Hobson School, Naperville, IL Videos

Videos by Hobson School in Naperville. A Cooperative School Inspiring Young Children Since 1964 #HobsonCommunity

It's chick-hatching time at Hobson School! 🐣 Thank you so much to Mrs. Tartaglione, who set up and monitored the incubator and set up the brooder box for the hatched chicks.

There are still eggs in the incubator! Check out the HatchCam; you might get lucky and see a chick hatching: http://hatch.tartag.net/hencam.php

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Other Hobson School videos

It's chick-hatching time at Hobson School! 🐣 Thank you so much to Mrs. Tartaglione, who set up and monitored the incubator and set up the brooder box for the hatched chicks. There are still eggs in the incubator! Check out the HatchCam; you might get lucky and see a chick hatching: http://hatch.tartag.net/hencam.php

It's raining, it's pouring, Hobson Campers are exploring...

There were many changes to our beloved traditions at Hobson School this year. However, there were some things that stayed exactly the same. Yesterday, Hobson Preschoolers welcomed our newest classroom visitors as they hatched their way into the world.

Rainy day mud play.

Who doesn't like a nice after school snack?

Hope everyone got outside to enjoy this beautiful day!

Always busy!

The sled hill is open for business!

We love using natural materials in our everyday explorations. The woodland critters love it too!

A moment with chicks.