National Council of Young Israel

National Council of Young Israel

The National Council of Young Israel provides religious, educational, Zionistic, social and communal programming for all its over 200 member synagogues.


Please donate to help our brethren:


We wish all of Klal Yisrael a Purim Sameach!


NCYI's annual Purim Costume Contest is back!!
We have great prizes!!
Click here for more information:


Ready for the Super Bowl?
Hoping you won't have to cover your kids' eyes during the Halftime Show?
We've got a much better option for you!

The Chazaq Halftime for Torah Show!

Make sure to tune in to it during Halftime.


Join us for a screening of Upheaval, the incredible life story of former Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin.

This is a captivating documentary film!


Highlighting our branches!

Happy faces at a YI of Chicago community breakfast.


To celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday, ACHI is launching “2023: Year of the KLEE.” We’re encouraging everyone to have a KLEE in their home to show support for Israel. KLEE stands for “Klee L’ezrat Yisroel,” a vessel to help Israel. The idea is to dedicate a plate, bowl, mug, or platter to fill with products from Israel.

We are asking schools, SHULS, and more to host KLEE-making events where they either make KLEEs from scratch on a pottery wheel OR decorate a new dish with paint or permanent markers.

After one acquires a KLEE - whether by buying a dish, designating an old dish, or making one - we encourage everyone to post about it on social media with and to keep it consistently filled with Israel-made products.

It's a great way to support Israel and by posting about it on social media and displaying it in homes, offices, shuls, etc. we can encourage others to support Israel as well.


Our weekly 4 Minutes of Torah video by Rabbi Tuvia Brander, of the Young Israel of West Hartford. Enjoy!



⏱️ There is no time to spare! ⏱️

There’s just a couple hours left to donate to National Council of Young Israel during our most important fundraising campaign of the year!

We are so close to our $100,000 goal by TIME tomorrow, but we won’t get there without your help.

✨ Over the last 18 months, the new leadership has embarked on a journey. We have renewed our focus to our local shuls. Already, the list of accomplishments is long.

✨ But we have only just begun.

✨ Your gift is your demonstration that you believe in the Young Israel movement. That you believe in our powerful brand, which is synonymous with shuls operating according to the highest halachic standards.

Please donate today. We don’t have a moment to lose.


You guys are amazing! National Council of Young Israel is on the way toward our $100,000 goal by tonight at midnight! But we won’t get there without your help!

With the click of a button, you can strengthen the movement. With one click, you can build upon a century’s worth of work building up local shuls. With one click, you can write the next chapter of the Young Israel story.

Our movement is strong. Jews of all ages gather in our shuls to daven. To learn. To experience a Torah-infused Jewish life together.

But we have only just begun. That’s why your gift is so important.

Please donate today!


An ambitious campaign for the National Council of Young Israel started TODAY! It will only be 36 hours long!

Because of you:

✅ We will work with shuls to reduce operating costs through shared technology, accounting, joint purchasing and office services.

✅ The Young Israel Council of Rabbis will increase its efforts to help local rabbis to navigate the evolving challenges of their congregants.

✅ We will continue assisting Jewish communities as they bolster their efforts in areas like Jewish education, community building, supporting fellow Jews, religious Zionism, and so much more.

Your gift is your demonstration that you believe in the Young Israel movement. That you believe in our powerful brand, which is synonymous with shuls operating according to the highest halachic standards.


Help NCYI increase its services to its branch shuls in these and many other areas:

Activities and programming for all age groups.

Adult Education, Scholars in Residence, Speakers Bureau

Rabbinic Services

Training sessions and conferences for Rabbis and lay leaders

Publication of NCYI Torah Journals

Weekly distribution of Video and Print Divrei Torah

Assistance with office services, accounting and IT

Updates on grant funding opportunities and security related webinars

Serving as centers of religious Zionist activity

With one click you can help guarantee the future of the Young Israel Movement

Just type in this URL:


Get your creativity on!!

National Council's menorah building contest is here.

See our website for rules & details. Submit the picture of your creation by December 26th at:

NCYI 4 Minutes of Torah - Parshas Vayeshev - Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, YI Hollywood-Fort Lauderdale 14/12/2022

Our weekly 4 Minutes of Torah video by Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, of the Young Israel of Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale. Enjoy!


NCYI 4 Minutes of Torah - Parshas Vayeshev - Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, YI Hollywood-Fort Lauderdale The National Council of Young Israel is proud to present a new series from our Department of Synagogue Services called "4 Minutes of Torah."Each week the Nat...


This week's Branch Profile is for the Young Israel of Teaneck, NJ!

Read all about it in our newsletter. Don't get the newsletter?
Click here or copy the URL to sign up:

We value our branches!


The Chanukah Torah Journal is in print!!!
Your Young Israel shul will be receiving their shipment in time for Chanukah. Enjoy a large range of Torah journals written by today's best scholars.


This week's Branch Profile is for the Young Israel of Elkins Park, PA!
Read all about it in our newsletter.

We value our branches!


What an amazing way to spread the light of Chanukah and show our gratitude for the daily sacrifice of our young, brave IDF soldiers.

Won't you donate something to bring smiles to their faces?

Donation link:


I urge you to read the letter below and to encourage support among your family & friends.

This is a unique opportunity to express הכרת הטוב and כבוד התורה by honoring our Rebbi, Posek and Mentor.

Click on this link for more information:

Thank you.

Rabbi David Warshaw


Get your creativity on!!
National Council's menorah building contest is here.
See our website for rules & details. Submit the picture of your creation by December 18th at:


Kristallnacht commemoration TONIGHT, Wednesday, November 9th. Register here:


Our weekly 4 Minutes of Torah video by Rabbi Binyamin Hammer, the Director of Rabbinic Services for the National Council of Young Israel. Enjoy!



This week's Parsha Nation wrap up!
Use this link:


Partner with us to help this very special Bar & Bat Mitzvah celebration for deaf young people in Israel. This year 33 children will become young men and women and will have a beautiful ceremony at the Kotel, with your help!

Join us in making this mitzvah be as special as possible for them.

You can view highlights, of a past ceremony with guest f honor President Isaac Herzog here:

Use this link to donate:


Get ready for it! It's going to be a fabulous celebration of Israel's 75th birthday in April with Mizrachi/National Council. Join us!


NCYI 4 Minutes of Torah - Parshas Breishis - Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt, YI Woodmere 20/10/2022

Our weekly 4 Minutes of Torah video by Rabbi Dr. Aron Glatt, of the YI of Woodmere. Enjoy!


NCYI 4 Minutes of Torah - Parshas Breishis - Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt, YI Woodmere The National Council of Young Israel is proud to present a new series from our Department of Synagogue Services called "4 Minutes of Torah."Each week the Nat...


The National Council of Young Israel wishes you and your family a joyous Succot!

NCYI 4 Minutes of Torah - Yom Kippur 5783 - Rabbi Eliyahu Wincelberg, YI Monsey Wesley Hills 03/10/2022

Our weekly 4 Minutes of Torah video by Rabbi Wincelberg, of the YI of Monsey/Wesley Hills. Enjoy!


NCYI 4 Minutes of Torah - Yom Kippur 5783 - Rabbi Eliyahu Wincelberg, YI Monsey Wesley Hills The National Council of Young Israel is proud to present a new series from our Department of Synagogue Services called "4 Minutes of Torah."Each week the Nat...

E3: Reinventing The Sukkah Hop 29/09/2022

E3: Reinventing The Sukkah Hop Get some great ideas to take you beyond the classic Candy, candy, candy, hey, why don't we sing for some more candy, Sukkah Hop. There’s also some bonus content for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, and a few ideas for general non-hop-related Sukkot programming. With Lisa Fishbein, Rabbi Binny Fo...


The National Council of Young Israel wishes you and your family a Shana Tova U'metuka!

Videos (show all)

Make a Difference-Newlywed Networking
Gush Katif Families Video (Englit/English)
