Memphis Union Mission, Memphis, TN Videos

Videos by Memphis Union Mission in Memphis. Rebuilding lives since 1945

Other Memphis Union Mission videos

Passion Choir at Memphis Union Mission
Our guests and clients enjoyed a wonderful morning of worship with the Passion Choir from First Baptist Church of Mustang, all the way from Oklahoma! This talented young group spent their spring break blessing others, with 40 minutes of amazing music and a chapel service led by worship pastor John Brewer!

Mission Update: Phase 2 of the New Opportunity Center
Memphis Union Mission is excited to announce the completion of Phase 2 of our new Opportunity Center, which provides emergency services for the homeless. We thank God for the donors that made this possible! If you would consider helping us finish our Phase 2 fundraising, click here:

Memphis Union Mission - Moriah House
Discover Moriah House, a haven for hope and healing! This is Memphis Union Mission’s long-term recovery program designed for women and their children, offering a fresh start and a brighter future. Housing up to 15 women and their children, Moriah House provides individual suites with private baths. It's a sanctuary for those whose lives have been touched by domestic abuse, depression, substance abuse, or prostitution. Here, they find the support needed for wholeness and restoration. Our mission goes beyond shelter – it's about transforming lives! The goal is for these resilient women and their families to discover a new life through a relationship with Jesus Christ, emerging as fulfilled, productive community members. The women’s program at Moriah House is structured and purposeful. From chores to physical exercise, meal times, Bible studies, and counseling sessions – it's a journey of growth and empowerment. Guided by our dedicated staff and community volunteers, we create a nurturing environment for positive change. Practical skills are woven into the program, empowering women to manage budgets, pursue education, and navigate the challenges of raising a family. For more information on Moriah House, contact director Georgia Pointer at [email protected] or visit

In addition to emergency services such as meals and shelter, did you know the Mission also provides recovery programs to address the problems that led clients to homelessness? The Iron-On-Iron Program is Memphis Union Mission’s long-term, Christ-centered recovery program for men. We praise God for the transformations in clients' lives achieved through this program! If you know someone who may need help, please have them contact Pastor Andre Randolph at [email protected] or call him at 901-526-8403!

In preparation for opening our new Opportunity Center, we have a few practical needs in the way of bedding. We need the following: White Flat Sheets: White Fitted Sheets: Pillows: Pillow Cases: You may send these items to: Memphis Union Mission 383 Poplar Ave. Memphis, TN 38105 Attn: Dr. Randy Daniels Thank you so much for your generosity and support of the Mission!

Home for Christmas Concert - check it out.

Calvary Temple from Missouri came to lead chapel on Friday lunch!

The Louisiana All State Baptist Youth Choir conducted chapel tonight!

Brown MBC!

New Salem Missionary Baptist Church came to the mission tonight. Man what a night.

St. Paul Baptist Church, men's choir at the mission Sunday night, August 4, 2013.