The Warrior of Love

I help healers, coaches and energy workers to connect to a higher consciousness.


🌟 Why Are There So Many Ways to Channel? Let’s Explore Together! 🌟

Have you ever felt the pull to connect with something beyond yourself but didn’t know where to start? 🌌 I’ve been there too, wondering why channeling shows up in so many different forms. Each one offers a unique way to connect, heal, and transform—just like finding the right key for a specific door.

Here’s a glimpse into the world of channeling:

Mental/Intuitive Channeling:
Ever had a thought or feeling that just seemed to click? 🧠✨ This type of channeling is all about receiving guidance through your thoughts and intuition. It’s perfect for making those tough decisions with a little help from your higher self.

Trance Channeling:
Imagine going so deep into a meditative state that a higher being can speak or act through you. 🔮 It’s a powerful way to deliver messages or perform spiritual activations that can leave a lasting impact.

Transpersonal/Embodied Channeling:
What if you could allow a higher being to work through your body for healing? 👐✨ This form of channeling brings deep transformation and energetic shifts, leaving you feeling completely renewed.

Light Language Channeling:
Have you ever found yourself speaking or writing in a language that your soul just knows? 🗣️✨ Light Language is all about tapping into ancient wisdom for healing and spiritual awakening. It’s like unlocking a part of yourself that’s been waiting to be discovered.

Automatic Writing:
When you let your pen flow without thinking, what messages might come through? ✍️✨ Automatic Writing is perfect for receiving spiritual insights that can guide you on your path.

Creative/Artistic Channeling:
🎨🎶 Through this type of channeling, you can create art, music, or poetry that’s infused with divine energy. It’s about letting your creativity flow from a place that’s deeply connected to the spiritual realm.

Physical Mediumship:
This one’s a bit more intense—allowing spirits to manifest through your body to create physical phenomena. 👻✨ It’s a powerful demonstration of the presence of spiritual beings, showing that there’s more to this world than meets the eye.

Each form of channeling resonates differently with everyone, and that’s the beauty of it! 🌈 You don’t have to stick to just one. In fact, exploring these different paths can open up new ways of connecting with the divine.

Curious to dive in? I’d love to guide you on this journey. Join me in the Mastering Channeling program starting on September 5th, where we’ll explore these different types of channeling together. 🚀

✨ Uncover the channeling method that speaks to your soul and unleash your spiritual potential. ✨

Send me a message if you’re ready to chat, and let’s explore this amazing journey together!

Mastering Channeling Workshop 08/31/2024

🔮 Unlock Your Spiritual Potential: Connect to Multidimensional Beings 🔮

Are you ready to deepen your spiritual connection and channel beings from higher dimensions? Our exclusive Mastering Channeling program, available only twice a year, Spring and Ottom, offers a transformative journey into channeling! 🌟

✨ What You’ll Experience:

Twelve weekly group coaching sessions with me on Zoom.
A comprehensive course manual packed with exercises and practices.
Access to a private Facebook community for support and connection.
I provide individual guidance and support every week.
Whether you're new to channeling or looking to elevate your abilities, this program is designed to help you raise your vibration, connect with higher realms, and live your boldest, most beautiful life. 🌠

What You’ll Learn:

Raise your vibration and understand the dimensions.
Connect with higher realms and multidimensional beings.
Overcome fears, protect yourself, and activate your Merkabah.
Explore telepathic communication, dream interpretation, automatic writing, trans-channeling, light language, and art channeling (you’ll even create an art piece like a poem or painting).
You won’t have to go through this alone! Experience clarity, connection, love, and higher guidance every step of the way. ❤️

💥 Special Offer: If you can’t channel at this program's end, I will give you back your money after participating in all the activities.

One-time payment: $550
Or accessible payments
Contact me for more information

This is your chance to transform your life. The journey begins on September 5th—are you ready to join us? 🚀 Send me a message or register

Channel Higher Dimensions, Elevate Your Life 🌟

Mastering Channeling Workshop Checkout page for Mastering Channeling Workshop.


🔮 Unlock Your Spiritual Potential: Connect to Multidimensional Beings 🔮

Are you ready to deepen your spiritual connection and channel beings from higher dimensions? Our exclusive Mastering Channeling program, available only twice a year, Spring and Ottom, offers a transformative journey into channeling! 🌟

✨ What You’ll Experience:

Twelve weekly group coaching sessions with me on Zoom.
A comprehensive course manual packed with exercises and practices.
Access to a private Facebook community for support and connection.
I provide individual guidance and support every week.
Whether you're new to channeling or looking to elevate your abilities, this program is designed to help you raise your vibration, connect with higher realms, and live your boldest, most beautiful life. 🌠

What You’ll Learn:

Raise your vibration and understand the dimensions.
Connect with higher realms and multidimensional beings.
Overcome fears, protect yourself, and activate your Merkabah.
Explore telepathic communication, dream interpretation, automatic writing, trans-channeling, light language, and art channeling (you’ll even create an art piece like a poem or painting).
You won’t have to go through this alone! Experience clarity, connection, love, and higher guidance every step of the way. ❤️

💥 Special Offer: If you can’t channel at this program's end, I will give you back your money after participating in all the activities.

One-time payment: $550
Or accessible payments
Contact me for more information

This is your chance to transform your life. The journey begins on September 5th—are you ready to join us? 🚀 Send me a message or register

Channel Higher Dimensions, Elevate Your Life 🌟


🎨 Have you ever heard of Art Channeling? As someone who's been an established artist for 47 years, I’ve experienced the incredible power of channeling through my art. 🎨✨

Art Channeling is a way of connecting with higher guidance and letting that energy flow through you to create something truly unique and powerful.

In my Mastering Channeling program, you’ll get the chance to experience this for yourself. One of the modules is dedicated to Art Channeling, where you’ll create your own channeled art piece. 🖌️🌟

We start on September 5th, and I’d love for you to join us on this creative and spiritual journey. Let’s unlock your potential together! 🚀

Send me a message for more info, or register on the comments.


🌟 Are You Being Tricked by Lower Vibrational Beings? 🌟

When you open yourself up to channeling, it's essential to be aware of trickster beings that might deceive you about who they really are. 🤔 If you're not careful, you might encounter them, just as I did when I first started consciously channeling. It was terrifying, and I hesitated to open myself up again.

But I didn’t give up. I learned to protect myself by placing guardians around me, raising my vibration, and letting go of judgment and self-limitations. Now, I can easily distinguish their vibrations and intentions, keeping myself safe from being tricked. 🔮✨

Do you know when you're being deceived? If you want to learn how to protect yourself and connect with higher guidance, join my Mastering Channeling program. In this 12-week journey, you’ll discover how to harness the highest potential for yourself and your clients through channeling.

In Mastering Channeling, you’ll learn:

Clear communication with higher beings 🗣️
Telepathy and trance channeling 🌌
Light language, art channeling, and automatic writing 🎨✍️
And so much more!

📅 We start on September 5th!
Book a Breakthrough call with me today.
Link on the comments.

✨ "Channel Safely, Transform Deeply."


What Are Entities and Attachments? 🌌

Entities and attachments refer to negative or disruptive energies and beings that can attach themselves to a person's energy field. These can take various forms, including:

👻 Entities: These are non-physical beings that may latch onto a person, often draining their energy or influencing their thoughts and behaviors negatively. Entities can be spirits of deceased individuals who have not moved on or other negative astral beings.

🔗 Attachments: These are energetic cords or connections that form between a person and another person, place, object, or past experience. These attachments can drain energy and affect a person's emotions and well-being.

Why Is It Important to Remove Them? 🌟

Removing entities and attachments is crucial for several reasons:

⚡ Restored Energy Levels: Negative entities and attachments can drain your energy, leaving you feeling fatigued and depleted. By removing them, you can reclaim your energy and vitality.

🧠 Emotional and Mental Clarity: These attachments can cloud your mind and emotions, leading to confusion, anxiety, depression, and other negative states. Clearing them can help restore mental clarity and emotional balance.

💪 Improved Physical Health: Persistent energy drain and emotional turmoil caused by entities and attachments can manifest as physical ailments. Removing these influences can contribute to better overall health.

❤️ Enhanced Personal Relationships: Attachments to past relationships or negative individuals can hinder your ability to form healthy, new relationships. By cutting these cords, you can improve your relationships and open yourself to new, positive connections.

🌌 Spiritual Growth: Entities and attachments can block your spiritual progress and connection to your higher self. Removing them can facilitate spiritual growth and deeper connections to higher consciousness.

Removing entities and attachments is essential for maintaining your energy, emotional well-being, physical health, and spiritual growth. By freeing yourself from these negative influences, you can lead a more empowered, balanced, and fulfilling life.

Book Your Appointment Here:
Book Your Session 90 min for $200 🌟


Yesterday we finish the 1st Level with my group of courageous women from Path to the Heart . Next week Level 2. Let's get Metaphysical .

Photos from The Warrior of Love's post 08/27/2024

🌟 Awaken Your Inner Gifts! 🌟

How often do you hide your innate gifts out of fear of judgment or simply because you don't trust yourself? 🤔

When I began channeling, I didn’t even realize I was doing it at first. People would ask for advice, and profound wisdom would flow through me—so much so that I couldn’t even remember what I said afterward! 😲

Starting this journey was both terrifying and fascinating. My curiosity outweighed my fear, but I made plenty of mistakes because I didn’t have anyone to guide me on how to channel safely and effectively. 🎯

That's why I created the Master Channeling Program! 🌠 In this program, you'll learn:

✨ How to raise your vibrations to connect with higher guidance and transform your life.
✨ Trust in your channeling and receive powerful confirmations.
✨ Understand dimensions and how to connect with them for a clear, undistorted channel.
✨ Overcome fears and learn protective techniques, including activating your Merkabah.
✨ Explore different channeling methods: Transchanneling, Light Language, Automatic Writing, Telepathic Communications, and Art Channeling.
✨ Complete a channel art piece—whether it's a painting or a poem.
✨ Discover practical applications of channeling in your personal life, art, or professional practice.
💪 By the end of this 12-week journey, if you've fully participated and still can't channel, I’ll refund your investment.

🚀 Ready to unlock your potential and change your life? The program Starting on September 5th.

Book a call with me today to register and get all your questions answered!

🌟 "Curiosity led me here, and now I'm leading you." 🌟

FREE Meeting with Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love


🌟 "Channeling: Unlocking Clarity or Confusion?" 🌟

Channeling can have profound effects on us—here’s how it can impact your journey:
✨ Positive Effects of Channeling:

Deeper Self-Awareness: Connect with your higher self and gain insights that deepen your understanding of your life purpose. 🧘‍♀️✨

Emotional Healing: Receive guidance that heals emotional wounds and fosters inner peace. 💖🕊️

Spiritual Growth: Expand your spiritual awareness and evolve on your path. 🌱🌟
Enhanced Intuition: Sharpen your intuitive abilities and make better decisions. 🔮🧠

Connection with Higher Realms: Link up with higher beings like spirit guides and angels for wisdom and healing. 👼💫

⚠️ Potential Confusion from Channeling:

Misinterpretation of Messages: Without discernment, messages can be misinterpreted, leading to confusion. 🤔🔄

Encountering Lower Vibrational Beings: Care is needed to avoid deceptive energies. 😈🚫

Overwhelming Information: The flow of information can feel overwhelming, especially for beginners. 📚😵

Loss of Focus on Reality: Over-reliance on channeled information can disconnect you from your physical life. 🌍🚶‍♂️

🛡️ How to Avoid Confusion:

Grounding Practices: Stay centered and clear-headed with regular grounding. 🌳🧘‍♂️
Discernment: Learn to distinguish the vibrations and intentions of beings you channel. 🎯🔍

Proper Training: Join a structured program like Mastering Channeling to channel safely and effectively. 🎓✨

Channeling can be an incredible tool for spiritual growth, but it’s important to approach it with the right mindset and techniques.

✨ "Channel safely, grow spiritually."


🌟 The Day My Higher Self Found Me 🌟

I remember when my mother was alive, and she rejected me. I cried and felt so alone, lost in my darkest hour, sitting in a dark place in my house. But then, something incredible happened—I saw a brilliant light. I felt a hug, a deep sense of love, and I knew it was my Higher Self. That was the day she introduced herself to me.

She told me she had always walked with me but had never spoken before, not wanting to scare me. But that day was different—I was searching for a way out. She reminded me of my purpose, the contract I agreed to when I came into this world. She assured me that she would never reject or abandon me, and that this time, I didn’t have to face anything alone—she would always be right there beside me.

From that moment on, my life and choices changed completely. It no longer mattered if others, even my own mother, rejected me for who I am. I had someone supporting me, advising me on what’s next, showing me what’s to come, and preparing me for it.

After meeting my Higher Self, I became more open to seeing, feeling, and hearing my guides. Since then, I've built relationships with beings who will never betray or abandon me—beings who genuinely care for my well-being. I can feel them 24/7.

✨ Do you want to experience this? I wish someone had taught me how to channel them when I was younger. I would have made fewer painful mistakes. That’s why I created the Mastering Channeling program—a 12-week journey that my Higher Self, Maia, and I put together just for you.

We start on September 5th. Book a call with me, and I’ll clarify any questions you have.

✨ "Connect with Your Higher Self and Embrace Your True Path."


🌟 Abraza la Libertad, Abraza Nuevos Comienzos 🌟

Eliminar la Energía Sexual de Amantes Pasados: Limpia Energías Antiguas para Avanzar Libremente ✨

Liberar la energía sexual de amantes pasados es un paso poderoso hacia la recuperación de tu espacio personal y libertad emocional. Aquí está por qué es tan importante:

Liberación Emocional: Libérate de los lazos emocionales persistentes y las ataduras que pueden estar reteniéndote.

Claridad Mejorada: Obtén claridad en tus relaciones actuales al liberar energías antiguas que ya no te sirven.

Empoderamiento: Recupera tu poder y crea un nuevo comienzo, abriendo la puerta a nuevas y saludables conexiones.

Sanación Holística: Logra una sanación holística abordando y liberando energías almacenadas en tu cuerpo y mente.

Al eliminar estas energías antiguas, te permites avanzar libremente, con un renovado sentido de ti mismo y un corazón abierto a nuevas posibilidades.

Haz tu cita aquí:



🌟 Why Are There Different Kinds of Channeling? 🌟

Have you ever wondered why channeling comes in so many forms? Each type of channeling serves a unique purpose, connecting you with different energies and beings in diverse ways. Here's a quick guide:

1. Mental/Intuitive Channeling:
Receive guidance and insights through your thoughts and intuition. 🧠✨ Perfect for personal decision-making and connecting with your higher self.

2. Trance Channeling:
Enter a deep trance state and allow a higher being to speak or act through you. 🔮 Ideal for delivering powerful messages or performing spiritual activations.

3. Transpersonal/Embodied Channeling:
Let a higher being work through your body for healing or guidance. 👐✨ Experience deep transformation and energetic shifts.

4. Light Language Channeling:
Speak or write in a soul-level language for healing and spiritual awakening. 🗣️✨ Tap into ancient wisdom and activate your true potential.

5. Automatic Writing:
Let your pen flow with messages from higher realms. ✍️✨ Perfect for receiving spiritual insights and divine guidance.

6. Creative/Artistic Channeling:
Express divine energy through art, music, or other creative mediums. 🎨🎶 Channel your creativity and connect with the spiritual realm.

7. Physical Mediumship:
Allow spirits to manifest through your body, creating physical phenomena. 👻✨ Demonstrate the presence of spiritual beings in powerful ways.

Each type of channeling offers a different way to connect, heal, and grow. Discover which form resonates with you and take your spiritual journey to the next level.

Do you want to learn how to do them? Join us in the Mastering Channeling program! We start on September 5th. 🚀

Register the link in the comments.

✨ "Explore the Many Paths of Channeling and Unleash Your Spiritual Potential."


🌟 Are You Being Tricked by Lower Vibrational Beings? 🌟

When you open yourself up to channeling, it's essential to be aware of trickster beings that might deceive you about who they really are. 🤔 If you're not careful, you might encounter them, just as I did when I first started consciously channeling. It was terrifying, and I hesitated to open myself up again.

But I didn’t give up. I learned to protect myself by placing guardians around me, raising my vibration, and letting go of judgment and self-limitations. Now, I can easily distinguish their vibrations and intentions, keeping myself safe from being tricked. 🔮✨

Do you know when you're being deceived? If you want to learn how to protect yourself and connect with higher guidance, join my Mastering Channeling program. In this 12-week journey, you’ll discover how to harness the highest potential for yourself and your clients through channeling.

In Mastering Channeling, you’ll learn:

Clear communication with higher beings 🗣️
Telepathy and trance channeling 🌌
Light language, art channeling, and automatic writing 🎨✍️
And so much more!
📅 We start on September 5th! Book a Breakthrough call with me today.

✨ Tagline: "Channel Safely, Transform Deeply."


I am co-creating a series of ceremonies with my guides. Would you be interested?


🌟 Can You Tell the Difference between a lower vibration and High Vibration? 🌟

Do you know how to distinguish between a low-vibration being and a high-vibration being?

🤔 Understanding this is crucial for your spiritual journey and personal safety.
Here’s what to look out for:

Energy & Vibe: High-vibration beings bring peace and light, while low-vibration beings might leave you feeling uneasy or drained. 💫

Intentions: High-vibration beings have pure intentions to guide and uplift you, while low-vibration beings often seek to deceive or manipulate. 🚫

Communication: Clear, loving guidance versus confusing, fear-based messages. 🗣️

Physical Sensations: Calm and joy versus discomfort or heaviness. ✨

Long-Term Effects: Growth and healing versus confusion and emotional turmoil. 🌱

Learn how to protect yourself and connect with higher guidance in my Mastering Channeling program. You’ll gain the tools to distinguish energies and ensure you’re aligned with the highest vibrations.

✨ "Elevate Your Energy, Protect Your Spirit."

Mastering Channeling Workshop 08/22/2024

🌟 Understanding the Difference Between Dimensions & How to Connect with Them 🌟

Have you ever wondered what the different dimensions are and how you can connect with them? Here's a simple breakdown:

What Are Dimensions?
Dimensions are levels of consciousness that exist simultaneously, each with its own unique vibration and reality. Think of them as different layers of existence:

3D (Third Dimension): This is our physical reality, where we experience life through the five senses. It’s based on duality, where we perceive things as good or bad, light or dark. 🌍

4D (Fourth Dimension): The bridge between the physical and the spiritual, where time and space become more fluid. It’s the realm of thoughts, emotions, and the beginning of spiritual awakening. 🌟

5D (Fifth Dimension) and Beyond: These are higher levels of consciousness where love, unity, and oneness prevail. Here, we experience unconditional love, deep spiritual connection, and a sense of being one with the universe. 💫

Channeling is a powerful tool to connect with beings and energies from higher dimensions, offering guidance, healing, and insight. 🔮

By understanding and connecting with different dimensions, you can unlock new levels of awareness and transform your spiritual journey.

Join us in our Program Mastering Channeling by Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. We start on September 5th . Let's Connect to ask more questions. Register in the Link

✨ "Elevate Your Consciousness, Connect with the Higher Realms."

Mastering Channeling Workshop Checkout page for Mastering Channeling Workshop.


🌟 Unlock the Power of Channeling 🌟

Channeling offers incredible benefits that can transform your life:

🔮 Enhanced Intuition: Trust your inner wisdom.
🧘‍♀️ Clarity & Insight: Find answers and solutions with ease.
🌱 Spiritual Growth: Deepen your connection with the universe.
💖 Emotional Healing: Release past traumas and find peace.
🎯 Life Purpose Alignment: Discover your true path.
🧘‍♂️ Inner Peace: Embrace calm and balance within.
🎨 Creative Inspiration: Spark new ideas and creativity.
💪 Empowerment: Boost your confidence and self-belief.
👼 Connection to Higher Realms: Communicate with spiritual guides.
🌟 Personal Transformation: Experience profound life changes.
Join my Mastering Channeling program starting September 5th! ✨ This 12-week online journey will help you harness these benefits and more. Ready to transform?

📞 Book a call with me today!


🌟 Unlock the Power of Channeling 🌟

Channeling offers incredible benefits that can transform your life:

🔮 Enhanced Intuition: Trust your inner wisdom.
🧘‍♀️ Clarity & Insight: Find answers and solutions with ease.
🌱 Spiritual Growth: Deepen your connection with the universe.
💖 Emotional Healing: Release past traumas and find peace.
🎯 Life Purpose Alignment: Discover your true path.
🧘‍♂️ Inner Peace: Embrace calm and balance within.
🎨 Creative Inspiration: Spark new ideas and creativity.
💪 Empowerment: Boost your confidence and self-belief.
👼 Connection to Higher Realms: Communicate with spiritual guides.
🌟 Personal Transformation: Experience profound life changes.
Join my Mastering Channeling program starting September 5th! ✨ This 12-week online journey will help you harness these benefits and more. Ready to transform?

📞 Book a call with me today!


🌟 Embrace Freedom, Embrace New Beginnings 🌟

Remove Sexual Energy of Past Lovers: Clear Old Energies to Move Forward Freely ✨
Clearing the sexual energy of past lovers is a powerful step towards reclaiming your personal space and emotional freedom. Here's why it's so important:

Emotional Liberation: Free yourself from lingering emotional ties and attachments that may be holding you back.

Enhanced Clarity: Gain clarity in your current relationships by releasing old energies that no longer serve you.

Empowerment: Reclaim your power and create a fresh start, opening the door to new, healthy connections.

Holistic Healing: Achieve holistic healing by addressing and releasing stored energies in your body and mind.

By removing these old energies, you allow yourself to move forward freely, with a renewed sense of self and an open heart for new possibilities.

Make your appointment here, 90 min for $200:



Preparing a New Special for you for September.
These original paintings of Monica Ramirez Art are on Special.
Please feel free to contact me if you want more information.

Monica Ramirez


🌟 Is Trans Channeling the Same as Spiritual Possession? 🌟

✨ "Channel Safely, Empower Yourself."

Many of my clients have asked me this question, and here's what you need to know:
As sovereign beings, we have the right to choose every experience we live. When we engage in Trans Channeling, we give permission to a high-vibration being to enter our body for the purpose of offering advice, healing, or activation to ourselves or others. ✨💫

If the being is truly of high vibration, they will never invade our space without our permission. This is why it's crucial to continually raise our vibration, ensuring that we attract the experiences we choose. 🌱✨

On the other hand, spiritual possession leaves you with no choice; when you tell the entity to leave, they refuse. This is why it’s so important to learn the right protocols to ensure your safety and security in this line of work. 🚫

In my Mastering Channeling program, you’ll learn these protocols so you can confidently and safely explore the powerful world of channeling.

📅 Ready to start? Book a call with me to register today! We begin on September 5th.


We start with Mastering Channeling on September 5th.

Book an appointment with me


🌟 Do You Know Who You Can Channel? 🌟

I started channeling my higher self and angels when I was just 14 years old. Since then, I’ve developed deep connections with various guides—some are angels, others are my Galactic family, and even some of my ancestors. 🙏✨

Surrendering to who I truly am changed my life in profound ways. It wasn’t easy—I feared what people would say, even the word crazy haunted me. But when I realized that people project their own insecurities onto others, I stopped caring about societal norms. My guides have helped me heal, grow, and become a better human by my standards. 🌱💫

✨ Here’s how my life changed:
I healed myself. 🦋
I gained a deeper understanding of who I am and what I need to work on. 🧘‍♀️
I can now help my clients in more profound ways. 💖
I know what’s happening around me, even from afar, with the guidance of my energetic team. 🌍

Do you want to learn more about channeling and how it can benefit both you and your clients? I’ve created the Mastering Channeling program—a 12-week, risk-free journey to unlock your potential.

✨ "Transform Your Life by Channeling Your Higher Self."
📞 Let’s chat and see if we’re a match to work together!

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Videos (show all)

If you are curious to discover your spiritual name, send me a message
Join us in Mastering Channeling DM
Mastering Channeling 12 Weeks Program.  DM Me
If you want to know what channeling is, send me a DM.
Join us in Mastering Channeling. Send me a message if you are interested
Join us in Mastering Channeling. DM Me
If you want to know more about Channeling, send me a message
Do you want to know what is channeling?  Please send me a message. We will start our mastering program on September 5th.
🌟 Unlock the Power of Channeling 🌟Channeling offers incredible benefits that can transform your life:🔮 Enhanced Intuitio...
Listen to the Podcast: Here 🎧 on YouTube: ...
Eps 184 in Soul Talk Podcast: Exploring Hypnotherapy with Amanda Dadd and Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love.Listen to ...
Mastering Channeling Program.  Begin August 22nd




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