Angel Luis

Movement Professional. Health & Stress Strategist. Speaker. Follow:

What if instead of 'body love,' you worked on 'body gratitude?' 09/12/2017

"Practicing body-gratitude is all about shifting focus from the way that your body looks, to thinking about all of the incredible things that your body does for you everyday."👊🏽

What if instead of 'body love,' you worked on 'body gratitude?' For many people the jump from ‘body hatred’ to ‘body love’ feels overwhelming and impossible. There’s a lot of talk in the media about focusing on ‘body ...

Do You Really Know It's True? | CowsEatGrass 09/07/2017

"Sugar...Ahhh, honey, honey."🎼

"The environment is becoming increasingly stressful, dogmatic and full of confusion and misinformation and this is especially true in relation to conversations about what ‘sugar’ actually is and how much might truly be required to achieve closer to optimum metabolism."

Do You Really Know It's True? | CowsEatGrass Do you really know that it's true that sugar - even when consumed in quantities well beyond 'daily requirements' - is bad for you? Before you say 'yes', or even after you say 'yes', let's just run through it a bit because I think it's important. What is it you have experienced in order to come to th...

Timeline photos 08/28/2017


This is your brain....

Why Rich People Love Endurance Sports 08/22/2017

"For a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research this past February, a group of international researchers set out to understand why people with desk jobs are attracted to grueling athletic events. They interviewed 26 Tough Mudder participants and read online forums dedicated to obstacle course racing. What emerged was a resounding theme: the pursuit of pain."🙄

Why Rich People Love Endurance Sports Cycling, running, and obstacle course racing are dominated by white-collar workers. Sure, the extra money makes competing a little more feasible, but researchers are starting to understand that there's something psychological as well that draws these types of people to painful endurance sports.


Branding! Branding! Branding! Getting your mission/vision, thoughts, insights, etc... to the masses in a clear, concise way is no easy task, especially in a very crowd space; always working to up my game, share truth, a healthy way! 😌

Five Lab Tests Your Doctor Isn't Ordering 08/20/2017

While you are much more then what your labs say you are, they're still very useful in helping to introduce and initiate nutritional therapies...And it still amazes me how often I received labs from clients that don't include these markers, with especially clients 40 + years of age.

I'd add homocysteine (also often missing) to determine if a person has a vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. The homocysteine concentration may be elevated before B12 and folate tests are abnormal. Some health practitioners may recommend homocysteine testing in malnourished individuals, the elderly, who often absorb less vitamin B12 from their diet, and individuals with poor nutrition, such as drug or alcohol addicts.

Homocysteine may be ordered as part of a screen for people at high risk for heart attack or stroke. It may be useful in someone who has a family history of coronary artery disease but no other known risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, or obesity.

Five Lab Tests Your Doctor Isn't Ordering Do you have unresolved symptoms and don't know where to start? Learn about the five most useful blood tests I use with my patients to guide their healing!


Finally, Part III, Self Induced, Modern Living Stress Trends. Had very overcast day in NYC while shooting, but got it done. 😰 Thanks for watching. 🙏🏽

Americans Are Dying Younger, Saving Corporations Billions 08/11/2017

"Steady improvements in American life expectancy have stalled, and more Americans are dying at younger ages. But for companies straining under the burden of their pension obligations, the distressing trend could have a grim upside:.....

There’s no simple answer for why longevity gains are slowing. For years, economists and public health experts have been trying to ascertain what’s behind America’s troubling death trends, among them a rise in death rates for certain demographic groups. A much-discussed 2015 paper suggested that mortality was rising for middle-aged white Americans, citing suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol, collectively sometimes referred to as “deaths of despair.” Women have been particularly affected." 🤔

Americans Are Dying Younger, Saving Corporations Billions Life expectancy gains have stalled. The grim silver lining? Lower pension costs


Kaboom! Don't Believe what isn't true. Kate breaks down 5 of the biggest lies told about health/metabolism! 👊🏽

"The truth survives our skepticism, but we cannot say the same thing about lies. Lies can only survive if we believe them. The truth is still the truth, whether or not we believe it. That is the beauty of the truth."

-Don Miguel Ruiz

Now, Im not sure Ruiz was referencing nutritional beliefs when her wrote this, but I think this statement is very true in the nutritional world.

5 BIG Lies we have been told in the nutritional world:

1. Saturated fat is bad for you. The TRUTH despite what you may believe is is that saturated fats are actually healthy for you. This does not mean you can consume tubs of butter with no consequences, it just means consuming saturated fats in the amounts your body can use, can be healthy for you not harmful. Best saturated fats are coconut oil, butter, and ghee.

2. Sugar gives you diabetes, metabolic syndrome, causes obesity and feeds cancer. The TRUTH is sugar feeds all cells energy--in a healthy body sugar is used rapidly, leading to increased ATP, heat and CO2. In an unhealthy body, where the cells are dysfunctional, sugar fights with fat to be used as energy. Thus, this person, although needs sugar, must be careful of the amounts, the frequencies and the macro ratios, so sugar can be used in the amounts it is being burned. Sugar is best if it is accompanied by nutrients. Fruit, juice, milk, roots and honey are best.

3. Salt CAUSES high blood pressure. The TRUTH is salt does not cause high blood pressure, stress causes high blood pressure, and stress will cause your body to hold onto salt. Removing salt is not the answer. Removing stress and processed foods is a better answer.

4. The liquid oils (polyunsaturated fats) are heart healthy. The TRUTH is PUFA oils can lower cholesterol, but this does not mean they are healthy for you. Low cholesterol does not assure you a healthy heart, it just means you have low cholesterol--period. Alcohol can lower cholesterol as well.
In addition, the PUFA oils inhibit mitochondrial respiration, inhibit protein digestion, and suppress immune function.

5. You need 64 oz. of water a day. The TRUTH is yes, you need fluids, but they are best if they are accompanied with minerals and energy (sugar). Better choices are mineral broths, OJ, milk, coffee, coconut water and bone broths. There is NO place in your body that is water ONLY--water is always accompanied by minerals. Those with a high metabolism will sweet more and need to more water (along with more minerals). Those who are hypo metabolic need less water. If you are hypo metabolic and consuming tons of water, you are sure to be peeing 12x a day and stressing your bladder and kidneys.

Exercise as a Weight-Loss Strategy 08/09/2017

"Over all, these findings reveal that our appetites certainly are strange, influenced by many factors besides exercise and acylated ghrelin levels. But the results also intimate that if we hope to have workouts reduce our appetite, we may wish to increase the intensity or, even more, the duration of each session.

Of course, this study was small and looked only at young men in good shape, says David Stensel, a professor of exercise metabolism at Loughborough University who oversaw the experiments. It also did not follow them to see whether, in the hours after their workouts, they replaced the calories they had the meantime, Dr. Stensel points out, we should exercise, whether or not the activity makes us thin."

Exercise as a Weight-Loss Strategy Pushing yourself during exercise sometimes affects appetite in surprising ways, a new study found.

Timeline photos 08/09/2017

So much of what is said regarding , , , , , is not true. Don't be fooled. 🤔


This is your brain...

Sugar Feeds Thyroid | CowsEatGrass 08/02/2017

Sugar and your thyroid. 🍯

"Sugar consumption (for instance sucrose and fructose) assists thyroid function – and directly suppresses cortisol – protecting against the excessive release of the polyunsaturated fats from storage – helping to reduce inflammation – eventually lowering levels of the stress and cancer promoting hormones."

Sugar Feeds Thyroid | CowsEatGrass "Starving an animal with a tumor increases the stress hormones, providing free fatty acids and amino acids, and accelerates the tumor's's impossible to "starve a tumor," by the methods often used. Preventing the excessive breakdown of protein and reducing the release of fatty acids from…

The Clean Eating Delusion 08/01/2017

Hot topic!🔥 Another point of view.

"If clean eating is not based on scientific evidence, on what is it based? I am not going to discuss the alleged mental illness end of the spectrum as that notion is still evolving and has not yet reached consensus. Rather I am going to make observations about the broader cultural trends, partly from the perspective of a physician."

The Clean Eating Delusion While some parts of the world are concerned with eating, because of food insecurity, the “worried and well-fed well” are increasingly obsessed with so-called “clean eating.”…


Complimentary Session. 👍🏽

Here's exactly why you need to ignore #CleanEating 07/31/2017

Shannon Kelly is completely out of her fu**in mind, in the best way possible! I love her! 😛 ...and I love that this piece is featured in Glamour UK.

"Besides being based on pseudoscience, clean eating can make us feel bad by inducing guilt about our food choices. Eating a hamburger can leave you feeling dirtier than that time you had tent s*x on day three of Glastonbury and spent the next day reeking of acrid ball crumbs and regret (speaking from experience). The moralistic overtone of the term, mixed with its often complex recipes incorporating expensive ingredients, feeds the sense that clean eating is an elite sport and an obnoxious form of one-upmanship."

Here's exactly why you need to ignore #CleanEating Shannon Kelly White takes on this wellness movement... and kicks its ass into next week

Does sugar feed cancer cells? Yes, but it's complicated 07/28/2017

Context people! Context. 😌

"...sugar plays a critical role in fuelling the body's cells. Glucose, either eaten directly or broken down from carbohydrates, is critical to cell functioning.

This is the grain of truth at the heart of the concern around sugar and cancer — yes, sugar feeds cancer cells. But it fuels them in exactly the same way it feeds all other cells in the body. And our body can't dictate which cells it sends energy to and which it doesn't."

Does sugar feed cancer cells? Yes, but it's complicated The idea that sugar feeds cancer cells is true, and that may seem scary. But of course, it's not the whole story.


Here's Part II - Self-induced Modern Living Stress Trends, Chronic Dieting. New post time, every Tuesday 7 PM.

Why Cheetahs Hate Captivity 07/25/2017

"Post mortem findings in cheetahs housed at captive facilities in both North America and South Africa found that over 90% had some level of gastritis when they died. Similarly, the incidence of kidney disease affected more than two-thirds of captive cheetahs. In contrast, these diseases are extremely rare in wild free roaming cheetahs....

It’s become clear that what’s needed is a better understanding of cheetah metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical processes that occur in a living organism to maintain life. When some of these processes are abnormal they often result in disease."

Humans take note, less Polyunsaturated fat... and more glycine?🤔


Why Cheetahs Hate Captivity It isn’t just the space and bars. It’s what we feed them, researchers surmise

This hugely popular diet has just been ranked the worst by experts 07/24/2017

“I wanted to teach myself to treat food differently but I don’t think that was wholly successful - it’s so restrictive that when the 30 days were up, I tried hard to slowly reintroduce foods but before long I was going crazy on cake and previously forbidden things just because it was so good to finally be able to eat them again,”

Yes, severely restricting foods/calories for a prolonged period of time can lead to over eating and or binging; this week's part II self-induced modern living stress trends, will touch on this topic. 😉

This hugely popular diet has just been ranked the worst by experts It’s the time of year when it seems like the majority of people are putting their bodies through punishing diets in a bid to counteract an indulgent Christmas period. But if you were considering trying the Whole30 diet, you might want to think again. The U.S. News & World Report has just published i...

The Moderation Epidemic | CowsEatGrass 07/21/2017

Less moderation, ...more education. 🤓

The Moderation Epidemic | CowsEatGrass One of the biggest problems with attempting to do 'everything in moderation' is that as soon as you're successful, the one thing that you'll no longer be doing in moderation is - that's right - moderation. In any case, they say that too much of anything is bad and it's hard to disagree with that sta...

Timeline photos 07/20/2017

Jailhouse workout! 😛

How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve for Better Mental Health 07/19/2017

"By stimulating the vagus nerve, you can send a message to you body that it’s time to relax and de-stress, which leads to long-term improvements in mood, wellbeing and resilience."

How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve for Better Mental Health “By developing an understanding of the workings of your vagus nerve, you may find it possible to work with your nervous system rather than feel trapped when it works against you.” — Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Clinical Psychologist Stimulating my vagus nerve has played a key role in th


Little late today but here it is. 😰 Part one Self-induced Modern Living Stress Trends. 😉

Eating Clean is Useless 07/17/2017

Yes, For years I have shamefully used this expression myself! 🙄 thankfully, I've found my way out of the the dirty world of "clean eating". 😉

"With the concept of clean eating, there's so many moralistic, judgmental associations." So few people can afford to make every meal 'clean' that it can lead to a skewed relationship with food. "Now every choice you make has this incredible baggage; you can't just make a choice?"

-Krista Scott-Dixon.

Eating Clean is Useless

Timeline photos 07/17/2017

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Videos (show all)

Branding! Branding! Branding! Getting your mission/vision, thoughts, insights, etc... to the masses in a clear, concise ...
Finally, Part III, Self Induced, Modern Living Stress Trends. Had very overcast day in NYC while shooting, but got it do...
Complimentary Session. 👍🏽
Here's Part II - Self-induced Modern Living Stress Trends, Chronic Dieting. New post time, every Tuesday  7 PM.
Little late today but here it is. 😰 Part one Self-induced Modern Living Stress Trends. 😉
Made another video, #3; converging trends, a "Metabolic Super Storm".
Couple dynamic butterfly variations to integrate into hip #mobility. Be sure to keep a straight back (long spine); in th...
The Dream Show!



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