Videos by Dr. Robert Shire in New York. Tru Whole Care is a state of the art health facility with multiple practices all with one
What do you choose? Motion is life and life is motion. Good health is in the daily details of life. Choose wisely my friends.#truwholecare #blumcenterforhealth #westchesternymoms #chiropractor #getadjusted
Cast a stone into water and it creates a ripple effect. I cast ripples of health through my keynote/ motivational presentations in businesses/ communities and organizations. How can I serve you? #rippleeffect #blumcenterforhealth #truwholecare #happyhealthyhumans #drrobertshire
April is Stress Awareness month. Join me in implementing some of my favorite stress reducing activities. Simple, easy, accessible and lasting practices for life.
Compression/ Flexion VS. Expansion/ Extentsion
Flexion and compression vs. expansion and extension.
What’s the difference and how does is affect your spine?
Two areas of the body that holds stress. Some easy ways to relieve it. #TheChiropractor #GetAdjusted #Chiropractic #TMJ #TruWholeCare #ChiropracticAdjustment
Welcome to Arch Madness! Get your feet digitally scanned and see what is your pronation (fancy word for flattening) score. 20% off all orthotics in March.
Chiropractic is simple. I try to convey the simplicity and effectivness of chiropractic here. People suffer unecessarily and resort to drugs for temporary relief. Chiropractic has been helping people heal naturally for over 120 years by getting to the cause of the problem and removing the interference.