Gypsy.Blu, Nashville, TN Videos

Videos by Gypsy.Blu in Nashville. Welcome to Gypsy Blu. My monsters & I picked up a new hobby during this last year being stuck at hom

Our first customer yesterday told us they saw us on the news. I guess we are celebrities now!! Many of them that told us that came out because they saw us. It was a beautiful day in Black Mountain and it is definitely one of our favorite shows. #blackmountain #blackmountainnc #nc #sourwoodfestival #showlife #festivallife #festival #gypsy #gypsylife #workanywhere #beyourownboss #roadschooling #teachtgemright #gypsyblu #lillarose #lillaroselacie #boringtobeautiful #hipklipsbylacie #localcelebrity #news #tv

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Our first customer yesterday told us they saw us on the news. I guess we are celebrities now!! Many of them that told us that came out because they saw us. It was a beautiful day in Black Mountain and it is definitely one of our favorite shows. #blackmountain #blackmountainnc #nc #sourwoodfestival #showlife #festivallife #festival #gypsy #gypsylife #workanywhere #beyourownboss #roadschooling #teachtgemright #gypsyblu #lillarose #lillaroselacie #boringtobeautiful #hipklipsbylacie #localcelebrity #news #tv

Time to get those fires going
Time to get those fires going #forged #forgedfashion #blacksmith #blacksmithing #gypsyblu