The Louis Law Firm, PLLC

The Louis Law Firm, PLLC

The Louis Law Firm, PLLC was founded by Akram Louis, who has over 10 years’ experience in divorce and family law. Mr.

Louis is recognized for his zealous advocacy for his clients and has won multiple prestigious awards during his career.


Simple Cheap Divorce

Parties may choose to do a simple cheap divorce if they do not own any real estate properties or are not interested in obtaining a share of their spouse’s retirement benefits. A simple cheap divorce is also recommended if there are no real estate property or custody issues, but their spouse is refusing to sign the divorce papers. Our office can still get the divorce even if the other spouse refuses to sign the papers.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


Uncontested Divorce

Not every divorce has to be messy, expensive and emotionally draining. Uncontested divorces are considered to be easy on the parties and finalized quickly. There are two different types of uncontested divorce:

A simple cheap divorce is recommended when the parties do not have any major assets or debts or any custody issues with the children; and

A stipulation divorce is recommended when the parties own only certain assets, such as real estate property or retirement accounts.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]



The most common ground for annulment is fraud. For instance, if your significant other promised to raise a family with you and you married that significant other based on that promise but after the marriage, he or she told you that they do not want to have children with you. In this situation, you may be eligible to file for an annulment.
Unlike divorce, judges do not see too many annulments, so it is very important that you hire an attorney that is familiar with the procedure and the law. Obtaining an annulment does not have to be an expensive or a lengthy process. Our attorneys are familiar with the annulment process and the necessary paperwork will be completed in a timely manner so you can start the next chapter of your life as quickly as possible.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


New York Adds Domestic Violence as a New Factor to Consider for Equitable Distribution

Domestic Relations Law §236 now includes domestic violence as a factor to consider when determining equitable distribution in New York.

When the Legislature amended Domestic Relations Law (DRL) §236B(5)(d) in April 2020 by adding a new factor that the court must consider in distributing property between divorcing spouses, they implied it be on future matrimonial litigation as well as existing case law. The amended law essentially mandates that the court consider “whether either party has committed an act or acts of domestic violence, as described in [Social Services Law §459-a] against the other party and the nature, extent, duration, and impact of such act or acts.” DRL §236B(5)(d)(14).

Read more here:

Contact us!
The Louis Law Firm, PLLC
Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347) 926-3388
Email: [email protected]


Spousal Support in Family Court

Did you know that the court can issue an order of spousal support while the parties are still married? In Family Court alimony is called spousal support. If the parties are married the less monied spouse may file a petition in family court for spousal support. Unlike divorce court, family court orders for spousal support last indefinitely. If a spouse obtains an order of spousal support from family court, the payor should file for divorce in order to have a cut off date on the order of support.

When the spousal support/maintenance law was enacted on January 23, 2016, it took into consideration tax deductions. Spousal support/maintenance orders were tax deductible to the payor and considered income to the payee. However, federal income tax law was changed in which orders for spousal support/maintenance made after December 31, 2018 are no longer tax deductible. Therefore, it is important to have a skilled attorney negotiate the amount of spousal support/maintenance.

Divorce can have a huge financial impact on both parties, so it is important that you work with a skilled and experienced attorney. For more information on how to obtain an order of spousal support/maintenance or how to protect yourself from paying spousal support/maintenance call our office to schedule a strategy session.

Contact us!
Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


Retirement Benefits

Many attorneys do not know the ins and outs of pension plans and do not include key language in divorce agreements that would benefit their clients. Our attorneys have reviewed many divorce and separation agreements that were drafted by other lawyers that did not mention certain benefits that would have greatly benefited their clients.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


What Makes a Divorce Expensive in New York?

First, it is important to understand that there are two kinds of divorces – contested and uncontested. During an uncontested divorce in New York, both parties agree on all the terms and do not need the court to divide assets or make determinations about child custody, child support or maintenance (alimony). Thus, an uncontested divorce is usually a quicker process and is less of a financial burden. An uncontested lawyer will be able to assist with this divorce route.

On the other hand, a contested divorce in New York is one in which the spouses cannot agree on dividing the assets, distribution of debts, custody of children, child support or spousal support. Property division can take a lot of time to resolve, especially in high-net-worth cases. Essentially, the more contested your divorce becomes and the more issues the spouses can’t agree on, the more time your divorce will take both in and out of court. These issues can and will drive up the cost of your divorce tremendously.

Read full article here:

Contact us!
The Louis Law Firm, PLLC
Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347) 926-3388
Email: [email protected]


Separation Agreements

Some couples prefer to obtain a separation instead of a divorce. The two most common reasons couples prefer a separation over a divorce are: 1) they still care about their spouse and are not sure if they want to be fully divorced; or 2) they want to continue to be covered under the spouse’s medical insurance. Custody, visitation, support and equitable distribution are all worked out into the separation agreement.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


Orders Of Protection

Family Court will issue an order of protection if any of the following family offenses occurred:
Disorderly conduct
Harassment in the first or second degree
Aggravated harassment in the second degree
Assault in the second degree
Criminal mischief
Sexual abuse in the second or third degree
Menacing in the second or third degree
Reckless endangerment
Attempted assault
Sexual misconduct
Forcible touching
Criminal obstruction of breathing or circulation
Identity theft in first, second or third degree
Grand larceny in 3rd or 4th degree

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]



In New York the court determines which parent gets custody by examining the best interest of the children. The court appoints an attorney for the child. Generally, this attorney’s duty is to report the child’s wishes to the court. The court takes into consideration the child’s wishes as one factor in determining which parent the child should reside. For older children (13 and up) the court tends to listen more to the child’s wishes as to which parent the child wants to live with. If one parent receives custody, the other parent gets visitation with the child. The parties also alternate holidays and each parent is entitled to summer vacation with the child.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


Contested Divorce

Parties go through a contested divorce when they have assets, debts, or custody issues that they cannot amicably resolve. A contested divorce can be very mentally draining on both parties as they both try to gain an advantage over what assets should be split and who will have more time with the children. Contested divorce can also be very expensive and last a long time. It is important to consult with an experienced attorney if you are going through a contested divorce.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


New York Adds Domestic Violence as a New Factor to Consider for Equitable Distribution

Domestic Relations Law §236 now includes domestic violence as a factor to consider when determining equitable distribution in New York.

The legislatures amended the Domestic Relations Law (DRL) §236B(5)(d) in April 2020 by adding a new factor that the court must consider in distributing properties between divorcing spouses. The amended law essentially mandates that the court consider “whether either party has committed an act or acts of domestic violence, as described in [Social Services Law §459-a] against the other party and the nature, extent, duration, and impact of such act or acts.” DRL §236B(5)(d)(14). .

Read more here:

Contact us!
The Louis Law Firm, PLLC
Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347) 926-3388
Email: [email protected]



Most couples believe that after getting a divorce all their problems will end. This concept is not necessarily true especially when the divorced couples have children in common.

Child Support
The non-custodial parents, which is usually the father, faces a challenge when he cannot afford to pay child support. I always tell my male clients that it is easier to increase child support than decrease it. However, it is possible to decrease court ordered child support payments if the non-custodial parent is laid off from their job, their salary decreases, or if they have another child from another marriage that they are supporting.

Read more here:

Contact us!
Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347) 926-3388
Email: [email protected]



The most common ground for annulment is fraud. For instance, if your significant other promised to raise a family with you and you married that significant other based on that promise but after the marriage, he or she told you that they do not want to have children with you. In this situation, you may be eligible to file for an annulment.

Unlike divorce, judges do not see too many annulments, so it is very important that you hire an attorney that is familiar with the procedure and the law. Obtaining an annulment does not have to be an expensive or a lengthy process. Our attorneys are familiar with the annulment process and the necessary paperwork will be completed in a timely manner so you can start the next chapter of your life as quickly as possible.

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


Orders Of Protection

Family Court will issue an order of protection if any of the following family offenses occurred:

Disorderly conduct
Harassment in the first or second degree
Aggravated harassment in the second degree
Assault in the second degree
Criminal mischief
Sexual abuse in the second or third degree
Menacing in the second or third degree
Reckless endangerment
Attempted assault
Sexual misconduct
Forcible touching
Criminal obstruction of breathing or circulation
Identity theft in first, second or third degree
Grand larceny in 3rd or 4th degree

Address: 300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Floor
Brooklyn, New York
Telephone: Call (347 689-7562)
Email: [email protected]


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00