Bed Bug 911 NYC

Bed Bug 911 NYC

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BedBug911 offers the most comprehensive bed bug extermination services available, providing an all-i Call now for a free consultation!

BedBug911 is a proffessional extermination company in NYC that specializes in bed bug extermination and bed bugs control. We offer bed bug prep services, bed bug laundry, and bed bug inspection with a bed bug inspection dog. Our emergency bed bug extermination services are available 24/7.


🛏️ Say Goodbye to Bed Bugs with BedBug911!

Are bed bugs ruining your peace of mind and sleep? At BedBug911, we specialize in professional bed bug extermination, offering fast and effective solutions to reclaim your home from these pesky invaders.

🔹 Expert Bed Bug Removal
🔹 Safe & Eco-Friendly Treatments
🔹 Fast & Reliable Results

Did you know that bed bugs can hide in tiny cracks and crevices, making detection and removal challenging? Our highly trained pest control experts use state-of-the-art techniques, products, and strategies to ensure your home is completely bed bug-free.

Don't let bed bugs take over your home. Call BedBug911 today for a free quote and reclaim your peaceful sleep!

📞 Call Us: 718-517-2227
🌐 Visit Us:

Bed Bug Extermination NYC | Pest Control service | BedBug911 03/24/2024

Worried about bed bugs? Don't panic, call BedBug911!

Bed bugs can be a real hassle, but you don't have to face them alone. BedBug911 is here to help, offering a variety of safe and effective treatment methods tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

Why choose BedBug911?

Personalized approach: We understand every infestation is different. Our experienced professionals will conduct a thorough inspection and discuss your options to develop a customized treatment plan that's right for you.
Safe and effective methods: We use proven, modern methods that are safe for your family and pets while effectively eliminating bed bugs at all life stages.

Peace of mind: We know dealing with bed bugs can be stressful. Our dedicated team will be with you every step of the way, offering support and guidance throughout the process.

Don't wait any longer! Schedule a free consultation with BedBug911 today and let us help you achieve a peaceful, bed bug-free sleep!

Call us at (718)-517-2227 or visit our website to schedule your consultation.

Bed Bug Extermination NYC | Pest Control service | BedBug911 BedBug911 is the leading bed bug exterminator in NYC. Offering the very best bed bug extermination serces. Call now for a free consultation.


Don't Let Bed Bugs Bite!

Unexplained bites, itchy welts, or even just a hunch – if you suspect a bed bug infestation, don't suffer in silence! Early intervention is crucial for successful elimination.

Here's why contacting a professional exterminator is the best course of action:

- Expertise: Trained professionals have the knowledge and experience to identify the problem, assess the extent of the infestation, and develop a safe and effective treatment plan.

- Targeted treatment: Professionals utilize specialized tools and methods to target bed bugs at all stages of their life cycle, ensuring complete eradication.

- Peace of mind: Dealing with bed bugs can be stressful. By delegating the problem to professionals, you can regain your peace of mind and focus on enjoying your home pest-free.

Remember, early detection is key! The sooner you call a professional, the easier and less expensive it will be to eliminate the infestation.

Don't delay, contact a bed bug exterminator today!


Keep Unwanted Guests Out of Your Luggage!

Traveling is an exciting adventure, but you don't want to bring any unwanted souvenirs home. Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride in your luggage if given the chance.

Here's how to minimize the risk:

Ditch the bed, embrace the rack: Utilize the luggage rack provided in your hotel room instead of placing your luggage directly on the bed. This keeps your belongings away from potential hiding spots for bed bugs.

Avoid the floor: Similar to the bed, the floor can also harbor hidden bed bugs. Place your luggage on a clean, stable surface like the luggage rack to avoid any unwanted encounters.

Bonus tip: Consider using luggage liners or protective covers for your bags as an extra layer of defense against hitchhikers.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of bringing bed bugs back from your travels and ensure a peaceful sleep when you return home.


Armor Up Your Bed Against Bed Bugs!

Invest in high-quality mattress and box spring encasements for an extra layer of defense against bed bugs. These special covers act like impenetrable fortresses, safeguarding your sleep space.

Here's how they work:

- Trapping existing bed bugs: Encasements seal off your mattress and box spring, preventing bed bugs from entering or escaping. Existing bugs get trapped inside and eventually die.

- Preventing new infestations: Encasements create a barrier that new bed bugs can't pe*****te, helping to prevent future infestations.

- Easy detection: High-quality encasements are often white, making it easier to spot bed bug activity during inspections.

For reliable protection, consider Hygea Natural mattress encasements. They are designed for durability, breathability, and complete bed bug protection.

Sleep easy knowing your bed is a fortress against these pests!


Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget the Bed Bug Inspection!

Spring cleaning isn't just about decluttering and freshening up your home; it's also a prime opportunity to check for unwelcome guests – bed bugs!

These sneaky pests can easily hide in cracks, crevices, and furniture, making them difficult to detect. However, by incorporating a thorough bed bug inspection into your spring cleaning routine, you can ensure a pest-free environment for your family.

Here's how to include a bed bug inspection in your spring cleaning:

Focus on bedrooms: This is the most likely area where bed bugs will be present.
Inspect mattresses and box springs: Check seams, tufts, folds, and piping for signs of bed bugs, including live insects, shed skins, or dark spots (droppings or bloodstains).

Don't forget furniture: Inspect headboards, bed frames, and surrounding furniture for similar signs.

Pay attention to baseboards and wall cracks: These can be potential hiding spots for bed bugs.

Use a flashlight: This can help you see in dark corners and crevices where bed bugs might be hiding.

Early detection is key! If you suspect a bed bug infestation, don't hesitate to contact a professional pest control service like BedBug911. They can help you identify the problem, develop a safe and effective treatment plan, and reclaim your peace of mind.

Make spring cleaning count! By including a thorough bed bug inspection in your routine, you can create a healthy and pest-free home environment for you and your loved ones.


Turn Up the Heat on Bed Bugs!

Hot water is your ultimate weapon in the fight against bed bugs!

These sneaky pests can hide in bedding, making laundry an essential part of your bed bug battle plan. Here's how to turn up the heat and eliminate them:

Wash all bedding in HOT water: Aim for a minimum temperature of 140°F (60°C). This kills bed bugs and their eggs in all stages of development.

Dry on high heat: After washing, set your dryer to its highest heat setting for at least 30 minutes. This further ensures complete eradication.

Bonus protection: For additional peace of mind, consider using a bed bug laundry detergent like BedBug911. This specialized detergent contains ingredients specifically designed to kill bed bugs and their eggs during the wash cycle.

Remember: By combining hot water washing, high heat drying, and BedBug911 laundry detergent, you can effectively eliminate bed bugs and their eggs lurking in your bedding, bringing you one step closer to a restful sleep!


Busted Myth: Bed Bugs Don't Discriminate!

It's a common misconception that bed bugs only infest dirty environments. The truth is, these pesky critters are equal-opportunity feeders, meaning they target anyone regardless of cleanliness.

While maintaining a clean home is essential for overall hygiene and pest prevention, it doesn't guarantee immunity to bed bugs. They are attracted to human blood, not dirt, and can easily hitchhike on luggage, clothing, or used furniture.

Stay vigilant! Educate yourself about bed bugs, learn the signs of an infestation, and take preventative measures to protect your home and family.


Bed Bugs in Apartments: Together We Stand!

Living in an apartment building comes with many advantages, but it also means sharing walls and spaces with neighbors. Unfortunately, this can also mean sharing the potential for a bed bug infestation.

The good news? Collaboration is key! Working together with your neighbors can significantly reduce the risk of an infestation and make it easier to manage one if it occurs.

Here are some ways you can partner with your neighbors:

- Communicate: Talk openly and honestly with your neighbors about bed bugs. Share information, concerns, and preventative measures.
- Inspect together: Organize coordinated inspections of common areas, focusing on potential entry points like laundry rooms, trash chutes, and hallways.
- Inform management: If you suspect an infestation, alert your building management and encourage your neighbors to do the same. A unified front is crucial for prompt and effective action.
- Practice preventative measures: Share information about best practices like using mattress encasements, vacuuming regularly, and decluttering.

By working together, you and your neighbors can create a united front against bed bugs and ensure a pest-free living environment for everyone!


Don't let bed bugs crash your vacation!

Traveling can be exhilarating, but don't let unwanted souvenirs like bed bugs ruin the experience. ‍

Pack smart and take some preventative steps to avoid bringing these pests back in your luggage:

- Choose hard-shell luggage: Bed bugs prefer to hide in cracks and crevices. Hard-shell cases make it harder for them to hitch a ride.
-Inspect your hotel room: Before unpacking, check for signs of bed bugs, especially around the bed and furniture seams.
-Elevate your luggage: Keep your suitcase off the floor, away from walls and furniture, using a luggage rack or other stand.
-Inspect your belongings before returning home: Carefully examine your luggage and clothes for any signs of bed bugs.
-Wash clothes in hot water: Once home, wash all your travel clothes in hot water (at least 140°F) and dry them on high heat for at least 30 minutes.

By being vigilant, you can enjoy a worry-free vacation and avoid bringing bed bugs home!

Bed Bug Exterminator NYC - Bed Bug 911 03/01/2024

Don't Let Bed Bugs Steal Your Sleep! BedBug911: Your Champions of Rest.

At BedBug911, we don't just fight bed bugs, we champion peaceful sleep. We understand the frustration and stress a bed bug infestation can bring, and we're here to help you reclaim your home and your peace of mind.

Why choose BedBug911?

Expertise you can trust: Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals is dedicated to eliminating bed bugs effectively and safely using the latest methods and technologies.

Personalized approach: We understand every situation is unique. We'll work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and concerns.

Commitment to your safety: We use environmentally responsible methods whenever possible, prioritizing the safety of your family and pets.

Peace of mind guarantee: We stand behind our work. We offer a guarantee to ensure your complete satisfaction and bed bug-free environment.

Don't let bed bugs disrupt your sleep any longer! Contact BedBug911 today for a free consultation and let us help you achieve a peaceful sleep, every night.

Together, we can conquer bed bugs and reclaim your restful nights!

Bed Bug Exterminator NYC - Bed Bug 911 Discover award-winning bed bug extermination services in New York by Bed Bug 911, a woman-owned family business with 3 decades of experience.


Second-hand furniture: Treasure or trouble?

Hunting for a unique find? While second-hand furniture can be wallet-friendly and eco-friendly, it can also harbor unwanted guests: bed bugs!

Before bringing anything home, inspect it thoroughly for signs of these hitchhikers:

- Live bugs: Look for small, brown, flat insects, especially in seams, cracks, and crevices.
- Shed skin: Tiny, brown, and translucent shells indicate recent activity.
- Dark spots: These could be bed bug droppings or bloodstains from crushed bugs.
- Musty odor: A sweet, unpleasant smell can be a telltale sign.

Don't let bed bugs disrupt your sleep! If you suspect an infestation, contact BedBug911!


Uninvited guests leaving itchy bites? Bed bugs might be the culprit!
Early detection is crucial to prevent a full-blown infestation.

Here are some signs to watch out for:
- Itchy, red bites in clusters or lines on exposed skin.
- Small bloodstains on sheets or mattresses.
- Rusty or reddish stains from droppings or squashed bugs.
- Tiny brown spots (bed bug casings).
- Musty odor around your bed.

Don't let bed bugs become your roommates! Contact BedBug911 today for a free consultation. Our experts will help you identify the problem and develop a safe and effective treatment plan to reclaim your peaceful sleep.

Call BedBug911 at (718)-517-2227 or visit our website for a free quote!

Photos from Best of Brooklyn's post 02/09/2024

Our bed bug sniffing dogs efficiently detect nesting spots, even in hard-to-reach areas. Fast and efficient inspections for residential and commercial properties.

Call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected] for a quick estimate.

Bed Bug Exterminator NYC - Bed Bug 911 01/23/2024

Unmatched Bed Bug Extermination Services in NYC!

Bed Bug 911 brings nearly 3 decades of expertise to eliminate bed bugs from your home. Our professional exterminators, safe products, and proven methods ensure a pest-free environment.

For a FREE estimate, call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected].

Bed Bug Exterminator NYC - Bed Bug 911 Discover award-winning bed bug extermination services in New York by Bed Bug 911, a woman-owned family business with 3 decades of experience.

Bed Bug Laundry Services | BedBug911 01/22/2024

BedBug911 - Innovation & Excellence in Bed Bug Laundry!

Our laundry process includes an inspection, sorting, and treatment with state-of-the-art equipment and safe products. Complimentary pickup & delivery ensures convenience.

Call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected] today!

Bed Bug Laundry Services | BedBug911 Convenient and reliable bed bug laundry service in NYC. Trust Bed Bug 911 for thorough cleaning to eliminate bed bugs.


Bed Bug 911's NYC Bed Bug Preparation Expertise! 🧹🦠 Bed bugs causing distress?

Our advanced inspection techniques, like bed bug-sniffing dogs, precisely identify infested areas. The personalized preparation plan covers decluttering, laundry procedures, and potential furniture disassembly, ensuring a targeted approach. Our comprehensive treatment, using industry-leading methods, guarantees the elimination of bed bugs at all lifecycle stages.

Reclaim your space – request a FREE estimate: 📞 718-517-2227 📧 [email protected].


Your Solution for Bed Bug-Free Living!

Bed Bug 911, the leading extermination company in NYC, delivers expert bed bug removal services. Our skilled team and safe products ensure a comprehensive solution.

Call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected] for a FREE estimate and reclaim your home!

Bed Bug Laundry Services | BedBug911 01/16/2024

Natural & Safe Bed Bug Laundry Solutions!

BedBug911 prioritizes your health and the environment. Our laundry process utilizes innovative practices and eco-friendly products, tough on bed bugs and gentle on your fabrics.

Experience top-tier service, call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected].

Bed Bug Laundry Services | BedBug911 Convenient and reliable bed bug laundry service in NYC. Trust Bed Bug 911 for thorough cleaning to eliminate bed bugs.


Keep Your Home Safe with K9 Bed Bug Inspection!

Our bed bug sniffing dogs efficiently detect nesting spots, even in hard-to-reach areas. Fast and efficient inspections for residential and commercial properties.

Call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected] for a quick estimate.

Bed Bug Laundry Services | BedBug911 01/13/2024

Free Pickup & Delivery! BedBug911 is your one-stop solution for bed bug laundry services. Our expert team carefully inspects, treats, and delivers your items in sealed, bed bug-proof bags.

Call 718-517-2227 or email [email protected].

Bed Bug Laundry Services | BedBug911 Convenient and reliable bed bug laundry service in NYC. Trust Bed Bug 911 for thorough cleaning to eliminate bed bugs.


Rest Easy with Bed Bug 911!

NYC's Trusted Bed Bug Exterminators. Our experienced team provides thorough and effective bed bug removal services. With safe, natural products and meticulous techniques, we guarantee a bed bug-free home.

Contact us at 718-517-2227 or [email protected] for a FREE quote!


Swift and accurate bed bug detection with our K9 Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs. Early detection saves costs.

Call us at 718-517-2227 or email [email protected] for a FREE quote.

Your solution to a bed bug-free environment!

Bed Bug Anatomy - Bed Bug 911 09/18/2023

Learn about the anatomy of bed bugs in our new bed bug guide. Visit

Bed Bug Anatomy - Bed Bug 911 Explore the anatomy of bed bugs, including their antennae, head, abdomen, and legs. Learn how they navigate, feed, and reproduce functions.


Success Story: Jennifer’s grandmother needed help and we were of course happy to assist!

Identifying, treating and preventing bed bug bites - Bed Bug 911 09/10/2023

Bed bug bites: How to identify and remedies for relief, read more in this article

Identifying, treating and preventing bed bug bites - Bed Bug 911 Learn how to identify, treat, and prevent bed bug bites for relief and peace of mind. Discover effective treatments, including cleansing, topical creams, and cold compresses.


From infestation to extermination - how Bedbug911 handles bed bugs with precision.

Got Bed Bugs?
Call 718-517-2227 today!

Ultimate Guide: Identifing a Bed Bug Infestation - Bed Bug 911 09/02/2023

Read about the benefits of professional pest control vs. DIY treatments.

Ultimate Guide: Identifing a Bed Bug Infestation - Bed Bug 911 Comprehensive guide to identifying and addressing bed bug infestations. Learn the signs, symptoms and effective solutions for a bug-free home

Prevent Bed Bugs for Hitchhiking - Bed Bug 911 08/30/2023

How to avoid bed bugs during travel and what to do if you encounter them. Read our tips in this article:

Prevent Bed Bugs for Hitchhiking - Bed Bug 911 Learn essential tips to prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking home after your trip. Pack in sealed bags, and washyour clothes before packing.

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Our Story

BedBug911 is a professional extermination company in NYC that specializes in bed bug extermination and bed bugs control. We offer bed bug prep services, bed bug laundry, and bed bug inspection with a bed bug inspection dog. Our emergency bed bug extermination services are available 24/7. Call now for a free consultation!


What makes BedBug911 the best bed bug exterminator in NYC? We have over 20 years providing the most comprehensive solutions for bed bug extermination available. The innovative 3 Step Process that we pioneered is designed to provide our clients with a streamlined bed bug treatment to get rid of bed bugs fast and make sure they don’t come back again.


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Bed Bug Treatment Solution's
Bed Bug Infestation
Bed Bug Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services - NYC


1324 E 15th Street
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm

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