Taylor Family Chiropractic, Medway, MA Videos

Videos by Taylor Family Chiropractic in Medway. Dr. Christy and Cliff Taylor, at Taylor Family Chiropractic in Medway, MA, provide hope & healing fo

The Annual Food Drive was a huge success!! The food has taken over the waiting room! Raffle winners will be drawn today - good luck everyone and THANK YOU for making this year such a great success.

Other Taylor Family Chiropractic videos

The Annual Food Drive was a huge success!! The food has taken over the waiting room! Raffle winners will be drawn today - good luck everyone and THANK YOU for making this year such a great success.

And that’s a wrap for our annual food drive! Thank you to everyone who donated and the raffle winners have been chosen - come in for your adjustment to see if you’ve won!!

Here’s a sneak peek from the docs’ Boot Camp this past weekend. Special thanks to @steve.eckert1 and @raycashcare for pushing us to the limit.

Food drive 2022 & raffle winners!
RAFFLE WINNERS: Kravings: Sarah K. & Lindsey C. Mickey Cassidy’s: Meghan Q. Medway Cafe: Christine L. Nirvana Tea House: Cathy V. Muffin House: Ilene H. Medway Nutrition: Christine C. GRAND PRIZE WINNER (Oculus): Kevin L. Congrats to the winners and a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated this year. So many families will be fed in our community and we are so lucky to take care of such generous people! Thank you!

Andddddd that’s a wrap for Christmas on the Reservation 2018! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We’ll share pictures when the gifts are delivered 🎁 🎄 🎁

It’s the last week to bring in toys/winter clothing for the kids of the Fort Peck Reservation!