. “Family members can’t come here to actually place a flag so I’m giving the honors and respect for those family members.”

Despite the darkness and quickness of their work, the soldiers took time to read the headstones as they placed their flags. “Just being able to lay eyes on the name and the years and the history of this place is incredible,” said Spc. Justin Peterson. As Sgt. Trevor Kulenich placed a flag, he looked down at the headstone and read part of it aloud. “Mr. Bennington Jr. here, he was a master sergeant, Air Force, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.” The he reflected, “That’s three wars.”

Some of the soldiers took a holistic view to their task. “It definitely makes me really proud to be an American citizen,” said Lt. Grant Wilson, “and a United States soldier.” Spc. Andre Vann may have summed up Memorial Day best when he looked over the fields of the fallen, some still needing flags, and marveled, “That’s a lot of headstones.”

To the combat veterans, there’s a special bond in placing flags. For 1st Sgt. Crawley, who served in Afghanistan with the 25th Infantry Division, there is a world of difference from his days as a civilian. “Being a combat vet myself, I have an understanding about ANC that means a lot more to me now than when I was in high school.”

Staff Sergeant Brian Vaughn, who saw combat in Afghanistan with the 3rd Infantry Division, felt the bond. “To see, first-hand, someone lose their life and then to be able to come out here and be a part of something more, be able to give back to them, since they’ve given us everything they had,” he explained, “I feel if I had never been in a combat zone, had never been deployed to a forward area, never seen people lose their lives, I don’t know if I would truly appreciate it as much as I do.”

By 10 a.m. the Old Guard soldiers finished their work and returned to their usual duties, having decorated every headstone in Arlington National Cemetery with an American flag, and just in time for Memorial Day.

📝Article by Kevin Hymel / Arlington National Cemetery
📷 U.S. Army photo by Elizabeth Fraser / Arlington National Cemetery


May is Military Appreciation Month. Join me to salute their service! (PS: wear your RED today to Remember Everyone Deployed.)

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