Georgians for School Choice: Cobb County, Marietta, GA Videos

Videos by Georgians for School Choice: Cobb County in Marietta. Georgians for School Choice: Cobb County #GeorgiansForSchoolChoice

Funds Students, Not Unions!

American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten appeared during a virtual educators event where she stated Biden had done more than FDR for schools.

***Weingarten was re-elected president of the country's second largest teacher's union, AFT, earlier in 2022. AFT has donated $18million towards Democratic campaigns in 2022 alone.

***During Weingarten's watch the AFT had pushed back against schools re-opening post Covid-19, pushed mask mandates onto school districts and promoted a progressive agenda including CRT.


***Read more:

Other Georgians for School Choice: Cobb County videos

Funds Students, Not Unions!
American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten appeared during a virtual educators event where she stated Biden had done more than FDR for schools. ***Weingarten was re-elected president of the country's second largest teacher's union, AFT, earlier in 2022. AFT has donated $18million towards Democratic campaigns in 2022 alone. ***During Weingarten's watch the AFT had pushed back against schools re-opening post Covid-19, pushed mask mandates onto school districts and promoted a progressive agenda including CRT. FUND STUDENTS NOT TEACHERS UNIONS! #GeorgiansforSchoolChoice ***Read more: