Modular Radionics

Manufacturer of the world's most advanced digital radionics devices featuring the Intent Detector.

Here We Go Again: Mercury Retrograde starts on August 4th - Modular Radionics 08/01/2024

Here We Go Again: Mercury Retrograde starts on August 4th - Modular Radionics As we prepare for Mercury retrograde from August 4th to the 28th, we find ourselves navigating the celestial dance of the cosmos


Learn how Modular Radionics devices can perform this operation to remove negative habits in your life: Fear, Anger Issues, Self Hate and many more.
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Photos from Modular Radionics's post 03/27/2024


Get ready, because on April 1st, Mercury goes retrograde again! 🌟✨

During this cosmic dance, our lives are deeply influenced from April 1st to the 24th. Mercury Retrograde has its gentle side: it thins the veils between worlds, granting access to higher realms of consciousness and deeper layers of reality. It's a time of introspection, spiritual growth, and cosmic realignment. 🌀💫

But let's face it, Mercury Retrograde can also wreak havoc in tangible ways. Communication blunders, travel mishaps, and unexpected obstacles can leave us feeling frazzled. It's wise to avoid signing any contracts unless absolutely necessary, and even then, consider seeking legal advice. 📜⚖️

In matters of the heart, Mercury Retrograde stirs up old wounds and unresolved emotions. We may find ourselves looking at the past through rose-colored glasses, risking repeating the same mistakes. 💔🌹

So how do we survive until April 24th? We can tiptoe around, double-check every text, and steer clear of social media, OR we can harness the power of the Modular Radionics Planetary Remedy Mercury Ratecaster Spell! ✨🔮

This simple ritual balances the energies of Mercury retrograde in our favor, allowing us to experience its gentle side: a time for introspection, reflection, and inner growth. 🌿💖

Download the Planetary Remedy, select Mercury, enter your information, and run it daily from April 1st to the 24th for 45 minutes. Embrace Mercury Retrograde like never before and emerge stronger, wiser, and on the right path. 🌟✨

Lunar and Solar Eclipse Spells - Buy Quantum Radionics Manifestation Devices | Modular Radionics 03/25/2024

Lunargy Spells !
Channel the energies of the lunar and solar eclipses.
Are you on the “Nope” zone, where you can’t see the eclipse?
Do you want to perform a Lunar or Solar spell but are unsure how or when?
The Ratecaster Lunargy Radionic spell does it all for you.
You can run this spells EVERY TIME there is a lunar or solar eclipse anywhere in the world, regardless whether you can see it or not.
Our orgon generated spell with our intent detector hones in on the frequency of the spell and targets that energy to work for your intention.
Use it tonight, use it on April 8th, use it forever!
For as long as the Moon, the Sun and the earth rotate in their eternal ballet of celestial energies, this spell will find the frequency of manifestation .
Perform the Solar eclipse spell to initiate new beginnings, manifest desires, and catalyze personal growth.
During a solar eclipse, run the spell for manifestation , cleansing and purification, spiritual enlighten, protection , divination and healing.

Lunar and Solar Eclipse Spells - Buy Quantum Radionics Manifestation Devices | Modular Radionics LUNARGY : SUN AND MOON ECLIPSE SPELLS Eclipse spells are revered for their potent connection to celestial forces and their ability to catalyze profound transformations in the fabric of existence. These spells harness the rare and intense energies of solar and lunar eclipses, capitalizing on the uniq...

The Role of Energy Tuning in Successful Financial Manifestations - Modular Radionics 03/04/2024

The Role of Energy Tuning in Successful Financial Manifestations - Modular Radionics To attract wealth, your energy needs to be in sync with prosperity. Think of it like tuning an instrument to the right frequency.


Our products will guide you into that desirable spiritual journey you desire profoundly, through the manifestation and focus of multichannel energy by the hand of state-of-the-art technology.

Get to know our products!
Did you know that we have the only products on the market that offers chakra alignments, frequencies and rates all in one system?.

We present to you The Modular Radionics Manifestation System, the best ally for your spiritual well-being that meets a precision of operation like no other on the market today.

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Modular Radionics - Manifestation Devices - World Wide
Modular Radionics - Manifestation Devices - World Wide
Modular Radionics - Manifestation Devices - World Wide
Modular Radionics - Manifestation Devices - World Wide

Our products will guide you into that desirable spiritual journey you desire profoundly, through the manifestation and focus of multichannel energy by the hand of state-of-the-art technology.

Get to know our products!
Did you know that we have the only products on the market that offers chakra alignments, frequencies and rates all in one system?.

We present to you The Modular Radionics Manifestation System, the best ally for your spiritual well-being that meets a precision of operation like no other on the market today.

● Easy to use and program.
● Includes advanced software with exclusive quantum intent detector technology for accurate manifesting.
● Compact.
● Features powerful orgone engine, allowing you to combine the power to manifest with the
frequency and speed you require.
● Contains over 100 preset frequencies allowing you to quickly access the correct channel for your specific intention.

Photos from Modular Radionics's post 02/25/2024

The Ratecaster Archangel Collection leverages the power of our Ratecaster (tm) software, to bring all of the archangels' power to help you. Archangel Barachiel helps you focus on the beauty of the world, Archangel Gabriel helps you to make wise decisions, Archangel Jophiel helps you to be positive and creative, Archangel Michael helps to protect you and guide you, Archangel Raphael helps you to find and follow your true path, Archangel Uriel helps you to be successful and Archangel Zadquiel helps you to manifest your dreams. With the Ratecaster Archangel Collection, you can harness the power of the Archangels to help you in all areas of life. Whether you need to be more creative, protected, successful, or simply manifest your dreams, the Ratecaster Archangel Collection can provide you with the guidance and power you need. By leveraging the power of our patent pending intent detector, you can trust that the archangels will be there to help you in any situation.

This is a Radionics Software Product for Windows 10/11. It includes our unique RateCaster(tm) Software and a collection of 7 Archangel Radionics Programs for the invocation of:

Archangel Barachiel

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Zadquiel


For more information visit the link 👇👇


Get ready to create your new life! The Modular Radionic Creator Edition Radionics Manifestation Systems are a very high quality, compact, professional 4-Channel and 2-Channel Digital Quantum Radionics Manifestation Machines. With any of these devices, you will be manifesting your desires in a very short time!


Get ready to create your new life! The Modular Radionic Creator Edition Radionics Manifestation Systems are a very high quality, compact, professional 4-Channel and 2-Channel Digital Quantum Radionics Manifestation Machines. With any of these devices, you will be manifesting your desires in a very short time!


Do you ever wonder why the people who are in the best mood are the most successful?

It's because they are vibrating at a high level.

People who vibrate at high levels are the most successful in business, love, family relationships and much more!

Things come easier to them. People who vibrate at low levels, the ones in a constant bad mood, depressed, always blaming other for their failures, tend to not be successful.

Leveraging the power of our Quantum Radionic machines, we'll tell the universe that you are ready for success! For Love! For happiness. That you want to vibrate at a high level!

You will feel better, look better, every single cell of your body will be in harmony and in an optimal vibration.

All we'll need is a recent picture of yourself and your complete name. This also includes a vibrational analysis to see where you are at before and after the treatment.

The initial treatment is run for a month to achieve the perfect levels.


✨ Unleash the Power with Modular Radionics: Your Gateway to Limitless
Possibilities 🌌

When I first laid hands on the MR 400QP prototype from the chief
engineer of Modular Radionics, my legs went weak! 😱

Introducing the dream-come-true for modern alchemists—a sublime fusion
of cutting-edge software and raw orgone energy. 💻🌟

With 8 channels and an expansive orgone bed, the MR 400QP empowers you
to potentiate any object with 4 distinct channels, elevating its energy
manifesting ability to astounding levels! 🔥

Unlock endless potential for intention and manifestation with the
unparalleled ability to potentiate up to four different categories of
objects simultaneously! 🚀

Three months later, and I still stand in awe of the MR 400QP's power,
capacity, and potentizing prowess. 🤯

Welcome to the Philosopher's Stone of the modern age! While it won't
grant immortality, it can effortlessly transmute any object into a
manifesting tool with a single pass. Watch as a simple stone bracelet
becomes a magnet for love, or a humble candle transforms into a gateway
to home ownership in just 45 minutes. 💕🏠

With the MR 400QP in your possession, the sky is truly the limit. 🌠

The Modular Radionics Alchemist! 🧙‍♂️

Visit our website by clicking on the link in bio!


Happiness is a right!

Claim your right to happiness!

Get in touch with the universal source of joy so that happiness becomes your reality

Modular Radionics makes it possible for you to be happy!

Our orgone energy machine determines the unique manifestation frequency that will align your energy field with the universal source, bringing into your life:


You know what makes you happy. Go ahead, Dare!


(Distance Dna Activation) Energy Exchange

Golden DNA 2 is The second Level activation which supplements the first Golden DNA Activation

Activating the DNA templates of the Absolute Harmonic Realms

The Golden DNA Activations are distant healing sessions which consist of activating DNA from its current blueprint, back to the original sacred God Gold print, using specific Golden DNA Activation codes that enable this to occur and have imbued within them the templates of Source/God, which are untouched by any interferences, distortions, or mis-deeds of people. In these sessions the intent is to activate the 144,000 Golden DNA Strands from the Universe of Absolute Harmonic Realms (the higher universal self of our universe) so that people can start embodying the frequencies of the Absolute Harmonic Realms here on Earth. These golden strands are found within the 12 strand DNA Template.

These activations are intended to assist in embodying person’s Higher Self, to attain self-mastery, in finding person’s OWN life purpose, in re-membrance of “WHO YOU ARE” and in assisting the ascension process.

There are already 144,000 beings that have chosen in their soul contracts to activate the Golden DNA and when this happens we will create a bridge for our entire multidimensional universe to merge with the Absolute Harmonic Realms thus assisting in Earth’s ascension to the Golden Liquid Realms.

The Golden DNA Activation Sessions activate the DNA templates of the Absolute Harmonic Realms. Our time matrix has 15 dimensions and are broken down into 5 Harmonic Universes called HU. We live in HU1, because we are within dimensions 1, 2 and 3. HU1 holds our physical body.

Each Session is 45 minutes totaling 4 sessions in all ( The First Golden DNA System is recommended before this one.



Unlock and activate your dormant Starseed DNA with the STARSEED ACTIVATOR RATECASTER.

As real-life UFOs appear in virtually real time around the world, it has become impossible to conceal them, forcing even the most clandestine government agencies to abandon their traditional stance of denial.

someone is out there.

It's always been there.

The question hangs: Why now?

And the reason for “now” is the Starseed. You. Me. All of us.

All over the world, people are discovering the truth. Those Beings from eons ago from across the universe incarnated on Earth to sow what we now know as humanity.

These souls possessed a unique form of DNA, known as Starseed DNA, and everyone alive on Earth has this special DNA strand.

Scientists call it “junk” DNA because they don't understand it.

But what was once dormant needs to be awakened, the time has come to awaken and activate your Starseed DNA to unlock supernatural abilities, higher consciousness, and a deeper understanding of one's cosmic origins.

Our Starseed DNA activation software will focus on the Starseed frequency as it delves deeper into your ancestral DNA, turning off the off switch that silences Starseed DNA.

Download the Digital software, already programmed with Orgone Energy and run it on Saturdays for 45 minutes.

This activation is done through an offering that uses the energies of sacred geometry and numerology, the code 3 6 9, the secret code that Nikolas Tesla knew was the key to the Starseed legacy.

Tesla's Starseed DNA was activated and he spent his entire life dedicated to discovering the secret of Starseed, leaving behind the breadcrumbs that led us to develop the Starseed Ratecaster.

Once your Starseed DNA is active, you will have:

Greater intuition and connectivity of the cosmos.

Improved healing abilities.

Connection with Higher Realms,

Amplified creativity

Accelerated spiritual growth

Reach the stars.

They are waiting for you.


MONEY MANIFESTATION, ATTRACT Money, Goal Setting, Financial Abundance Success Achievement Growth and Money Flow Magic


The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.

This has to be my favorite quote ever.

We can influence luck by changing the frequencies.

The why, is all physics.

In physics, resonance occurs when an object naturally vibrates at the same frequency as an external stimulus. When you vibrate at a certain frequency, you resonate with experiences, people, or opportunities that match that frequency

 At the quantum level, everything (including humans) is made up of energy and vibrating particles that carry specific energetic vibrations.

Like energy attracts like energy. High-frequency vibrations, attract positive experiences . It Attracts luck

 Being in the right frequency is equated with alignment – being in sync with the universe or your highest self. When you're aligned things flow more easily and opportunities present themselves more frequently.

That is what our need Ratecaster Gambling spells can do for you.

We determine the frequency in which your bet will resonate the most with the universe.

You will pick the tight scratch off game.

You will sit at the right table, pick the right machine.

You know, even the odds a bit.

If you gamble, gamble on the Ratecaster Gambling Spells.

The house does not ALWAYS have to win, right?

Here's a revised version of the copy:

"Change is the only constant in luck. “

This is by far my favorite sentiment.

 But what if we told you that there's a way to swing luck in your favor?

 It's all rooted in the laws of physics.

In physics, resonance occurs when objects vibrate in harmony with external stimuli. At the quantum level, everything—including us—is comprised of vibrating energy. This energy attracts similar frequencies. In simpler terms: like attracts like. High-frequency vibrations beckon positive experiences and, in essence, luck.

Being in the right frequency is akin to being in sync with the universe, aligning with your highest self. When you're in this state, opportunities arise more often, and things just seem to click.

Enter Ratecaster Gambling Spells.

We tap into the frequency that maximizes your chances of success in the gambling realm.

You'll find yourself choosing the perfect scratc


We can influence luck by changing the frequencies.

In physics, resonance occurs when an object naturally vibrates at the same frequency as an external stimulus. When you vibrate at a certain frequency, you resonate with experiences, people, or opportunities that match that frequency

At the quantum level, everything (including humans) is made up of energy and vibrating particles that carry specific energetic vibrations.

Like energy attracts like energy. High-frequency vibrations, attract positive experiences . It Attracts luck

Being in the right frequency is equated with alignment – being in sync with the universe or your highest self. When you're aligned things flow more easily and opportunities present themselves more frequently.

That is what our need Ratecaster Gambling spells can do for you.

We determine the frequency in which your bet will resonate the most with the universe.

You will pick the tight scratch off game.

You will sit at the right table, pick the right machine.

You know, even the odds a bit.

If you gamble, gamble on the Ratecaster Gambling Spells.

The house does not ALWAYS have to win, right?

Here's a revised version of the copy:

"Change is the only constant in luck. “

This is by far my favorite sentiment.

But what if we told you that there's a way to swing luck in your favor?

It's all rooted in the laws of physics.

In physics, resonance occurs when objects vibrate in harmony with external stimuli. At the quantum level, everything—including us—is comprised of vibrating energy. This energy attracts similar frequencies. In simpler terms: like attracts like. High-frequency vibrations beckon positive experiences and, in essence, luck.

Being in the right frequency is akin to being in sync with the universe, aligning with your highest self. When you're in this state, opportunities arise more often, and things just seem to click.

Enter Ratecaster Gambling Spells.

We tap into the frequency that maximizes your chances of success in the gambling realm.

You'll find yourself choosing the perfect scratch-off, sitting at the most promising table, or selecting the slot machine ripe for the jackpot.

Level the playing field.


Digital magic is a modern approach to enhancing one's spiritual practice by using the Ratecaster tool to channel the frequency of manifestation to make intentions a reality. The RateCaster tool is a powerful means of accessing the power of Archangels, Ho'oponopono, and many others to attract love, protection, and wealth. Ratecaster achieves this by tapping into the manifestation frequency to achieve desired results. Go to:
Email: support@modular-radionics
Whatsapp: +17542710965


Become an alchemist with Modular Radionics! 🧙‍♂🧙‍♀

Our state-of-the-art Radionic Machines offers 8 channels to manifest any intention, plus an expansive orgone bed to empower any object with 4 different orgone frequencies. 🪄

Unlock the true potential of Radionic Energy! 🧿

The possibilities are endless!

Would you like to give it a try? 👀

📲 Visit our website and get more information!

Photos from Modular Radionics's post 01/06/2024
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EXPLANTSLearn how Modular Radionics devices can perform this operation to remove negative habits in your life: Fear, Ang...
See How Easy it is to Use Our Machines!
THE ULTIMATE TOOL TO MANIFEST YOUR DESIRES!The Modular Radionics MR-200QC Creator Edition Radionics Manifestation System...
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