D'Uva & Miron Immigration Law

D'Uva & Miron Immigration Law

New Jersey Immigration Attorneys serving clients nationwide! Fighting for your rights everyday! 🇺🇸


👉The Biden administration is preparing to introduce a major immigration relief initiative that would grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years. This policy, known as “Parole in Place,” aims to provide work permits and deportation protections, particularly for unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens. It also includes pathways to permanent legal status and citizenship by removing existing legal barriers.

✅The action is expected to protect undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation and allow them to work legally in the country.

🙌Stay tuned!


👉La administración de Biden se está preparando para introducir una importante iniciativa de alivio migratorio que otorgaría estatus legal a cientos de miles de inmigrantes indocumentados que han vivido en los EE.UU. durante al menos 10 años. Esta política, conocida como “Parole in Place,” tiene como objetivo proporcionar permisos de trabajo y protecciones contra la deportación, particularmente para los inmigrantes no autorizados casados con ciudadanos estadounidenses.

✅Se espera que esta acción proteja de la deportación a los cónyuges indocumentados de ciudadanos estadounidenses y les permita trabajar legalmente en el país. El programa también podría proporcionar una vía más simplificada hacia la ciudadanía estadounidense.

🙌Manténganse atentos!

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


🌟 Human Trafficking and T visa 🌟

At D’Uva and Miron Immigration Law Office, we are committed to fighting against human trafficking and supporting survivors.

“Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial s*x act. Traffickers might use violence, manipulation, or false promises of well-paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims into trafficking situations. It can happen in legal and illegal industries, including sweatshops, agricultural fields, restaurants, hotels, massage parlors, and domestic work.”

Contact us for confidential and compassionate support. To find out if you qualify for T visa, contact us.


🌟 La Trata de Personas y la visa 🌟

En la Oficina de Abogados de Inmigración D’Uva y Miron, estamos comprometidos a luchar contra la trata de personas y apoyar a los sobrevivientes.

“La trata de personas implica el uso de la fuerza, el fraude o la coerción para obtener algún tipo de trabajo o acto s*xual comercial. Los traficantes pueden utilizar la violencia, la manipulación o falsas promesas de empleos bien remunerados o relaciones románticas para atraer a las víctimas a situaciones de trata. Puede ocurrir en industrias y sectores legales e ilegales, incluidos talleres clandestinos, campos agrícolas, restaurantes, hoteles, salones de masajes y trabajo doméstico.”

Contáctenos para recibir apoyo confidencial y compasivo. Para averiguar si clasificas para la visa T, contáctanos hoy!

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Trump’s immigration plans if he’s reelected 👇

Donald Trump and his allies are preparing for his potential return to power. If he is elected president for a second term, here are some of his plans for immigration, the Justice Department, presidential authority, trade policies and the military. https://nyti.ms/3KzV7dJ


🌟 Client Review Highlight 🌟

We’re honored to share this wonderful feedback from one of our valued clients at D’Uva and Miron Immigration law office!

We are committed to providing zealous legal services and support to all our clients.

If you need experienced and dedicated legal representation, contact us today to see how we can assist you. ⚖️📞


🌟 Reseña del Cliente 🌟

¡Estamos honrados de compartir este maravilloso comentario de uno de nuestros valiosos clientes en la oficina de abogados de inmigración D’Uva y Miron!

Nos comprometemos a brindar servicios legales diligentes y apoyo a todos nuestros clientes.

Si necesita representación legal experimentada y dedicada, contáctenos hoy para ver cómo podemos ayudarle. ⚖️📞

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


🙏Join me in congratulating my client on obtaining her US citizenship after only 3 years of being a resident!

📢 **Path to Citizenship After 3 Years with a Green Card!**

Here’s what you need to know:

🔹 **Eligibility Requirements:**
- Hold a Green Card for a minimum of 3 years.
- Be married to and living with a U.S. citizen for at least 3 years.
- Meet continuous residence and physical presence requirements.
- Demonstrate good moral character.
- Pass English and civics tests.

🔹 **Benefits of Citizenship:**
- Right to vote in U.S. elections.
- Ability to sponsor family members for Green Cards.
- Enhanced travel flexibility and protections.
- Access to more job opportunities and benefits.

Your future is brighter with citizenship! 🌟🇺🇸


📢 **¡Camino a la Ciudadanía Después de 3 Años con una Tarjeta Verde!**

Aquí tienes lo que necesitas saber:

🔹 **Requisitos de Elegibilidad:**
- Tener una Tarjeta Verde por un mínimo de 3 años.
- Estar casado y viviendo con un ciudadano estadounidense durante al menos 3 años.
- Cumplir con los requisitos de residencia continua y presencia física.
- Demostrar buen carácter moral.
- Aprobar los exámenes de inglés y educación cívica.

🔹 **Beneficios de la Ciudadanía:**
- Derecho a votar en las elecciones de EE.UU.
- Capacidad de patrocinar a familiares para obtener Tarjetas Verdes.
- Mayor flexibilidad y protecciones en los viajes.
- Acceso a más oportunidades de empleo y beneficios.

¡Tu futuro es más brillante con la ciudadanía! 🌟🇺🇸

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Join me in congratulating our client for receiving his greencard based on an approved a b u s e petition!

📢 Important Information on VAWA Petitions!

Under the law of VAWA, you may be eligible to file a petition for legal status without your abuser’s knowledge or consent. This crucial protection is designed to support victims and help them build a safer, independent future.

🔹 Who qualifies?

• Spouses, children, or parents of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents.
• Victims of battery or extreme cruelty.

You don’t have to face this alone. Reach out to an immigration attorney or a trusted organization for guidance. Your safety and well-being are paramount. ❤️

This post aims to raise awareness and provide essential information on VAWA petitions. Feel free to share to help those in need. 🌟


📢 **Información Importante sobre las Peticiones VAWA!**

Bajo la Ley de Violencia contra la Mujer (VAWA), podrías ser elegible para presentar una petición de estatus legal sin el conocimiento o consentimiento de tu abusador. Esta protección crucial está diseñada para apoyar a las víctimas y ayudarlas a construir un futuro más seguro e independiente.

🔹 **¿Quién califica?**
- Cónyuges, hijos o padres de ciudadanos estadounidenses o residentes permanentes legales.
- Víctimas de agresión o crueldad extrema.

No tienes que enfrentar esto solo. Comunícate con un abogado de inmigración o una organización de confianza para orientación. Tu seguridad y bienestar son primordiales. ❤️

Este post tiene como objetivo concienciar y proporcionar información esencial sobre las peticiones VAWA. Siéntete libre de compartir para ayudar a quienes lo necesiten. 🌟

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Breaking News: President Biden is expected to sign an immigration order allowing him to temporarily seal the border with Mexico and limit asylum. It would be the single most restrictive border policy instituted by him or any modern Democrat. https://nyti.ms/4aGcOTy


Breaking News: Claudia Sheinbaum has won Mexico’s presidency. In a historic vote, the climate scientist became the first woman and first Jewish person elected to the position. https://nyti.ms/4e5PAsL



🔔Border crossing alert as of Tuesday, June 4, 2024: by presidential executive order, asylum claims at the border will be suspended once more than 2500 applicants cross the border illegally!



🔔Alerta de cruce fronterizo a partir del martes 4 de junio de 2024: por orden ejecutiva presidencial, las solicitudes de asilo en la frontera se suspenderán una vez que más de 2500 solicitantes crucen la frontera ilegalmente.

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


🔻News alert!🔻

🔜Border Executive Orders

👉President Biden is expected to announce an Executive Order (EO) tomorrow, Tuesday June 4th, 2024 regarding an EO designed to “shut down the border.”

👊Here is an AILA Policy Brief about the authority expected to be invoked for the order: https://www.aila.org/library/policy-brief-presidential-authority-to-block-or-expel-migrants

👊Here is an article about the expected EO: https://apnews.com/article/biden-immigration-executive-order-asylum-border-7cd0b0f28e298036ad1fc6b0c78961e1

⏰The announcement is expected around 1pm eastern time, though there will likely be leaks earlier in the day.

ℹ️I will be holding free consultations on this issue for anyone affected between now and end of July, so book your appointment because space is limited.

🔻Noticias de ultima hora!🔻

🔜Órdenes ejecutivas fronterizas

👊Se espera que el presidente Biden anuncie una Orden Ejecutiva (EO) mañana, martes 4 de junio de 2024, con respecto a una EO diseñada para “cerrar la frontera”.

👊Aquí hay un resumen de políticas de AILA sobre la autoridad que se espera que se invoque para la orden: https://www.aila.org/library/policy-brief-presidential-authority-to-block-or-expel-migrants

👊Aquí hay un artículo sobre la esperada EO: https://apnews.com/article/biden-immigration-executive-order-asylum-border-7cd0b0f28e298036ad1fc6b0c78961e1

⏰Se espera que el anuncio se haga alrededor de la 1:00 p. m., hora del este, aunque es probable que haya filtraciones más temprano ese mismo día.

ℹ️Realizaré consultas gratuitas sobre este tema para cualquier persona afectada desde ahora hasta finales de julio, así que reserve su cita porque el espacio es limitado.

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Happy Monday! New week, new beginnings!


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Another busy day at USCIS in Newark attending greencard interviews with our clients!

👓Read below for how to prepare for a greencard interview:

👉Organize Your Documents

👉Review Your Application

👉Be Honest and Consistent

👉Dress Appropriately

👉Practice Common Questions

👉Plan to arrive at the USCIS office at least 30 minutes before your scheduled interview time.

👉Stay Calm and Polite

👉 Bring Legal Representation

👉Know Your Rights

☑️Preparation and confidence are key to a successful USCIS green card interview. Good luck!🍀


👉Organiza tus Documentos

👉Revisa tu Solicitud

👉Sé Honesto y Consistente:

👉Vístete Apropiadamente

👉Practica Preguntas Comunes

👉Llega Temprano

👉Mantén la Calma y Sé Cortés

👉Trae Representación Legal

👉Conoce tus Derechos

☑️La preparación y la confianza son clave para una entrevista exitosa con USCIS. ¡Buena suerte!🍀

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


🇺🇸Today, we pause to honor the brave men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. Their sacrifices ensure the freedoms and rights we hold dear. This Memorial Day, we extend our deepest gratitude to our fallen heroes and their families. May we always remember and honor their legacy.🇺🇸

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Happy Mother’s Day from one (immigrant) mother to another!


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

Immigration authorities unreasonably delayed U visa applications, judge says 05/02/2024

Immigration authorities unreasonably delayed U visa applications, judge says The plaintiffs claim that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services skipped over their U visa applications filed in 2017.

Photos from D'Uva & Miron Immigration Law's post 05/02/2024

👉Skip this post if you don’t need an immigration lawyer. As your trusted partner in immigration law, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and support every step of the way.

‼️We wanted to take a moment to update you on some recent developments and services we offer:

**Immigration Policy Updates** Stay informed about the latest changes in immigration policies and regulations that may impact your case.

**Personalized Legal Guidance** Each immigration case is unique, and we tailor our legal strategies to meet your specific needs and goals. Whether you are seeking a visa, green card, citizenship, or facing deportation proceedings, we are here to provide you with personalized guidance and representation.

**Comprehensive Support** From initial consultation to case resolution, our team is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive support. We handle all aspects of your case with professionalism, integrity, and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for you and your family.

**Client Education and Resources** We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about their immigration matters.

**Client Satisfaction** Your satisfaction is our top priority. We value your feedback and are continuously striving to enhance our services to better serve your needs.

**Free consultation** we are committed to helping our community of clients. For this reason, we continue to provide free initial consultations. This is our investment in YOU!

Thank you for choosing D’Uva and Miron as your immigration law firm.

We are honored to serve you and look forward to continuing to support you on your immigration journey.

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


🎉🇺🇸 We are thrilled to announce that has finally been granted citizenship after an incredible journey! 🎉✨ Despite facing challenges along the way, their determination never wavered. Today, we celebrate their resilience and commitment to achieving this milestone. Congratulations! 🎊👏

Did you know?

There are a few exemptions for the citizenship test administered by USCIS. These exemptions typically apply to individuals who are elderly or have certain medical conditions that prevent them from taking the test. Additionally, applicants with qualifying disabilities may be eligible for accommodations during the test. It’s best to check the USCIS website or consult with an immigration attorney for the most up-to-date information on exemptions and accommodations.

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


🔔Casos detenidos🔔

‼️Actúe ahora para tranquilidad mañana. Permítanos ser su defensa en este momento crítico.

👉Si usted o un ser querido ha sido detenido o enfrenta la amenaza de detención por cuestiones de inmigración, actuar de inmediato es crucial. En D’Uva y Miron, nos especializamos en proporcionar asistencia legal urgente y representación para casos de detención. Aquí le explicamos cómo podemos ayudarle:

**Representación Legal Experta:** Nuestros abogados de inmigración, con amplia experiencia, comprenden las complejidades de las leyes de detención y abogarán enérgicamente por sus derechos y su libertad.

**Respuesta Rápida:** El tiempo es esencial. Ofrecemos una intervención rápida para abordar las complejidades de su caso, con el objetivo de asegurar el mejor resultado posible.

**Apoyo Integral:** Desde audiencias de fianza hasta desafiar órdenes de deportación, manejamos cada aspecto del proceso legal, asegurando que no esté solo en este momento desafiante.

**Historial Comprobado:** Tenemos un historial de resolver exitosamente casos que involucran detenciones, ayudando a nuestros clientes a obtener la liberación o encontrar otras soluciones favorables.

💪No espere más. Contacte a D’Uva y Miron hoy mismo en 862-230-2311 (llamadas y WhatsApp) o visite nuestro sitio web en www.duvalaw.com
para una consulta. Cada minuto cuenta y estamos aquí para actuar de manera rápida y decisiva en su nombre.

Saludos cordiales,

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Today marks the end of Ramadan. From our family to yours, Eid Mubarak. May you be rewarded for your good deeds.

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com



D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

🐰🌸Easter blessings from our family to yours!🐰🌸


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

🔔Starting April 1, noncitizens applying for naturalization using the new edition of Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, (edition date 04/01/24) will have the option to request an original or replacement Social Security number (SSN) or card and update their immigration status without the need to visit a Social Security Administration (SSA) office. To learn more, visit the link :


🔔A partir del 1 de abril, los no ciudadanos que soliciten la naturalización utilizando la nueva edición del Formulario N-400, Solicitud de Naturalización (fecha de edición 01/04/24) tendrán la opción de solicitar un número de Seguro Social (SSN) o tarjeta original o de reemplazo y actualizar su estatus migratorio sin necesidad de visitar una oficina de la Administración del Seguro Social (SSA). Para obtener más información, visite:



D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

🌸 Cherry Blossoms 🌸

📍 Park Avenue, NYC

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Sunday!


Espero todos están disfrutando este hermoso domingo!

Photos from D'Uva & Miron Immigration Law's post 03/21/2024

Check out our latest Google reviews! 💪 So humble to contribute to our clients’ immigration success story!


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101 Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

☀️A very beautiful day in New York City today. Great outcome for our clients! 💪💪


☀️Un día muy hermosa hoy en la ciudad de Nueva York . ¡Gran resultado para nuestros clientes!💪💪



Ramadan Mubarak to all our clients and their families!


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101, Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

⭐️Wishing you a day of joy, empowerment, and recognition on International Women’s Day. May you continue to break barriers and set new standards for excellence.⭐️


⭐️Les deseo un día de alegría, empoderamiento y reconocimiento en el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Que continúe rompiendo barreras y estableciendo nuevos estándares de excelencia.⭐️


D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101, Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com

❓Has your case been pending for a long time with USCIS? Check the current processing times for your type of application on the USCIS’ website:



❓Su caso ha estado pendiente por mucho tiempo con USCIS? Consulte los tiempos de procesamiento actuales para su tipo de solicitud en el sitio web de USCIS:



⭐️Happy Hump Day!⭐️

🌸March Madness 🌸 Sweet reminder for our clients: we continue to offer free initial appointments over the phone or in person. Reach out today!


🌸March Madness 🌸 Dulce recordatorio para nuestros clientes: seguimos ofreciendo citas iniciales gratuitas por teléfono o en persona. ¡Comuníquese hoy!

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101, Newark, NJ

🌍 www.duvalaw.com


Rainy day = working on the asylum case of my Guatemalan client 💪💪💪


Día lluvioso = trabajando en el caso de asilo de mi cliente guatemalteca 💪💪💪

D’Uva & Miron Immigration Law Office

📞 862-230-2311 WhatsApp & Calls

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101, Newark, NJ



⭐️Welcome March!⭐️

❓Did you know about the legend of Martisor – The Spring Celebration in Romania on March 1st?

🌸It’s 1st of March – a new month, a new season and also a day when mainly women receive some symbols called “martisoare”. 🌸

💮Martisor literally means little (or dear) March – and it’s also the popular name of this month in Romania. Martisor is also a symbol for a new life, hope, fortune and even love. There are several stories regarding the legend of Martisor.💮

🧲It is a red and white entwined cord, the red one symbolises the winter and the white one the spring, which other symbols of good luck such as a three-leafed clove, chimney sweeper or a heart are tied by. 🍀

⭐️Bienvenido Marzo!⭐️

❓Sabías acerca de la leyenda de Martisor: la celebración de la primavera en Rumania el 1 de marzo?

🌸Es 1 de marzo: un nuevo mes, una nueva estación y también un día en el que principalmente las mujeres reciben algunos símbolos llamados “martisoare”. 🌸

💮Martisor significa literalmente marzo pequeño (o querido), y también es el nombre popular de este mes en Rumania. Martisor es también un símbolo de una nueva vida, esperanza, fortuna e incluso amor. Hay varias historias sobre la leyenda de Martisor. 🌸

🧲Se trata de un cordón entrelazado de color rojo y blanco, el rojo simboliza el invierno y el blanco la primavera, al que se atan otros símbolos de buena suerte como un clavo de tres hojas, un deshollinador o un corazón.🍀

📍 17 Academy St, Suite 1101, Newark, NJ 07102
📱862-230-2311 (WhatsApp,
Call, Text)

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Videos (show all)

🇺🇸 Celebrating Diversity in Business 🌍 Today, we spotlight immigrant entrepreneurs who have transformed challenges into ...
🤝 Border Security Collaboration 🇺🇸🇲🇽 Strengthening bonds for a safer future! U.S. and Mexican officials have joined forc...
🇺🇸 Breaking News: US-Mexico Border Crossings Reopen 🌉 A significant development in immigration: the US-Mexico border cro...
🇺🇸 Share a cultural tradition or festival from your home country celebrated in the U.S.🇪🇸 Comparte una tradición cultura...



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