Ziv Ezra Cohen Psychiatry, New York, NY Videos

Videos by Ziv Ezra Cohen Psychiatry in New York. Ziv Ezra Cohen, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice, focusing on mood and anxiety disorders,

Dr. Cohen discusses a case of homicide and the possible effects of marijuana

Other Ziv Ezra Cohen Psychiatry videos

Dr. Cohen discusses a case of homicide and the possible effects of marijuana

Deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade Prompt Discussion on Depression and Suicide
My television interview on #suicide, #depression, and the deaths of #AnthonyBourdain and #KateSpade.

Interview: Sutherland Springs Texas Mass Shooting
Dr. Ziv Ezra Cohen, a forensic psychiatrist, is interviewed about the Sutherland Springs, Texas, Mass Shooter.

Dr. Cohen Interviewed on Las Vegas Shooter Profile
Dr. Cohen is interviewed by i24news about the Las Vegas Mass Shooter