Unlimited Help, Inc.

Unlimited Help, Inc.

A Christian Consulting firm founded in 2000 whose mission is to help individuals transform

A Christian Consulting firm helping individuals transform their mind, body and spirit

Taboo Talk Podcast September Guest Stars 16th-20th 8pm est. 01/09/2024


Let Go and Let God!!!
There's only one you! This year focus on getting yourself together and being the best you possible. If you need to take time to get yourself together and by that I mean in shape; mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy, then do so. You are worth it. Your body is the temple of God. Live so that you can experience all of the promises of God found in Deuteronomy 28: 1-13. This year thank God for his mercy. He heard our cries for help and answered us when we needed him most. God is good.
Taboo Talk Podcast Featuring me, Lady Charmaine Day will have 5 special subject matter experts guest stars September 16th-20th at 8pm est. My guest stars lineup include:
Nina Rondon, September 16th
Linton Alfred, September 17th
Tracy Davis Younge, September 18th
Tiffany Arlene Stepney, September 19th
T. Day, September 20th
sharing their wisdom on how you can have a good life. I promise if you are looking for positive information to take yourself to the next level, tune in daily September 16th-20th at 8 pm est. to Taboo Talk Podcast for a new show at:
I pray that you are having a good Day and that God blesses you with a phenomenal labor day weekend filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind, sanity and rest in the name of Jesus, Amen. Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!


Taboo Talk Podcast September Guest Stars 16th-20th 8pm est. Taboo Talk Podcast Featuring Lady Charmaine Day September Guest Stars 16th-20th 8pm est. at https://www.ladycharmaineday.com/taboo-talk-podcast.html


!!! Happy Labor Day!!! God bless you for all that you do!!! My Labor Day prayer for you is that you find happiness and success in the work that you do and that each day you get plenty of rest in the name of Jesus Christ. Enjoy your day!!! Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!



!!! I have come to understand the power of my voice, my story and my mental health wellness coping strategies... and that’s why I’m asking you to please show your support of me and pre-order your autographed copy today of my new 11th paperbook called "Do I Look Bipolar?" for $20. Today is the last day to pre-order at:
God bless you and your family for your support. I pray that you and yours have a happy, blessed and good labor day weekend in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Sending you love and appreciation from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!


Lady Charmaine Day's 1 minute update 29/08/2024

!!! Here's my 1 minute message to you!!!


Lady Charmaine Day's 1 minute update


!!! Look carefully at your life, so you will see that you are resting comfortably in God's hand. He has never taken his eyes of you and he cares deeply for you. So exhale,God is in control and handling your situation and making everything work out so that you have nothing but success in your endeavors and happiness in your heart because you are special!!!
I have come to understand the power of my voice, my story and my mental health wellness coping strategies. That’s why I wanted to share it with you now ... and that’s why I’m asking you to please show your support of me and pre-order your autographed copy today of my new 11th paperbook called "Do I Look Bipolar?" for $20 before the pre-order process ends August 31st at 5pm at:
God bless you and your family for your support. I pray that you and yours have a happy, blessed and good week in the name of Jesus Christ Amen Sending you love and appreciation from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!



!!! Happy National Dog Day to all dogs but especially my dog Porkiepoo. I love you to infinity and beyond porkiepoo!!!Pets are great!!!
Having a pet allows you to give and receive unconditional love. They are great companions and I believe they help you to have a happier life because you are opening your heart to care for and love something else outside of yourself. Pets are great. They show unconditional love. You can love them. And they allow you to learn responsibility for someone else besides yourself. They become very close to you and your family and become one of the family over time. Pets help elevate your mind, body and spirit simply by being with you and sharing your life with you. Get one; you’ll be a better person because of it. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!



!!!Thank God that you made it through another day sane and healthy!!! God is soooooo good!!!Never doubt or lose faith in God.He will never leave you nor forsake you.He will give you peace in the midst of a storm.When you call on our Heavenly Father, he will come to your rescue anywhere, anyplace, anytime!!! We serve a good God!!!
I have been managing and in recovery from a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder Type 1 since 1997. What does having mental health wellness coping strategies mean to you? After years of suffering from not having a way to cope mentally having mental health wellness coping strategies means everything to me today. That’s why I wrote "Do I Look Bipolar?" We ALL need mental health wellness coping strategies to stay sane and mentally well in this chaotic world. Throughout my recovery journey from Bipolar Disorder disorder, I have come to understand the power of my voice, my story and my mental health wellness coping strategies. That’s why I wanted to share it with you now ... and that’s why I’m asking you to please show your support of me and pre-order your autographed copy of "Do I Look Bipolar?" today for $20 at:
God bless you and your family for your support. I pray that you and yours have a happy, blessed and good week in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Sending you love and appreciation from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!



!!! Thank God that you made it through another week sane and healthy!!! God is soooooo good!!! I pray that you have a phenomenal week ahead filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind, sanity, and rest in the name of Jesus Christ. God does answer prayers. He answered mine by blessing me with the inspiration for my new 11th paperback book "Do I Look Bipolar?" This is the last week to pre-order "Do I Look Bipolar?" The pre-ordering process ends August 31st at 5pm. My new book will be shipped out September 30th to all Pre-orders of my book.Please show your support of me and Pre-order your autographed copy today for $20 at:


About my book:
Lady Charmaine Day is a class of 1989 Roosevelt Jr. Sr. High-school graduate, Cornell University class of 1993 BSILR graduate and Columbia University class of 1999 MA Org.Psych degree graduate. She has over 25 years HR executive experience, currently for the last 16 years a Pastor of Unlimited Help Ministry www.ladycharmaineday.com ,published Author of 11 books and creator of Black Ivy Footwear, Clothing, Music,and Accessories celebrating Black Ivy League Graduates. Lady Charmaine Day was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at age 26. In 2002, 2005 and 2009 she went through relapses from the disease where she experienced manic episodes. There are few memoirs written by someone while insane and recovering from insanity. Very few people are brave enough to share their journey. In a deep, insightful, book full of wisdom, jokes, feelings, pictures, triumph and coping strategies for mental wellness this memoir is Lady Charmaine Day's experience from insanity back to recovery by sharing her story from age 0 -52 and coping strategies that you can use for mental wellness. "People often say I almost lost my mind, or I'm about to lose my mind. You make me feel crazy or insane. Yet few people have actually lost it...went crazy. What does an insane person think about? What do you contemplate as your mind recovers from being insane, what thoughts flow through it? I share with you my thoughts from 2019-2024. These are the actual words that I wrote while insane and going through recovery from bipolar disorder mania during the pandemic . Welcome to the inside of my brain." When you pre-order "Do I Look Bipolar?" Lady Charmaine Day will autograph your paperback book of 394 pages of triumph, mental health wellness coping strategies and pictures from along the journey from the very beginning of Lady Charmaine Day's life to 52. She is 53 now.
God bless your precious heart for your thoughtfulness and support of me in the name of Jesus Christ by buying your own copy of my new 11th paperbook "Do I Look Bipolar?" Love and appreciate you. Hope that you are having a great day. Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!



!!! Here's and excerpt from my new 11th paperbook called "Do I Look Bipolar?":
Mental Health Wellness Coping Strategy #1: Love and Like Yourself!!!
1. Love and Like Yourself. God made you in his image and he made you with all the right stuff. Truly love yourself as a child God. God didn't make any junk! Love yourself with the love of God.
2. Make sure you are loving all of yourself as best you can. You can't give love if you don't love yourself first. Make sure you love and like yourself. Treat yourself like the royalty you are because you are a child of God. Spoil yourself. Treat yourself best. Make sure you are loving and liking yourself by treating your body like the temple of God that it is. Invest in yourself first. With every dime that you make, spend at least a penny on yourself. You should always be improving yourself at least 10%. If you make this your standard, you will always be ahead of the game. When it comes to taking care of yourself and making your own dreams into reality,why do you do less for yourself than you would someone else?--- That is re****ed thinking and behavior. It is time to work harder for YOU, YOUR DREAMS, and YOUR PASSION than you do anyone else's. START TODAY to love and like yourself!

Love and like yourself is an excerpt from my good mental health coping strategies found in my new 11th paperbook "Do I Look Bipolar?The pre-ordering process ends August 31st. For more mental health wellness coping strategies,please show your support of me and Pre-order your autographed copy today for $20 at:

Hope that you have been blessed by today's mental health wellness coping strategy. Would you like me to light a spark at your school, college, house-of-worship, conference or organization? If your answer is yes, please click on this link to book me: https://www.aaespeakers.com/keynote-speakers/lady-charmaine-day

I pray that God blesses you with the desires of your heart and with a phenomenal week filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity,peace of mind, sanity, and rest in the name of Jesus Christ. Love and appreciate you. Sending you love from my side of the world.



What does having mental health wellness coping strategies mean to you? After years of suffering from not having a way to cope mentally having mental health wellness coping strategies means everything to me today.That’s why I wrote "Do I Look Bipolar?" We ALL need mental health wellness coping strategies to stay sane and mentally well in this chaotic world.Throughout my recovery journey from Bipolar Disorder disorder, I have come to understand the power of my voice, my story and my mental health wellness coping strategies. That’s why I wanted to share it with you now ... and that’s why I’m asking you to support me by pre-ordering my 11th new paperback book, 'Do I Look Bipolar?"Please show your support of me and Pre-order your autographed copy today for $20 at:

God bless your precious heart for your thoughtfulness and support of me in the name of Jesus Christ by buying your own copy of my new 11th paperbook "Do I Look Bipolar?" I pray that you are having a good Day and that God blesses you have a phenomenal weekend filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind, sanity, and rest in the name of Jesus Christ. Love and appreciate you. Sending you love from my side of the world.



!!! I have been hard at work myself!!I am soooooo happy to announce my new 11th paperback book "Do I Look Bipolar?"will be shipped out September 30th to all Pre-orders of my book. It would mean the world to me if you would pre-order your own copy of my new 11th paper book for $20 at:

Please. Thank you soooooo much sweetie for your consideration and support.So this is filling the void that the Olympics being over left in my spirit. So that's what's new with me. Love and appreciate you. Sending you love from my side of the world. Until we connect, take care of yourself and stay special!!!

Lady Charmaine Day
Pastor,Unlimited Help Ministry


!!! Thank God you woke up today alive, healthy and sane!!! God is soooooo good!!! If you have a man made deadline and are waiting on God for your blessing... Remember what I always say, β€œA delay is not a denial but a greater delivery.” Our God is in control and always has perfect timing. He will send the people and resources you need for your blessing exactly when you need it. So just continue to praise God for his blessing because it has a designated scheduled time to meet you. If you are seeking a story of triumph over adversity to inspire you, how to lose weight and keep it off, and mental health wellness coping strategies that you can use, pre-order your autographed copy of my new 11th paperbook "Do I Look Bipolar?" at:

I pray that this week brings you moments of joy and happiness, as well as times to exhale and appreciate the life God has blessed you with and more of God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind, sanity, and rest in the name of Jesus Christ. Love and appreciate you. Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!


Pre-order "Do I Look Bipolar?" by Lady Charmaine Day 09/08/2024

!!! !!!! Thank God that you made it through another week sane and healthy!!! God is soooooo good!!! I am soooooo happy to announce my new paperback book "Do I Look Bipolar?"will be shipped out September 30th to all Pre-orders of my book. Take advantage of the discounted pre-order price and please pre-order your autographed copy of my paper book for $20(a savings of $7.71 off the retail price of $27.71). Please show your support of me and Pre-order your autographed copy today for $20 at:


About my book:
Lady Charmaine Day was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at age 26. In 2002, 2005 and 2009 she went through relapses from the disease where she experienced manic episodes. There are few memoirs written by someone while insane and recovering from insanity. Very few people are brave enough to share their journey. In a deep, insightful, book full of wisdom, jokes, feelings, pictures, triumph and coping strategies for mental wellness this memoir is Lady Charmaine Day's experience from insanity back to recovery by sharing her story from age 0 -52 and coping strategies that you can use for mental wellness. "People often say I almost lost my mind, or I'm about to lose my mind. You make me feel crazy or insane. Yet few people have actually lost it...went crazy. What does an insane person think about? What do you contemplate as your mind recovers from being insane, what thoughts flow through it? I share with you my thoughts from 2019-2024. These are the actual words that I wrote while insane and going through recovery from bipolar disorder mania during the pandemic . Welcome to the inside of my brain." Save by pre-ordering the book today $7.71 and Lady Charmaine Day will autograph your book of 388 pages of triumph, mental health wellness coping strategies and pictures from along the journey from the very beginning of Lady Charmaine Day's life to 52. She is 53 now.God bless your precious heart for your thoughtfulness and support of me in the name of Jesus Christ by buying your own copy of my paperbook "Do I Look Bipolar?" I pray that you are having a good Day and that God blesses you have a phenomenal weekend filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind, sanity, and rest in the name of Jesus Christ. Love and appreciate you. Sending you love from my side of the world.


Pre-order "Do I Look Bipolar?" by Lady Charmaine Day The Official Website For Lady Charmaine Day


!!!We are still dealing with COVID. At any moment,sh*t can happen. How you respond is your choice. We chose to see the blessings in the moment. How are you choosing to respond in the midst of a crisis? Do you feel blessed and grateful? If not, then make an attitude adjustment. We endured dealing with COVID being apart of our every day lives since 2019 Praise God!!! You and I are blessed to be alive, healthy, sane,and surviving whatever comes our way!!! To God be the glory!!! Keep a positive attitude because God loves you and has blessed you with the gift of another day of life. I pray that you are having a good day and that God blesses you with the desires of your heart in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Love and appreciate you. Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!


Pre-order "Do I Look Bipolar?" by Lady Charmaine Day 06/08/2024

!!! I am soooooo happy to announce that the paperback books of my new book "Do I Look Bipolar?"will be shipped out September 30th to all Pre-orders of my book. Take advantage of the discounted pre-order price and please pre-order your autographed copy of my paper book for $20(a savings of $7.71 off the retail price of $27.71). Please show your support of me and Pre-order your autographed copy today for $20 at:


About my book:
Lady Charmaine Day was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at age 26. In 2002, 2005 and 2009 she went through relapses from the disease where she experienced manic episodes. There are few memoirs written by someone while insane and recovering from insanity. Very few people are brave enough to share their journey. In a deep, insightful, book full of wisdom, jokes, feelings, pictures, triumph and coping strategies for mental wellness this memoir is Lady Charmaine Day's experience from insanity back to recovery by sharing her story from age 0 -52 and coping strategies that you can use for mental wellness. "People often say I almost lost my mind, or I'm about to lose my mind. You make me feel crazy or insane. Yet few people have actually lost it...went crazy. What does an insane person think about? What do you contemplate as your mind recovers from being insane, what thoughts flow through it? I share with you my thoughts from 2019-2024. These are the actual words that I wrote while insane and going through recovery during the pandemic . Welcome to the inside of my brain." Save by pre-ordering the book today $7.71 and Lady Charmaine Day will autograph your book of 388 pages of triumph, mental health wellness coping strategies and pictures from along the journey from the very beginning of Lady Charmaine Day's life to 52. She is 53 now.
God bless your precious heart for your thoughtfulness and support of me in the name of Jesus Christ by buying your own copy of my paperbook "Do I Look Bipolar?"Sending you love from my side of the world.


Pre-order "Do I Look Bipolar?" by Lady Charmaine Day The Official Website For Lady Charmaine Day


!!!! !!!!Thank God you lived to see another day and month alive, healthy and sane!!! God is soooooo good!!! New month, new blessings. This picture is blessings and confirmation from God that your vision wall will be coming true within the month of August. Praise God for his mercy, grace, favor, peace, happiness, prosperity, peace of mind, provision and rest. Praise God for his goodness to you and for you. God resides in our hearts and prayers and praise. So don't forget to praise God every chance you get. Sending you love from my side of the world



!!!Thank you soooooo much for celebrating our 14 year wedding anniversary with us. We appreciate it and you! God bless you for your thoughtfulness and support. Sending you love from my side of the world.



!!! !!! Thank God you made it through another week sane and healthy. God is soooooo good!!! July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Do you know someone with a mental illness? You know me.I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 26. In 2002, 2005, and 2009 I went through relapses from the disease where I experienced manic episodes. There are few memoirs written by someone while insane and recovering from insanity. Very few people are brave enough to share their journey. In a deep, insightful, book full of wisdom, jokes, feelings, pictures, triumph and coping strategies for mental wellness this memoir is my experience from insanity back to recovery by sharing my story from age 0 -52. "People often say I almost lost my mind, or I'm about to lose my mind. You make me feel crazy or insane. Yet few people have actually lost it...went crazy. What does an insane person think about? What do you contemplate as your mind recovers from being insane, what thoughts flow through it? I share with you my thoughts from 2019-2024. These are the actual words that I wrote while insane and in recovery going through the pandemic. Welcome to the inside of my brain."
Please get the ebook at: https://a.co/d/hhjXfo7
Or pre-order your autographed copy of my paper book at:
God bless your precious heart for your thoughtfulness and support in the name of Jesus Christ. Sending you love and appreciation from my side of the world.


The cover was done by niece MJ@NappyHues


!!!Your appreciation and support is greatly wanted and appreciated. Please give me my flowers now while I can appreciate them by making a purchase and/or donation in my website store:
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and support.
Sending you love and appreciation from my side of the world.

Pastor, Unlimited Help Ministry


!!!First, thank God for you being alive and healthy!!!Second, thank God for your family being alive and healthy!!! God is soooooo good. Treasure the gift of life. It is precious!!! And we don't know how much time we have. So enjoy the present. And love those who are in your life. Don't take people for granted!!! Value and cherish your loved ones. They are gifts from God and God will need them back one day so love and spoil them now while you can!!! You’ll be grateful that you did.I created comfortable and affordable Black Ivy Canvas Footwear. Please get your own Black Ivy Canvas Footwear that I created for $80 at:
I pray that God blesses you with the desires of your heart and I hope that you are having a good Day and that God blesses you with a phenomenal week filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity and peace of mind in the name of Jesus Christ,Amen.Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!



!!! !!! Thank God that you made it through to a New Month. New Season. New Beginning. Remember what I always say that a delay is not a denial but a greater delivery!!!Have you been waiting for the right time to start implementing your plans and goals?Today begins a new month, new season, and represents a new beginning. It's no better time than the present to implement your plans and goals that will move you forward to the next level.
Remember that you are the temple of God. You are God's representative on this planet. Be the best you possible. From this point forward eat healthy, nutritious food and drinks. Take care of yourself as your Thank you to God for the gift of life.You are responsible for your happiness and good health. Choose to be Happy and healthy. Do the things you know will make you happy and eat only good food and drink. Choose to be happy,healthy and the best you possible.
Remember, Luke 1:37 "for with God nothing shall be impossible!!!!" Please join me in celebrating you me or someone you love who is a Black Ivy league graduate and order your own Black Ivy Footwear,Clothing, Accessories, and Music that I created:

This April is a milestone for me, 16 years!!! 16 years of being Pastor, Unlimited Help Online Ministry and host and producer of Taboo Talk Radio and Podcast show. It's time to celebrate by getting your own Black Ivy products and by getting your funny on!!!Laughter is medicine for the spirit. God wants you to always be filled with joy, hope and wonder. Laughter is evidence of your happiness. That you take joy in the little things. Laughter can clear out your insides and make you feel 100% better than before you expressed yourself. It is important to balance life between work and play, having fun and being serious. Making time to have fun and laugh is not a want but a need that will keep you young at heart and healthy.
With everything going on in the world, remembering to find joy and laughter can help heal you.

April 1st I had the funny, multi-talented, uplifting and engaging comedian
Curtis B. Sterling
sharing ways to find laughter
during this crisis.

About Curtis B. Sterling
40 years of Stand Up Comedy
30 years of MCing for different DJs and events.
Now venturing into indie filming...

Help me help you by watching this inspirational programming to get the knowledge you need
to help yourself along your spiritual journey and most importantly during this crisis. You'll be glad that you did!!!
Show url:

I pray that you are having a good Day and that God blesses you with a phenomenal month filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind and rest in the name of Jesus Christ,Amen.Sending you love from my side of the world!!! Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!

Pastor, Unlimited Help Online Ministry


!!!Happy 4th of July!!! On this 4th of July,remember who you are!!! You are a child of God!!!You are precious, special and beautiful!!!Treat yourself best!!!Love and like you. Spoil you. Take care of you. Appreciate yourself for who and what you are in the scheme of things, a beautiful blessed child of God. Let this be a good year for you and yours by staying positive, healthy and in relationship with God.When God made you he made one of his best creations. You are truly wonderfully and divinely made. Let your light shine so that when people meet you they meet a true reflection of God. Remember at all times that you are an ambassador of God. Be the best representation of God that you can be! Please join me in celebrating you, me or someone you love who is a Black Ivy league graduate and order your own Black Ivy Footwear, Clothing and Accessories that I created:
I pray that you are having a good Day and that God blesses you with a phenomenal week filled with God's grace, mercy, favor, good health, prosperity, peace of mind and rest in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.Sending you love from my side of the world. Until next time, take care of yourself and stay special!!!


Videos (show all)

#HelloBeautiful!!!Just a reminder, I am a keynote speaker.July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.On Sat...
#HelloBeautiful!!! Today, July 28th we celebrate 14 years of marriage!!! To God be the glory!!!Thank you soooooo much fo...
#HelloBeautiful!!! #HappyMothersDay!!!Thank God that you are alive!!!Thank God for all your love and support to your fam...
#HelloBeautiful!!! Today,May 11th is my baby, Porkiepoo's 7th birthday!!! Help me celebrate!! Leave a happy birthday mes...
#HelloBeautiful!!! Today I did an In Our Own Voice presentation at Maimonides Hospital Psych Ward. It was wonderful shar...
#HelloBeautiful!!! I'll be on the planet 53 years Tuesday. I'm celebrating now. I'm doing an IOOV presentation on my bir...
#HelloBeautiful!!! I'll be on the planet 53 years Tuesday. I'm celebrating now. My birthday wish is that you get my Blac...
#HelloBeautiful!!! Today is our second mother's birthday. Please help me and Warren Benjamin  celebrate Dr. Lindamichell...
#HelloBeautiful!!!Merry Christmas!!!When you know whose you are and what God you serve, it helps you to have self-worth....
#HelloBeautiful!!Thank God It's Friday!!!God that you woke up today sane and healthy!!! God is soooooo good!! Please joi...
#HelloBeautiful!!!Today is my bff'sGina Rizzolo-Epstein 's 60th birthday. Happy Birthday Gina!!! Praise God that you are...
#HelloBeautiful!!! I created this line of shirts in celebration of Black Ivy league graduates called Black Ivy. Availabl...


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00