HolmeSchool.net, Minneapolis, MN Videos

Videos by HolmeSchool.net in Minneapolis. Hi! I'm Joe Holmes and I teach music lessons. Hence the website name of course. I teach piano, drums

Keys are a gateway to jamming with our friends, reading written music, and writing it but how do they work anyway? Find out in this short video and get a taste of what lessons are like at HolmeSchool.net

Enrollment is now open. If you're looking for someone who teaches piano, guitar, drums or ukulele head to HolmeSchool.net or DM me directly for details.

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Keys are a gateway to jamming with our friends, reading written music, and writing it but how do they work anyway? Find out in this short video and get a taste of what lessons are like at HolmeSchool.net Enrollment is now open. If you're looking for someone who teaches piano, guitar, drums or ukulele head to HolmeSchool.net or DM me directly for details.