Community Health Initiative, CHI

All children and families deserve to have affordable health insurance and access to comprehensive, qu

Our vision is that all of Napa County’s children and families will be covered by health insurance and have access to care.

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/31/2022

“Para ayudar a protegerme durante esta temporada de invierno y vacaciones de Navidad.”
—Residente del condado de Napa
“To help protect me during this Winter season and holiday season.”
—Napa County Resident


“I want to express my gratitude to CHI for assisting my family get health insurance. Thank you for guiding me through the complex healthcare system. Now, I have peace of mind knowing that my family is insured and able to access care.”

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/28/2022

“Vaccines help lower the spread of Covid-19.”
—Napa County Resident
“Las vacunas ayudan a reducir la propagación de Covid-19.”
—Residente del condado de Napa


During the season of giving, we think of our client Helena. Helena applied to Medi-Cal on her own, only to find out months later that she was not eligible. Unsure of next steps, she called our office for help. One of our Health Access Specialists took the call and offered her an appointment. During the screening process our staff found out that she had initially been denied due to income and that she had breast cancer. Our Health Access Specialist was able to determine due to a recent change of income, Helena would now be eligible for Medi-Cal and had the case expedited. Two weeks later, the case was granted and Helena was able to get the help she so greatly needed.

Sometimes we find ourselves in need of the help of others. As CHI strives to achieve their vision of healthcare for all, you can be a part of that vision by donating.

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/27/2022

“I chose to get vaccinated for my baby and my grandparents because I want to protect them as much as I can.” —Napa County Resident
“Elegí vacunarme por mi bebé y mis abuelos porque quiero protegerlos tanto como pueda.” —Residente del condado de Napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/26/2022

“I am getting a vaccine to protect fragile people in my community. I work for hospice and want to protect my patients and their families.” —Napa County Resident
“Estoy recibiendo una vacuna para proteger a las personas frágiles de mi comunidad. Trabajo para un hospicio y quiero proteger a mis pacientes y sus familias”.
—Residente del condado de Napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/24/2022

“First, I got vaccinated to protect me and strengthen my body. Second, to help stop the pandemic.” —Napa County Resident
“Primero, me vacuné para protegerme y fortalecer mi cuerpo. En segundo lugar, para ayudar a frenar la pandemia.” —Residente del condado de Napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/23/2022

“Quiero proteger a mi familia, especialmente a mi papá.” —Residente del condado de Napa
“I want to protect my family, especially my Dad.” —Napa County Resident

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/22/2022

“Me vacuné porque no quería enfermarme de Covid-19. También quería proteger a mis familiares, especialmente a mis padres y a los menores que no pudieron vacunarse.” —Residente del condado de Napa
“I got vaccinated because I didn’t want to get sick with Covid-19. I also wanted to protect my relatives, especially my parents and the minors that couldn’t get vaccinated.” —Napa County Resident


Rosa and Gustavo came to us frustrated that no one could help them address their healthcare concerns. They had applied to Medi-Cal but were denied due to having too many assets. Sadly, due to the pandemic, they both lost their jobs and employer-based insurance. Not knowing what to do, they came to CHI. Considering Rosa and Gustavo were 64 years old, our team helped to enroll them in a Gold 80 plan to help cover the costs of their doctor visits and began the conversation on Medicare. They now feel prepared and that they are enrolled in a plan that fits their needs.

As we near the holidays, you can help us by making a donation. The Doctors Company is matching the first of $2,500 donated through the Give Guide so that we can make an even greater impact on the community.

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/21/2022

“Vacunar a mis hijos es protegerlos.” Residente del condado de Napa
“I got vaccinated for my health.” Napa County Resident

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/20/2022

“Vacunarse es importante para proteger nuestra salud y la de nuestros hijos. Vacúnate!” —Residente del condado de Napa
“Vaccinating my children is protecting them.” —Napa County Resident

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/16/2022

“Getting vaccinated is important to protect our health and that of our children. Get vaccinated!” -Napa County Resident
“¡Vacúnese! Para estar protegido usted y su familia, que son lo más importante. Acuda ahora no lo piense mas vacúnese!”
-Residente del condado de Napa


We can’t express enough gratitude to The Doctors Company for matching the first $2,500 in donations to CHI! With your donation, we can make it to the $2,500 mark so that we are able to take advantage of the full match amount generously provided by The Doctors Company. Every dollar counts to our organization and to the members of our community. Won’t you help us reach our goal?

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/14/2022

¡Vacunate justo a tiempo  para las fiestas!
+ ¡tomate una foto con Santa Claus!

Martes, 20 de diciembre 3-5pm
en el estacionamiento de St. Thomas of Aquinas

+ ¡habrá comida, juguetes y diversión gratis para toda la familia!

Organizaciones adicionales:
Feeding it Forward --> Distribución de comida
Celebration Nation --> Distribución de juguetes
Salud pública del --> Información y distribución de condado de Napa kits de pruebas para COVID-19
Get Your Vaccines just in time for  the holidays!
+ take a picture with Santa Claus!

Tuesday, Dec. 20th 3-5pm
@ St. Thomas of Aquinas parking lot
+ there will be free food, toys, and fun  for the whole family!

Additional organizations:
Feeding it Forward --> Food distribution
Celebration Nation --> Toy distribution
Napa County --> Health information & Public Health COVID-19 test kit distribution

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/14/2022

Covid-19 Upcoming Vaccine Clinic
Monday, Dec. 19, 3:30-5:30pm
@ Las Flores Community Center
The Mobile Health Unit will offer:
The clinic will offer:
• updated COVID-19 boosters/bivalent vaccines �(Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech) for ages 12+
• flu shots for ages 2+
• high dose flu shots for ages 65+
• COVID-19 vaccine 1st and 2nd doses �(Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech) for ages 5+
For more information call CHI: 707-227-0830
Próxima Clínica de Vacunación de Covid-19
Lunes, 19 de dec., 3:30-5:30pm
@ Las Flores Community Center
La Unidad Móvil de Salud ofrecerá:
• refuerzos/vacunas bivalentes COVID-19 actualizadas �(Moderna y Pfizer-BioNTech) para mayores de 12 años
• vacunas contra la gripe para mayores de 2 años
• vacunas contra la gripe de dosis alta para mayores de 65 años
• la primera y segunda dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 �(Moderna y Pfizer- BioNTech) para mayores de 5 años
Para más información llame a CHI: 707-227-0830


Thank you to the Napa Valley Give!Guide for featuring us! We appreciate your efforts in elevating non-profits in our community.


This holiday season, we hope you consider donating to CHI through the annual Give!Guide. A donation of any size makes a difference and helps to positively impact our efforts within the community. We are honored to be featured alongside many other crucial non-profits in the Valley. Give the gift of giving this year and help to make a lasting impact in the lives of others.


There are times that life poses challenges that we are not always ready for. A new client to CHI, Yosef was looking for health insurance options since his part time job does not offer him coverage. Yosef was recently injured and lost partial vision in his eye. Around the same time of the injury, he found out his wife was pregnant and did not have health insurance coverage either. Jazmin, one of CHI’s Health Access Specialists, assisted Yosef and his wife with applying for Medi-Cal coverage. Due to their situation, Jazmin was able to request that the case be expedited and their coverage was granted within a week.

Families like Yosef depend on CHI. Please consider donating to help make a lasting impact in our community.

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/07/2022

“Tú también protege lo más importante: Tu familia… vacúnate!”
“Protect what’s important to you: your family… get vaccinated!”


“Hi my name is Debbie, and I'm a Napa native. I just want to share, 'STOP The spread.' Get yourself vaccinated. Protect your family, your neighbors, your children, your co-workers, your children, just everybody. So, stay healthy. Thanks.”
“Hola, mi nombre es Debbie y soy nativa de Napa. Solo quiero compartir, 'DETENER la propagación'. Vacúnese usted mismo. Proteja a su familia, a sus vecinos, a sus hijos, a sus compañeros de trabajo, a sus hijos, a todos. Entonces, mantente saludable. Gracias."

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/05/2022

“I got it to protect my grandparents.”
“Lo compré para proteger a mis abuelos.”


Medical bills can be overwhelming to anyone especially if you are on a fixed income. Elizabeth is on Medicare and was receiving a multitude of bills she was not able to afford so she reached out our Health Access Specialist Jose to see if there was another plan that would better suit her needs. Jose reviewed her coverage and discovered that her insurance was not being billed properly. He was able to assist her with contacting the providers to give them the correct insurance information. Her bills were decreased significantly which was a huge relief to Elizabeth!

CHI not only assists with enrolling in health insurance, but our staff help you navigate all aspects of the health care system. Please make a donation to CHI so we can continue to provide the necessary services to our most vulnerable community members.

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 12/01/2022

“Todos necesitan estar saludables y cuidarse unos a otros.”
“Everybody needs to be healthy & take care of one another.”

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 11/30/2022

“We got vaccinated to keep my family healthy.”
“Nos vacunamos para mantener sana a mi familia.”

Giving Tuesday! Give to CHI! 11/29/2022

On this please consider making a donation to CHI. We are connecting children, families, adults and seniors with health insurance solutions and ensuring they are able to access the necessary care they need.

Giving Tuesday! Give to CHI! This past year has proven to be an opportunity for growth, not only for the community but for our organization. Over my 16 years with CHI, I have seen the increasing demand for our services across the state. With current changes in legislation, an ongoing pandemic, and the general unknowns when it c...

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 11/27/2022

“Las vacunas mantienen a mis hijas seguros."
“Vaccinations keep my kids safe.”

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 11/23/2022

“I want to be safe around my family, neighbors, co-workers and friends. Stop the spread!”
“Quiero estar segura alrededor de mi familia, vecinos, compañeros de trabajo y amigos. ¡Detengan la propagación!”


“The health of my family is extremely important, that's why we decided to get vaccinated and protect ourselves against COVID-19. Protect what’s important to you: your family… get vaccinated!”
“La salud de toda mi familia es lo más importante, por eso decidimos vacunarnos y protegernos contra el COVID-19. Tú también protege lo más importante: Tu familia… vacúnate!”

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 11/11/2022

Sunday, Nov. 13th, 12-3pm
St. Thomas of Aquinas Church
-Parking Lot-
2725 Elm St, Napa, CA 94558
Domingo, 13 de nov., 12-3pm
Iglesia Catolica de Santo Tomas de Aquino
2725 Elm St, Napa, CA 94558

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/25/2022

“I got vaccinated to protect myself and others. It seems to me the best for the good of the family.” —Napa County Resident
“Me vacuné para protegerme a mí mismo y a los demás. Me parece lo mejor por el bien de la familia.” —residente del condado de napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/21/2022

“Nos vacunamos para no enfermarnos, mi hijo tiene asma.” —Familia del Condado de Napa
“We got vaccinated so as not to get sick, my child has asthma.” —Napa County family

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/19/2022

“We got vaccinated to have a healthier life.” — Napa County Family
“Nos vacunamos para tener una vida más saludable.” —Familia del Condado de Napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/18/2022

“Nos vacunamos porque tenemos a mis abuelos y queremos que sea seguro estar cerca de ellos, por su salud y la de nuestra familia.” —familia del condado de napa del centro de napa
“We got vaccinated because we have my grandparents and want to make it safe to be around them, for their health and our family.” —Napa County family from Downtown Napa neighborhood

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/17/2022

“Elegí vacunarme a mí y a mis dos niños para que todos permanezcamos seguros en los Estados Unidos y en otros países” –Familia del condado de Napa de St. Helena, CA
“I chose to vaccinate myself and two children so we all stay safe while in America and in other countries.”
– Napa County family from St. Helena, CA

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/14/2022

“Como paciente de trasplante, Covid ha cambiado drásticamente mi vida. Las vacunas salvan vidas. Espero poder ver a mi familia muy pronto una vez más!” –Familia del condado de Napa de barrio salvador
“As a transplant patient, Covid-19 has dramatically changed my life. Vaccines saves lives. I hope I can see my family very soon once again!” –Napa county family from Salvador neighborhood

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/13/2022

“I am 80 years old and I want to stay safe.”
-Napa County Resident
“Tengo 80 años y quiero estar protegido.”
-residente del condado de napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/12/2022

“Yo me vacuné para estar más protegido y proteger a mi familia.”
-residente del condado de napa
“I got vaccinated to be more protected and to protect my family.” – Napa County Resident

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/11/2022

“Vaccinations help to control the spread of Covid-19.”
-Napa County Resident
“Las vacunas ayudan controlar la propagación de Covid-19.”
-residente del condado de napa

Photos from Community Health Initiative, CHI's post 10/06/2022

“Yo me vacuné porque es la única solución para combatir el COVID-19. Es una herramienta que tenemos a la mano para protegernos.”
“I got vaccinated because it is the only solution
to combat COVID-19. It is a tool that we have at hand
to protect ourselves.”

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Videos (show all)

Q & A #2 Covid Vaccines & BoostersMaddy, a teen from Napa, CA, interviewing Dr. Larry Turley-You Matter, We All Matter. ...
Preguntas y respuestas #2 sobre vacunas y refuerzos contra el covid-Daisy, una adolescente de Calistoga, CA, entrevista ...
Thank you Vanesa for sharing your story on getting the Covid-19 Vaccine..You matter. We all matter Let's create a health...
Thank you Karla for sharing your story on getting the Covid-19 Vaccine..You matter. We all matter Let's create a healthy...
Thank you Thomas for sharing your story on getting the Covid-19 Vaccine..You matter. We all matter Let's create a health...



2140 Jefferson Street, Ste D
Napa, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm

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