
I help Mamas find confidence postpartum! Interested in being a client or a coach? Fill out the form

Photos from categunnell's post 12/06/2021

All smiles for the Gram.

It can be so easy to post all smiles and love yourself and life is great. And most of the time it is.

But the reality of the situation is that I am battling in a war that rages every single day. Depression tries to take hold every morning when I wake up. This dark black ominous cloud.

This cloud that tells me “you’re not good enough.”

I told my dad yesterday that I was frustrated with myself because for the past four months, I haven’t been doing the things I know I need to do. Building my business has been tough. I’ve been quick to anger. I’ve been struggling to get things done - even the things that make me happy like working out. Or reading books. I’ve been breaking promises to myself and that weakens the trust I have in myself.

He asked me who I was making a promise to. I said “myself.” And he said “which one?”

And I realized what I had been doing. I was comparing myself to the person I was BEFORE having my daughter. So I said “the Cate before I had Clara.”

He said “oh, you mean when you were a Mom before?”

Of course I was able to work out every day, I was more patient. I had more energy to cook healthy meals and go on walks with the dog. I was able to take 2 hours in the morning for a morning routine.

But that girl doesn’t exist anymore - and she never will again. I’m so happy to be a mom. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me. And it’s time to let that girl I was before go. It does not do me any good to think about what I “used” to be able to do. Because it only fuels that dark cloud.

It’s a process. I know I put a bunch of smiles on here. Life is amazing! But I also don’t want you to forget that many days it’s dark. If you feel this way, you are not alone.

Remember that your babies don’t need a perfect mama - they need a happy one. And that may mean making sacrifices. Taking a few minutes to yourself every day. Getting a sitter, or your partner to watch your kids so you can go to a coffee shop by yourself. You’ve got this, mama! Borrow belief from me until you believe it yourself.

Photos from categunnell's post 12/04/2021

Congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Swiler!! It was such a BEAUTIFULLLL wedding and I was so honored to have been asked to stand next to you as you said YASSS to forever. Love you both and cheers to choosing each other every day! 👰🏻‍♀️🤵🏼‍♂️🥂

Photos from categunnell's post 12/01/2021

My favorite Christmas memories are now the ones we get to create with our girl ♥️🎄🎅🏽

Photos from categunnell's post 11/29/2021

Mom and Mini ❤️🎄

Photos from categunnell's post 11/25/2021

PSA: you do not have to EARN your Thanksgiving dinner!

❌ You do not have to workout extra hard today to earn your meal or dessert
❌ You don’t have to workout extra hard tomorrow to punish yourself for what you eat and drink today
❌ You do not have to obsess about what you put on your plate and what it will do to your progress

When you are following a healthy lifestyle, there’s nothing wrong with having treats, no losing progress, because your diet is a balance of all food groups. You aren’t restricting for a goal and then “going back” to what you were doing before, yoyo-ing between “healthy” and “unhealthy.”

How can you enjoy Thanksgiving, while continuing on your healthy lifestyle?

🦃Balance your plates with veggies, treats, carbs, etc.
🥧Stop eating when you feel full.
🦃Don’t force a second or third helping of food. There’s no reason to stuff yourself (and if someone suggests you eat more after you feel done, just let them know you are good, thank you)
🥧Enjoy the time with your friends and/or family.
🦃 If anything or anyone threatens your peace, go for a walk or say “I’m not comfortable with that topic of conversation.” And change the subject. Just because someone is blood family does not mean that you are required to talk to them or be around them if it disturbs your peace.

Enjoy your holiday, if you are celebrating today! Either way, I hope you have the best day! And tomorrow we continue our healthy lifestyle NOT punishing ourselves for enjoying today. Aight I’m out to relax after the Turkey Trot Clara and I did this morning✌🏽

Photos from categunnell's post 11/22/2021

Happy Early Thanksgiving from the Wedigs/Glass families! 🦃🦃


The year is 2018, I am miserable.

I hide in the back of pictures. I stave off depression everyday - sometimes I win the battle and sometimes I lose. When I lose, I binge eat the worst foods and sleep all day. I drink entirely too much. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself or know how I got here.

The year is 2019, I am sick of being miserable. I want to love myself, but I don’t recognize myself. I’ve tried every diet in the books: keto, weight watchers, advocare, intermittent fasting, cutting carbs, cutting sugars, whole 30 etc. Each one, at the end of it (if I made it to the end) I came back binge eating with a vengeance.

I decide to try something different. Less restrictive. I focused on eating veggies and proteins (even complex carbs!). I focused on portion sizes instead of cutting out food groups. I found workouts that were only 30 mins a day. I started walking outside…then jogging. I worked on my mental health, focusing on personal development and self care. I also got on an anti depressant.

Not only did I lose the weight, but I had also never been happier. The missing piece to my success in my health and wellness journey had been a coach and a group of women holding me accountable.

When I was by myself I was like “yeah ok I guess I’ll try this.” I saw other people getting success with it, so it HAD to work for me.

But here’s the thing, we are not all made the same. So not every diet or workout program will work for everyone. I was so grateful to have had a coach to help me figure out what worked for me and held me accountable for my new healthy habits.

If you feel like you’re kind of flailing out there alone, message me. I’m always here to support you!! Let’s find a solution that works best for you and get you feeling confident and healthy!

Photos from categunnell's post 11/14/2021

Dear and ,

We cannot wait until your epic party of a wedding in a couple weeks!! Kaylee you are such a great friend and the most laidback bride I’ve ever met! So happy we got to celebrate you today, my love!!

Photos from categunnell's post 11/12/2021

1 year from today I get to marry my best friend! Our life has taken many unexpected twists and turns but everyday we choose each other. I never expected to be wedding dress shopping with my daughter and picking out her flower girl dress but now I can’t see it any other way. Who knew those “kids@ 7 years ago would be here? I love you and I can’t wait to marry the s**z out of you!


“I’m going to do *that* when life slows down.”

*That* could be prioritizing your health and wellness.
*That* could be starting that business.
*That* could be following that dream.
*That* could be getting married.

Whatever it is I’m here to tell you with so much love that that’s a BS excuse and you know it. Life will never slow down!

I thought my life was slowing down and then I got pregnant.
I thought life was slowing down and then we got engaged.
I thought life was slowing down and then I started a business.

But you will always have time for what is important to you.

Do you ever notice that you have a fully packed day and you get a flat tire on the way to work. Suddenly you have the time to fix the tire. The time appears. Now whether you had to shift your entire day around or evaluate which things in that packed day weren’t as important as you thought they were, the point is time was made for what was urgent.

But why are your dreams not urgent? Why is working out not urgent? Why is traveling not urgent? We have a TBD amount of time on this planet. We have no idea when that time will end - so why waste it being so busy we can’t make time for things we love or that are truly important?

This is coming from a new Mom. So I do get what it is to be busy and stretched thin. I’m planning a wedding on top of being a new Mama on top of starting a health and wellness biz. Yikes! But working out, finding healthy recipes, pouring into myself. That’s way more important now than it ever was because I have to be the best version of myself so I can juggle all of the things I have going on.

What are you putting off to tomorrow that you can do today? And what are you doing today that could really be pushed off to tomorrow or cut out entirely?

Photos from categunnell's post 11/09/2021

Today is a very special day! Today our snuggly, protective, loving boi turns 3! He’s been so amazing with Clara, very careful and patient. He’s the best big pup-brother we could have hoped for! I can’t wait to celebrate our boi today ♥️♥️♥️ Everyone wish Satchmo a very happy birthday! 🎂


Attention new mamas!

I know that life is hard. In one day we became a whole new person. We became: Mom. Giver of the food, comfort, love, cuddles, medicine, baths. Changer of diapers and clothes. Cleaner and chef of the house. Chauffeur. And so much more.

It’s overwhelming. Suddenly we get to keep this tiny human alive. This tiny human that we grew inside of us. This human who is our heart living outside of our bodies.

No pressure.

Oh and uh we have to go on living the rest of our lives too. Keeping up our relationship, our health, our job, friendships, paying bills, chasing dreams. When all that seems to matter anymore is the child we just birthed.

Like HELLO?!?! My body just created a miracle - have you seen it? It’s pretty cool. How am I supposed to concentrate on ANYTHING else???

I know it can be stressful trying to balance it all. So don’t. Do what you can, and if all you did today was keep yourself and that tiny human alive and happy today, then you’re doing a good job Mama. You control your thoughts - so why not choose to focus on the good? Comment below ONE thing you’re proud of yourself for today (and save for when you need to be reminded of how much of a superhero you are for just being YOU).


Anyone else buy lettuce just to throw it in the trash? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Grocery Store Cate is way more optimistic than Home Cate 😂😂😂

This is really just an appreciation reel for that beautiful French braid 😂😂 that sh*ts hard lol


Have y’all ever snoozed the alarm so many times it gave up on you and you woke up hours later? 😬

Here’s why this is actually incredibly bad for you and could be messing with your quality of sleep, which then affects your stress levels and immunity.

If you went to sleep at a reasonable time and your alarm goes off, your body is naturally ready to get up and start the day. But when you hit snooze, your body is confused and soon won’t be able to naturally tell when it’s time to sleep and wake up. Which means you’ll have a harder time falling asleep, therefore when you wake up you’re groggy and hit the snooze button and the cycle continues.

Also your REM cycle is very important for healing, developing and basically restoring your body back to factory settings after the long day. Without it you could experience migraines, stress, anxiety and it could even hinder your ability to lose weight.

There are four stages of sleep: 1, 2, 3, and REM. 1 and 2 are light sleep, preparing you for deep sleep. 3 and REM are deep sleep, where your body is doing the good stuff. If you hit snooze you are starting your sleep cycle from the beginning, meaning you aren’t actually resting. So you wake up more groggy AND now you’re probably running late.

Instead, create a badass morning routine that makes you want to jump out of bed! Don’t know how to create a morning routine? Come back for my next reel ♥️♥️♥️

Photos from categunnell's post 10/31/2021

There once was this cute Basic Witch and she met this cute barista who gave her the most deliciously cute Pumpkin Spice Latte 🎃 ☕️


Whole ✨Brand ✨ New ✨ Mama 💇🏼‍♀️ making me feel like myself again and I couldn’t be more grateful!


✨ How I fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes 3 months postpartum. ✨

I didn’t.

I was very lucky that I lost a lot of my pregnancy weight very early. So I found my maternity clothes started falling off of me. I was excited to pull out my pre-pregnancy clothes and wear my old faves again.

But those didn’t fit either. So I found myself either wearing oversized clothes and feeling like a hobbit or wearing too tight clothes to make myself feel “normal” again.


I bought some new clothes. Not a ton because . But some workout shorts, every day shorts and some jeans. It felt SO good to have clothes that actually fit me and made me feel like a million bucks!!

You can lose all the weight in the world, but if you don’t fix your mindset, you’re just going to find yourself back in the same place you were in before.

The numbers and letters on my clothes and scale do not define me. I was happy to size up and feel comfortable in my clothes as I work on strengthening my body.

Don’t let the numbers run your life. As yourself: How do you FEEL in your body? And work from there.


Welcome to my crazy, messy, beautiful life. ♥️😝

This girl is my reason why I move my body every day. She is why I wake up early to pour into myself. She is why I work late, work during my lunch hour, jump on power hours and team calls.

One day, I will make my own hours so I can be a room Mom at her school. I will volunteer on field trips, be at every dance practice, soccer game, etc. I want my house to be the one all her friends come to after school.

This business is my ticket to that life. To being the best mom possible. To help as many people as possible. To build a team of positive, empowering, supportive women.

I keep this vision right in front of me so I work hard to achieve these goals. I’d absolutely love to help you achieve your life goals! Let’s work together!

Photos from categunnell's post 10/18/2021

This weekend filled my soul with so much joy, as we got to see so much family. It’s a new week, let’s make it the best yet, y’all!! How was everyone’s weekend?

Photos from categunnell's post 10/14/2021

♥️🎀3 months ago today the light of our lives was born. ♥️🎀
3 months ago today, I was born.
I ceased to become only "Cate." I became "Mama."

The version of me who can survive on way less sleep than I could have imagined.
The version of me who has to think 10 steps ahead.
Whose favorite part of the day is laying on the coach staring into my daughter's eyes as she t***s on me, or spits up on me.
It's still better than any day that I had before her.

This past month has been super fun!! She has started to "talk" and coo constantly. As her Papa likes to say, "her feet hit the ground in the mornin and her mouth starts runnin." Her favorite word is "Nana" and will make her break into the biggest smile! She can't sit up on her own just yet, but she prefers to be sitting up looking at you with your FULL attention (don't you dare look at your phone). Or she likes to be facing out and looking at everybody and being a part of the action. Also she has found her hands and they are FOREVER in her mouth. 😅She has so much personality already - makes me think we are in for some trouble when we hit threenager status lol. 😅😅😅

3 months ago this girl flipped our worlds upside down. And I can't wait to watch and help her learn and grow every day for the rest of our lives. ♥️


I had to eat in the counselor's office my junior year of high school.

Something a lot of people don't know about me is that I had an eating disorder in high school. I felt like I couldn't control anything in my life…except food.

It became like a little experiment. How could I get away with not eating or eating as little as possible without people noticing? I lost 30 lbs quickly and hid it with baggy clothes. I wore sweatshirts in the dead of Louisiana summer. Eventually, my family did realize what was going on. Where I thought I was completely in control, now I was spiraling out of it and I had no idea. Thankfully, my family sent me to a hospital where I was able to get the help I needed.

Why am I telling you all of this? To get attention? Absolutely not… telling this story on the internet is scary as hell. I am telling you this because if you are in this situation or have been in this situation in the past, I want you to know you are not alone. It's been 13 years for me, and I still struggle with issues of food on a daily basis.

This is something so many women deal with because from a young age we are thrust with images of "perfection." We see photoshopped images of women on magazines and social media and television and think that if we don't look like that, we are less than. It's bu****it.

And now that I am a mom of a girl, it scares me so much. Thanks to the internet (which I thankfully didn't have as much as a kid), she will receive this programming WAY earlier and it's up to me to model for her confidence. To model that you are beautiful at every size. To model how to take care of the body you were given. How to love your body. How to respect it. It's a huge responsibility and part of me is terrified.

So again, if you are going through this situation, have been there, or are a Mom of little women I say to you that I am here. We are in this together. Let's show up as our authentic selves. Let's love the skin we are in. Let's show the only body we were given all the love it deserves. And let's model to the next generation that it doesn't have to be this way anymore. Perfection is vastly overrated!


"Easy for you to say… that would never work for me."

I was recently reminded that what you focus on, you attract more of. So if you focus on how LITTLE time you have to work out and cook healthy meals then that's what you will find!

But if you focus on how important it is to show up for yourself, then you will MAKE the time.

Try this mindset shift. Instead of saying "I don't have time," say "It is not a priority for me."

🏃🏼‍♀️"I don't have time to workout." ➡️ "It is not a priority for me to move my body in healthy ways."
🥗 “I don't have time to cook a healthy meal - we will just eat takeout." ➡️ “It is not a priority for me to fuel my body and that of my family in a healthy way."
🍷 “I don't have time for a girls night." ➡️ “It is not a priority for me to connect with my friends."
♥️ “I don't have time for date night." ➡️ “It's not a priority for me to connect with my partner."

Now this is going to ruffle some feathers and you may find yourself saying "easy for you to say!" And that's ok.. I was the same way. But eventually I knew that I had to make time for my wellness. I was battling serious depression, binge eating, always snapping at people. I knew that if I didn't make this a priority, I would keep suffering.

Am I saying that you should workout 1-2 hrs a day and cook a meal from scratch every night like we are in the dark ages?? NO. Find pockets of time to move your body - a 30 min workout, a walk outside with the fam, do squats or calf raises while brushing your teeth. Heck I even work out with my baby strapped to my chest! If you want to, you will find a way.

Look up 30 min or less healthy recipes on pinterest and you will find thousands! There are crockpot recipes, instapot, one pot meals. And yes sometimes takeout is just the ticket - and that's ok.

You are worth the time. Treat yourself like it.


It took a podcast and a perfectly placed rainbow 🌈 to give me the gut check I needed.

WHO and WHAT matters in your life?
Do they know that they matter?
Do you do the things that matter every day or are you on autopilot?

See the thing that reminded me in this podcast is that everybody dies but not everyone truly lives. And that’s terrifying. We live these “OK” lives.

💸Ok jobs
🏡Ok houses
♥️Ok relationships with loved ones

Content to go to work, cook dinner, take the kids to soccer practice, go to sleep and do it all over again. Living life on autopilot.

If this is you, take this as your sign to snap out of it and live a life you’re obsessed with!!


“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller

I’ve lived my life in fast forward - always looking to that next milestone!

🎓Looking to graduation.
🚗Looking to getting my license.
👩🏼‍🎓Looking to graduating college.
👩‍❤️‍👨Looking to meeting the love of my life.
👩🏼‍💻Looking to getting my dream job.

But the thing is, when you live life like that you don’t slow down and ENJOY when you get what you’ve been waiting for. I have found myself wishing away this pregnancy.

I literally cannot WAIT to meet little baby W! It’s like all I can think about. But as Ferris Bueller so wisely stated, if I don’t stop and look around a bit I’m going to miss this time. The quiet in the house. The time of it just being Blake, satchmo and myself. The ability to take a nap pretty much whenever I want to. The feeling of the baby kicking. Giggling every ultrasound as the baby shows off for us and does the exact opposite of what they want her/him to do. Watching my body grow with each passing week, knowing baby W is getting stronger in there. Feeling connected in a way I never thought possible. All of the firsts that come with a first pregnancy and a first baby.

Yes, there is a lot to look forward to, but there’s also SUCH beauty in the here and now. So if you find yourself wishing away the season of life you are in right now, just pause and appreciate all that you have right now because (good or bad) it will not last forever.

What is something that you can appreciate that you are going through right now?


*Are you a heart-centered woman wanting to make an impact in the world?*

When I started this business, I expected it to be easy. I mean… my job is working on social media! How hard could it be? The truth is very un-sexy.

It has required me to work super late nights, super early mornings, and even some weekends.

I've had to work tirelessly on myself so that I can show up as my best self for this business.

I've worked hours after a long day in my day job and had weeks where I've made $0.

What makes it worth it?

We are in the business of making LASTING change in your life. And that doesn't come quickly or easily, but it is for SURE worth everything.

If you are looking to make income and IMPACT. If you are heart-centered and not looking for the easy way out, then LET'S FREAKING GO.

We have a FREE sneak peek into coaching. You can see what I do, no strings attached. If you're even a litttttle bit curious, DM me and let's get you in the free group :)

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Videos (show all)

Attention new mamas! I know that life is hard. In one day we became a whole new person. We became: Mom. Giver of the foo...
Anyone else buy lettuce just to throw it in the trash? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Grocery Store Cate is way more optimistic than Ho...
Anyone else buy lettuce just to throw it in the trash? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Grocery Store Cate is way more optimistic than Ho...
Have y’all ever snoozed the alarm so many times it gave up on you and you woke up hours later? 😬Here’s why this is actua...
Have y’all ever snoozed the alarm so many times it gave up on you and you woke up hours later? 😬Here’s why this is actua...
Have y’all ever snoozed the alarm so many times it gave up on you and you woke up hours later? 😬Here’s why this is actua...
Whole ✨Brand ✨ New ✨ Mama 💇🏼‍♀️ @crybaby898 making me feel like myself again and I couldn’t be more grateful!
Have y’all ever snoozed the alarm so many times it gave up on you and you woke up hours later? 😬Here’s why this is actua...
Anyone else buy lettuce just to throw it in the trash? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Grocery Store Cate is way more optimistic than Ho...
✨ How I fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes 3 months postpartum. ✨I didn’t. I was very lucky that I lost a lot of my pregn...
It took a podcast and a perfectly placed rainbow 🌈 to give me the gut check I needed. WHO and WHAT matters in your life?...



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