Pet Dermatology Clinic, Maple Grove, MN Videos

Videos by Pet Dermatology Clinic in Maple Grove. Veterinary dermatology specialty clinic that provides expert skin, ear, and allergy care for animal

We heard Juniper (staffer Blair's Hedgie) say that, "Punxsutawney Phil, the Groundhog, can buzz off! It's National Hedgehog Day!!" Seems like Hedgies would predict/demand that Spring be right around the corner. #Nationalhedgehogday #hedgehog #hedgies #juniper #groundhogsday2023 #groundhogday

Other Pet Dermatology Clinic videos

We heard Juniper (staffer Blair's Hedgie) say that, "Punxsutawney Phil, the Groundhog, can buzz off! It's National Hedgehog Day!!" Seems like Hedgies would predict/demand that Spring be right around the corner. #Nationalhedgehogday #hedgehog #hedgies #juniper #groundhogsday2023 #groundhogday

Did we just become best friends?! Yup! Happy National Best Friends Day!!! Share some pics with us of your furbaby besties. #nationalbestfriendday #dogsofinstagram #chihuahua #bff

Santa & Rudolph- Gigi & Ben

Rudolph saves the day- Gigi & Ben

Tis the season... for cuteness

Happy Holidays from the Pet Dermatology Clinic Staff & Pets