GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items

GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items

Founded in by Latina Entrepreneur Gloria M. Reimherr we offer Interpretations/Translation in Spanish Translation services are available world -wide via e-media.

I am a seasoned professional with 40+ years experience in sales, marketing, purchasing and multi-unit level management plus translating, interpreting and teaching experience in Spanish. After 15 years in business, 8 of which were spent here in 'The Pass', we closed the doors of In Style School and Career Apparel forever on April 10, independent Marketing,

Serving as an Interpreter and Tr

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 10/12/2024

Be part of something meaningful! Gone Fishing Ministries' feeding program needs your support.
Purchase raffle tickets ($5 each, 3 for $10) for a chance to win a $300+ basket. To purchase tickets Text (504) 481-9611.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit, your tax-deductible donation enables us to serve meals at Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church and deliver to those in need, spreading hope and nourishment in our 39571 community. Gone Fishing Ministries Pass Christian


Join me on PRAYING for the victims in the aftermath of hurricane Helene and for all those now in the path of Milton.

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 10/06/2024

The 5th Butterflies in the Pass Monarch Festival has co e and gone.
It was truly the best one to date in my opinion. Here are some of the highlights..... More to follow later!


To all my bilingual (Español/Ingles) family and friends, this is a mus read..... It is long, but so well worth it. Disfruten y compartanlo!

El discurso impactante de la representante de Israel en la ONU, Miriam Novak, en la asamblea general especial de la ONU en Nueva York, convocada a solicitud de líderes de países de la Unión Europea y del nuevo bloque árabe:

Señoras y señores,
Como saben, hemos vivido entre ustedes durante dos mil años, ofreciéndoles nuestro conocimiento, descubrimientos e inventos.
Hace ochenta años, Europa, liderada por Alemania, llevó a cabo una limpieza étnica: casi exterminó a todos los judíos que vivían allí. Franceses, belgas, holandeses, noruegos, húngaros, eslovacos, polacos, lituanos, ucranianos: todos ayudaron a los fascistas.
Ustedes mataron al menos a 6 millones de judíos, incluidos bebés. Cada uno de ellos podría haber dado al mundo hijos, nietos y bisnietos, por lo que se puede multiplicar el número de mu***os por cuatro o cinco.
¿Y ahora, cuando nuevamente se saquean, golpean y matan judíos en todos sus países, y sus tribunales liberan a los asesinos, ustedes nos dicen que no tenemos derecho a defendernos? ¿No tenemos derecho a advertir a nuestros enemigos que responderemos a una nueva limpieza étnica con un golpe aún más fuerte?

¿Quizás puedan nombrar a otra nación cuya destrucción esté tan deseada por su nueva comunidad internacional encabezada por Irán...!! ¿Y por qué?

Durante dos mil años hemos vivido entre ustedes, ofreciéndoles nuestro conocimiento, descubrimientos e inventos. Les hemos dado el alfabeto, la Biblia, María la Virgen, Jesús, los doce apóstoles, Spinoza, Disraeli, Colón, Newton, Nostradamus, Heine, Mendelssohn, Einstein, Zimer, Eisenstein, Freud, Landau, Gershwin, Offenbach, Rubinstein, Saint-Saëns, Kafka, Lombroso, Montaigne, Mahler, Marcel Marceau, y Svyatoslav Richter, Yehudi Menuhin, Stefan Zweig, Arthur Miller, Maya Plisetskaya, Stanley Kubrick, Irving Berlin, Edward Teller, Aryeh Poykhtvangar, Paul Newman, Robert Oppenheimer, Benny Goodman, Eugène Ionesco, Imre Kálmán, Marcel Proust, Marc Chagall, Barbra Streisand, Claude Lelouch, Steven Spielberg, Enoch Aime, Leonard Bernstein, Norbert Wiener, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Andrew Lloyd Webber y miles de científicos y educadores más.
Imaginen cuántos genios similares podrían haber nacido de millones de judíos asesinados por ustedes, y luego de sus hijos, nietos y bisnietos.
Pero los genios que aún no nacieron desaparecieron para siempre en las cámaras de gas, en sinagogas incendiadas y en fosas comunes.

¿Así que realmente creen que sus decisiones, boicots y sanciones pueden devolvernos a las cámaras de gas?

¡No, señoras y señores!
Después de haber vivido entre ustedes durante dos mil años, tuvimos que adaptarnos a ustedes y aprender no solo sus idiomas, sino también algunos aspectos de su psicología. De lo contrario, ¿cómo habríamos sobrevivido en Persia sin la traición persa?
¿En España sin la crueldad española?
¿En Alemania sin la sumisión alemana a la disciplina?
¿En Francia sin la avaricia francesa?
¿En Polonia sin la arrogancia polaca, y en Rusia sin los insultos y la costumbre rusa de los tribunales, donde se debe yacer y hablar de la grandeza espiritual? — (Risas en la sala)

Por eso les digo con sinceridad: sí, no somos ángeles. Entre nosotros había estafadores y gánsteres internacionales, Lansky, Madoff y Epstein, ladrones, saqueadores, aventureros e incluso pedófilos. Pero en toda nuestra historia compartida, nunca hubo un Bohdan Khmelnytsky judío, un Adolf Hi**er o un Joseph Stalin.
Nunca hubo un Josef Mengele o un Eric Koch, un Adolf Eichmann o un Idi Amin judío, Andrei Chikatilo o Li Zicheng, Jeffrey Dahmer judío o Jean Boksa, Fritz Herman y Ted Bundy, Nikolai Dzhomgaliev o Albert Fish.

Nunca preparamos cadenas de orejas humanas; nunca desollamos, nunca comimos carne humana, nunca fabricamos jabón a partir de grasa humana, nunca hicimos candelabros de piel humana, nunca hicimos colchones de cabello de mujeres, nunca quemamos personas en templos religiosos, y nunca matamos niños en cámaras de gas. En su lugar, creamos cosas que cambiaron el mundo para mejor:
riego por goteo, desalinización de agua de mar, procesadores Intel y las plataformas Centrino y Core Duo, el ordenador más pequeño del mundo y la primera memoria USB, el endoscopio y la píldora de cámara, el medicamento para la esclerosis múltiple y el exoesqueleto.
Gafas de Google para ciegos y un monitor respiratorio para bebés;
el radar que puede ver a través de las paredes, la realidad holográfica, sintetizadores de inteligencia artificial y cientos de otras cosas maravillosas.
Representamos solo el 0.2% de la población mundial, pero hemos dado al mundo el 32% de los premios Nobel.

Sí, olvidé decirles: nunca hemos consumido ni consumimos sangre de bebés cristianos para hacer matzá. Ya en 1913, tres expertos ortodoxos en judaísmo lo demostraron en el famoso juicio de Beilis en Kiev.
En 1962, el Concilio Vaticano II eliminó nuestra culpa por la crucifixión de Jesús, y en 2011, el Papa Benedicto XVI declaró que "un cristiano no puede ser antisemita, tenemos las mismas raíces".
En 2019, su sucesor, el Papa Francisco, dijo que "cada cristiano tiene un judío dentro de sí" y "no se puede ser un verdadero cristiano sin reconocer sus raíces judías".
Además, el líder de la iglesia católica mundial afirmó que "la alianza entre Dios y los judíos sigue existiendo", y que "el antisemitismo incluye no solo ataques contra los judíos, sino también críticas a Israel".
Finalmente, en junio de 2020, el pastor John Hagee, líder de los evangélicos cristianos en América, publicó "La apelación a todo el mundo", donde declaró de forma simple y clara: "¿Por qué nosotros, ocho millones de patriotas cristianos estadounidenses, apoyamos a Israel? Porque Dios está del lado de Israel".
Si un cristiano dice que no ama a los judíos, entonces su cristianismo falso está en gran duda.
Dios dice: "Bendeciré a los que bendicen a Israel y maldeciré a los que lo maldicen".

Y ahora quiero preguntar a los representantes de Europa presentes en esta sala:
¿Quiénes creen que son?
¿Son cristianos o no?
Cuando ustedes oran a Jesucristo, a María la Virgen y a los santos apóstoles, ¿no están orando a judíos?
Y cuando dicen que llevan en su corazón la imagen de Jesús, ¿no reconocen que llevan a un judío en su alma?

Incluso si eres un ateo convencido, tus antepasados fueron cristianos durante dos mil años, por lo que el judaísmo está en tu sangre, ¡te guste o no! Así que, señoras y señores,
si insisten en un boicot internacional a Israel porque todavía odian a los judíos y quieren la destrucción total de los judíos en la Tierra, sean consistentes: empiecen por ustedes mismos, hagan seppuku [una forma de harakiri].
Eso sería una limpieza étnica genuina.

Y ahora, como se dice aquí en América, tengo noticias para ustedes:
Después de los cristianos, es el turno de los musulmanes de deshacerse del antisemitismo.
Sí, no será fácil, pero así como el Santo Bendito ayudó a la humanidad a deshacerse de la peste, el ántrax, el cólera y el coronavirus, Él les ayudará a deshacerse del antisemitismo.
¿Se preguntan: ¿por qué? ¿Por qué Dios nos trajo de vuelta a la tierra y les obligó a abandonar el deseo de exterminarnos?
Porque debe tener un propósito, ¿no?

Les daré mi opinión personal: según la enseñanza de nuestro Dios, cada pueblo debe aportar a la humanidad lo que mejor sabe hacer.
Los franceses - cocineros y perfumistas, los ingleses y rusos - escritores y poetas, los italianos - artistas y músicos, los alemanes - soldados y filósofos, y nosotros los judíos - genios en todos los campos que promueven a la humanidad de la barbarie y la idolatría hacia la cultura, el humanismo y el progreso técnico.
Esta es nuestra misión, que hemos cumplido durante dos mil años, a pesar de todo. Así que, ya sea que tengamos armas genéticas, de torsión, nucleares, tectónicas, cósmicas o de otro tipo de defensa, no es asunto suyo si nos permiten tener armas de defensa o no, para nosotros es todo lo mismo.
Uno de los fundadores de nuestro estado, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, dijo una vez: "Te guste o no, realmente no nos interesa, llegamos antes que tú y saldremos después de ti".


I'm truly humbled by the outpouring of love and support from so many of you on my birthday.
Seeing the names of family and friends, especially those I've lost touch with over the years, brought back cherished memories and warmed my heart.
Thank you for taking the time to make my day unforgettable. May your kindness and generosity be richly rewarded! Love and Blessings to all....

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 09/23/2024

Here's to my incredible nephew on his special day, HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, September 22, 2024!
May your day have been a celebration of life's beauty and joy.
May you always be surrounded by love, blessings, and your lovely family. Love you mucho, Tia GloGlo.

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 09/17/2024

Plan to stop by Saturday, 9/21/24, noon to 6 pm
to support 2 truly great events.
GONE FISHING MINISTRIES will be actively participating.


Discover the power of volunteering with Gone Fishing Ministries, Inc. and experience the joy of giving back to your community. Join us in making a difference and contact us for details.
Text us at: (228) 297-8041
or (228) 263-0703

The New and the Old, Part 2 | Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah 08/28/2024

"The NEW and the OLD,"
Ephesians 4:17-24 - PART 2
Here is a message that I strongly recommend you take the time to listen to.
We were all born with an appetite for worldly values. How then can we control that appetite in our Christian walk?
Learn more as you LISTEN to this message from Dr. David Jeremiah.

The New and the Old, Part 2 | Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah Listen to Turning Point daily radio broadcasts with Dr. David Jeremiah sermons free online. Your favorite Dr. David Jeremiah messages, ministry radio programs, podcasts and more!


The truth is the foundation of our collective strength. Share this message through text, email, WhatsApp, or print it out and carry it with you to inspire others to join us in saving our nation!

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 08/08/2024

At our weekly Gulf Coast Networking meeting.
Our weekly featured speaker this week was Paul Craig a member in good standing since 2018.

Members of Gulf Coast Networking Info Page


Unleash Prosperity Now has released Great Again —a helpful 28-page PDF filled with charts, facts, and figures that compares Donald Trump’s economic boom and Joe Biden’s Bidenomics bust.

Click here to view Great Again: The Trump Boom vs. The Bidenomics Bust —>

Unleash Prosperity Now was co-founded by supply-side economic policy legends, Dr. Arthur Laffer, Steve Forbes, and Stephen Moore, to turn the research and policies of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity into action.

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Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 08/04/2024

Congratulations, CARLLENE McMillan! 🎊 You are the WINNER of our 'Spring-Summer' raffle, supporting the feeding program of Gone Fishing Ministries! 🍴💖
We are humbled by the generosity of our supporters and grateful for their unwavering commitment to the cause of Gone Fishing Ministries.
Stay tuned for a detailed update with pictures and the final tally in the next few days! 📝📸

Gone Fishing Ministries

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 08/03/2024

The Pass Market, located in War Memorial Park, has announced a change in leadership.
The outgoing Market Advisory Committee (MAC), comprised of Joseph Buckley, Founder/President, Anita Giani,
Vice-president, and Gloria Reimherr,
Secretary/Treasurer, has passed the torch to a new team.
Sherry Hough, President/Manager, Chris Mathias, Vice-president/Asst. Manager,
Lauri Schaff, Secretary/Treasurer and Billy Schaff, Asst. Manager, will now be leading the Pass Market.
We wish all the best to the new MAC and have faith that they will lead the Market to even more prosperity.

THE PASS MARKET located in War Memorial Park

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 08/02/2024

Today I opened a birthday card from one of our suppliers sent for my dear sweet, departed Melvin. He was our oldest dashound and he would've been 16 years old on August 6th.
It opened up the floodgates of the loss that I still feel. It's been close to 3 weeks since we said our goodbyes. He was such a sweet loving lap dog. And I miss him nightly, he was my couch partner.
I love our other doggie Willie, but he is truly an independent soul, he is not a couch partner.

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 07/24/2024

Come see me at THE PASS MARKET located in War Memorial Park this coming Saturday, July 27, 2024 .... and Be part of something SPECIAL!
The Spring-Summer raffle to benefit Gone Fishing Ministries weekly feeding program is underway.
GFM is a volunteer 501c3 non-profit organization passionate about fighting hunger and malnutrition in the Pass Christian 39571 community.
You can be an agent of positive change by purchasing tickets, making a tax-deductible donation, or sharing this information with your social media contacts.
Text (504) 481-9611 or e-mail [email protected]) with the message 'GFM Feeding Program, Raffle/Donation' to participate. Cash, check, or Zelle payments are accepted.
Join us at THE PASS MARKET in War Memorial Park on Saturday, June 29th, to purchase tickets or make a donation in person.
The raffle will end on Saturday, July 27th, when the lucky winner will be selected. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in our community!

Gone Fishing Ministries THE PASS MARKET located in War Memorial Park.

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 07/09/2024

In celebration of the joyful life of Maria Teresa Padron (Cabrera), a shining light in our world, who transitioned on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at the vibrant age of 95 to her Eternal home with JESUS.
Born in Cuba on September 2, 1928, Maria Teresa was a beacon of love and kindness, leaving behind a legacy of love and hope.
She is survived by her devoted husband of 70 years, Orlando Cabrera, her beloved son David Cabrera, her adoring grandsons David Cabrera (Sarah) and Danny Cabrera, and two precious great-granddaughters, they will all miss her dearly.
The large extended family of
'La gran Familia Cabrera' will also deeply miss her warm presence. May her beautiful soul continue to inspire us all to live with love and grace.

David Cabrera David Cabrera

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 07/07/2024

Celebrating the life of our dear sweet Melvin, who brought joy and love to our family since 2008.

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 07/03/2024

The following was one of the comments sent to my original post reference the passing of my dear uncle's wife, Teresita,Tere Y Lilo Cabrera.
Sent by my dear cousin, David F. Rodriguez, a retired pastor. I an so blessed that although I only had one sibbling ..... I am part of a very large, loving and extended family.
" La gran Familia de Rama, CABRERA"
And no matter where we live throughout the world..... we manage to stay in touch. What
a blessing that is!

A comment from my dear cousin, Rev. David F. Rodriguez:

The Lord told us that He was going to prepare a place for us, next to Him, and he would come and take us and take us and gather us, forever, where he is and there will be no more crying, no more sadness, no more pain.
Teresita is already there and all of us who have let Jesus Christ into our hearts, one day we will be reunited with her, forever, next to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Bible, the word of God, says this: "There is salvation in no one else" and Jesus warns us: "I am the way, the truth and the life, NO ONE comes to the Father except through me”
I love you and we thank God for Teresita and for our Family. God bless us and give us comfort.

El Señor nos dijo que iba a preparar lugar para nosotros, junto a Él, y vendría y nos tomaría y nos llevaría y nos reuniría, para siempre, donde él está y allí no habrá más llanto ni más tristeza, ni más dolor.
Allí ya está Teresita y todo los de nosotros que hemos dejado a Jesucristo entrar en nuestros corazones, un día nos reuniremos con ella, para siempre, junto a nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo.
Dice así La Biblia, palabra de Dios: “En ningún otro hay salvación” y Jesús nos advierte: “Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida, nadie viene al Padre sino por mi”
Los amo y damos gracias a Dios por Teresita y por nuestra Familia . Dios nos bendiga y nos de consuelo.

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 07/02/2024

My dear uncle Orlando Cabrera, Tere Y Lilo Cabrera just said
"until we meet again" to his wife, Teresa Cabrera, Teresita to our "Gran Familia Cabrera".
Following is a beautiful text that truly touches my heart and soul.

1st is his text in Spanish, our language of birth, 2nd is the translation....

"Mi querida madre acaba de fallecer a la 1:13 am.Ya esta con el señor en el cielo.
Celebremos su vida recordándonos de todos los momentos gratos y llenos de amor que nos regalo en su larga vida.
El señor fue condecendiente con nosotros al dejarnos marcar con esa huella de humildad, cariño y comprension que ella dejo.
Se gano el corazon de todos los que la conocieron y debemos recordarla de esa forma." David.

"My dear mother Teresa,
just passed away at 1:13 am
She is already with the Lord in heaven.
Let's celebrate her life by remembering all the pleasant and loving moments she gave us in her long life.
The Lord was kind to us by allowing us to be marked with that mark of humility, affection and understanding that she left.
She won the hearts of everyone who knew her and we should remember her that way." David Cabrera

Photos from GMR Marketing & More- Interpreting, Translating and Promotional Items's post 06/30/2024

We had a very late mishap Saturday night....we found out that one of the rooms in our home ... is termite infested.....Thank the Lord that my husband Kevin can do it, so we save on the labor.
But we still have to cover the cost of the materials, and Kevin has to temporarily suspend his scheduled paying jobs to get us repaired. With this turn of events, REGRETFULLY 😔 😪 I will not be at Choir, church, or S/S this Sunday morning.
I will be loading bins with items to bring to the storage unit early in the morning. Oh, BOY....! Just when I thought that my daily awake hours could not be stretched anymore....
Here comes the very URGENT and top priority re-allocation and organization of "stuff."My days were already Maxed-out.....
So, I'm PRAYING for descerment from the Lord on how to get it all squeezed in and strength for the coming weeks.....
Please PRAY for Kevin & I during the next few weeks as we jugle our already way too full work schedule and all of our other commitments.
Taking on the repair of our home was definitely not on our radar. But we're still THANKFUL, as it could have been a lot worse.
We're also very thankful for the incredible help we received in getting a storage unit, on a very short notice.
Thank you, Micah, Bailey & Steven, of The Summit Storage Units, for making this process so very smooth.
Thanks, everyone, for PRAYING with us.!
God bless ! GLORIA

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Our Story, GMR Marketing & More! “Promoting Your Business is our Business!

I am a seasoned professional with 40+ years experience in sales, marketing, purchasing and multi-unit level management plus translating, interpreting and teaching experience in Spanish. After 15 years in business, 8 of which were spent here in 'The Pass', we closed the doors of In Style School and Career Apparel forever on April 10, independent Marketing,

Serving as an Interpreter and Translation Specialist, Spanish/English. My Interpreting service is available in person in the NOLA and Mississippi Gulf Coast area and via phone or SKYPE anywhere in the USA. Translation services are available world -wide via e-media. Generating Flyers, coupons or referral letters from scratch is one of several services that I specialize in.

On the Career Apparel and Promotional division, we focus on supplying the very best items that best represent your business. We pride ourselves in partnering with you to insure that the corporate appeal items and promotional products you choose are the very best for your targeted market. We can provide your employees with all types of company identity apparel and your clients and prospects with any time of promotional items on the market. If you need pens, cups, name badges, business card holders, magnetic vehicle signs, retractable or vinyl printed banners, awards.

We are GMR Marketing and More where “Promoting Your Business is Our Business”


Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm