Mara Puglisi Holistic Health

Mara Puglisi Holistic Health

Helping mamas neutralize anxiety naturally to feel present with their family, authentic and happy.

Founder and CEO of Mara Puglisi Holistic Health, LLC and The Anxiety Recovery Formula, I specialize in helping overwhelmed mamas who feel paralyzed from daily anxiety, guilt, and fear, connect with their true selves so they feel empowered, confident and supported. Taking a holistic, spiritual approach, I will coach you into alignment. My job is not to heal you but show you how you can heal yourself. ❤️


Eek, there I said it. If I could eavesdrop on your conversations, they might sound a little like: "It's too expensive" or "Can't you do this on your own?" (Disclaimer: I did not eavesdrop on your bedroom talk, I just heard this from my current clients before they took the leap with me.)

Here's the thing... your partner's concerns are legitimate. Here's what I recommend when talking to your partner about hiring me (because it IS an investment):

1. DECIDE: If I know anything it’s that when a mom decides something, she makes it happen! So before having a conversation with your partner, you must have an honest conversation with yourself. Are you 100% committed to healing those core wounds that are at the root of keeping you constantly stressed out and overwhelmed? Are you sick and tired of doing what doesn’t work? Have you made a No Plan B commitment to focus on a simple method that will turn your life around and create a thriving life you absolutely love? Once YOU’VE decided, you’ve set that energy in motion and there is very little that can stop it.

2.ACKNOWLEDGE THE PAST: Maybe you’ve tried things in the past that haven’t worked or only sorta kinda helped but not really? Maybe you’ve already spent money on things and have not seen them through? Maybe you’re scared this won’t work well enough? Acknowledge that change is scary and that you haven’t always shown up fully for yourself but then also highlight why this is different. Why this time you have the confidence in not only the method but more importantly in YOURSELF because you’ve DECIDED and with the right system and mindset you can and will achieve success.

3. NO PLAN B: I’m not in the business of breaking up marriages but before you have a conversation with your partner, consider what NO actually means? Maybe it means you’re not valued as you should be, maybe it means your partner is threatened by your growth and development? Maybe it’s something different. The key is to ask yourself if you’re okay with NO? And if not, remember that you’ve DECIDED. And once you’ve done that, you are a resourceful and creative mama who will find a way.

Often what I’ve found working with clients is that the partner’s apprehension is really just an energetic reflection of the client’s. Meaning that the number one thing you need to do to get your partner on board is to DECIDE for yourself that you are ready to take action. It’s that simple.

And now’s the best time because June Enrollment in The Puglisi Method is open! And I’ve got a super sweet bonus of PRIVATE 1:1 coaching sessions ($500 Value) that I’m offering to the first 5 enrollees this month.

So if you’re a woman who has DECIDED that it’s time to move into a new phase of life.

That you’re ready to heal the core wounds keeping you stressed out and overwhelmed.

That you want to reclaim harmony, joy and freedom back in your life for you and your family…

I invite you to book an Overwhelm Assessment with me.

It’s complementary and will give you the clarity you need to DECIDE your next move forward because the status quo is no longer acceptable.

Drop ASSESSMENT in the comments and I’ll send you the link to book.


MUST READ: This is not recycled advice.

You don’t need another to-do list, diet, book, pill, potion or lotion. Wanna know what will help you feel less stressed out and overwhelmed when all else has failed? ACCOUNTABILITY.

So here are the 3 ways I keep my clients accountable when we work together:

1. Weekly Coaching-I hold space each and every week to guide you as you take small manageable steps that quickly add up to big transformation.

2.Private Messages: another layer of accountability in between weekly coaching sessions. A place where you can ask questions privately and seek individualized support.

3.Private FB Community: An inspiring community of like minded moms committed to transforming how they show up for themselves and their kids. This layer of accountability is so inspiring it’s damn near impossible not to stay true to your goals.

I share this so that you know exactly what you need to reclaim your life and how you will be supported and held accountable in the Puglisi Method. So let's meet!

I’m going LIVE today at 11am ET for The Puglisi Method Open House.

If you don't want chaos and stress to be the things your kids learn from you...

If you want a behind the scenes look at the step by step proven system you can use to reclaim harmony, freedom and joy back in your life for you and your family….

Comment LIVE for the link to register.

Hurry, we start in one hour.

Comment LIVE to join.


No, I promise I’m not a stalker watching you;-)

But in my experience, there are some people who jump at the chance to work with me, and others who think about it way longer than they probably need to. Because most people? They're held back by 3 things:




If one of these reasons is holding you back from working with me, then consider this your personal invitation to join me TOMORROW at The Puglisi Method program open house.

You'll learn how over a decade's worth of overwhelmed moms have restored harmony, freedom and joy back into their lives for themselves and their families.
You'l get to go directly into The Puglisi Method Content Hub to see exactly how the lifetime 24/7 access to small, digestible audios and prompts set up even the busiest mom who has little time and bandwidth for success.

And even more, you'll get a sneak peek into the private community that has supported overwhelmed moms as they reconnect with themselves and reclaim their ability to model for their kids what a harmonious, joyful and abundant life looks and feels like.

Plus, we'll go through my 3-phase energy body healing plan so I can show you exactly how you will shift out of the stress, guilt and fear that you feel daily!
So if you’re tired of things holding you back and you want access to a step by step proven system, supportive community and small group coaching so that you can transform your life quicker and with less stress than going it alone then comment OPEN HOUSE and I’ll send you the link to register.

Hurry it’s tomorrow




I'm not your wealth advisor. I'm not your mortgage broker. I'm not your guru. But what I am is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Spiritual mentor. And I empower people to make decisions all the time. While I can't advise you on any financial decision (like hiring a coach), what I CAN do is share 3 strategies I use when I make big $ decisions.

Determine: Is this something I need that will provide long term benefit for my highest good?

Assess the Cost of Inaction: What does it cost me if I don’t move forward? What will my life look like in 3 months, 6 months or a year if I do nothing?

Plan: Develop a plan to save or shift resources from one silo to another to make it happen.

June Enrollment for The Puglisi Method is now open and I’m looking for 5 busy moms who are ready to say goodbye to the discount version of themselves and reclaim harmony, freedom and joy back in their lives for themselves and their families.

Want to learn more? Join me at the upcoming Puglisi Method Open House to see if working with me as your coach and spiritual mentor is the right move for you. It’s free to attend so why not?

Comment OPEN HOUSE and I’ll send you the link to register.


TODAY IS THE DAY! Not registered & want the replay?

Comment ME and I'll send the link


These Dangerous Myths Can Make You Feel Even More Stressed Out and Overwhelmed

Some of these ideas that are floating around are based on outdated information or methods, while others are simply myths that never really held a lot of value in the first place…

For example -the only way to de-stress is with a nightly glass of wine or hours of meditation every day.

It can be frustrating when you have put your faith in some of these ideas only to have them not work out or, worse...set you back further!

That’s why I’ve created my brand new training: The 3 strategies I Used to Stop Feeling Constantly Stressed Out and Overwhelmed as a Busy Mom.

If you haven’t registered yet, you should because I’m teaching it tomorrow.

Comment TRAINING for the link to register.



Living in a constant state of stress and overwhelm can look different for everyone. And sometimes we don’t even realize that some of the things going on in our minds and our bodies are a direct result of operating in stress mode day in and day out.

Here are some manifestations of unchecked stress and overwhelm you might not have considered…

-feeling angry a lot
-out of touch with your intuition
-frequently sick
-in pain
-unable to handle small challenges or disruptions
-living way shorter than you’re supposed to

When clients experiencing any of these come to me here is what I do:

I help them ground, clear and protect their energetic body so that they can restore harmony, freedom and joy in their lives for themselves and for their families. I help them shift out of being a discount version of themselves so that they can show up like the woman and mother they want to be. So they can effectively raise the next generation of limitless kids.

If you’re looking to live a different, better, more magical life, then I suggest you register for the upcoming training I’m hosting this Thursday where I’ll be covering the 3 strategies I used to stop feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed as a busy mom.

It’s free to attend but registration if required. Comment MAGICAL and I’ll send you the link.

If you can’t attend live, still register so you’ll get the replay.

And for everyone who does come hangout live I’ll also be giving away discount codes to some of my favorite products and services to keep you high vibing and in alignment.

Comment MAGICAL for the link.


This is a BIG challenge for a lot of moms

I feel you on it. I am highly intuitive and a recovering people pleaser;-).

The reason why it feels like you can’t break free of feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed

is because you’re still putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own.

You’re running a program that has convinced you that’s what it means to be a ‘good mom’

But just like the fundamental rule of air travel says….you must ALWAYS put your oxygen mask on first BEFORE helping others.

There’s a reason for that and I’m here to remind you that your kids can’t model what they don’t see.

Remember === you might think they don’t listen but I assure you they are watching;-)

Comment below with the word READY so I can send you a link to register for my FREE training-The 3 strategies I Used to Stop Feeling Constantly Stressed Out and Overwhelmed as a Busy Mom.

I know you feel stuck. I know you have a ton on your plate.

Just because you don’t have the answers (now) doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I lay out the exact strategies I have taught a decade’s worth of clients to break free of the guilt, worry and stress of the "MOTHERLOAD" so that they can model to their kids what it looks like to be confident, calm and supported.

Just because it feels hard for you (now) doesn’t mean that it always will be.

I made getting unstuck and reclaiming your life as simple as it can be.

Comment below with the word READY so I can send you the link to register (it’s free).



Okay, so as your coach, I can't guarantee you'll get a completely stress free life where you kids never act up, you always have just the right amount of “stuff” on your to do list and you show up like super mom each and every day (in fact, if anyone is claiming they can show you how to do all that I’d check the fine print), but with The Puglisi Method, I *can* guarantee you will feel more calm, confident and connected as a woman and mother than you ever have.

Sadly, we aren’t taught how to transmute the stuck negative energy of our past. We aren’t trained to see past the programming and conditioning that limits us and keeps us stuck in a loop of stress and overwhelm. It takes an understanding of the role our energetic body plays in our wellbeing and that’s what The Puglisi Method does. It not only outlines the role your energetic body plays in your healing but give you the tools and strategies you need to clear and protect your energy moving forward (and the support and accountability required to hold you to your goals).

What will you do instead? If you don’t enroll in The Puglisi Method? Is there a plan to learn and practice the skills you need to…
⇒ Stop flipping out on your kids
⇒ Calm the chaos that surrounds you daily
⇒ Model what it looks like to be confident, grounded and connected to your children
⇒ Stop feeling like you’re constantly drowning
⇒ Create a life that flows with ease and harmony

The tension you feel is because you want this and you’re scared it won’t happen. I guarantee that if you decide to enroll in The Puglisi Method you have a far better chance of making it happen than if you don’t.

It’s time to decide. If you’d like to learn more join me for my new training-The 3 strategies I Used to Stop Feeling Constantly Stressed Out and Overwhelmed as a Busy Mom.

Drop the word REGISTER in the comments and I'll send you the link. (It's free so why not)


A Lesson I Learned Too Late

I am soooo over so called “experts” telling women they're just moms, of course they're exhausted.

I am sooo tired of otherwise incredible mamas accepting a life of constant stress and chaos.

When are people going to understand that just because something is common does not mean it’s NORMAL??!!!

It’s about getting to the root of what’s causing so many of us remarkable women to feel completely overwhelmed by the "MOTHERLOAD" in the first place.

It’s about clearing the programming and stagnant energy that keep us stuck then harnessing the power of our energetic body to restore harmony, balance and joy for ourselves and our families.

And that is what I am going to focus on in my brand new training.

You can register here (it’s free) >>>

I firmly believe that if mamas realize their tremendous power to free themselves from the programming and conditioning keeping them stressed out and harness the power of their thoughts to create a different reality for themselves and their children, we would see soooo much more abundance and joy in our society.

If you are with me on this, give me a 🙌 in the comments



Dramatic? Perhaps. But in my most successful clients, I've seen them adopt this one major belief:

It’s the knowing that we have the power and free will to choose one thought over another. And the thoughts we choose become the reality we experience.

The reason why this shift is so powerful is because there is a symbiotic relationship between our thoughts and our energetic body. The types of thoughts we choose (I’m so stressed vs.this is happening for my highest good) directly influence our energy field and our reality.

Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. Showing up for your kids in a way that you're proud of depends on the quality of your thoughts.

What do you think –want support on shifting the quality of your thoughts? Then join me live for my new free training–The 3 strategies I Used to Stop Feeling Constantly Stressed Out and Overwhelmed as a Busy Mom.

It’s free. Register HERE===>


5 Daily Habits that Beat Back Stress as a Busy Mom

Wanna know the daily routine I live by that keeps me high vibing? Join my free FB Community Group-Overcoming Overwhelm: Support for Overcommitted, Stressed Out Mamas to check out this week's live where I reveal the secrets to beating back stress that take little time but deliver big dividends for you and your family.

Drop a 💗 in the comments and I'll send you the link to join. It's free so why not?



Look, I’m not perfect. I don’t wake up daily with oodles of motivation. Here are 3 things I do to keep myself motivated and on track.

GROUND IN MY WHY: Motivation can be fleeting (especially when it comes to taking care of ourselves as busy moms) but when I ground myself in WHY I’m doing what I’m doing it becomes that much easier to prioritize the thing I know is good for me. Why do I choose to put my oxygen mask on first and prioritize my wellbeing? Because when I do there is an energetic ripple effect that benefits my kids. When I don’t there’s a ripple effect too….and that one’s not so pretty. So yes, I take care of myself-for me. But I do it because deep in my bones I know it’s what’s best for my kids too.

GET INSPIRED: Whatever the task may be there is generally a more fun way of doing it. Don’t feel like meditating…I find some new funky music to get lost in. Don’t feel like going for a walk...I throw on some tunes or a fun podcast and go. Infusing JOY into any activity inspires me and raises my vibration.

OFFER GRACE: I give myself permission to rest and forgo when it’s necessary. I’ve learned to embody my humanness and accept I’m not a machine. Sometimes I just need to rest and I no longer feel guilty or bad about it. I offer myself grace and know when I’m well resourced and rested my kids ALWAYS benefit.

Do you need help with motivation and prioritizing your own wellbeing? Send me a private message with the word MOTIVATION and I’ll help you out;-)


POP QUIZ: What's the biggest thing holding you back from getting help to stop feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed as a busy mom?

A. I don't feel like I can follow through
B. Nothing works so don't want to try anything new and fail again
C. I don't have time
D. Finances

Comment A, B, C, or D below and I'll send you my free resource-What I Wish I Knew 10 Years Ago.


My top coping strategy for dealing with life as a busy mama

Balancing all of the demands of life is not easy to deal with when you are a mama who is feeling overstressed, overcommitted and overwhelmed.

This is not the time to be doing 75 minute hot yoga classes.

No, it's important that whatever you do to feel less overwhelmed is something sustainable that you can implement over the long term.

That’s why I like to start with a singular focus of a simple win (e.g a quick gratitude practice)

Doing this will help

Calm your nervous system
Shift your thoughts and perspective
Protect your energetic body to attract in more of what you desire

Start by naming 3 things you are grateful for in the moment. If you’re particularly stressed out, choose one thing and then go on a bonanza…”I’m grateful for my toast.” “I’m grateful for the loaf it came from.” “I’m grateful for the store where I bought the bread.” etc, etc.

Want to figure out what else you need to do to stop feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed? I can help. Comment ME below and I'll get in touch.


I often get asked, “What’s the difference between a Therapist and a Holistic Health Coach?”

While there are many similarities such as we both work on mindset, coping skills, and help you create specific goals there are also many differences.

For instance as a Holistic Health Coach, I take a root cause approach to get to the heart of what is causing you to feel stressed out and overwhelmed. Instead of slapping band aids on symptoms, I then incorporate a variety of natural healing modalities to elevate the mind, body and spirit, clearing stuck, negative energy to help you stop feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed. And finally, I act as an accountability partner to keep you on track and moving forward when things become challenging.

If you’ve never worked with a Holistic Health Coach before, I would love to show you how I can help you create the life you want to live free of feeling stressed out and overwhelmed and stuck unknowing how to move forward.

I do that with a no obligation Overwhelm Assessment. During this assessment we’ll get clear on what’s keeping you stuck and lay out your next best step forward to getting you unstuck..

DM me ASSESSMENT and I'll send you the link to schedule.



As a Holistic Health Coach, it’s important my family and I have high quality, nourishing food for lunch. AND as a busy mom it needs to be easy and quick too;-)

So here’s what I do to meet all of my ‘criteria’ and prepare lunches for a week…

Streamline Food delivery: Order groceries online and have them delivered or do a quick curbside pickup (once a week).
Unpack and repack at the same time: Pack any pantry items and prepare cold items in the fridge the night before when kids are emptying their lunch bags.
Cook once, eat twice….or 3 times;-): Double up recipes and eat leftovers for lunch!

Want more tips to lower your stress and overwhelm as a busy mom?

Join my free Facebook community group-Overcoming Overwhelm: Support for Overcommitted, Stressed Out Mamas. DM me LINK and I'll send you the link to join.


What to do when you’re a busy mom and want to stop feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed

What doesn’t work:

❌ More screen time for your kids
❌ Nightly glasses of wine
❌ Tons of therapy and medication
❌ Shiping your kids off to Grandma's every weekend

What does work:

✅ Join The Puglisi Method

Seriously! If you keep trying the same old things to destress and feel less overwhelmed you will keep getting the same old results.

It’s time for a new approach!

I am currently accepting May enrollment for 5 new clients so if you are interested in finally starting to enjoy this season of motherhood send me a DM!


Is your issue hiding in your energetic body?

If you

✔ feel overwhelmed by everything on your to-do list
✔ constantly flipping out on your kids
✔ don’t know how to get unstuck

You need my 5 strategies overwhelmed mamas can use for a peaceful morning guide.

Drop me a 🙋 in the comments and I’ll send it over to you


It wasn’t just one thing that got me there…

It was months and years of intentionally or unintentionally choosing things that got me to the point where I needed to make a change fast.

“When you know better you do better”

And that is why it is my mission to help overwhelmed mamas understand that it is not just too much on your plate that is causing you to feel completely stressed out.

☑️ Ignoring the influence your energetic body has on your wellbeing
☑️ The stuck negative energy that needs to be cleared
☑️ Not having a system to protect your energy

Once you understand this…everything changes!

Did you know that all these things can impact how you feel and the reality you experience?

Tell me in the comments if this is connecting some dots for you!


Some people will be mad at you…

When you set firm boundaries.
When you say no more to being a victim.
When you leave them behind because you are no longer on the same path.
When you begin to thrive.
When you begin to transform.
When you do hard things and reach goals they told you were impossible.

Let them be mad

You are here for MORE.

Does this resonate with you but unsure how to move forward? Join my free Facebook community group-Overcoming Overwhelm: Support for Overcommitted, Stressed Out Mamas. Inside you’ll find loads of free content, trainings, support and inspiration. Link to join in my bio.


Yep…here we go again

Just a reminder that transformation is a process…

It’s not going to be perfect overnight.

I am not going to sit here and BS you that ending stress and overwhelm as a busy mom is a one and done event and that suddenly your life will be perfect again.

(And if anyone is trying to sell you that promise..I’d take a hard look at the fine print).

Sooo…sometimes you just have to laugh…and reach out to others who understand!

(Who needed to hear this today?)💪

Want support through that process? I’ve just opened up spots for May Enrollment in The Puglisi Method (at a HUGE discount AND with bonus time in the program) and I’m looking for 5 people to work with.

If you’d like to go through my Overwhelm Assessment to get clear on what you need to do to stop feeling constantly stressed out and overwhelmed comment ME and I'll reach out.


TODAY IS THE DAY! Not registered & want the replay?

Comment REPLAY and I'll send ya the link;-)


There are many misconceptions about what it takes to get rid of feeling constantly stressed and overwhelmed..

Some of these ideas that are floating around are based on outdated information or methods, while others are simply myths that never really held a lot of value in the first place…

For example -the only way to de-stress is with elaborate self-care routines that take up precious time you don’t even have.

It can be frustrating when you have put your faith in some of these ideas only to have them not work out or, worse...set you back further!

That’s why I’ve created my brand new workshop: The 3 strategies I Used to Stop Feeling Constantly Stressed Out and Overwhelmed as a Busy Mom.

If you haven’t registered yet, you should because I’m teaching it tomorrow.

DM me for the link to register >>>


On the Days You Aren’t Feeling It...

When all the support and tips and tricks and gratitude and meditations and self-care are ringing hollow, maybe all we can do is acknowledge that feeling overwhelmed sucks.

It’s ok to sit there for a moment...

Because we know we won’t stay there for long…

You are too strong for that…💪

We know we will pick ourselves up and get back to it...

But what if there was a simpler way? A way that actually worked?

Can I show you? My brand new masterclass is in 3 days. Are you registered yet?

DM me MASTER for the link to register (it’s free) >>>

Because you have options… even on the days when you don’t feel like you do.

I’d love the opportunity to show you!


Are You Ready For A Change?

If you are DONE with feeling stressed out and overwhelmed,, it's time for a change…

There IS a way through this, and my clients are a perfect example of this…

The things that I teach in my brand new masterclass called: The 3 strategies I Used to Stop Feeling Constantly Stressed Out and Overwhelmed as a Busy Mom give you the exact strategies you need to reclaim your life and feel calm, present with your family and have time and space to show up like the woman and mother you want to be.

If you are ready to learn how I can help you say goodbye to the constant guilt, stress and chaos then comment MASTER below and I’ll send you the link to register (it’s free).


Warning...Rant Ahead

I am soooo over so called “experts” telling women they're just moms, of course they're exhausted.

I am sooo tired of otherwise incredible mamas accepting a life of constant stress and chaos.

When are people going to understand that just because something is common does not mean it’s NORMAL??!!!

It’s about getting to the root of what’s causing the overwhelm in the first place. It’s about clearing the programming and stagnant energy that keep us stuck then harnessing the power of our energetic body to show up as the women and mothers we want to be!

And that is what I am going to focus on in my brand new Masterclass.

You can register now (it’s free) >>> DM me MASTER and I'll send you the link.

I firmly believe that if mamas realize their tremendous power to free themselves from the programming and conditioning keeping them stressed and harness the power of their thoughts to create a different reality, we would see soooo much less stress and overwhelm in our society.

If you are with me on this, give me a 🙌 in the comments

And don't forget to DM me MASTER for the link;-)


It’s finally here!

If you’re feeling like a failure because you HAVEN’T yet figured out how to quit flipping out on your kids, stay calm in the moment and just feel all around less overwhelmed....

If you’ve been thinking you SHOULD be able to figure this out on your own…

Or thinking that “other people” have it more together than you and that asking for help means you are somehow less smart, capable, disciplined, or resilient...

Let me ask you this: If you don’t know how to fix your car, do you take it to a mechanic? Or if you don’t understand a legal matter, do hire a lawyer?

Sooo how is this any different?

I help my clients who struggle feeling overcommitted, overstressed and overwhelmed--and I’d like to help you too!

My brand new Masterclass is ready!

All of the details, including the date/time, are on the registration page. Even if you can’t make it live, still register so I can send you the replay.

DM me MASTERCLASS and I'll send you the link.


Big Announcement!

I have been waiting for this day for a while. I’ve created a free Masterclass designed to help you put an end to feeling overwhelmed and reclaim your life from daily stress.

See, the mission of my business is to help overcommitted, overstressed mamas who constantly feel overwhelmed by daily life. The best way for me to do that is by teaching you why nothing else has worked and what to do so that you can reclaim your life–Feel calm, present with your kids, and show up like the woman and mother you want to be.

My brand new Masterclass is on May 16 at 12pm EASTERN and it’s free.

Comment MASTER below if you’d like the link.


I love what I do. I am here to help you. You follow me so that you could learn more. That’s what I’m here to do. To help you understand what’s going on and to provide a solution. You might not be ready to work with me yet, and that’s ok. Committing to change is a big deal. Drop an emoji if you’d like to learn more.

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Videos (show all)

Not the best conditions but there was a special election in Newark tonight. As a first gen American voting has always be...
If this is you be sure to register for my upcoming Masterclass this Wednesday at 7pmEST. How to break the anxiety loop f...




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Newark, DE