Friend to Friend Podcast

Sharing hope for you heart and help from His Word.


☀️This summer I have re-opened the podcast for a short season of sharing sessions from F2F LIVE 2024, themed Keep Thy Heart! I pray that these lessons will strengthen your relationship with God and His Word, creating a fervor to, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

🎙️In today’s episode, our guest teacher Francie Taylor shares from scripture the importance of walking wisely in perilous times in this concluding lesson. Happy listening, friends!

Link in comments, listen thru your favorite podcast app!


☀️This summer I have re-opened the podcast for a short season of sharing sessions from F2F LIVE 2024, themed Keep Thy Heart! I pray that these lessons will strengthen your relationship with God and His Word, creating a fervor to, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

🎙️In today’s episode, Mindy Tingson teaches session 6, Guarding Our Hearts: Where to Turn with Unmet Expectations. Happy listening, friends!

Listen thru your favorite podcast app, link in comments


☀️This summer I have re-opened the podcast for a short season of sharing sessions from F2F LIVE 2024, themed Keep Thy Heart! I pray that these lessons will strengthen your relationship with God and His Word, creating a fervor to, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

🎙️In today’s episode, our host Jessica Smallwood continues her opening lesson in part 2 of Guarding Our Hearts with God’s Word: Worth Its Value. Happy listening, friends!

•Listen thru your favorite podcast app, link in the comments


☀️This summer I have re-opened the podcast for a short season of sharing sessions from F2F LIVE 2024, themed Keep Thy Heart! I pray that these lessons will strengthen your relationship with God and His Word, creating a fervor to, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23

In today's episode, Jennifer Beil teaches session 4, Guarding Our Hearts: Where to Look When Lonely. Happy listening, friends!

🎧Listen thru your favorite podcast app! Link in comments.


Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for Friend to Friend LIVE 2025, April 11-12. More details to come!


☀️This summer I have re-opened the podcast for a short season of sharing sessions from F2F LIVE 2024, themed Keep Thy Heart! I pray that these lessons will strengthen your relationship with God and His Word, creating a fervor to, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

In today’s episode, our guest teacher Francie Taylor shares from scripture the importance of being spiritually minded in a carnally minded world. Happy listening, friends!

🎧Link in comments, listen thru your favorite podcast app


This summer I have re-opened the podcast for a short season of sharing sessions from F2F LIVE 2024, themed Keep Thy Heart! I pray that these lessons will strengthen your relationship with God and His Word, creating a fervor to, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23

In today's episode, I open the conference with session 1. Happy listening, friends! - Jessica Smallwood, Host of F2F LIVE

🎧Tune in thru your favorite podcast app! Link in the comments.


F2F LIVE 2024 was such a beautiful few days of friendship, encouragement and gathering around God's Word, which is always fruitful and never in vain. We walked away strengthened by the Word and equipped to be poured out for Christ in our homes and churches. Please pray that God would continue to use this ministry in our community and beyond! Francie Taylor

🎙Tune in this summer to the Friend to Friend Podcast! All F2F LIVE 2024 sessions will be made available soon!
📸 A BIG thank you to Susette for being our "official" photographer! You captured great memories!

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 05/08/2024

💗I treasure being a pastor’s wife and love my sisters in Christ. God continues to grow us numerically since our start 7 years ago but most of all He’s growing us in care for one another and in Christ. So grateful to serve alongside these friends. Thank you SRBC ladies for working hard to make F2F LIVE a great success! We were working hard this weekend and forgot to take a group photo, so here we are the day after in church 💗 a short video of F2F LIVE pics to come soon! Here’s a sneak peak of all the fun we had… mark your calendars for next year April 11-12, 2025!

🎙️I’m excited to dust off my podcast mic to share all of the sessions from F2F LIVE 2024 on the podcast this summer!

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 04/01/2024

🌷Friends! I am excited to share that we have exceeded the capacity that our church is able to accommodate for ladies registered this year! Due to this increase in attendance F2F LIVE 2024 will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 3911 Sharpsburg McCollum Rd Newnan, GA 30265. Pastor Ben Sprenger and his wife Elizabeth have graciously made their church available for its use for the conference.

Registration is still available at but in order to properly prepare for the conference we will need to close registration this Thursday, April 4th. If you plan to attend please register asap! We have lots of exciting things in the works and hope you can join us!

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 03/31/2024

“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.“
2 Corinthians 8:9

“For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
2 Corinthians 5:21

“Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:25

Our life is so good and beautiful because we have a loving Saviour who meets us in our mess.💗

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 03/16/2024

Mindy Tingson, social media director of the Friend to Friend podcast team, fulfilled her role with both beautiful media designs and thoughtfully written posts. Since the closing of the podcast last year the Lord has opened new doors of ministry for each of us on the team and for Mindy her’s included the recent launch of Abide + adore. I’m so excited for Mindy and am grateful for the encouragement that her writing is to my own heart!

From Mindy:
“Abide + adore has been on hiatus since our move to Australia. Turns out an international move, a challenging pregnancy, and starting a church (along with daily life stuff) was just enough to zap whatever creative energy I had. But God has been patiently calling me back and now seems like the right time to place it in His hands and step out in obedience, even if I can’t see how it will all work out.

I’ve started a substack, a blog and newsletter all rolled into one. Each month, a new post will hit your inbox with an essay, some photos, and a few fun random things that have been bringing us joy. I’m hoping that, as my time on social media has grown less and less, this will serve as a way to still feel connected and write the words God gives me to write. As always, I’m thankful for your support and your encouragement! I’m excited to get back to writing ♥️”

Follow and hit subscribe! Link in her bio


🤍I was so excited when Liz began her shop .n.designs_ selling beautiful KJV scripture cards! I love using them in my home and sharing them with others! As the Lord has opened opportunities for me to teach His Word at conferences and retreats, Liz has willingly collaborated with me to provide the greatest resource for attendees - God’s Word! This new set is about to head to Texas with me for a retreat themed, “Clarity in the Chaos,” and includes some of the verses that I’ll be teaching on coupled with how we can pray using God’s Word. There is no greater decor in our homes and for our lives than the Word of God! Make sure to follow .n.designs_ friends and if you teach, consider reaching out to Liz to use her scripture cards as resources!

🎙️Friend to Friend LIVE 2024 is just around the corner! I can’t wait to have available the scripture set that is in the works for “Keep Thy Heart | Guarding Our Hearts with God’s Word.” Last year, Liz created beautiful cards to go with our Friend to Friend LIVE 2023 theme of “Renewed”, featuring verses about renewing the mind. EN Design scripture sets also include coordinating stickers and magnets! This year she gets to join us in person to make all of her sets available at Friend to Friend LIVE 2024! If you’re in the area, make plans to join us!

Links below for F2F LIVE 2024 details & EN Design Shop👇🏻


🎉Planning to attend Friend to Friend LIVE 2024? Today is the last day to save $10 and register for only $25! Register at

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 01/17/2024

🎉Planning to attend Friend to Friend LIVE 2024? Save $10 and register today for only $25! Early registration available now thru January 31st at

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 01/13/2024

🎙️Join us for F2F LIVE 2024 to be held on May 3 | 4 at Solid Rock Baptist Church. Our theme this year is “Keep Thy Heart | Guarding Our Hearts with God’s Word.” Proverbs 4:23 “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” I am so excited to have Mrs. Francie Taylor joining us again as our guest teacher for Friend to Friend LIVE! As a podcast guest, friend and encourager Francie has exemplified a life centered on the Word of God and a relationship with Christ. I am thankful for her willingness to invest in others for the cause of Christ! Registration is now available at under the F2F LIVE tab.

🤍Mrs. Francie Taylor is a ladies' Bible teacher, author, and founder of Keep the Heart, a teaching ministry for Christian women. Francie teaches at many ladies' Bible conferences and retreats in and out of the country. Previously from First Baptist Church of Rosemount, Minnesota, Francie now lives in Pensacola, Florida where she attends the Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College while running a busy ministry which includes traveling to conferences, writing, and recording shows for her podcast.

Francie was born again during a job interview in June of 1977, and has been serving the Lord with her life as a teacher since 1992. Known for both wit and wisdom, Francie delights her listeners with her transparent observations from everyday life while encouraging women to yield to God's principles for living in a practical way. Since Spanish is Francie’s second language, she is also a frequent teacher at Spanish ladies’ conferences in the United States and Mexico. Francie’s greatest desire is to help women to grow in their relationship with the Lord through the daily study and application of His Word.

On September 15, 2017, Francie’s beloved husband and soul mate, Norman H. Taylor went home to be with the Lord five months after being diagnosed with two very aggressive forms of cancer. The Taylors have three adult children: Austen (and wife Jessica), Hillary, and Collin. Francie’s passion is teaching and writing devotionals designed to help Christian women to “keep their hearts with all diligence.” (Proverbs 4:23)

You’ll also hear lessons from:

Jessica Smallwood, F2F LIVE host and SRBC pastor’s wife - “Guarding Our Hearts with God’s Word.”

Mindy Tingson , missionary to Australia, via video - “Guarding Our Hearts | Where to Turn with Unmet Expectations.”

Jennifer Beil, podcast host, via video - “Guarding Our Hearts | Where to Look When Lonely.”

🤍Every lesson will point us to the Bible, the Christian’s guide and filter for all that our hearts feel and desire. I am confident that these truth filled lessons will be a timely encouragement for today’s woman living in a world whose mantra is, “Follow your heart.” Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Apart from God, our hearts will lead us astray, but living a life saturated with the Word of God will lead to life guided by God.

Whether the timing is right or not for you to attend, would you take a moment to ask for God’s blessing on this gathering; to strengthen our church and further our impact in the community? Thank you listeners for your support and prayers! to friend


“These are a few of my favorite things…”🎶 storefront windows at Christmas time ❤️ As I look at this fun picture a friend snapped, I think, “Lord, may my life be but a window to the beautiful life in Christ available to all who will receive. A window that draws people in to see more of you, not turning people away to see less.”

“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:” Colossians 1:27-28


“These are a few of my favorite things…”🎶 -biographies and movies based on true stories!
🍿🎥A must see for my fellow Sound of Music fans! I came across this movie on Amazon prime and am so glad I did! The movie is based on an autobiography written by the eldest daughter of the Von Trapps and it brought so much to what the Sound of Music is based on. Such a powerful and beautiful story! And an added bonus…it begins and ends at Christmas time.❤️🎄

📖Can’t wait to read the book! “Memories Before and After the Sound of Music” by Agatha Von Trapp


“These are a few of my favorite things…”🎶 My Christmas cactus❤️🌵I use to readily admit I had no trace of a green thumb but thanks to a few plant-loving friends, I’m happy to share that I’m now “growing” a green thumb.😉 I love having live plants in our home! They point me to our marvelous Creator and this one reminds me of family in NM. ❤️Watching this one bloom as Christmas approaches is especially fun!

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” Colossians 1:16


“These are a few of my favorite things…”🎶 Christmas cards, birthday cards, just-because cards!I love giving and receiving all the above! I love my daily walk to the mailbox anticipating what may have arrived and the encouragement I’m happy to send!💌

“A word fitly spoken Is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Proverbs 25:11


A few years ago I wrote the following thoughts. It has become an annual tradition to read this again, because every year I find myself in the same scenario needing its truths. Perhaps you do too…

Why does it seem that sin and heartache is always magnified at Christmas? Others sin, my sin, always seems to glare the strongest and hurt the deepest at Christmas. I hear myself say, “Don’t fight, it’s Christmas. Don’t be selfish, it’s Christmas. Be kind, it’s Christmas. Don’t, Do, be , try… It’s Christmas.”

My expectations are always so high, for myself and others at Christmas. I dream of peace and goodwill, thoughtfulness, thankfulness, love, joy and laughter. And there are December days that meet and even exceed my greatest desires, a glimpse of Heaven on Earth. But there are also dark days and weary nights that weave themselves through my own Christmas story...

At my lowest of lows, I hear myself telling my children, “You don’t deserve presents this year! I don’t deserve presents this year!” I look down in shame. As the words, “You don’t deserve” fall from my lips I am reminded that I don’t deserve and my own sin is recognized in my heart.

And that’s when I hear His voice. My Savior gently reminding me, “You don’t deserve, but God still gave.” For each “don’t, do, be and try”, I am reminded that I only ever have to receive. I look to the light of the manger and just beyond I see the shadow of His cross. I am reminded of hope and grace and mercy. My shame stands corrected, covered. Jesus did so I could be. Jesus died so I could see. My sin, our sin, stands in stark contrast in the light of the miracle of Christmas. My hurtful words and children’s disobedience merely serve as reminders of the gift of Christmas. Salvation gifted to the sinner... God gave Himself to us, unworthy, unlovely, undeserving. But because I have received that babe in the manger, He looks beyond my sin and sees my heart cleansed and made new. God has pulled back the rug to reveal all that we try to hide and meets us with mercy, forgiveness and healing. I can rest in His love.

And so, as believers, we continue today to give gifts to one another - accepted, beloved and made righteous in Christ. We gather with family. We hope for the best. Christmas will come and as it goes it often leaves me wanting more. More love, more peace, more joy, more rest. “More” is a gift that turns my heart toward Jesus. My Rescuer has come and is coming again... Look beyond the Christmas tree and see Calvary’s tree. Look to the Day when every twinkling light will pale in comparison to the glory of the Lord where in Heaven there will be only Light we marvel at. All hope fulfilled.

1 John 2:2 ““And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 12/18/2023

“These are a few of my favorite things…”🎶 Family gatherings, Friendsgiving and a Favorite Things Party. Gatherings of friends and family are wonderful opportunities to both give and receive love.❤️

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:34-35


Thank you for the opportunity to have a small part in Encouragement from Women’s newest devotional! Encouragement for Young Women is a 30 day devotional filled with scriptural truths to help point teen girls to the true source of hope and help - Jesus Christ! Available for purchase on Amazon!

Photos from Friend to Friend Podcast's post 11/18/2023

🧡This past weekend I had the opportunity to teach at the Southwest Ladies Conference in Rio Rancho, NM. The theme was Happy Camper | “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” Philippians 4:4 I love to teach the Bible, but I’d be the first to say that I do not teach because I’m an expert. I teach because I need to learn. I could not be more thankful for this topic of joy and happiness. I’ve been immersed in studying this for the past many months and have seen how God in His foreknowledge knew that my roots needed to be strengthened in the true source of joy and happiness - Jesus Christ💕

🧡It was through Gospel Light’s ministry of teen summer camp that the Lord brought me to a place of surrender to His will. As a freshman in high school in 1999, God placed the desire in my heart to be a pastor’s wife and serve Him full time. It was a desire that guided my steps for the next many years leading to meeting my husband. Several ladies from our church in GA that my husband pastors were able to attend this conference with me. This was such a priceless gift.

🧡The opportunity to teach and reconnect with friends was such a blessing! 4 ladies from SRBC and 2 friends from another church in GA joined me for this trip and our time spent together will be a treasured memory forever! It was a trip of firsts in many ways! NM greeted us southern girls with snow! Some flew for the first time, ate red and green chile, and I taught publicly for the first time…barefoot. Heels - take ‘em or leave ‘em. Sometimes kick them off! 🤪 Together, we grew in the Lord, in our friendships and quite possibly in size🫣🌮🌮
Red or green? The answer is both😉 and sopapillas were the group favorite! There’s nothing like gathering around God’s Word and laughing til you cry that brings people closer💕 can’t wait for our next trip!
📣Thank you JoAnn for helping me sell .n.designs_ ! I love collaborating with Liz to point ladies to Scripture - the greatest resource!


New podcast now available! Jennifer Skaw, our most recent guest at Friend to Friend LIVE 2023 has today launched her own podcast, More Power Than You Think! I've personally taken Jennifer's Diving Deep Bible study and I am assured that like her study her podcast will be a valuable tool! Her teaching is saturated with scripture! Make sure to tune in, friends!
🎧listen thru your favorite podcast app


New podcast now available! Jennifer Skaw, our most recent guest at Friend to Friend LIVE 2023 has today launched her own podcast, More Power Than You Think! I've personally taken Jennifer's Diving Deep Bible study and I am assured that like her study her podcast will be a valuable tool! Her teaching is saturated with scripture! Make sure to tune in, friends!!

🎧Listen thru your favorite podcast app! Links below👇🏻


Time out: Good for moms too🌻📖


This summer we're sharing sessions from Friend to Friend LIVE 2023, themed “Renewed”, where we gathered with good friends around God's Word looking to renew our minds in Christ. In today's episode, our host Jessica Smallwood opens the conference with Session 1. Happy listening, friends!

Listen thru your favorite podcast apps, link in comments👇🏻

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Videos (show all)

F2F LIVE 2024 was such a beautiful few days of friendship, encouragement and gathering around God's Word, which is alway...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Listen to a short clip of Mindy Tingson, our Social Media Coordinator, during her teaching at Friend to Friend Live 2023...
Listen to a short clip of Jennifer Beil, our Media Director, during her teaching at Friend to Friend Live 2023 as she sh...
Listen to a short clip of Jennifer Skaw, our special guest speaker at Friend to Friend Live 2023! Jennifer shared Biblic...
Listen to a short clip of Jennifer Skaw, our special guest speaker at Friend to Friend Live 2023! Jennifer shared Biblic...
Listen to a short clip of our host, Jessica Smallwood, from her lesson at this year’s Friend to Friend Live! She shared ...
Listen to a short clip of Danielle McDonald, one of the guests on the recent replay of the Motherhood episode, share her...
Listen to a short clip of Janice Wolfe tell our host how God has been faithful and present through every trial! This epi...
Listen to a short clip of Jessica Smallwood, our host, as she says goodbye to the podcast! It has been a great honor and...
Listen to a short clip of Jennifer Skaw as she shares a scripture verse that has been impactful to her relationship with...
Jennifer Skaw’s ministry of singing and teaching was born out of hardship. Her life testifies to the goodness of God and...



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Newnan, GA

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