Finding Healthy

Finding Healthy

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Kelly, owner & health coach, is among the few who are Nationally Board Certified.

Finding Healthy is a virtual Health Coaching practice supporting and guiding you to make positive changes in all areas of wellness: sleep, food, exercise, relaxation, and emotional well being joy in order to feel better and live more. This means that besides her year long training with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, Kelly has also met the requirements and passed the national exam. This


Leftover s for Lunch: Chicken turmeric in konjac rice soup loaded with lots of cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and kale. These veggies help to detoxify estrogen.
Make some soup this weekend to eat if of for an easy lunch!

Photos from Finding Healthy's post 10/26/2021

Left Over Lunch Remix: reheated fajita vegetables from Gloria's, fresh cherry tomatoes, leftover grass-fed taco beef from a couple nights ago, handful of baby greens and topped with two organic pasture eggs.

This meal came together and about 7 minutes and is a great way to use up the small bits of leftovers I have lurking in my fridge.


Mmmm, lunch time!

It's been a busy week, and I knew it was going to be. So, when I was doing my meal planning, I planned to buy and grill a ton of chicken Monday night to eat off of for lunches.

It was super easy to then throw together this salad with lots of colorful vegetables and an organic pre-washed spring mix from Costco.

The salad dressing is from primal kitchens and is also at our Costco here locally. You can find primal kitchens clean dressings in your local grocery store as well as Amazon, vitacost and whole foods.

Why do I use this salad dressing?

First, I'm busy and need a prepared dressing to have on hand in case I don't have time to make my own.
Second, I want to make sure the first ingredient in my salad dressing is an oil that is less processed. Most brands will use canola oil soybean oil or sunflower oil. Primal kitchens uses avocado oil which is better. Ideally, I would find one that had extra virgin olive oil. It's really hard to find though so I normally have to make my own.


Set your environment up for success!

Sitting is hard on your body. It tightens your hip flexors and hamstrings. Your shoulders round and your neck juts forward past midline.

So many people are now working from home now and are finding themselves sitting much more because there are less opportunities that get you up and moving around.

One thing that you can do is find a space to work and stand. You can purchase a standing desk, find a countertop in your home that is the right height or find another creative way to make a surface to stand and work for you to stand.


Each week I host a healthy habit wellness challenge inside my FREE group just for women called the Finding Health Tribe. Check out this week's challenge below. Jump on in and join us!

🔥📢 WEEKLY CHALLENGE for April 25 is to wake up and drink 1 glass of room temp water before any other drink/food!!!📢🔥

BTW... Yes, I know I said we are starting this 4 weeks of body detox challenges in May...technically this week ends in May so it counts, SURPRISE!

Did you know that you actually wake up dehydrated in the morning?
Ever wonder why you weigh less in the morning than you did at night? Well, you expel water while you sleep and your body does a ton of work cleaning house too.
The BEST thing you can do in the morning for your body, especially your liver, is to drink a large glass of room temperature or warmish water. You can add lemon or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to further help the liver and wake up your digestion.

Who's in? What is your plan? Room temp water? Adding in some lemon? Some acv?

Timeline photos 04/20/2021

YES! Such a wonderful post by Dr. Hyman that I had to share! Please take a few minutes to read. Comment below with any questions, thoughts, or "aha's."

This is the result of the mountains of sugar and flour we consume, which leads to high glucose and insulin, which creates a domino effect. It drives excess calories into fat cells that then produce messengers to increase hunger, slow metabolism, prevent fat burning, and cause inflammation to spike. ⁣

In women, too much insulin turns estrogen into testosterone. This can lead to something misleadingly called polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is not an ovarian problem. It is a dietary problem.⁣

The extra testosterone in women causes hair loss, facial hair, acne, and infertility. In men, the testosterone gets converted to estrogen, which is why men with big bellies often have man b***s and lose the hair on their bodies. ⁣

The same high-sugar and -starch diet also spikes the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. When you eat a sugar- and starch-laden diet, your body literally perceives it as a stressor, just like when a tiger chases you. Adrenaline and cortisol increase, worsening insulin resistance and increasing cravings for sugar and starch.⁣

In my practice I bring balance to hormones by addressing insulin resistance, first using the Pegan Diet—a whole foods, good-fat, plant-rich, fiber-rich, low-glycemic diet.⁣

For women who are dealing with estrogen dominance (leading to PMS and cancers), I work on maintaining a healthy gut microbiome by increasing fibers (such as flaxseeds), which can detoxify and remove excess estrogen.⁣

For men who have low testosterone, we reduce sugar and increase healthy fats. I raised my testosterone significantly when I reduced starches and ate more healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and grass-fed meats.⁣

You can learn more in my latest book, The Pegan Diet at⁣

Hormone Repair Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Healthy Hormones After 40 03/18/2021

Are you over 40 and struggling with low energy, gaining weight around your middle, or finding it harder to sleep at night due to hot flashes/night sweats/insomnia, then this book may be of interest to you.

It's called the Hormone Repair Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Healthy Hormones after 40.

***There is SO much good info in this book to learn more about your amazing body and how to feel your best after 40.

Check out the free book preview and let me know what sounds interesting to you in the comments below.

Happy reading!

Hormone Repair Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Healthy Hormones After 40 Hormone Repair Manual: Every Woman's Guide to Healthy Hormones After 40

Photos from Finding Healthy's post 02/26/2021

Friday Foodspiration!

Lets talk leftovers. I ALWAYS think about leftovers when planning my dinners. Why? Because it makes a healthy lunch easier. Most lunches are processed lunch meat or salads and let's face it that doesn't sound too appetizing. SO what happens? We are tempted to go out to eat instead.

So here's one of my meals, reused in a new way. We grilled fajita chicken on Tuesday. I made a TON! On Wednesday I made this black soy bean pasta (loaded with protein and fiber) and made the whole box so we could throw it into our lunches in a variety of ways.

This was my lunch yesterday:
Leftover fajita chicken, left over black soybean noodles, spinach, a dollop of this amazing dressing from Trader Jo's and then sauteed. I added an egg over hard and a scoop of kimchi (getting those probiotics in!)

As you plan your meals for the week, can you think of how you can make extra to eat off of for your lunches?

Photos from Finding Healthy's post 02/10/2021

My son is a HUGE cereal for breakfast kind of kid. When choosing a cereal here are some the 2 things I look for:
1. organic
2. added sugar content per serving has to be lower than 5. Ideally as low as I can find like unsweetened corn flakes or a organic cheerio.

NOW the problem with cereal is that there isn't much to it other than carbs. So we add in these things to add more macronutrients to keep him full such as:

1. chia seeds (1/2 to 1 TBSP (great fiber, fat and protein). TIP: add milk, stir and then add the chia as they will stick to the milk coated cereal.
2. h**p seeds (1-2 TBSP)
3. Plant milk that has protein like RIPPLE unsweetened milk

I added pictures of the food labels for the h**p and chia seed so that you can see the break down of what's in in them :-)

If you eat cereals, what do you add to make it more "filling?"


Friday favorite: Ripple unsweetened vanilla plant milk. It tastes amazing in my seed porridge and the best part is that it has 8 g of protein. Most plant milks only have 1 to 3 grams. Protein is one of the magic three (protein, fat & fiber) to keeping you full between meals.


My breakfast for hormonal balance.
Ovulatory phase: porridge made with ground flax, pumpkin, chia and h**p seeds topped with fresh blueberries, 2 eggs over hard and left over roasted brussel sprouts. Protein, fat and fiber will make my blood sugar stable and keep me full for 4-5 hours.

Exercise & Your Menstrual Cycle | Flo Living 01/29/2021

This post is for the LADIES who are still getting cycles. I have learned so much about our amazing hormones and how we are drastically different in our energy, mood, and mindset during our 28 day cycle.

As a fitness instructor this was a HUGE 💡 moment for me and I just had to share this info with you...

Please take a moment to read this blog post if you are struggling with understanding...

-Why some workouts you rock and others you are tanking during or leave you exhausted

-Why after killing it at the gym week after week, you are STILL not seeing weight loss and the results you desire!

Click the link. I promise you won't be sorry. I'd LOVE to hear what you think after reading this 👇

Exercise & Your Menstrual Cycle | Flo Living Alisa's Vitti's Flo Living site provides information on improving your cycle, birth control side effects, hormonal changes and PCOS. Learn more here!


Balancing my hormones with follicular phase specific foods in my lunch.

Fermented foods like kimchi help to keep the gut microbiome healthy.


So what are your mask 😷wearing tips?

One of mine is putting a drop of thieves oil inside. It makes it smell amazing and also adds a boost of immune support.

Any essential oil will work. So depending on your mood change it up. Peppermint is great for headaches, lavender is great for calming and I'm sure there are many more oils for how you are feeling.

Share your tips below 👇 as I do feel masks will continue to be something for a while longer. Let's make the best of the situation 😆 For those who wear glasses, I'd love to know how you prevent your glasses from fogging. I've tried a lot of ideas and none of which I'm fond of. TIA

Photos from Finding Healthy's post 01/22/2021

Happy Friday!!! Most mornings I make a smoothie but this morning I wanted something warm so I opened the fridge and saw zucchini. Zucchini is a wonderful sauteed vegetable that cooks really quickly and makes a nice low carb hash for eggs.

How I made this bowl:

Made eggs over hard cooked in a bit of ghee.

Used a cheese grater and shredded zucchini

Added zucchini to the same pan used to cook the eggs and sauted for about 2 to 3 minutes. You can add any seasonings that you like. I used 21 seasoning blend from trader Joe's as well as the everything but the bagel seasoning.

Add zucchini to a serving bowl, put eggs ontop and layer with broccoli sprouts (found at sprouts or trader joe's)

To get natural probiotics I added a serving of red beets and cabbage kraut that I purchased at Sprouts.


🔥Here’s a surprisingly delicious tip to sneak extra veggies into your meals.

🍅Next time you open up a jar of spaghetti sauce (be sure to read the ingredients list and food label for NO ADDED SUGAR /cook up a batch), add 1-2 cups of pumpkin puree! Or even an entire can!

🎃Pumpkins are surprisingly low in calories and carbs … but high in vitamins and minerals.

🤩In addition to the extra nutrients, adding pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling) will add a creamy richness to your sauce. Yum!

This week in the Finding Healthy Tribe where we work on getting healthier one week at a time by doing Weekly Wellness Challenges. This week's challenge is to get 3 (1 cup) servings of vegetables a day. I share recipes, tips and tricks for making this happen as well as daily check ins. Want to join us? Click this link:

Apple Nutrition: Benefits of Apples, Recipes and More - Dr. Axe 01/10/2021

Great blog post on the health benefits of apples and the best time of day to consume... before or right after activity. I highly recommend reading the whole article, very well written info!

Apple Nutrition: Benefits of Apples, Recipes and More - Dr. Axe Because of apples fiber and antioxidants, apple nutrition improves digestion and heart health, lowers inflammation, and helps one better manage weight.


Happy New Year!

Are you ready to start this 2021 with the goal of getting healthier but aren't quite sure where to start? Then join us for Weekly Wellness Challenges over in the Finding Healthy Tribe.

Our first Weekly Wellness Challenge starts Monday, January 4th so there's still time to get in!

Click to join:

Soft Drink and Energy Drink Health PSA 12/23/2020

POWERFUL! If you drink packaged drinks like soda, energy drinks, juice, etc. I encourage you to watch this!

Removing sugar from your drinks can have HUGE benefits to how you feel. Some improvements may be mental clarity, less sugar cravings during the day, lessening of achy joins, reduction in puffy appearance and more.

Not sure how you can transition off of sweetened beverages? Then let's talk! I'd love the opportunity to help you slowly phase out of sugar drinks and into healthier options.

Click this link to learn more and schedule your free discovery call.

Let's get 2021 started off with a clear intention and the guidance, support & accountability you need!

Soft Drink and Energy Drink Health PSA This is a 'mock' television commercial that I created for one of my school projects. It's targeted towards adolescents (and children) to make them aware of ...

Full Body Yoga Class For Everyone | 30 Min Feel Good Yoga Flow 12/23/2020

Do you know all of the "things" you should be doing to get healthier but are struggling to actually DO them? As a coach, I know what I should be doing... but just like you I also struggle with putting it into practice!

One thing I know I need in order to feel good is EXERCISE! It helps me to feel less stressed. However, I often put it off. Enter ACCOUNTABILITY! Yup, as a coach, I am no different than you. When COVID happened and the gym was no longer an option, I went digital and found a group of buddies who also had the same goals. We meet on Zoom and do online workouts together (there are a TON on Youtube for FREE).

So this morning I was feeling overwhelmed and frazzled, however, today was a workout day with my buddies at 9 am for a yoga flow. Guess what, I met with them (because I stick to my word), did it and now feel so much better. Yoga and being with friends tends to do that for me.

Check out the flow we did and give it a try.

What are your goals this new year? How can you build in accountability to make it happen? Don't have a support person? I'd be happy to be that accountability and support person for you. Just send me a message :-)

Full Body Yoga Class For Everyone | 30 Min Feel Good Yoga Flow This 30 minute total body yoga class will release stiffness, soreness, and tension out of your body and mind. It is a great Boho Beautiful yoga feel good pra...


Protein, fat and fiber for breakfast!
Meal prep tip:
I made a BIG breakfast casserole packed with eggs, sausage and LOADS of colorful veggies on the weekend and have been eating off of it all week. Easy!

Are you ready to start 2021 with a STRONG commitment to getting healthy? Have you tried before, went strong for a few weeks and then went right back to the path of least resistance?

Let's work together and try something different. You can join our free support group called Finding Healthy Tribe
or work with me privately with one-one health coaching


Come join us over in the Finding Healthy Tribe for this week's Wellness Challenge!

Do you ever walk after you eat dinner? Doesn’t it feel good when you do?!
That happens to be your challenge this week …
TAKING A WALK AFTER DINNER – every night this week (Monday-Sunday)!
🚶🏾‍♀️🌳 Taking a walk after you eat is so good for you. Plus, once you get into the habit of it, it’s also an incredible way to wind down from your day and help reduce stress. check out those Christmas Lights!
✅ Just look at these benefits of taking even a short (10-15 minute) post-dinner walk:
Studies show it may help:
Improve digestion
Manage blood sugar
Regulate blood pressure
Promote weight loss
Reduce the risk of heart disease (because you’re increasing your activity level)
If walking after dinner upsets your stomach a little, wait until 10-15 minutes after you eat and slow down your pace.
💥 EVEN MORE BENEFIT: Get a family member or friend to join you – it will be a great way to reconnect and catch up. (It’s definitely better than watching TV together.)

To keep us accountable, there is pinned poll in the Facebook challenge as a POLL for you to check off the days as you get them DONE!


To give you a taste of what the Weekly Challenges in 2021 will look inside the Finding Healthy Tribe, we are going to do a challenge NEXT Monday!

This challenge, if you should except it, will make you feel better physically and mentally.

I will post the challenge on Monday, December 21st at 6:00 am. Yes, I know it goes through Christmas, however, I promise that doing this challenge will only make your Christmas even better!!!

Click this link to join the finding healthy tribe to get access to the challenge


Lunch time!
Pasture raised eggs over hard, some left over salmon, left over cruciferous veggies from the night before and topped off with broccoli spouts from Trader Jos. My secret for making left overs taste good is to warm them up on a skillet versus the microwave.


Who wants to feel better so that they can live more?

Make this the year to make good on those New Year Resolutions!

Join the Finding Healthy Tribe and step closer to this goal one week at a time through FREE Weekly Challenges. Finally get the support and accountability you need to feel better in 2021!

Click to join:


Tuesday's Tip is something that I help clients do to be more successful with starting a new healthy habits. We always try to tack on a new habit into an existing habit/routine.
Here's an example from my own:

I got a new probiotic that requires refrigeration and I want to start taking it at night instead of in the morning with my other supplements. So, to help me remember, I'm attaching the probiotic to my nightly ritual of using coconut oil to do oil pulling while I watch my show with my hubby. Second step was to write a reminder on the lid of the coconut oil so that when I see it, I will be cued to take my probiotic.

When you try to create a new habit, keep this in mind and I bet you will find greater success!


In order to become healthier, you have to create new healthy habits that work for you. One of my healthy habits is making a smoothie every morning that's packed with vegetables, fiber and protein. However, sometimes I wake up craving something different.

So this morning I had extra time & made eggs served over sauteed leftover spaghetti squash with extra veggies I had in my fridge, chicken sausage and homemade salsa (Yes, I live in Texas and salsa is a staple!).

Want to give it a try?
Heat up some ghee or other healthy fat
Add in diced onion, stir
Add in cold spaghetti squash, stir
When onions and squash are warm, add fresh spinach and stir until wilted
Add some flavor with a pinch of granulated garlic, dash of nutritional yeast & pinch of Himalayan salt.


Favorite new 3 words... Choose your Hard!

Such a great perspective to keep in mind as you start those new year resolutions!

What's your hard?


My friend, Lindy Jones, who has been working hard over this past year to clean up the food that her family eats HIGHLY recommends this cookbook, the Defined Dish. I have it on my Christmas List and can't wait to try out some of the recipes!

Don't you just love how she added post it notes with the days of the week to mark the recipes? So SMART!

I love learning from others. Do you? If so, join the Finding Healthy Tribe where we will support each other to get healthier in 2021 by completing weekly wellness challenges, sharing out new recipes, and more!

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