St. Raymond Elementary School, Bronx, New York, NY Videos

Videos by St. Raymond Elementary School, Bronx in New York. We offer full-day academic programs for Pre-K3 - Grade 8, advanced math and science, sports, a fitne

🎶 Exciting news! Mrs. Adderley has just shared some amazing pictures highlighting the incredible work our students have been doing in Art class. 🎨 Check out the talent and creativity on display - it's truly inspiring! Thank you, Mrs. Adderley, for showcasing our students' hard work and dedication. Keep up the great work, everyone! 👏 #ArtEducation #StudentAchievements #ProudTeachers

Other St. Raymond Elementary School, Bronx videos

🎶 Exciting news! Mrs. Adderley has just shared some amazing pictures highlighting the incredible work our students have been doing in Art class. 🎨 Check out the talent and creativity on display - it's truly inspiring! Thank you, Mrs. Adderley, for showcasing our students' hard work and dedication. Keep up the great work, everyone! 👏 #ArtEducation #StudentAchievements #ProudTeachers

Paul Effman Performance #4

Paul Effman Performance #3

Paul Effman Performance #2

Paul Effman Performance #1

Mr. Hyman versus Fr. Collins

Band and cheer during spirit day.

Mr. Hyman...during spirit day.

More tug of war during spirit day.

Tug of War during Spirit Day

We wanted to inform you that on May 10th, we had a fantastic Spirit Day at our school. It was a day filled with school pride and fun activities for all of our students. In the morning, the UPK to Grade 5 students participated in Spirit Day games, while the middle school students enjoyed watching a movie. After lunch, the middle school students had their turn to play Spirit games, while the younger students watched a movie. The day kicked off with performances from our band and cheer team, setting the tone for a day of celebration. We also took the opportunity to award our Gidgets their trophies for being Bronx champions and unveiled some banners from championship years. Overall, it was a fun and memorable day for everyone involved. We want to extend a special thank you to Ms. G for organizing the event and to Mrs. Casale for capturing all the special moments with her photography skills. We apologize for the delay in sharing this update with you, but we wanted to make sure you were aware of the great day we had at school. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.


Communion entrance Video from Natalia Rivera. Thank you

We are writing to inform you that our students who made their Holy Communion yesterday gathered today to attend Mass to receive the Body of Christ and celebrated with their families at a Communion breakfast. It was a truly special and joyous occasion, and a wonderful time to thank God for giving us his Son's body. We wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Teron for sending us pictures of the two events. It was a pleasure to see our students surrounded by their loved ones, celebrating this important milestone in their faith journey.we are grateful for the support and involvement of our school community in helping our students grow in their faith. Their continued partnership is invaluable, and we confident that together we can continue to nurture and guide our students on their spiritual path. Thank you once again for your support, and may God bless you and your families.

We are thrilled to announce that yesterday, 36 students from St. Raymond School in grade 2 and out-of-grade students received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We are so proud of these students for taking this important step in their faith journey. We would like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Martinez, Sr. Julianne, and Sr. Jodefa for their dedication and hard work in preparing the students for this special day. Their guidance and support have been invaluable in helping these students understand the significance of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We are excited for these students as they continue their journey with Jesus and grow in their faith. Congratulations to all of the students who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion! Attached are some pictures that Ms. Martinez sent. We hope you enjoy seeing the joy and excitement on the faces of our students. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's religious education.

Warm up.

From our Easter Parade today.