Crass Lips Records, Miami, FL Videos

Videos by Crass Lips Records in Miami. Crass Lips Records (CLR) is a small independent record label here for people that don't conform to t

Other Crass Lips Records videos

If you see these around town, open um up for this month’s shows and full True Vine Fest III lineup!! Brenna & Matt from @bldrzz will be doing poetry!! Chris from Dog will be doing Hoca Christ Devil!! And @maxine.jpg will be premiering their project Slab of Meat !!!

@itchprincess album out today!!!!! For April fools/Bandcamp Friday we are soo proud to bring u this psychedelic comedic pop princess w/ 3 amazing music videos & 44 minutes of insanely beautiful music madness!!!!! Get on the Itch now or you’ll regret it!!!

@itchprincess album out today!!!!! For April fools/Bandcamp Friday we are soo proud to bring u this psychedelic comedic pop princess w/ 3 amazing music videos & 44 minutes of insanely beautiful music madness!!!!! Get on the Itch now or you’ll regret it!!!

True Vine is out here at Peabody heights brewery record bazaar!

Body Shop Cassette Release Show Tonight in Orlando at Uncle Lou’s! with @thecradlemusic (NY) and @frank.consent (ATL)

I can’t stop laughing.. “Now you can party with the wildest babes!! These are not paid performers” 🤣🤣🤣Event link/RSVP/Promo vid on YouTube in BIO! (U could hear the announcer/jokes much better on a computer) or Crass Lips on YouTube for that & soo much more exciting things in the mix:))))

New shelves full of new goodness!!

See ya in a few hours (7pm) @ @thetruevinerecordshop !

@luckybabydaddy live at @thetruevinerecordshop RN ⭐️Come still 4 more !!

The big Crass Lips weekend in NY continues into Monday w/ Timo Ellis’ tape release! But first! This incredible lineup tonight!!! First 50 ppl get a free DVD, CD or tape.. your choice!! Dump your 📺!! Get🤯instead 😈

Clip from @glassbody_ ‘s single “Here Comes Ham” off their latest EP ‘Apathy’ available at now !! Video linked in our bio now !! Thanks @blanktv_ for sharing 🔥 @headylimbs & @generouslength_vneck for directing

Baltimore has been so extremely welcoming & kind to us. #TrueVineFest was all we could’ve ever dreamed it to be.. the new True Vine is divine & ppl have been eating up our tapes, zines & pins there and asking for us to book them there.. and the Pepto Palace is literally our dream home to be able to host bands and nurse bigger dreams in. Please visit us (again) soon!! 🎈🐶‼️

@2uarm live at #TrueVineFest

Don’t miss the incredible BURUNDANGA!!! Goin on at 9:30 sharp babiieezz✨💋✨

Krudas Cubensi frenziiiii

The loot has landed in time for a sp👀kay weekend!! COQ/SEXUAL JEREMY split available for streaming & buying meooooww👅‼️‼️⭐️

Tonight’s #SNARLY from #Toledo ‘s album release w/ us!! #Periodbomb & #batroomlawsky welcomed into the family of freex!~ they fit riiiiight innn!!! #crasslipsrecords #weirdestbandsintheworld #freakyfashion #americanized #irony #synthpunk #outnow !!!

Some peak moments for me during @bathroomlaws set at Frankie’s in Toledo tn!