Helping Hands Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy. Motherhood. Healthy Living. Inspiring moms to raise happy & confident children

Photos from Helping Hands Occupational Therapy's post 04/13/2024

📈Cancer is the #1 cause of disease related death in children in the US.⠀
📈Autism is now 1 in 30 children, a 50% jump from 2017.⠀
📈1 in 5 children have asthma.⠀
📈1 in 6 have ADHD.⠀
📈1 in 6 have a developmental disability.⠀
📈1 in 5 children are obese.⠀
📈1 in 5 have a mental health disorder.⠀

Big food, big ag + big pharma are at the root of it all.⠀

Food regulation agencies have known for decades about the harmful affects of pesticides, herbicides and glyphosate on children’s health and childhood cancer rates but they have done little to nothing to regulate the use of them on our food supply.⠀

These herbicides and pesticides disrupt the delicate gut microbiome and contribute to the toxic burden of children.⠀

💫 The only way we can make an impact is by demanding and buying better for our families.⠀

💫By refusing to buy ultra processed foods, GMOs, supporting brands who care about children’s health and making food at home from real foods, were demanding better options for children and helping to keep the food industry in check.⠀

💫Here are some practical ways parents can make an impact at the grocery store. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, these are just some examples of MANY amazing companies that are working to make safer food products for kids and a few of many practical ways you can make simple swaps in your home.⠀

1. Opt for grains that are low in glyphosate or certified glyphosate free⠀
2. Buy more “real food” snacks from protein, fruits and veggies instead of ultra-processed processed snack foods⠀
3. Buy grass-fed, pasture raised, wild and local meat and seafood as is feasible for your family ⠀
4. Opt for treats and cereals that are food dye free

Photos from Helping Hands Occupational Therapy's post 07/26/2023

Are humans becoming more allergic to food or is our food and environment becoming increasingly more toxic?  

What do you think? 

I would argue that it is the latter. Granted, food allergies are real and on the rise more than ever -- In the United States, food allergies are a widespread epidemic. 1 in 12 children (8%) have food allergies and the prevalence has risen by 50% since the year 1997. 

I would argue that the rise of food allergies has much more to do with toxicity, synthetic chemicals and pesticides on our food than genetics. Since the implementation of mass food production and caged farming practices that began around the early 1900's, our food has become increasingly void of nutrients and increasingly more synthetic and toxic. Environmental triggers and toxicants in our environment also play a large role in molding the gut microbiome and immune system. 

Epigenetics, or the study of how your behaviors and environment cause changes that affect the way your genes work, is much more likely the cause.

Photos from Helping Hands Occupational Therapy's post 05/24/2023

What does glutathione, oxidative stress and Autism have to do with each other?⠀

✨Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant that plays many protective roles in the human body - primarily as it relates to reducing oxidative stress in our brain 🧠 and at a cellular level (see slides for all it’s important roles within the body) It is a primary nutrient involved in the detoxification process.⠀

🧪Many research studies show children with Autism have significantly lower levels of serum glutathione. This compromises their ability to detox and defend against every day toxicants and free radicals. ⠀

🧬There are also many studies that show oxidative stress is much higher in children with ASD, which makes sense since their glutathione levels are typically compromised.⠀

The two play off of eachother -- less glutathione -- more oxidative stress and free radical damage.⠀

🔬Oxidative stress happens when there is an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants in the body. This imbalance causes cellular damage, compromises the blood brain barrier and can cause a cascade of inflammation in the brain.⠀

✨The good news? Children with Autism can benefit from glutathione supplementation which can decrease their oxidative stress levels. (See the study referenced above)⠀

Always work with a provider before starting any supplements of course and this is not medical advice.⠀

Topical glutathione to be best tolerated by children in my opinion. (it can be absorbed through the skin)⠀

🫐Other ways to increase glutathione levels and decrease oxidative stress in the body naturally:⠀
-consume antioxidant rich foods⠀
-decrease/limit toxicant exposure in food/water/air⠀
-Vitamin E⠀
-Liposomal vitamin C⠀
-epsom salt baths⠀
-castor oil packs


Best Steak Marinade + DIY Buddha Bowls You guys, I have SO excited to share my household favorite, DIY Buddha Bowls + my favorite recipe for marinating steak. It is so so good! I can’t even describe the level of deliciousness going on here.  To give you an idea as to how delicious, I will say, I would rather eat these steak bow


Tips + Tricks for Teaching Cutting Skills + Cutting Box Surprise
I have been wanting to try ✂️Cutting Box Surprise✂️ for some time now, and I don’t know why I waited so long because it was 1) awesome and 2) took way less time to set up than I thought it would.
My son loves to cut and is now at the point where he can finally maneuver curves and simple shapes so this was the perfect fun learning activity for him.
Scissor skills can be tricky for some kids, as it is such a multi-faceted skill that involves so many different areas of the brain and requires a lot of coordination.
Here are a few reasons why it’s so complex and tricky: .
✂️It requires high level motor planning skills (opening and closing the scissors AND moving the hand forward)
✂️It requires bilateral coordination (coordinating the left and right sides of the body together in a coordinated way)
✂️It requires children to cross midline (which is harder for some kids)
✂️It requires careful modulation of pressure and safety skills (pressure modulation is the ability to grade the amount of pressure to release on the scissors)
✂️Positioning the fingers in the correct holes is hard at first (thumb on top)
✂️It requires divided attention (attention to the process of moving the hand correctly AND attending to the line that is to be followed)
While it can be intimidating to teach cutting, it can also be A LOT of fun. Just break everything down into simple steps and teach in a progressive + sequential order.
Click on the link in my bio to get my favorite tips and tricks for teaching cutting skills + this super fun cutting box surprise activity. I have been wanting to try Cutting Box Surprise for some time now, and I don’t know why I waited so long because it was 1) awesome and 2) took way less time to set up than I thought it would.  My son loves to cut and is now at the point where he can finally maneuver curves and simple sha


Okay so we have quite a ways until Easter but don’t judge me. I am oddly obsessed with all games and toys that are related to eggs. Opening/closing egg toys are my favorite for babies because they teach them how to use both hands together in a coordinated way AND they usually have some sort of visual matching component too.
Anyways, I digress.
You guys, this activity was SO easy to set up, or should I say there was really no set up, and the kids LOVED IT. I am not kidding when I say they have been playing it non-stop all weekend. So if you’re feeling the weekend toddler crazies and trying to prevent your house from being turned upside down before nap time, run to Easter Eggs Rocks + Chalks quick!
All you need is 4 things:
Chalk of any kind
Old egg carton
Easter baskets (optional)
This activity is definitely chalk full of skill building but honestly, we were just trying to have a little fun and kill time before dinner.
Heres how to play:
Color the rocks all your favorite colors
Put them in the carton
Have the kids count the rocks
Talk about your favorite colors together
Hide the rocks all over your house or backyard
Take turns hiding the eggs (the kids especially loved getting to hide them for me and watching me try to find them)
Practice math skills when trying to determine how many eggs are still missing
Here’s a few skills we worked on:

Bilateral integration skills (Using one hand to stabilize the rock while the other dominant hand colors)
Tripod grasping skills (using three fingers to hold the chalk with an open web space in the web space)
Simple subtraction
Parent interaction
Up on the blog under toddler activities 🤗👍


Happy Saturday 😀
❤️ .


Helping Hands Occupational Therapy's cover photo


Totally Doable Household Chores for Toddlers (by age range)

Believe it or not, kids gain a sense of pride and accomplishment after completing a job and contributing to household chores.
When you keep their little hands and minds busy working alongside you, they (hopefully) won't un-do all that you're trying to accomplish.
It’s SO important with toddlers to find the task that has just the right amount of challenge and feasibility so that learning can occur.
The idea isn't necessarily for them to be thorough, but to learn and feel as though they're helping.
Link in profile - I hope you all find it helpful! Happy Friday! Having little ones rummage through and often tear apart the house while you're trying keep it in order can drive anyone a little crazy, myself included. I have found it most helpful for me to get the kids involved when I am in the cleaning spirit. Believe it or not, kids gain a sense of pride and


Baby's First Year - Age Appropriate Milestones for 10-12 Months

Wrapping up the Babies First Year Series today, I hope you all have enjoyed following along!
Here is part 4 of the Babies First Year and today were talking about developmental milestones during the 10-12 month age range👍
Tag a friend who might find this guideline helpful! 😊Link in Profile! You are (hopefully) fully baby proofed and getting used to this baby on the move situation. Your baby should be crawling and pulling to stand, and most babies typically take their first steps sometime within a month or so of their first birthdays. Your baby is now learning to respond to simple ver


wild and free 🌿🌊 no need to worry about sensory input when you’re barefoot in nature 😊
I get lots of looks and comments from other parents about my kids not wearing shoes... the truth is, I don’t really worry to much about that 😂 Sure, they might cut their feet on a rock, but that won’t be the end of the world.
Children going barefoot outside can:
🌿Help develop the arches of the foot/prevent flat foot syndrome
🌿Increase overall strength and tone of the foot and ankle
🌿Puts feet and hips in proper alignment and encourages a natural, healthy gait
🌿The tactile input to the soles of the feet actually decreases tactile sensitivity
🌿Can prevent sensory related toe-walking
🌿Gives the child an opportunity to explore + tolerate various tactile textures in a natural way (ie not a rice and beans bin)
🌿Proprioceptive and tactile input to the feet helps to increase body and safety awareness


Sweet Potato Cilantro Tacos - Gluten Free

If your family is like mine and enjoying taco night on the regular, try out this recipe for Sweet Potato Cilantro Tacos so you can feel a little less guilty after your weekly taco consumption 🙈😃 Sweet potatoes are the obvious winner, when up against a processed grain, nutritionally:
🍠 they are packed with vitamin A, C, manganese and several other vitamins and minerals
🍠good substitute for breads + processed grains
🍠great for kicking a sugar craving to the curb
🍠high in fiber
🍠high in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant
🍠help stabilize blood sugar + low glycemic index
🍠high vitamin A levels help to boost immunity and strengthen the eyes
The full recipe is up on the blog under healthy dinners 😊
( Taco night happens on the regular in our house and I love enjoying a real deal tortilla-style taco just as much as anyone. In fact, I think tortillas might be one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted. Not exactly low-carb, new year diet friendly though. For the most part, I try to avoi


10 expert tips to help your kids get dressed by themselves

They changed the title, I promise I wouldn’t refer to myself as an “expert!” 🙈Check out the link in profile for some quick and easy tips to help kids become more successful at dressing!
Maybe you really CAN get out the door and into the car in less than 7.5 hours? 🤞🏻🙌😂 Confidence and self-determination are 90% of the game!


Fats Are Essential for Brain Development + Healthy Snack Idea: Sweet Potato and Avocado Toast

Did you know children's brains literally D O U B L E in size from birth to age two? That being said, they literally NEED fats in their diet in order for healthy brain development to occur!🥑🍳🥛🥥
Today I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to add healthy fats to kids meals and this Avocado + Sweet Potato Toast is one of them! (Link in Profile 😀)
🥑toast sprouted or gluten-free bread
🥑spread the butter or ghee
🥑add smashed avocado and sweet potato
🥑add yoghurt
🥑sprinkle with salt and everything but the bagel spice It is no secret that adequate fat and cholesterol consumption is they key to healthy brain functioning. Fat is what myelinates nerve cells in the brain, which makes it possible for new neural pathyways to develop (for thinking, remembering, motor planning and learning). But how often do we forget


Baby's First Year- Age Appropriate Milestones for Ages 7-9 months

I hope you guys are enjoying following along this Babies First Year Series as much as I have! It’s been a great refresher for me and also very reminiscent as I’ve reflected on my own children’s milestones and how C R A Z Y fast life flies during motherhood😭 What a beautiful journey we are all on. 🤱
Motherhood is not about who we were once before having kids, who we should be or feel we need to be, it’s about who we are
B E C O M I N G in the process.
As always, thank you all for the love and support, this blog has been so fun (and so nerve-wracking at times) to start and I truly do appreciate every single one of you who stop by, like or share my page. Tag a new mama friend who would find this useful! And comment below about anything you have questions or would love to hear about for future articles! ☺️You can find the link in profile! If it's your first time being a parent, you are currently in awe of how fast time is flying and how many milestones are coming and going. Even my second time around with a newborn, I found myself unable to comprehend how my little babe was now sitting and eating food. The 7-9 month age bracket is


We had so much fun with this fine motor activity today.. Wall Stickers + Color Match Game👌As an OT (and mom) it’s always important to be able to take ANY activity and grade it up or down (make it easier or harder) depending on the child’s need. My daughter is 21 months and my son is 4 so they both soaked up some different things. Swipe left to see how we changed it up! Also, these stickers are from targets $1 section 😊
Here are all the skills this activity addresses + promotes:
❤️bilateral coordination hand skills *the ability to cross midline and use the hands together in a coordinated way
❤️tripod grasp strengthening - taking off the stickers
❤️upper extremity reaching skills
❤️upper extremity strengthening of the shoulder girdle or proximal stability
❤️color recognition + matching skills
❤️visual scanning and visual sequencing - for connect the number game


Homemade Chicken Soup with DIY Budget-friendly Bone Broth (Kid Friendly, Paleo, Gluten-free)

If you’re looking for a budget + kid-friendly, healthy weeknight meal, look no further! This Homemade Chicken Soup with DIY Bone Broth is so easy and delicious! Check out the recipe via the link in profile 😁👌(Kid-friendly, Paleo/Whole-30, Gluten-free) If you know me at all, you know I am obsessed with bone broth and the benefits of collagen in the diet. If you are wondering what at the hype is all about, check out my post from a few weeks ago, The Top 10 Healing Benefits of Bone Broth. Our family eats chicken soup about once a week or every othe


The difference between a book that is appropriate for teaching language to a 0-2 year old (bottom) and one that is NOT (top).
Overcrowded + busy pictures
Non familiar items
Fictitious characters
Bright and busy colors
✅Look for:
Simple pictures
Photos spaced out
Familiar items (animals/household, clothing, food,etc)
Bold + contrasted colors that stand out (dark colors against white background)
👀Babies visual system is one of the LAST things to fully develop and they don’t begin being able to see in color and with depth perception until 5-6 months.
👀Around 3-4 months is when they can really begin focusing on objects in a book (but reading before then is still wonderful)
👀When there is too much going on in a busy, crowded page, babies eyes lose focus and essentially get lost in the clutter.
👀High contrast (dark colors against white background) is easier for them to percieve visually
👀Reap, repeat, repeat!! Reading the same book over and over again is actually OKAY 👍 then point out those words from the book in real life!


As an OT, building skills for functional independence is kind of my thing 😉 (and also my kids are never fully clothed🙈)
Giving kids (no matter their age) chores that are within their functional abilities will:
🗑give them a sense of accomplishment + pride
🗑empower them to become a contributing family team member
🗑build functional skills that can be built upon in other areas (such as categorizing, reaching, balance, problem solving)
🗑teach them life skills for the future
🗑help you out with your endless to-do list
I just so happen to have a TON of ideas for do-able chores for kids at different ages and stages. Like or comment if that’s something you would be interested in!




1. Prior verbal preparation is key. This way, there will be no surprises on their end when it’s time to leave.


Baby’s First Year - Age Appropriate Milestones for Ages 4-6 months
We have taken a bit of a hiatus over here due to sick babes and special birthday celebrations 🎂 but, I’m back!
Here is part 2 of the Babies First Year Series and today were talking about developmental milestones during the 4-6 month age range👍
Tag a friend who might find this guideline helpful! 😊Link in Profile! In the 4-6 month time frame, all your child's motor skills begin to integrate in a way that brings forth more purposeful movements. Head control is developed, visual acuity begins to sharpen, tummy time is more comfortable and baby begins to roll and sit up. A LOT of big milestones happen within


Chocolate, Berries + Super Greens Smoothie (Paleo, Dairy-free, Kid-friendly)
This Chocolate Berries + Super Greens Smoothie will give you SO much supermom power and it helps that it is delicious too! Its got everything you need to detox from weekend eats like I need to 😳Give it a try and get the kids involved too, smoothies are such an easy way to get started with letting little hands into the kitchen. (Paleo, Dairy-free, Kid-friendly)
Link in profile 😃 Recipe inspo from //
. If you’ve ever had chocolate dipped strawberries, you already know what a perfect pair berries and chocolate are. For some reason, up until this point, it had never crossed my mind to mix the two together. I am SO glad I did though, because this smoothie is. the. bomb. I'm sure you already know


The Top 10 Healing Benefits of Bone Broth

Today I am talking about all of the crazy health benefits of this wonderful superfood and why I use it in EVERYTHING. It just so turns out that there is lots of truth behind the “Jewish Penicillin”
I won’t give too much away but here are just a few reasons why it’s AWESOME:
🍲It is one of the BEST foods for nourishment and nausea prevention during pregnancy 🤰
🍲It is one of TOP recommended foods for increasing fertility and balancing hormones
🍲 It is the perfect food for balancing blood sugar levels and can actually act as a buffer for carb + fructose consumption
Click on the link in profile for full article 😊 Happy Friday! //
photo credit . Photo courtesy of Kettle & Fire I will tell anyone who will listen to me about how they need to incorporate broths into their diet. The benefits of incorporating collagen and bone broths are endless and powerful. So large is my passion for bone broth that I wanted to share with you the Top 10


Babies First Year: Age Appropriate Milestones for Age 0-3 Months
With the start of a new year, I thought it would be perfect timing to start a new series called Babies First Year 🎉👶 and today I’m sharing Age Appropriate Milestones for 0-3 Months
I get asked a lot about milestones and thought this would be a good reference for new parents. Okay new moms: like my mom always told me, “Don’t go making a mountain out of a molehill!” 🧐 Seriously though, don’t go looking for problems! (Like I totally did as a new mom🙈) Use at this as a guideline for what to expect, not a test to see how your child is measuring up 📏👎 We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and your child will too. Tag a friend who might find this useful! As a therapist, I know more than anyone how developmental milestones can be a stress point for new moms. I worried a lot with my first child and tried diligently to make sure he met all his milestones on time. With my second, however, I was much more relaxed. I knew she would reach them on her ow

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