Western Cider, Missoula, MT Videos

Videos by Western Cider in Missoula. Western Cider is a cidery, cider apple grower and tasting room in Missoula, Montana, creating qualit

HOT DANG! That was fun! Here’s a video of the WORLD CHAMPION APPLE PRESSERS Dylan and Michael setting the current record of 3:18 for pressing one gallon of juice. We’re already thinking about next year….prelims, team uniforms, a podium, custom trophy, commentators, lights, cameras, ACTION! Stay tuned! Thanks to @mud_project for lending us the presses, to @blackbearsoupsandproduce for providing the delicious chili for our FREETO pies, to everyone who came out and got active, and to @kengrinde for documenting this feat of cider glory!✌🏽🙏🏽✌🏽

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Other Western Cider videos

HOT DANG! That was fun! Here’s a video of the WORLD CHAMPION APPLE PRESSERS Dylan and Michael setting the current record of 3:18 for pressing one gallon of juice. We’re already thinking about next year….prelims, team uniforms, a podium, custom trophy, commentators, lights, cameras, ACTION! Stay tuned! Thanks to @mud_project for lending us the presses, to @blackbearsoupsandproduce for providing the delicious chili for our FREETO pies, to everyone who came out and got active, and to @kengrinde for documenting this feat of cider glory!✌🏽🙏🏽✌🏽

HOT DANG! That was fun! Here’s a video of the WORLD CHAMPION APPLE PRESSERS Dylan and Michael setting the current record of 3:18 for pressing one gallon of juice. We’re already thinking about next year….prelims, team uniforms, a podium, custom trophy, commentators, lights, cameras, ACTION! Stay tuned! Thanks to @mud_project for lending us the presses, to @blackbearsoupsandproduce for providing the delicious chili for our FREETO pies, to everyone who came out and got active, and to @kengrinde for documenting this feat of cider glory!✌🏽🙏🏽✌🏽

My wife and I got hitched under the natural arbor of two apple trees @moonrandolphhomestead where we were living as caretakers. The 130-something year old orchard is a historic gathering place for Missoulians and travelers, a habitat for welcome and unwelcome critters, and a quiet spot that grows fruit without a ton of input needed. The current caretakers, Katie and Caroline, shook a fair amount of apples off the trees in 2021 and we made a cider out of it - as we have whenever there’s been a viable harvest. We finished the cider recently and are releasing it today. We’ll also be serving it in the orchard at the Homestead’s annual fundraiser on October 8th. Part of the proceeds from the Homestead cider benefit the MRH. We love the Homestead and hope you love this cider it’s created. Only one keg of it, so come by and try!

Serving ‘em up cold @girlsonshred

Thinking about the good times and visualizing MANY more! WASSAIL - January 18th, 2020 at Western Cider⠀ ⠀ Video and theatrics by our talented bud Ken Grinde

Tomorrow, we rock and roll with Lana Rebel, Kevin Michael Mayfield, and June West at 6PM! We’ll be giving out tickets to Red Ants Pants Music Festival, as well. Come out and sway with the cottonwoods, willows, and apple trees....

COUNTRY KARAOKE! This Saturday, 7-10 in the tasting room. All your favorite country songs along with an outfit exchange in preparation for Cross Country - a benefit for @blue_mountain_clinic_mt Bring all the charisma, the wigs, the clothes, and the notes to belt out the best of country tunes. Yeehaw!

Montana Film Festival is back up for Grateful Glass, today. $1 from every cider sold goes to these stewards of Montana cinema. We are also hosting a free show for their kickoff party on October 4th, 8-10, with @dadcountry and Worst Feelings. You don’t want to miss that one. Honestly. See MTFF online for more details.

Our JONATHAN Single Variety is a bright, golden cider made with 100% Jonathan apples. It is a spirituous, slightly tannic cider with notes of honey, kumquat, and baked apple on the finish. On tap, now!

Happy Birthday to ol’ Daddy Long Legs (the Poor Farmer). You’re old, uncoordinated as hell, and ski in jeans. We ❤️ you, Mike! 👖🍎🙌🏽

TOMORROW! Winter Mercantile! Noon-6PM in the tasting room! Support local makers. Bring your friends. Drink a cider!

Happy Solstice, ya'll!

Thanks @fairends !

KEGS!!! 🗿

Still shaking and catching apples in whatever Montana orchard nook we can find. The bears took most of this bounty. 🍎💪🏽🐻💩

From our orchard in the Bitterroot Valley, we present Episode I of the POOR FARMER video series. Mike explains his pesticide-free technique for dealing with tent caterpillar - an interesting species that, unfortunately, wreaks havoc on the leaves of trees. Soon, we will post longer clips on westerncider.com and Facebook. Stay tuned! #poorfarmer #westerncider #cider