Diamond Laundry & Drycleaners Services

Giving your laundry that sparkle and glitz. That's our objective.


MTN came to Nigeria at a time when nobody
wanted to invest in Nigeria, at a time when
Nigerians did not have phones. Even Zenith Bank
refused to loan MTN cash to operate, UBA
rejected MTN's offer but today see the
What about Cowbell? When they came to Nigeria,
they made milk in a sachet, Peak was laughing
at them - they said Cowbell was milk for the
poor but they were right! 3-million poor people
could afford N10 a day for a sachet of milk. Oya,
do the math - 3 million people buying milk at
N10.00- that was N30 million every single day. In
a month they grossed N900 million (almost
Even Peak had to make sachet milk in order to
survive in the market. So what have people told
you? What have they said you cannot do, or you
do not qualify for, or you do not have experience
They told Cowbell, they told MTN, but today the
story has changed. I have a feeling something is
changing for you today!
They will change their strategies just to keep in
step with you.
Don't listen to what people are saying or what
life is showing you.
Success is not about where you graduated from,
or what grade you graduated with, but what
graduates out of you. Keep the spirit UP..
Get ready Success is coming your way.
2024 is a different story.


For every customer when patronize us this year, make una come collect one bundle each.


Seasons greetings to our esteemed customers.


Think sparkling clean.
Think Diamond


It's our mission to keep your laundry tidy..
We are just a call away


We are located at Aziken Avenue, behind School of nursing.


May all our endeavors move us forward this week! Amen


I saw a message attached to this photo and thought it was very powerful. I will rephrase it in this way.

This is a car, covered in mud and dirt. The driver understands that he is driving in a muddy environment. He does not stop to first clean the rest of the car. He simply ensures that the windscreen is clean and clear as he drives ahead.

This in many ways represents our pursuits in life- be in the struggle we are involved in, or any other venture.

Will life throw mud at you? Most definitely!

Will people throw dirt all over you? Hell yeah!

Will challenges and tribulations come your way? Assuredly!

Are there people who will brand you, malign you and throw all manner of profanities at you? As sure as day follows night!

Question is, what do you do when this happens? Your attitude will determine your altitude. Your response will determine whether you sink or swim. Whether you fly or collapse!

KEEP YOUR VISION CLEAR. As the mud comes in from all sides, keep your focus on the journey. Do not turn to the left or to the right - keep looking ahead. Let everything else be covered in mud but not your eyesight.

There is nothing that assists the enemy like seeing you stop everytime to concentrate on the dirt he is throwing at you. In the first place, that is his intention. Conversely, nothing destroys the enemy more than seeing you remain focused on the cause and the course despite all the mud they throw at you. That is the only way you can make it to your destination. May God help all of us to keep the vision, keep our focus on the bigger picture and keep the faith!

May God bless you today🙏


God bless our hustle

He is not picking my calls, he must be with another woman😢😢😢

May God bless all hard-working men who work so hard to make sure they provide for their family 🙏


Diamond laundry is just a call away!
A trial will convince you.


*Forwarded as received*


*Fiona Onasanya*, is a Nigerian, although she never lived in any part of the country. She was born & raised in the UK. She would go on to become a lawyer & a Member of Parliament (MP) in Britain🇳🇬🇬🇧

Her ultimate ambition was anything but ordinary: *To become the first black female Prime Minister of her country of birth*👸🏻

As things stand, that dream has suffered an abortion, triggered by the *eclampsia of zero integrity.*😔

The failed delivery started shortly after 10pm on 24 July 2017, when her car was caught on CCTV camera clocking 41mph on the Causeway of *Thorney, Cambridgeshire.* That area is a 30mph zone. 🚦

Upon investigation, she told the Police that she wasn't the person behind the wheels on the said night. She insisted that it was her brother, Festus Onasanya who was the driver. 💁🏼‍♂️❌

The former Labour MP who rose to the position of party whip, it was found, had connnived with her brother to name one _Aleks Antipow,_ her sibling's former lodger as the driver. Unfortunately, that alibi wasn't water tight. Antipow was with his parents in Russia, 1,800 miles away, at the time of this fateful driving.🙆🏼‍♂️

This string of lies would become the undoing of Onasanya, who was a former commercial property lawyer. At the *Old Bailey trial, she was found guilty and jailed for 3 months for perverting the course of Justice,* as lying is deemed.🏴‍☠️

Neither did her brother escape the long arm of the law as he bagged *10 months behind bars* for making himself available for conspiracy.➿

Promptly, the Labour Party launched a successful recall proceeding & deposed her as an MP for Peterborough.📛

You would have thought she had suffered enough for *lying*- a routine misdeed for many. But in that event, that wasn't the opinion of the British legal profession umpire!

The Solicitors Tribunal held a disciplinary hearing on Onasanya, for lying to evade consequences of speed limit breach.

Seemingly remorseless, she ar


In 1985, a Mercedes-Benz W124 (popularly known as V-Boot) was $33000, and a 2 bedroom flat in London cost $35000. Today that Mercedes is worth $2000, while a 2 bed room London flat costs $400,000. The wrong flex will make you a fool in your old age. Your father did this in the 80s and is suffering today. Now, you want to buy a Land Rover when you are not yet a Land Lord. Then tomorrow, you will blame innocent village people for your poverty in your latter years, when it was really you just repeating history and blaming history for repeating itself


George McLaurin, the first black man admitted to the University of Oklahoma in 1948, was forced to sit in a corner far from his white classmates.

But his name remains on the honor roll as one of the three best students of the university. These are his words: "Some colleagues would look at me like I was an animal, no one would give me a word, the teachers seemed like they were not even there for me, nor did they always take my questions when I asked. But I devoted myself so much that afterwards, they began to look for me to give them explanations and to clear their questions."

Lesson: Forcing yourself to be accepted by people is a waste of time. Just focus and add value to yourself and people shall come seeking your help...
Think Unique Thoughts
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*Life is a circle of CONTRIBUTION*

*I contribute.*
*You contribute.*
*We contribute.*

*When any party ceases to contribute, the circle will be broken and leakages will be discovered.*

*Whatever you are enjoying today is someone else's contribution.*

*Whatever you are lacking today is because someone who is suppose to contribute didn't.*

*Don't be that person, who because he refuses to contribute, causes leakages to the circle.*
*Every person on earth is here to contribute to make the world a better place.*

*Contribution is the essence of living.*
*You can contribute anything useful.*
*You can contribute in knowledge, in understanding, *in wisdom, in love, in peace, in resources, and in finances.*
*Also, You can contribute physically, spiritually, intellectually, financially, morally etc.*

*When you contribute, people will eat, when people contribute you will eat.*

*_Ask yourself:_*
*What is my contribution in that place that I am?*
*What have you contributed to make progress?*
*What is lacking as a result of your refusal to contribute?*
*What is the way forward?*
*The answer explains the scarcity or abundance in that place.*
*Your presence is irrelevant if you have nothing to contribute.*

- In the COMMUNITY, contribute.

*In the organisation that you are, contribute.*
*In the school, contribute.*
*In the house, contribute.*
*In the market, contribute.*
*In the society, contribute.*
*In the village, contribute*
*In the community,* *contribute.*
*In the family, contribute...*
*In your street, contribute.*
*Everywhere try and contribute...*
*You have something to contribute: Contribute in Love...*
*Instead of complaining, contribute.*
*Instead of destructive criticism, contribute.*
*Instead of being embittered, contribute.*
*Instead of watching, contribute.*
*Contribution is the right use of energy...*
Nobody destroys where he has contributed to build.



Many of us today are fond of putting password/patterns on our phone which makes it difficult for someone to access it in the case of unfortunate situations like phone loss, sickness, accident or even death. But with this little knowledge I am going to share, perhaps we can save ourselves and the lives of others also.*

*STEP 1*

*When your phone is locked, it normally shows enter password. Under it, you will see emergency. Click on the emergency, then you will see emergency information. Click on the emergency information (2 times)* *You will see a pencil icon on your extreme right, click on it to edit.*

*STEP 2*

*Then enter the contacts you want to save as emergency. You can put as many contacts as possible but I advise you to save numbers of active people who know you very well (Family/friend).*

*Now these contacts you have saved can be called even when your phone is locked without entering your password.*


*To call a number under emergency, click on 'Emergency Call' and the numbers saved there will come up. You can call these numbers without unlocking the phone*

*A life can be saved through this*


*You never know, your single share can save somebody's life...

Thank you


A father said to his daughter “You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is pretty old now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it.”

The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because the said it looks pretty worn out.”

The father said, now “Take it to the pawn shop.” The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,”The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car.”

The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because “it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors.”

Now the father said this to his daughter, “The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you......

Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.


“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”-C.S. Lewis


Like any plant, growth of the Chinese Bamboo Tree requires nurturing – water, fertile soil, sunshine. In its first year, we see no visible signs of activity. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third, the fourth, still nothing. Our patience is tested and we begin to wonder if our efforts (caring, water, etc.) will ever be rewarded.

And finally in the fifth year – behold, a miracle! We experience growth. And what growth it is! The Chinese Bamboo Tree grows 80 feet in just six weeks!

But let’s be serious, does the Chinese Bamboo Tree really grow 80 feet in six weeks? Did the Chinese Bamboo Tree lie dormant for four years only to grow exponentially in the fifth? Or, was the little tree growing underground, developing a root system strong enough to support its potential for outward growth in the fifth year and beyond? The answer is, of course, obvious. Had the tree not developed a strong unseen foundation it could not have sustained its life as it grew. The same principle is true for people. People, who patiently toil towards worthwhile dreams and goals, building strong character while overcoming adversity and challenge, grow the strong internal foundation to handle success, while get-rich- quickers and lottery winners usually are unable to sustain unearned sudden wealth.

Had the Chinese Bamboo Tree farmer dug up his little seed every year to see if it was growing, he would have stunted the Chinese Bamboo tree’s growth as surely as a caterpillar is doomed to a life on the ground if it is freed from its struggle inside a cocoon prematurely. The struggle in the cocoon is what gives the future butterfly the wing power to fly, just as tension against muscles as we exercise strengthen our muscles, while muscles left alone will soon atrophy.

The Chinese Bamboo Tree is a perfect parable to our own experience with personal growth and change (whether we are working on ourselves or coaching others). It is never easy.



Just after I received my fee structure from My University for my PhD, totalling N850,000 in 2012, I met my Dad, at Cooperative bank in Kaduna.

I explained to him that I had the admission letter and he smiled.

I told him however, "Baba, there is a problem. They need N850,000."

He held my hands, then slowly but reassuringly, said, *"Just Begin,* my son."

To ensure his point went home, he got into his account and gave me N14,000 in an account that had N20,000.

I was touched.

*I added N16000 and paid N30,000 into the account, and my journey to PhD began.*

Today, having reached the dream, I remember the words of my father.
*Just Begin....*

In everything you do, always remember, *JUST BEGIN.*

*Just begin, no matter how difficult it seems to be.*

It appeared to be difficult, but as time lapsed, I realised dad was right.

At some point before my defence, I gave up.

I still had a solid N300,000 to pay and they wouldn't give me a chance for my final defence.

*Then came a very unlikely help.*

I had supported a gentleman to undertake a project evaluation two times in the year.

I received his call cautiously asking me to meet him.

He was carrying a brown envelop in his hand.

He began, "Aliyu, you will forgive me if you find my action inappropriate. For two consecutive times you have given me a job without asking for a Cent. This is very unusual with many people. I did not know how to approach you, but I am deep with gratitude. Please accept my small gift."

I quickly peered into the envelope and saw they were two bundles, likely in hundreds.

He confirmed that it was N200,000.

I couldn't believe it.

The words of my father,
*"My son, just begin"* came to mind.

*Don't worry how it will end.*

*Just begin.*

If you are building a house, *just begin.*

If you are planning to buy land, *just begin.*

If you want to continue with your education, *just begin.*

If you want to pay dowry, *just begin.*

Nothing is more powerful than that advice.

*We just need to Have Faith and Begin.*

And I have revised this philosophy.

Whenever someone is doing something, I always encourage them to *Have Faith and Just keep trying.*

When things get thick, I always say, *keep walking.*

*No matter how slow Just keep Moving*

*If you Can't Walk then Crawl*

*Just Keep Moving*

When things are intimidating, *Ignore.*

*Persist and keep trying.*

*Don't give up on life just because your challenges appear to be insurmountable.*

*Do not be defeated before you begin.*

Whatever looks like a mountain will soon become an anthill...
*but only if you begin.*

Not long ago, someone asked me, "Aliyu, are we going to manage to build the office we want?"

My answer,
*"Let's just begin."*

*I believe in the power of Faith and Action (Starting) .*

No one Wins a race until they *respond* to the sound of the gun and begin.

*The secret lies in Beginning.*

Overtime, God has seen me through a number of projects because of this philosophy.

I have parcels of land that I acquired by simply paying N50,000...and, overtime, these have multiplied.

*I persuade you this day never to allow yourself to be threatened by the size of your problem.*

*The Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with One Step*

*Begin in a small way to do something about it.*

*How Do You Eat an Elephant ?*
By Eating it *One Bit at a Time*

If it is lack of money do something small to get something for yourself.

*If it is a marital issue, look for a way to solve it.*

In whatsoever you face, *Just Begin.*

Even those with big debts can do something about it.

*Just begin by doing something little and it will shrink each day.*

I was not a millionaire, but sometime ago, I wanted to have a feeling of being one.

I drew a plan of how to hold a million in my account, at least for a few days.

After some months of beginning, I discovered it was possible.

*Three years and half of savings later, I got my first ever million.*

Even though I used it later on investments and expenses, it felt so good.

*Let's all Have Faith and Just Begin*.

*I hope someone here is encouraged by this little piece. If you have, it's not bad to share cos someone else might just need it.*

Timeline photos 12/31/2020
The Brood of Vipers - Be Happy Live Positive 12/07/2020

The Brood of Vipers - Be Happy Live Positive While we celebrate God’s goodness to us at Christmas, it is important to remind ourselves too that amongst us are “brood of vipers.” Who are these brood of vipers? They come in various forms and take on different roles, they are persons who are never happy to see good things coming our way. Fo...

Timeline photos 12/07/2020

We are just a call away to keep you clean and fresh.

Timeline photos 12/07/2020



READ: Revelation 15:1-4
Key Scripture: And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God (Revelation 15:2).
This story is probably apocryphal but it will be told anyway. A man of God after conducted a series of deliverances and came home to his family without knowing how much he had offended the powers of hell. That night, while he was sleeping, his wife fearfully woke him up about an evil presence in their home. To pacify her, he went upstairs to find a demon there. Calmly, the man spoke to it. “By the time my feet gets downstairs, I want you out of here!” And that was what happened. This story is for you to see that the devil recognizes God in us. He was defeated when Jesus died for us on the cross of Calvary. Before then, we were just ordinary men and women, easily frightened, easily intimidated by the forces of darkness but after the sacrifice of Jesus, all that changed. He rescued us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light (Col 1:13). He gave us the power to trample over serpent and scorpions, to cast out demons and raise the dead. He gave us the ability to reverse the curse of the devil, to speak onto situations and have them obey us. Victory over the devil is yours if you have made the Lord Jesus the master of your life and decided to honour Him with it.

1. Lord, thank you for your victory on the cross.
2. I believe the words of 1 Corinthians 15:57 that God gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. My victory is coming through Jesus Christ.
3. I claim God’s words in Romans 8:37 that in all things I am more than conquerors.
4. In Jesus name, I will conquer death.
5. In Jesus name, I am conquering sin.
6. In Jesus name, I am conquering failure, I am conquering disappointment. I am conquering evil.
7. I am triumphing over principalities and powers.
8. I exercise authority over the ruling powers of dark kingdoms. I declare my victory over them. Amen.
9. I use the authority in Luke 10:19 and declare that I am treading on snakes and scorpions and on the full force of the enemy, and nothing will hurt me.
10. I confess in faith that I have victory over sickness and infirmity, in Jesus name.
11. I claim possession of all that God has given me.
12. Lord, let the powers of limitation be broken.
13. Father, let the powers waging war against my family experience total defeat, in Jesus name.
14. I declare victory over the demons of the air, water and land.
15. I declare victory over the demons of bad dreams.
16. I am victorious forever. Amen.
17. (Add other personal intentions).
18. Conclude with Psalm: 98

Photos from Diamond Laundry & Drycleaners Services's post 11/23/2020

Starting the week smart and sparkling! We care at Diamond laundry

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