Dr. Donna Campbell, New Braunfels, TX Videos

Videos by Dr. Donna Campbell in New Braunfels. www.DonnaCampbell.com This is the official campaign page of Dr. Donna Campbell, conservative lawmaker

Happy 2024! Blessings on all of us πŸ™

Photo credit: Herron stock

Other Dr. Donna Campbell videos

Happy 2024! Blessings on all of us πŸ™ Photo credit: Herron stock

Words are never enough to express our gratitude to the American patriots who gave all to defend our great nation. We remember them, honor them, and humbly recall their sacrifice. We pray every day that the Lord grant peace which surpasses all understanding to their families. On Memorial Day, we vow to honor their memories and pray for enduring and lasting peace.

This is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we so appreciate our teachers! Each student they interact with is forever impacted by their patience, encouragement, and optimism. As they shape the hearts and minds of our children, they are shaping the future of Texas. During the current 88th Legislative Session, I coauthored SB 9 which raises teacher salaries across the board, with additional compensation for teachers in small and mid-sized districts. SB 9 also expands the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to further reward Texas' best teachers with increased compensation bonuses. Eligibility for the Teacher Incentive Allotment is also increased so that at least 50 percent of Texas teachers can earn designations that come with additional pay. I also coauthored SB 10, which provides a much needed COLA for our retired teachers and has already passed the Senate. The bill provides a $7,500 stipend to eligible retirees that are 75 years of age and older, 2% cost-of-living adjustment to eligible retirees that retired between September 1, 2013, and January 1, 2022, and a 4% cost-of-living adjustment to eligible retirees that retired prior to September 1, 2013. Thank you to all our teachers for all you do to keep Texas strong!

Today is the National Day of Prayer where we join together to take time to pray for our families, our communities, our state, and our nation. We humbly ask for peace and wisdom, and we thank God for Texas and the blessings this beautiful land has provided us.

Sen Donna Campbell says Happy Doctors Day
To all my fellow doctors, I want to wish you all the best as we celebrate National Doctors Day. I know what it's like to balance medical responsibilities, family, and all your other commitments. It's definitely a full plate! So thank you for all you to to keep Texans healthy and happy!

I am excited to begin the 88th Texas Legislative Session and am looking forward to a robust, conservative session. Here is my message for folks in the 25th district. #txlege

Sheriff Reynolds on the Dangers of Fentanyl
Comal County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Mark Reynolds joined Senator Campbell to discuss what the public needs to know about Fentanyl, a dangerous opioid drug that is now the leading cause of death among adults 18 to 45 in the United States. Fentanyl can come in many shapes and sizes, and some are even manufactured to look like rainbow-colored candy, so parents please be aware this Halloween and beyond.

Merry Christmas y’all! πŸŽ„β›„οΈβ„οΈ

Never Forget