David Foster Acupuncture, New York, NY Videos

Videos by David Foster Acupuncture in New York. Holistic medicine for neurological, psychiatric, autoimmune, and orthopedic conditions.

Eggs & sautéed mushrooms with balsamic vinegar & maple syrup reduction. Wash & DRY mushrooms, heat olive oil with chopped garlic if u have the time & inclination, sauté shrooms for 5-6 minutes, sprinkle salt, then pour in the sauce (about 1/4 cup of balsamic + teaspoon syrup) and simmer sauté another 5-6 minutes until we’ll-cooked & reduced. YUM!

Eggs & shrooms are both good grade medicinals in Chinese medicine, which is to say their therapeutic benefit is mild relative to other herbs, but strong relative to other foods..

Eggs and mushrooms both support healthy estrogen levels and parasympathetic functioning. This meal takes 15-20 min to prepare and should be eaten once a week

#acupuncturenyc #nycacupuncturist #nycacupuncture #eggsandmushrooms #gisupport #guthealth #gutmicrobes #guthealing #gutfriendly #gutmicrobiome #stomachpainrelief #refluxdiet

Other David Foster Acupuncture videos

Eggs & sautéed mushrooms with balsamic vinegar & maple syrup reduction. Wash & DRY mushrooms, heat olive oil with chopped garlic if u have the time & inclination, sauté shrooms for 5-6 minutes, sprinkle salt, then pour in the sauce (about 1/4 cup of balsamic + teaspoon syrup) and simmer sauté another 5-6 minutes until we’ll-cooked & reduced. YUM! Eggs & shrooms are both good grade medicinals in Chinese medicine, which is to say their therapeutic benefit is mild relative to other herbs, but strong relative to other foods.. Eggs and mushrooms both support healthy estrogen levels and parasympathetic functioning. This meal takes 15-20 min to prepare and should be eaten once a week #acupuncturenyc #nycacupuncturist #nycacupuncture #eggsandmushrooms #gisupport #guthealth #gutmicrobes #guthealing #gutfriendly #gutmicrobiome #stomachpainrelief #refluxdiet

No one size fits all—not even when it comes to nutrition! For some people intermittent fasting might improve their sleep, while for others, such as myself, it will make sleep worse. Those of us more prone to the “dry stomach” or “dry brain,” those of us who probably think too hard during the days, have ravenous appetites, and relatively quick metabolisms, are likely to sleep worse on a completely empty stomach. While dairy is in advisable at night for the obvious respiratory reasons, one can have a healthy snack in the form of nuts or nut butters 1-2 hours before bed. #acupuncturenyc #nycacupuncture #nycacupuncturist #cantfallasleep #cantstayasleep #insomniaproblems #insomniatreatment #insomniacure #insomniaremedies #insomniaacupuncture #insomniarelief #insomniaproblems #sleephygiene #sleeptips #sleepwell #sleepproblems #sleepsupport #sleephealth #sleephelp #sleepexpert

Are thoughts keeping you awake at night or is being awake at night causing thoughts to ruminate? There’s a big difference and a totally different prescription for each. The “Ben Tun syndrome” refers to symptoms that mimic anxiety but are present as a result of fluid congestion in the microbiome due to a poorly treated virus in years past. Symptoms may include any one or more of these: Insomnia, heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, or cough. If you’ve been on meds and/or seen therapists for years without resolve it could be the Ben Tun! If you’re laying there awake but not thinking much about anything, it’s the more common pattern of “blood deficiency.” Such patients by all means should get their levels checked, and try to intake more eggs and beef if possible. #acupuncturenyc #nycacupuncture #nycacupuncturist #cantfallasleep #cantstayasleep #insomniaproblems #insomniatreatment #insomniacure #insomniaremedies #insomniaacupuncture #insomniarelief #insomniaproblems #sleephygiene #sleeptips #sleepwell #sleepproblems #sleepsupport #sleephealth #sleephelp #sleepexpert

Cold hands can be more than just a cold or weak microbiome. In other cases it can indicate blood deficiency, which is why many girls experience cold extremities on their cycle, or can also be a “Shao Yang syndrome,” where the stomach is dry, as a result heat travels upwards in the body instead of down and outward to the extremities. This is relatively over-diagnosed, but still must be considered. Eyes might be the window to the soul, but the hands can tell us much about our organs! #coldhands #coldhandswarmheart #coldhandssuck #coldhandswarmhearts #coldhandsandfeet #coldhand #hothands #clammyhands #sweatyhands #sweatypalms

Excessive sweating can cause systemic fluid deficiency in the body, and can be caused by of course excessive working out, immunological deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or genetic pre-dispositions to internal heat in the body. For this reason we advise against hot yoga or HIIT training. Those with immunological deficiency patterns tend to feel cold. Sweat might be yellow, sticky, or oily, they lack thirst and appetite, and are prone to body pain due to weakness. For these patients we might lead with Huang Qi, or astragalus root. For those with hormonal imbalances, they might be also prone to dryness in the body, dizziness, irregular menses, or insomnia, and might feel hot and cold, depending. This could be the Blood Deficient Yang Ming pattern, where we might lead with herbs such as Bai Shao or paoniae root, to cool the blood and regulate hormonal function. These people might also not sweat at all as they do not have many systemic fluids to begin with. Red meat is advisable. Those with excess heat often sweat predominantly from the head and/or upper body. These kinds of people tend to be smellier, angrier, thirstier, and affinity for alcohol. They might need artemisia, gypsum stone, pearl barley, or coptis root. Celery juice is advisable. If your body cannot properly regulate sweat it cannot regulate fluids. Since your body is made mostly of fluids it is important to rectify this issue. #hyperhidrosis #anhidrosis #hyperhidrosistreatment #hyperhidrosisawareness #hyperhidrosisproblems #sweatingitout #sweatproblems #excesssweating #hotyoga #sweatyarmpit #sweatysocks #sweatygirl #sweatysoles #sweatypits #sweatyfeets #sweatypalms #sweatyhands #sweatyface

I believe in science too. As per AI’s definition, the STUDY of the structure and behavior of the world, blah blah blah. The STUDY. “Science” is not a synonym for fact as temporarily determined by modern medical methods. One day these methods will be laughable and archaic. At the same there are other archaic lenses that frequently contain much greater potential efficacy. We are living in a philosophical snapshot. Take it with a grain of salt… from science. #scienceisreal #webelieveinscience #believeinscience #scientificresearch

It’s not really about BELIEF, anymore than anything is. I mean, I could say that I don’t BELIEVE in water or baseball, or that I don’t BELIEVE in shopping malls, but we’re all aware of their realities, right? Take Ma Huang, or ephedra, for example. One of our most important medicinals. It is comprised of ephedrine alkaloids, ephedroxane, and 2-3-4 trimethyl-5-phenyloxazolidine, to induce a diaphoretic, antipyretic, and/or diuretic effect in the body. What am I missing here? What is it about this that brings up “belief” for people? Big ephedrine alkaloid skeptics?? Herbal medicine is just as scientific, just as strong and effective as any other medicine, WHEN PROPERLY PRESCRIBED BY PROFESSIONALS. Don’t get me started on certified acupuncturists, people who “self-teach” herbs or prescribe them intuitively. We’re in clinic here, people. Not the jungle. With all due respect to the jungle and its own set of powers. #acupuncturenyc #nycacupuncturist #nycacupuncture #chinesemedicine #herbalmedicine #ephedra #holisticmedicine #holisticmedicines #traditionalchinesemedicine #classicalchinesemedicine

Sensitive to gluten or dairy? Tai Yin diagnosis. This person is weak in the gut, the pancreas, and/or lungs. Sensitive to spicy foods? Yang Ming. This person has excessive inflammatory heat in their stomach and/or large intestine. Sensitive to onions or garlic? Could be either one, depending on the remainder of the pattern. For example, if they tend to cause diarrhea you’re probably more Tai Yin pattern. If they cause more constipation you’re probably more Yang Ming. We can find out a lot about our physiological patterns by which foods trigger our symptoms, which is to say tip our scale. #dairysensitivity #dairysensitive #glutensensitivity #glutensensitive #onionallergy #fodmaps #alliumallergy #fodmapfree #glutendairyfree #glutendairysugarfree #glutendairysoyfree #chinesemedicine #nycacupuncture #nycacupuncturist #acupuncturenyc

#populationcontrol #populationcontrolagenda #populationcontrolcampaign #postpartumbrain #postpartumdepression #postpartumhormones #oneanddone #oneanddoneparenting

IMO prejudices and double standards in our society went from being terribly under diagnosed in the 20th century to over diagnosed now. This is par for the course for the western mindset pathology of “over-correction,” also potentially evidenced in choices such as veganism, HIIT training, and atheism. #caitlinclark22 #angelreese #wnbanews

Is acupuncture and Chinese Medicine “preventive medicine,” or are we just superior diagnosticians, able to recognize disease via any symptomatology, thereby incidentally preventing more serious disease? Your doctor tells you having a dry mouth at night or being excessively thirsty might be normal, or it’s possibly stress related. From our POV either of these might fall into the category of the “blood deficient yang ming syndrome,” which is probably causing other more serious problems beneath the surface. It should be addressed seriously, physiologically, not dismissed as stress just because one paradigm of medicine doesn’t understand it. If you don’t have an appetite for three meals a day, you might feel ok for now, but from our POV this is a gastrointestinal (“Tai Yin” or “Jue Yin”) pathology that should be addressed before it goes autoimmune. Is your scalp insanely dry? Sure, no big deal—you can use shampooos to make it feel and look better, but if inadequate fluids are getting to your scalp how many are getting to your brain? How far away are you from some neurological condition, without taking intelligent action? Or, you might be fine :) Acupuncture is not here for you to de-stress and relax. Thats just a basic B side effect of it. It is medicine. We are here to treat disease, albeit through a very unique lens of diagnosis. Thanks. #preventivemedicine #preventativemedicine #preventativehealth #preventivehealth #preventivemaintenance #migrainerelief #migrainetreatment #migrainesupport #autoimmunewellness #autoimmunehealing #autoimmuneawareness #drymouth #drymouthrelief #alwaysthirsty #insatiablethirst #alwaysthirstyandhungry #neverthirsty #notthirsty

We hear it ALL THE TIME! “I don’t understand. I have a perfect diet. Why do I have all this inflammation?” Some patients are open-minded enough to consider the Eastern logic, that raw, cold/uncooked foods are harder to digest, and anything that is harder to digest fatigues the organs and leaves inflammation in its wake. CHINESE NUTRITION CHALLENGE: Write down all your ailments, then for 3 weeks eat nothing but warm cooked foods, the revisit that list and see if anything has improved. If you’d normally have yogurt or cereal for breakfast, have eggs, or oatmeal if you must. If you’d normally have salad for lunch, have soup, or some kind of ethic dish with cooked vegetables. Notice I specified ethic, since American dishes rarely feature cooked veggies. If there are any greens on our table they’re usually in a salad, or nowadays a to-go cup. Smoothies are fine here and there, but they are not a meal. This is not eating, it is not strengthening, and your body knows it. #stomachpain #stomachpains #stomachpainrelief #stomachache #guthealth #constipationremedy #constipationrelief #constipationsolution #constipationsolution #constipationremedies #diarrhearelief #diarrheatreatment #sibodiet #ibsdiet #ibsfood #ibsdietitian #ibsfriendly #autoimmunediet #autoimmunenutrition #autoimmunenutritionist #acupuncturenyc #nycacupuncture #nycacupuncturist

We use phrases like “qi deficiency or “qi stagnation,” which loosely translate as metabolic weakness or trapped gases and circulation, respectively. The idea of “qi” being some mystical, non scientific concept, as opposed to an evidence based substance, is fun and interesting, but also inaccurate and minimizing. #shoulderpainrelief #backpainrelief #rotatorcufftear #rotatorcuffinjury #deltoidworkout #deltoid #shoulderpaintreatment #sportsmedicinenyc #backpaintreatment #sciaticapainrelief #sciaticatreatment #necktension #necktensionelief #neckpaintreatment #neckpainrelief #neckpainrehab #neckpainnomore #kneepainrelief #kneepaintreatment #kneepainmanagement

If you’re fatigued after eating you either ate the wrong foods (obv) and/or your organs are relatively weak. This is because the body uses the same metabolic fluids to digest as it does to get up and go. It’s not normal to feel tired after eating. It’s common, yes, but not normal. It’s very concerning. You can manage this by eating healthier, easier to digest, warm and cooked foods, and/or with hot tea such as ginger or black pu-erh, but ultimately it’s best to see a good Chinese Medicine clinician to get an accurate full spectrum diagnosis and targeted treatment. #itis #digestivehealth #digestivesystem #digestivesupport #digestiveissues #digestiveproblems #guthealth #guthealthmatters #gutbrainconnection #gutbrainhealth #gutbrainlink

Acupuncture is just one of the modalities of Chinese Medicine and physical pain is just one of the infinite pathologies it can treat. Some of my patients don’t even know that acupuncture comes from Chinese Medicine! MOST of my patients don’t know that cupping and gua sha are originally Chinese Medicine. They think they’re Traditional TikTok Medicine, maybe. People think of us for back and shoulder pain, and that’s wonderful. But they should also think of us for autoimmune, neurological, digestive, and psychiatric conditions. I’m biased of course, but the fact is that most of our classical medical texts are based on internal medicine—not shoulder impingements or sciatica. Love a good beef and broccoli still. #acupuncturenyc #chinesemedicineworks #holisticmedicinenyc #chineseherbsmedicine #holisticneurology #holisticpsychiatry #functionalneurologicaldisorderawareness

What are Chinese medicine's dietary recommendations for during and after a Covid-19 infection? What can Chinese medicine offer in the way of herbs to get the healthiest resolution from the virus, and/or what can acupuncture offer for lingering signs and symptoms? Because of our ability to treat the gut brain axis, and the anti-inflammatory capabilities of acupuncture and Chinese herbs, I've gained great pride and joy in seeing the clinical results from treating patients battling this nagging pandemic. #brainfog #brainfogbegone #shortnessofbreath #covidrecovery #CovidTreatment #longcovidtreatment #longcovidsymptoms #longcovidrecovery #acupuncturenyc

What creates the residual cough, chest oppression, or shortness of breath left by coronavirus... and how do we treat it? When fighting a virus the body often pushes fluids to its surface with the intention of expelling the pathogen through sweat pores. When the body is either too weak to do so, or when the pathogen is too strong (or when we used improper treatment medicinals), we suffer leftover pathogenic fluids that can feel like they are suffocating us by lodging themselves in vital pathways or onto vital organs. Fortunately we have brilliant paradigms of medicine that are able to simultaneously dry out these excess fluids and lubricate our pathways enough to finally expel them through either the urine or stool. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are excellent at boosting our cellular energy and fluid metabolism, and liberating targeted areas such as the chest from chronic inflammation. #shortnessofbreath #coughrelief #coughremedy #coughremedies #CovidTreatment #longcovidtreatment #longcovidsymptoms #longcovidrecovery #longcovidawareness #acupuncturenyc #chinesemedicine

Why does Covid-19 cause brain fog and how can you treat it with acupuncture and Chinese medicine? Acupuncture can increase systemic circulation which will help decrease the inflammation that is causing brain fog and all other symptoms of lingering fluid retention in the first place. Chinese herbal formulas are specifically tailored to each individual presentation, and can often work quite quickly, especially when nipped in the bud close to when symptoms started. I'm admittedly guilty of living in my Chinese medicine bubble, but I just cannot believe everyone is not taking advantage of this medicine to treat this virus. I feel bad for y'all. #longcovid19 #longcovidrecovery #longcovidsymptoms #brainfog #longcovidtreatment #CovidTreatment #covidrecovery #acupuncture #chineseherbs #chinesemedicine

Credit Dr. Ayla Wolff on this awesome lesson on the latest research on what causes most migraines and how we can treat with Chinese medicine. . . Interestingly the trigemino-cervical complex runs directly along the gallbladder meridian, which is most impacted by emotions such as stress, anger, resentment and indecision! Sound familiar?? . . Inquire within to see how acupuncture can move and build blood while also modulating the nervous system :) . . #migrainerelief #migraineawareness #migrainewarrior #migrainelife #migrainesupport #migrainetreatment #migrainecommunity #migrainediet #migrainedoctor #migrainespecialist #migrainecure #migrainehelp #migrainetips #migrainesolutions #migraines #acupuncturenyc #acupuncturistnyc

Why should blood flow smoothly through the head when it isn’t through “chong vessel” or uterus? Symptoms of blood not moving properly include clots, pain, hyper-emotionality, irregular cycles, excessive bleeding, or insufficient bleeding. Or… Migraines! . . Of course it is not only this simple. Most patterns are multi-layered, but the fact that menses & migraines are so interrelated is no coincidence. However, there is no one size fits all prescription. Each menstrual migraine is unique and would receive unique treatment, whether herbally or by acupuncture. . . Inquire within to see how acupuncture can move and build blood while also modulating the nervous system :) . . #migrainerelief #migraineawareness #migrainewarrior #migrainelife #migrainesupport #migrainetreatment #migrainecommunity #migrainediet #migrainedoctor #migrainespecialist #migrainecure #migrainehelp #migrainetips #migrainesolutions #migraines #acupuncturenyc #acupuncturistnyc #menstrualmigraine #menstrualmigraines