Videos by Doggie Academy in New York. Dog training and behavior counseling for Brooklyn and beyond.
Rocky the amazing agility pug!! New rounds of Intro to Agility are now open for registration! Visit the link in our bio!
Dutchess the Pit Bull is ✨eleven!✨ I’ve known Dutchess and her “grandma” for years now. They don’t come very often for lessons anymore now that Dutchess is a bit older, but when they do it is so so fun. I love this team 💕 - Amanda
Today @junointheuniverse and her mom had a breakthrough! Juno has been funny about her start line stays for a while now. Today, however, while watching her mom work through some of that funniness I noticed something interesting about the way her mom was handling the practice stays and the released stays in that they were just slightly different - so I suggested to Jo that instead of walking away from Juno normally she should back away. I think Jo may have thought I was crazy at first but gosh darn it Juno’s start lines haven’t looked like this in ages!!! So excited for this team!!!! - Amanda 💕