Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach

I want to help you and your family love your best and healthiest life by reducing the toxin load!

I have been a Personal Trainer for 4+ years during which I found my passion for helping people reach their goals on a mental and physical level. Growing up I dealt with my fair share of self esteem issues, through exercise, learning proper nutrition, and determination I learned to let go of who I used to be and embraced the new me. I am confident I can help YOU take control of your life and learn to love yourself again, both mentally and physically.


Lainey Ray Tiblier made her debut early (just like big brother). She came fast and furious into the world in under 2 hours start to finish and is perfect in every way! Big brother isn’t quite sure what to think just yet. Cheers to officially being a family of 4 💙🩷

Photos from Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach's post 26/12/2023

Can’t believe last Christmas Tate was tucked away in my belly and now we get to celebrate his first Christmas. He had a blast ripping wrapping paper, seeing his new toys, and putting everything in his mouth ❤️💚

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Photos from Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach's post 31/10/2023

A little October photo dump with my family. Forever grateful for these two in my life and could not imagine a life without them. Thank you for everything you do for us 🤍

Yes Tyler and I were David and Janice from Masterminds 😂


I never dreamed about being a stay at home mom. I always thought I would go back to work after my baby(or babies) were born. Not because I didn’t think we could afford keeping me home but because I didn’t think I would like it.

Well fast forward 7 months and it is the best thing that happened to me. I am honestly grateful every single day to be given the chance to stay home. I am beyond blessed to have a husband who works incredibly hard to provide.

About a month ago a friend reached out wanting to help. She not only told me about how I can improve my mentality, libido, and emotions but also that I can make some money while doing it. The fact that I could do this from home with my son was a plus. The biggest difference is that the products have not only changed my life, but helped my marriage as well. This past month has been one of the most challenging months we’ve had, but I am so grateful I was given this opportunity to help change not only my life but of so many other mamas struggling out there!

So if you’re looking for a way to help your body from the inside out during postpartum like I was please know I am here and wanting to help!

Photos from Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach's post 12/10/2023

Debated on posting this for a long time, but I know there are plenty of mama’s that need to see vulnerability especially with all the IG “influencers” out there. I gained 40ish pounds when I was pregnant, obviously the most I had ever weighed in my life. I struggled daily with looking at myself in the mirror. Struggled with the thoughts that I pray I didn’t resent my child for changing my body. To be honest, I hated the way I looked. Shout out to my husband for loving me even when I didn’t love myself.
After having Tate I didn’t do anything for the first 4-5 weeks because I knew my body needed to heal. Around week 5 was when I started taking short walks a few days a week. By 8 weeks I was able to walk 1(very slow) mile without any heaviness. I then started incorporating 1-3 strength training sessions a week(in my home gym/garage), each about 30 minutes long. By month 4 I was finally seeing progress and able to walk 3-4 miles.
Now I’m almost 7 months PP. I walk 5-6 days and strength train 3-4 days a week(still only 30-45 minute sessions). I have lost all my baby weight and guess what? My body looks COMPLETELY different. I have loose skin around my belly and it’s been challenging to gain muscle(even with having my cycle back). But I’m starting to love my body again. So to all the mama’s out there that are struggling with loving yourself, know it’s okay and it will get better. Plus growing and birthing a baby makes you a bad ass 🩵


What’s my why? Why did I want to start taking C🐝D? Why did I want to help other women feel the best they can? This right here. My family.
Being able to continue to stay home with my son. I’m forever grateful for my husband working as hard as he does to support us and not expecting anything in return. So how can I help? Not only do I want to be able to make sure our son is thriving, but I also want to be thriving. I want him to come home to a loving, positive home so that he’s excited to be home at the end of the day.
I want my son to grow up knowing I was there every day, every step of the way. And he will.
I also want to be the best me so I can show my son, my husband, and all the other mama’s out there it is possible to feel this good! So what are you struggling with? What can I help you improve?!


Lengthy post ahead!
As most of y’all know(or if you didn’t, now you do!) I decided to leave my full time job as a PTA when my son was born and enter a new full time job as a SAHM. What most of y’all don’t know is how badly I struggled with my new “identity”, body, life, and feeling off 95% of the time. I always viewed myself as a tired girl, but what I felt postpartum was UNREAL even when my baby was only waking up once a night and I was sleeping well. A few weeks ago a friend introduced me to CBD and I was apprehensive at first, but doesn’t God know just who to put in your life at the right time?!
Days…yes days after taking these products I am blown away. I have never felt this good, even pre-pregnancy. My energy levels are amazing, I feel great when I wake up, I don’t have the desire to drink coffee all day, and best of all I want to be intimate with my husband. Y’all know I’m a health girly and love all things organic, so knowing Green Compass CBD is certified USDA organic as well as grown and manufactured in NC was a no brainer. I realized I had to link arms and partner with GC.
So to all you mama’s out there, or anyone going through a rough time with not feeling themselves or high anxiety, please know there is an answer!
Who else has been struggling with something recently too?!

Photos from Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach's post 26/09/2023

When I started my journey I knew I had a lot of products to swap and detox which was VERY overwhelming. I knew one day I wanted kids, but after being on birth control for almost 13 years I wasn’t sure if my fertility would be affected. I also knew thyroid problems run in my family and wanted to prevent myself from having them.
The more I dove into hormone disruptions, the more I found out how much of an impact the products we use every day can cause harm. Which is why I LOVE . They list banned ingredients on their website and only use the best of the best ingredients so you can trust what’s going on your face as well as getting absorbed into your blood stream.
Now, some natural hormone issues such as from pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause you may not be able to prevent but thankfully so many you can or at least improve your symptoms!
Interested in making a swap to non toxic beauty products? DM me!

Photos from Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach's post 22/09/2023

Sunscreen has been a HOT topic lately, especially with all the recalls and findings that so many on the market are actually doing more harm than good.
So what makes a good and safe sunscreen? To put it point blank: the only active ingredient should be non nano zinc oxide and the inactive ingredients should be organic and/or all natural.
I personally wear sunscreen on my face and ears every single day. A few years ago I had to have part of the top of my ear cut off due to pre cancerous cells, so I make sure to apply daily.
As for my body, I hardly wear it. If I’m going to be on a boat, pool, or getting sun for much longer than I’m used to then I’ll apply it after about an hour or so. But of course I apply it to my son when he’s out in the sun for longer than 10-15 minutes and the only sunscreen I’ll use on him is

Have questions about your sunscreen? Have you looked at the ingredients? Comment below!

Photos from Audrey Sorensen Tiblier- Holistic Wellness Coach's post 20/09/2023

Did you know your indoor air is 2-5x higher in pollutants than outdoors? About 90% of people spend more time indoors than outdoors which means we’re breathing in all that poorly concentrated air at all times.
How do we combat this to breath better? Air purifiers and plants!
I personally have a large air purifier in our living room as well as a smaller one in each bedroom. It has been a game changer for sleep as well as helping us (and our dogs) breathe better!
I also have pothos all over the house, a peace lily, aloe plant, and bamboo to give our air and lungs an extra boost.
What do you do to help improve your air quality?!


Allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m a personal trainer turned physical therapist assistant turned stay at home mom to my beautiful baby boy. I live on the gulf coast with my husband, son, and 3 dogs. Over the last 6 years I’ve been on a journey to reduce and eliminate the toxic load in my home. From cleaning products to laundry to makeup to food, I try to get the cleanest and healthiest options in order to take care of my body and my family’s body from the inside out. I’d love to take you on this journey to help you and your family too!

Videos (show all)

Early on in my postpartum journey I would convince myself that if my son was up I couldn’t workout. I would wait until h...
Yesterday at Church our pastor talked about making and writing down goals for the future. It just so happens I wrote mys...
Hey mama, are you ready to get rid of the home scents that are causing headaches, hormone disruption, autoimmune disease...
I’ve always been the type to speed through life. Wanting time to fast forward so I can be on to the next phase. When I h...
I had a dream about a little over a year ago about Tate. I dreamed holding him in my arms, knowing how he looked, smelle...
The first 5-6 months of postpartum were HARD. Not just becoming a mother and having to take care of a tiny human, but th...
To all my mama’s who want to reduce the toxin load in your house, this recipe is for you! DIY hand soap using 3 ingredie...
Mamas, I know you’re always wanting the best for your babies but have you made the switch to nontoxic cleaning and laund...
Every morning I go outside when the sun’s rising and get at least 5-10 minutes of sunlight before scrolling on social me...
These 3 oils are the most common oils I use on my son on a daily basis to help calm him for a more restful night, help r...
