Terri Sjodin

Thank you for connecting with me! If you are looking for speaking tips, click below to follow me on twitter too: http://twitter.com/terrisjodin


Excited to share...it's official -- my new book, "Presentation Ready" will be published by McGraw-Hill in early 2024!


My team and I are excited to announce the inaugural launch of the Presenter's Post Newsletter via LinkedIn. We are committed to helping you build and deliver more polished and persuasive sales presentations whether you sell or promote a product, service, or cause.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and engaging in timely and tactical conversation to assist you in reaching your goals! 😃

PS. If you would like a direct link to subscribe, please let us know.


The homework behind the speeches and books...

I’m thrilled to announce that Phase Three of our research study is now in full swing and will provide empirical clarification on business and sales presentation issues in an ever evolving, post-pandemic world. Additionally, the third report will examine the overall prevalence and impact of presentation mistakes across in-person, virtual, and hybrid environments.

Curious? Your team can still be a part of this research study! If your organization would like to participate in phase three, please let me know. There are many wonderful advantages for your organization if you want to explore this issue with your sales force before March 31, 2023. Send me a message me and I will follow up with you. 🙂 TS


The New Year is a great time to refresh your messaging and sales presentations, (and set yourself up for success in 2023). The insights in our State of Sales Presentations Research Study can be incredibly helpful if this is one of your goals. If you would like a complimentary copy of the reports please visit our website. Wishing you great happiness and success in the year ahead. TS


Today my team and I are proud to officially announce the release of our latest research study report on The State of Sales Presentations - Phase Two.

You can access your complimentary copy from my website, or just send me a note via Facebook and I will email it to you.

This report explores the most common presentation mistakes that your fellow professionals have self-identified over the last 18 months as costing them a win, a deal, or an opportunity when presenting via video conferencing platforms.

This national study builds on our previous work in sales presentations and is the second installment of a three-part research project to further examine the art and science of crafting an effective message to move a transaction forward, whether you are speaking in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid situation.

After you have reviewed the research report, it will help you to quickly see where you might want to improve your next sales presentation – and why it matters!

This 8-page report will provide you with an overview of key findings, including the official data results and methodology.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Please feel free to reach out to me directly! Enjoy! TS


Absolutely looking forward to being a part of the 2022 Exit Realty Convention speaker line-up this Fall! See you soon!

We are thrilled to announce our 2022 keynote speakers!


Promoting a "cause" is not always an easy task... crafting a persuasive message that inspires a listener/donor to share their time, talent and treasure with your organization is incredibly important -- It was a honor to be part of the amazing Community Philanthropy Summit event last week in Lodi, CA to help charitable organizations focus on this skill. This group was fabulous -- some of the most incredible people with beautiful hearts! Thank you Community Foundation of San Joaquin and Lodi Community Foundation.


Are you re-working your Sales Kick-Off Meeting plans for 2022?
In Person? Virtual? Hybrid? Whatever your preference, my team and I are here to help! We can provide several options for your consideration as you begin planning your speaker line-up and program agenda for the months ahead. Just send me a note and let's connect. Onward! TS


Welcome 2022~Scrappy New Year! Let's choose to play big! You've got this! Need a little inspiration? Are you a Presenters Post Subscriber? Opt-in to access the complimentary 3 part Scrappy newsletter series to help you jumpstart your year! :) You can sign up here: https://www.sjodincommunications.com/newsletter/


..."Leveling Up" my virtual keynote presentation -- big day yesterday filming for a client with a production crew in my home office studio! ( aka the family room - lol!) This is hard work but I am learning a lot! Even with the world opening up more each day... "Live Virtual Events" are here to stay! Onward! Let's do this!


Thank you Dianna! :) Very sweet of you to share... honored to be included with you and Connie on the "Best Global Trainers in Communication: Top 20" --Sending big hugs, T

It’s always nice to find my name on a list like “Best Global Trainers in Communication: Top 20.” I’m also noticing other colleagues listed here whose work I know and love, including Connie Dieken and Terri Sjodin .

See the full list at bestglobaltrainers.com/communication-trainers/

The World's Best Communication Speakers Trainers Thought Leaders 05/06/2021

Honored to be included in this list of speakers -- so fun to see my colleagues and friends recognized as well! Thank you Global Guru's:

The World's Best Communication Speakers Trainers Thought Leaders The Global Gurus Communication Top 30 list confined ONLY to the Best Communication Speakers Trainers and Thought Leaders. See the Best with a Communication focus

Photos from Terri Sjodin's post 11/15/2020

Today we celebrate the Sjodin Communications 30th Anniversary! We sure have come a long way... My heart is full of gratitude, and I am sending big hugs to all of my family, friends, partners, clients and colleagues for your love, kindness, and support over the last 30 years... more to come, as the next chapter is getting exciting!


Thank you Jamie Gwen and the fabulous Comerica Team... I was honored to be part of your Women's Business Symposium speaker line-up! It was a fabulous virtual event!


Excited to share Terri's featured article in Selling Power magazine, "The Art of Presenting via Virtual Platforms"! We hope you find these quick tips on how to put together an effective online video meeting to be of value before you jump on your next virtual call. Feel free to share...


Communication Alumna Terri Sjodin Supports Research and Power of Speech 07/17/2020

Proud to be an SDSU Aztec! :)
"...Partnering with the School of Communication, Sjodin has published deep dive research on the State of Sales Presentations 2020": https://psfa.sdsu.edu/about_us/news/communication-alumna-terri-sjodin-supports-research-and-power-of-speech

Communication Alumna Terri Sjodin Supports Research and Power of Speech SDSU School of Communication alumna and founder of Sjodin Communications, Terri Sjodin, is one of America’s most highly sought after female speakers and has trained and motivated thousands of people from all over the world.

Pay Attention To These Sales Trends 06/24/2020

Cool news! Forbes.com article on sales trends gives a "shout out" to Sjodin Communications on our State of Sales Presentations Research Study! Hope you find it helpful. :)

Click here to read the full article: https://bit.ly/2BGgyte

Pay Attention To These Sales Trends Sales trends are constantly changing. What worked ten years ago probably won't work today. Here are some helpful sales trends to keep on your radar.


Today is our official research release day! As promised, you can now download a complimentary copy of "The State of Sales Presentations 2020 Research Summary Report". :)

Over the last 2 years, my team and I surveyed more than 2,500 sales professionals from 30+ companies and organizations who sell a product, service, or cause via sales presentations. The participants represent multiple generations and levels of sales experience. Through this process, we have uncovered some fascinating results – including “The Dirty Dozen,” which is the NEW list of the 12 Most Common (and costly) Sales Presentation Mistakes, and much, much more! I hope you find the content to be helpful as you move into 2020 and beyond.
Feel free to share...there's some good brain candy! Terri

To download your pdf. copy of the report please visit: https://www.sjodincommunications.com/state-of-sales-presentations-research-study/

Demo: The magic of AI neural TTS and holograms at Microsoft Inspire 2019 07/25/2019

Wow! A preview of how speakers will share their messages in the future:

Demo: The magic of AI neural TTS and holograms at Microsoft Inspire 2019 What if neither distance nor language mattered? What if technology could help you be anywhere you need to be and speak any language? Using AI technology and ...

Terri Sjodin - Bloopers - It doesn't have to be perfect to work 06/22/2019

It doesn't have to be perfect to work… but you still have to prepare, practice, and take action!

When it comes to presentation opportunities, we all want to perform our best, whether it is a big call with a key decision maker, a brief talk at a meeting, or a full blown sales presentation with a highly desirable prospect – The goal is to do our best and get the next appointment, the win or the deal!

The Challenge: It is rare (if ever) that a person’s first effort flows perfectly. It takes time. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes mistakes and little fumble moments happen. As a result, “do overs” are a natural part of the game!

Little things can throw you off. Nervous energy, outside distractions, or even a cold can cause a misstep. But don’t let that stop you! Hit the reset button and go again…and again.

Sometimes, in an effort to make sure things are perfect, you can tinker too much or overthink a situation which could lead to a “failure to launch.”

My video team lovingly put together a bloopers reel of a few of my personal missteps when recording messages and presentations, (thanks, Dean!) so I thought I would share it with you. I am not perfect, far from it. I make mistakes but I know I still have to try. Embarrassing and humbling, yes, though I have learned to laugh about it and it makes the whole thing a more positive experience. (I’m supposed to be a professional, right?) Hope it makes you laugh a bit too and serves as a reminder that we are all human, just trying to do the best we can every day. Click the link below:


Terri Sjodin - Bloopers - It doesn't have to be perfect to work


I am looking forward to being part of this unique event! ( and sharing the platform with my dear friend Sam Richter!) Hope to see you there! :)

La oportunidad de vivir una experiencia única en la 9na edición del Foro Marketing y Ventas , obtendrás los consejos y herramienta directamente de los expertos en ventas, liderazgo, innovación, emprendimiento y más.

Descubre aquí toda la información 👇

Síguenos también en nuestras redes



Foro Marketing & Ventas, ACLUVAQ

Terri Sjodin's Presenters' Post Q1 E-Newsletter: The Oscars almost “edited out” editing… 02/24/2019

Terri Sjodin's Presenters' Post Q1 E-Newsletter: The Oscars almost “edited out” editing… I trust you heard the hubbub regarding The Oscars? The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences decision to present four awards during commercial breaks to trim the lengthy live show to three hours. According to the Washington Post, “The unlucky categories at the center of controversy? Makeup a...

Scrappiness can lead to warm success 11/13/2018

Here’s a bit of fun news…
A big thank you to my dear friend and mentor Harvey Mackay for writing about "Scrappy- A Little Book About Choosing to Play Big" in his syndicated column! :)
Here's a link to one of the 75+ papers that publish his articles...
“Scrappiness can lead to warm success” :

Scrappiness can lead to warm success Whether you are trying to launch your entrepreneurial vision, close a big deal, land your dream job, get that promotion or support a philanthropic effort, we are all looking for that spot-on gesture that’s the perfect balance of clever, classy and creative to help us move our intentions forward.

InsuranceNewsNet Super Conference | Sept. 26-28 | Chicago, IL 09/24/2018

Public Event Update:
The majority of the events I do are business to business, corporate and association events... but from time-to-time, I am booked to deliver a presentation at a public event where an individual can register to attend a conference where I am speaking.

I have 3 coming up that might be of interest. Here's one I'm doing this week in Chicago, IL on 9/27/18 for more info. see the link below:

InusranceNewsNet Super Conference -- https://innsuperconference.com/

InsuranceNewsNet Super Conference | Sept. 26-28 | Chicago, IL The INN Super Conference is coming up fast! Join the industry's biggest players, including: Grant Cardone, Stephen M.R. Covey, Patrick Bet-David and more!

Scrappy Tip for Spring - Walk Meetings 05/08/2018

Trying new things... :) Here's our latest effort to provide people with ideas to help them get "Scrappy"! (Video tips: 90 sec.) Hope it makes you smile a bit...

Spring Scrappy Tip of the Day:

Spring is in full swing and it’s my favorite time of year to execute a fun and simple scrappy strategy: walk meetings.
As you start to think about how to dazzle a key decision maker, keep in mind that your options are virtually endless, but you might want to start with a simple, classy approach first… like a walk meeting.

Below is a short 90-second video clip about this idea chosen from Scrappy: A Little Book About Choosing to Play Big. Stay scrappy and have fun! TS


Scrappy Tip for Spring - Walk Meetings For more "Scrappy" tips and ideas, check out the book "Scrappy: A Little Book About Choosing to Play Big." Please visit: http://www.sjodincommunications.com/...

Terri Sjodin's Presenters' Post Q1 E-Newsletter - Video Edition!: Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something... 02/27/2018

Our latest edition of the Presenters Post includes a fun video clip of a not so great “Sales Pitch” that is entertaining to watch and serves to remind us of how important it is to craft a persuasive and compelling message no matter what you're selling:

The 2-minute scene is from the classic television program “The Andy Griffith Show.” I hope you will take a moment to watch. In the clip, a young boy named Opie sits down with his father, Andy to negotiate for a higher allowance. (This would fall into the sales category, and as an added bonus, the “straight talk” message about the value of working hard is timeless and quite funny.)
Enjoy! Happy Tuesday! TS

Terri Sjodin's Presenters' Post Q1 E-Newsletter - Video Edition!: Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something... I know there are some people who don’t like to use the “s” word: Sales. Instead, they resort to alternative phrases such as business development, marketing and promotions, consultative advising, etc. That’s just semantics – The simple fact is if it’s transactional or you have an “ask,....


Happy "Scrappy" New Year! Welcome, 2018!

Let's play big this year. Hope this quote supports your efforts to make your dreams a reality. :)

Even Santa has to get “Scrappy” sometimes… | Terri Sjodin CPAE, CSP 12/19/2017

Just a fun little Scrappy share…

Scrappy efforts get better when you partner with others and elicit their advice, support, and talent to make something happen. Hope you enjoy this little 38 second video. You can catch the backstory on our blog at the link below.

Even Santa has to get “Scrappy” sometimes… | Terri Sjodin CPAE, CSP This video project started as a quirky brainstorming idea to help promote the book during the holidays last year and it grew from there. To actually put it all together took a team of creative people. I reached out to some friends in my network and with their help, it turned into this cute little 38...

Terri Sjodin's Presenters' Post Q4 E-Newsletter! - 10 Simple Ways to Connect with Clients and Prospects Before the "Holiday Chill" 12/18/2017

It's coming! The “Holiday Chill” – that special time of year when we all “wind-down” and hope to enjoy the season and take a winter “break.” But it’s not that time…yet!

We hope to give you a little inspiration with our latest edition of the Presenters' Post Newsletter. Check out our Top 10 list of things you can do to reach out to new and existing clients and keep the pipeline full before the “Holiday Chill”! (Note: Have fun with it!) http://bit.ly/2BGqt0s

Terri Sjodin's Presenters' Post Q4 E-Newsletter! - 10 Simple Ways to Connect with Clients and Prospects Before the "Holiday Chill"


Fun news: We were just notified that Publishers Weekly listed "Small Message, Big Impact" as a Bestseller ( #6!) in the Business and Personal Finance category for Apple iBooks! :) Thank you to all of the people who still support this little book. It has been almost 7 years since it was first written. (Quite frankly,there are things I would like to update and change, but that's not an option so I'm glad it still connects.)

Here's the link if you would like to see the complete list: http://bit.ly/2AKfEdM

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